/** * * Code to convert node tree to Vala... * * usage : x = (new JsRender.NodeToVala(node)).munge(); * * Fixmes? * * pack - can we come up with a replacement? - parent.child == child_widget -- actually uses getters and effectively does 'add'? (works on most)? * args -- vala constructor args (should really only be used at top level - we did use it for clutter originally( * ctor -- different ctor argument * * * */ public abstract class JsRender.NodeToVala : NodeWriter { protected string this_el = "??"; int child_count = 1; // used to number the children. public string cls; // node fqn() public string xcls; Gee.ArrayList ignoreWrappedList; Gee.ArrayList myvars; int pane_number = 0;// ?? used when generating Gtk.Pane tabs static construct { NodeWriter.globalIgnore("pack"); NodeWriter.globalIgnore("init"); NodeWriter.globalIgnore("xns"); NodeWriter.globalIgnore("xtype"); NodeWriter.globalIgnore("id"); } /* * ctor - just initializes things * - wraps a render node */ protected NodeToVala( JsRender file, Node node, int depth, NodeToVala? parent) { base (file, node, depth, parent); this.initPadding('\t', 1); this.cls = node.xvala_cls; this.xcls = node.xvala_xcls; if (depth == 0 && this.xcls.contains(".")) { var ar = this.xcls.split("."); this.xcls = ar[ar.length-1]; } this.ignoreWrappedList = new Gee.ArrayList(); this.myvars = new Gee.ArrayList(); this.child_count = 1; } public void initCls() { this.cls = this.file.tree.xvala_cls; this.xcls = this.file.tree.xvala_xcls; } public abstract string mungeChild( Node cnode); public void namespaceHeader() { if (this.depth > 0 || this.file.file_namespace == "") { return; } this.addLine("namespace " + this.file.file_namespace); this.addLine("{"); } public void namespaceFooter() { if (this.depth > 0 || this.file.file_namespace == "") { return; } this.addLine("}"); } protected abstract void classHeader(); /** * when ID is used... on an element, it registeres a property on the top level... * so that _this.ID always works.. * */ protected void addTopProperties() { if (this.depth > 0) { return; } // properties - global..?? foreach(var n in this.top_level_items) { if (!n.props.has_key("id") || n.xvala_id.length < 0) { continue; } if (n.xvala_id[0] == '*' || n.xvala_id[0] == '+') { continue; } this.addLine(this.pad + "public " + n.xvala_xcls + " " + n.xvala_id + ";"); } } /** * create properties that are not 'part of the wrapped element. * * */ protected void addMyVars() { GLib.debug("calling addMyVars"); this.addLine(); this.addLine(this.ipad + "// my vars (def)"); var cls = Palete.Gir.factoryFqn((Project.Gtk) this.file.project, this.node.fqn()); if (cls == null) { GLib.debug("Gir factory failed to find class %s", this.node.fqn()); //return; } // Key = TYPE:name foreach(var prop in this.node.props.values) { if (this.shouldIgnore(prop.name)) { continue; } // user defined method if (prop.ptype == NodePropType.METHOD) { continue; } if (prop.ptype == NodePropType.SPECIAL) { continue; } if (prop.ptype == NodePropType.SIGNAL) { this.node.setLine(this.cur_line, "p", prop.name); this.addLine(this.pad + "public signal " + prop.rtype + " " + prop.name + " " + prop.val + ";"); this.ignore(prop.name); continue; } GLib.debug("Got myvars: %s", prop.name.strip()); if (prop.rtype.strip().length < 1) { continue; } var isUser = prop.ptype == NodePropType.USER; if (this.node.fqn() == "Gtk.NotebookPage") { isUser= true; } // is it a class property... if (cls != null && cls.props.has_key(prop.name) && !isUser) { continue; } this.myvars.add(prop.name); prop.start_line = this.cur_line; this.node.setLine(this.cur_line, "p", prop.name); this.addLine(this.pad + "public " + prop.rtype + " " + prop.name + ";"); // definer - does not include value. prop.end_line = this.cur_line; this.ignore(prop.name); } } // if id of child is '+' then it's a property of this.. protected void addPlusProperties() { if (this.node.readItems().size < 1) { return; } var iter = this.node.readItems().list_iterator(); while (iter.next()) { var ci = iter.get(); if (ci.xvala_id[0] != '+') { continue; // skip generation of children? } this.addLine(this.pad + "public " + ci.xvala_xcls + " " + ci.xvala_id.substring(1) + ";"); } } /** * add the constructor definition.. */ protected abstract void addValaCtor(); /** * make sure _this is defined.. */ protected void addUnderThis() { // public static? if (depth < 1) { this.addLine( this.ipad + "_this = this;"); return; } // for non top level = _this point to owner, and _this.ID is set this.addLine( this.ipad + "_this = _owner;"); if (this.node.props.has_key("id") && this.node.xvala_id != "" && this.node.xvala_id[0] != '*' && this.node.xvala_id[0] != '+' ) { this.addLine( this.ipad + "_this." + node.xvala_id + " = this;"); } } protected void addInitMyVars() { //var meths = this.palete.getPropertiesFor(item['|xns'] + '.' + item.xtype, 'methods'); //print(JSON.stringify(meths,null,4));Seed.quit(); // initialize.. my vars.. this.addLine(); this.addLine( this.ipad + "// my vars (dec)"); var iter = this.myvars.list_iterator(); while(iter.next()) { var k = iter.get(); var prop = this.node.props.get(k); var v = prop.val.strip(); if (v.length < 1) { continue; } // at this point start using if (v == "FALSE" || v == "TRUE") { v= v.down(); } //FIXME -- check for raw string.. "string XXXX" var is_raw = prop.ptype == NodePropType.RAW; // what's the type.. - if it's a string.. then we quote it.. if (prop.rtype == "string" && !is_raw) { v = "\"" + v.escape("") + "\""; } // if it's a string... prop.start_line = this.cur_line; this.addLine(this.ipad + "this." + prop.name + " = " + v +";"); prop.end_line = this.cur_line; } } protected void addWrappedProperties() { var cls = Palete.Gir.factoryFqn((Project.Gtk) this.file.project, this.node.fqn()); if (cls == null) { GLib.debug("Skipping wrapped properties - could not find class %s" , this.node.fqn()); return; } if (this.node.fqn() == "Gtk.NotebookPage") { return; } // what are the properties of this class??? this.addLine(); this.addLine(this.ipad + "// set gobject values"); foreach(var p in cls.props.keys) { var val = cls.props.get(p); //print("Check Write %s\n", p); if (!this.node.has(p)) { continue; } if (this.shouldIgnoreWrapped(p)) { continue; } this.ignore(p); var prop = this.node.get_prop(p); var v = prop.val; // user defined properties. if (prop.ptype == NodePropType.USER) { continue; } var is_raw = prop.ptype == NodePropType.RAW; // what's the type.. - if it's a string.. then we quote it.. if (val.type == "string" && !is_raw) { v = "\"" + v.escape("") + "\""; } if (v == "TRUE" || v == "FALSE") { v = v.down(); } if (val.type == "float" && v[v.length-1] != 'f') { v += "f"; } prop.start_line = this.cur_line; this.addLine("%s%s%s = %s;".printf(ipad,this.this_el,p,v)); // // %s, iter.get_value().type); prop.end_line = this.cur_line; // got a property.. } } /** * pack the children into the parent. * * if the child's id starts with '*' then it is not packed... * - this allows you to define children and add them manually.. */ protected void addChildren() { //code GLib.debug("addChildren %s, %d", this.node.fqn(), (int)this.node.readItems().size); if (this.node.readItems().size < 1) { return; } this.pane_number = 0; var cols = this.node.has("* columns") ? int.max(1, int.parse(this.node.get_prop("* columns").val)) : 1; var colpos = 0; var nb_child = ""; var nb_tab = ""; var nb_menu = ""; foreach(var child in this.node.readItems()) { if (child.xvala_id[0] == '*') { continue; // skip generation of children? } // probably added in ctor.. if (child.has("* prop") && this.shouldIgnoreWrapped(child.get_prop("* prop").val)) { continue; } // create the element.. // this is only needed if it does not have an ID??? var childname = this.addPropSet(child, child.has("id") ? child.get_prop("id").val : "") ; if (!child.has("id") && this.this_el == "this.el.") { this.addLine(this.ipad + childname +".ref();"); } if (child.has("* prop")) { if (this.node.fqn() == "Gtk.NotebookPage") { switch (child.get_prop("* prop").val) { case "child": nb_child = childname + (this.this_el == "this.el." ? ".el" : ""); break; case "tab": nb_tab = childname + (this.this_el == "this.el." ? ".el" : ""); break; case "menu": nb_menu = childname + (this.this_el == "this.el." ? ".el" : ""); break; } continue; } // fixme special packing!??!?! if (child.get_prop("* prop").val.contains("[]")) { // currently this is not used? // and it will not add ref.. this.packChild(child, childname, 0, 0, child.get_prop("* prop").val); /// fixme - this is a bit speciall... continue; } this.ignoreWrapped(child.get_prop("* prop").val); var el_name = this.this_el == "this.el." ? ".el" : ""; this.addLine(ipad + this.this_el + child.get_prop("* prop").val + " = " + childname + el_name +";"); continue; } this.packChild(child, childname, cols, colpos); if (child.has("colspan")) { colpos += int.parse(child.get_prop("colspan").val); } else { colpos += 1; } // this.{id - without the '+'} = the element... } GLib.debug("got node %s with nb_child= %s", this.node.fqn() , nb_child); if (this.node.fqn() == "Gtk.NotebookPage" && nb_child != "") { var nb = (this.this_el == "this.el." ? "notebook.el" : "notebook"); if (nb_tab == "" && this.node.has("tab_label")) { nb_tab = "new Gtk.Label(this.tab_label)"; } if (nb_menu == "" && nb_tab == "") { this.addLine(@"$(ipad)$(nb).append_page( $(nb_child) );"); return; } if (nb_menu == "") { this.addLine(@"$(ipad)$(nb).append_page( $(nb_child) , $(nb_tab) );"); return; } this.addLine(@"$(ipad)$(nb).append_page_menu( $(nb_child) , $(nb_tab), $(nb_menu) );"); } } /** var childname = new Xcls_.... (....) */ protected string addPropSet(Node child, string child_name) { var xargs = ""; if (child.has("* args")) { var ar = child.get_prop("* args").val.split(","); for (var ari = 0 ; ari < ar.length; ari++ ) { var arg = ar[ari].split(" "); xargs += "," + arg[arg.length -1]; } } var childname = "child_" + "%d".printf(this.child_count++); var prefix = ""; if (child_name == "") { prefix = "var " + childname + " = "; } var cls = child.xvala_xcls; /* if (this.this_el == "this.") { var clsdata = Palete.Gir.factoryFqn((Project.Gtk) this.file.project, this.node.fqn()); //if (clsdata.is_sealed) { cls = this.node.fqn(); // need ctor data... this.addLine(this.ipad + @"$(prefix)new $cls( _this $xargs);" ); return child_name == "" ? childname : ("_this." + child_name); } } */ if (child.fqn() == "Gtk.NotebookPage") { xargs +=" , this"; } this.addLine(this.ipad + @"$(prefix)new $cls( _this $xargs);" ); // add a ref... (if 'id' is not set... to a '+' ?? what does that mean? - fake ids? // remove '+' support as I cant remember what it does!!! //if (child.xvala_id.length < 1 ) { // this.addLine(this.ipad + childname +".ref();"); // we need to reference increase unnamed children... //} //if (child.xvala_id[0] == '+') { // this.addLine(this.ipad + "this." + child.xvala_id.substring(1) + " = " + childname+ ";"); //} return child_name == "" ? childname : ("_this." + child_name); } protected void packChild(Node child, string childname, int cols, int colpos, string propname= "") { GLib.debug("packChild %s=>%s", this.node.fqn(), child.fqn()); // forcing no packing? - true or false? -should we just accept false? if (child.has("* pack") && child.get("* pack").down() == "false") { return; // force no packing } if (child.has("* pack") && child.get("* pack").down() == "true") { return; // force no packing } var el_name = this.this_el == "this.el." ? ".el" : ""; var this_el = this.this_el; // BC really - don't want to support this anymore. if (child.has("* pack")) { string[] packing = { "add" }; if (child.has("* pack")) { packing = child.get("* pack").split(","); } var pack = packing[0]; this.addLine(this.ipad + this.this_el + pack.strip() + " ( " + childname + el_name + " " + (packing.length > 1 ? (", " + string.joinv(",", packing).substring(pack.length+1)) : "" ) + " );"); return; } var childcls = this.file.project.palete.getClass(child.fqn()); // very trusting.. if (childcls == null) { return; } // GTK4 var is_event = childcls.inherits.contains("Gtk.EventController") || childcls.implements.contains("Gtk.EventController"); if (is_event) { this.addLine(this.ipad + this.this_el + "add_controller( %s.el );".printf(childname) ); return; } switch (this.node.fqn()) { case "Gtk.Fixed": case "Gtk.Layout": var x = child.has("x") ? child.get_prop("x").val : "0"; var y = child.has("y") ? child.get_prop("y").val : "0"; this.addLine(@"$(ipad)$(this_el)put( $(childname)$(el_name), $(x), $(y) );"); return; case "Gtk.Stack": var named = child.has("stack_name") ? child.get_prop("stack_name").val.escape() : ""; var title = child.has("stack_title") ? child.get_prop("stack_title").val.escape() : ""; if (title.length > 0) { this.addLine(@"$(ipad)$(this_el)add_titled( $(childname)$(el_name), \"$(named)\", \"$(title)\" );"); return; } this.addLine(@"$(ipad)$(this_el)add_named( $(childname)$(el_name), \"$(named)\");"); return; case "Gtk.Notebook": // use label if (child.fqn() == "Gtk.NotebookPage") { return; } var label = child.has("notebook_label") ? child.get_prop("notebook_label").val.escape() : ""; this.addLine(@"$(ipad)$(this_el)append_page( $(childname)$(el_name), new Gtk.Label(\"$(label)\");"); return; case "Gtk.TreeView": // adding TreeViewColumns this.addLine(this.ipad + "this.el.append_column( " + childname + ".el );"); return; case "Gtk.TreeViewColumn": //adding Renderers - I think these are all proprerties of the renderer used... if (child.has("markup_column") && int.parse(child.get_prop("markup_column").val) > -1) { var val = child.get_prop("markup_column").val; this.addLine(@"$(ipad)$(this_el)add_attribute( $(childname)$(el_name), \"markup\", $(val) );"); } if (child.has("text_column") && int.parse(child.get_prop("text_column").val) > -1) { var val = child.get_prop("text_column").val; this.addLine(@"$(ipad)$(this_el)add_attribute( $(childname)$(el_name), \"text\", $(val) );"); } if (child.has("pixbuf_column") && int.parse(child.get_prop("pixbuf_column").val) > -1) { var val = child.get_prop("pixbuf_column").val; this.addLine(@"$(ipad)$(this_el).add_attribute( $(childname)$(el_name), \"pixbuf\", $(val) );"); } if (child.has("pixbuf_column") && int.parse(child.get_prop("active_column").val) > -1) { var val = child.get_prop("active_column").val; this.addLine(@"$(ipad)$(this_el).add_attribute( $(childname)$(el_name), \"active\", $(val) );"); } if (child.has("background_column") && int.parse(child.get_prop("background_column").val) > -1) { var val = child.get_prop("background_column").val; this.addLine(@"$(ipad)$(this_el).add_attribute( $(childname)$(el_name), \"background-rgba\", $(val) );"); } this.addLine(this.ipad + "this.el.add( " + childname + ".el );"); // any more!? return; case "Gtk.Dialog": if (propname == "buttons[]") { var resp_id = int.parse(childname.replace("child_", "")); if (child.has("* response_id")) { resp_id = int.parse(child.get_prop("* response_id").val); } this.addLine(@"$(ipad)$(this_el).add_action_widget( $(childname)$(el_name), $(resp_id) );"); return; } this.addLine(@"$(ipad)$$(this_el)get_content_area().add( $(childname)$(el_name) );"); return; // known working with GTK4 ! case "Gtk.HeaderBar": // it could be end... - not sure how to hanle that other than overriding this.addLine(this.ipad + "this.el.add_action_widget( %s.el, %d);".printf(childname,resp_id) ); the pack method? this.addLine(@"$(ipad)$(this_el)pack_start( $(childname)$(el_name) );"); return; case "GLib.Menu": this.addLine(@"$(ipad)$(this_el)append_item( $(childname)$(el_name) );"); return; case "Gtk.Paned": this.pane_number++; switch(this.pane_number) { case 1: this.addLine(@"$(ipad)$(this_el)pack_start( $(childname)$(el_name) );"); return; case 2: this.addLine(@"$(ipad)$(this_el)pack_end( $(childname)$(el_name) );"); return; default: // do nothing break; } return; case "Gtk.ColumnView": this.addLine(@"$(ipad)$(this_el)append_column( $(childname)$(el_name) );"); return; case "Gtk.Grid": var x = "%d".printf(colpos % cols); var y = "%d".printf(( colpos - (colpos % cols) ) / cols); var w = child.has("colspan") ? child.get_prop("colspan").val : "1"; var h = "1"; this.addLine(@"$(ipad)$(this_el)attach( $(childname)$(el_name), $x, $y, $w, $h );"); return; default: this.addLine(@"$(ipad)$(this_el)append( $(childname)$(el_name) );"); // gtk4 uses append!!!! - gtk3 - uses add.. return; } } // fixme GtkDialog?!? buttons[] // fixme ... add case "Gtk.RadioButton": // group_id ?? protected void addInit() { if (!this.node.has("* init")) { return; } this.addLine(); this.addLine(ipad + "// init method"); this.addLine(); this.node.setLine(this.cur_line, "p", "init"); var init = this.node.get_prop("* init"); init.start_line = this.cur_line; this.addMultiLine(ipad + this.padMultiline(ipad, init.val) ); init.end_line = this.cur_line; } protected void addListeners() { if (this.node.listeners.size < 1) { return; } this.addLine(); this.addLine(ipad + "//listeners"); var iter = this.node.listeners.map_iterator(); while (iter.next()) { var k = iter.get_key(); var prop = iter.get_value(); var v = prop.val; prop.start_line = this.cur_line; this.node.setLine(this.cur_line, "l", k); this.addMultiLine(this.ipad + this.this_el + k + ".connect( " + this.padMultiline(this.ipad,v) +");"); prop.end_line = this.cur_line; } } protected void addEndCtor() { // end ctor.. this.addLine(this.pad + "}"); } /* * Standardize this crap... * * standard properties (use to set) * If they are long values show the dialog.. * * someprop : .... * bool is_xxx :: can show a pulldown.. (true/false) * string html * $ string html = string with value interpolated eg. baseURL + ".." * Clutter.ActorAlign x_align (typed) -- shows pulldowns if type is ENUM? * $ untypedvalue = javascript untyped value... * _ string html ... = translatable.. * * object properties (not part of the GOjbect being wrapped? * # Gee.ArrayList fileitems * * signals * @ void open * * methods -- always text editor.. * | void clearFiles * | someJSmethod * * specials * * prop -- string * * args -- string * * ctor -- string * * init -- big string? * * event handlers (listeners) * just shown * * ----------------- * special ID values * +XXXX -- indicates it's a instance property / not glob... * *XXXX -- skip writing glob property (used as classes that can be created...) * * */ protected void addUserMethods() { this.addLine(); this.addLine(this.pad + "// user defined functions"); // user defined functions... var iter = this.node.props.map_iterator(); while(iter.next()) { var prop = iter.get_value(); if (this.shouldIgnore(prop.name)) { continue; } // HOW TO DETERIME if its a method? if (prop.ptype != NodePropType.METHOD) { //strbuilder("\n" + pad + "// skip " + k + " - not pipe \n"); continue; } // function in the format of {type} (args) { .... } prop.start_line = this.cur_line; this.node.setLine(this.cur_line, "p", prop.name); this.addMultiLine(this.pad + "public " + prop.rtype + " " + prop.name + " " + this.padMultiline(this.pad, prop.val));; prop.end_line = this.cur_line; } } protected void iterChildren() { this.node.line_end = this.cur_line; this.node.sortLines(); if (this.depth > 0) { this.addLine(this.inpad + "}"); } var iter = this.node.readItems().list_iterator(); while (iter.next()) { this.addMultiLine(this.mungeChild(iter.get())); } if (this.depth < 1) { this.addLine(this.inpad + "}"); } } protected void ignoreWrapped(string i) { this.ignoreWrappedList.add(i); } protected bool shouldIgnoreWrapped(string i) { return ignoreWrappedList.contains(i); } }