/* */ public class JsRender.NodeToGtk : Object { Node node; Object wrapped_object; NodeToGtk parentObj; Gee.ArrayList children; Gee.ArrayList els; //Gee.ArrayList skip; Gee.HashMap ar_props; public static int vcnt = 0; public NodeToGtk( Node node) { this.node = node; this.els = new Gee.ArrayList(); this.children = new Gee.ArrayList(); //this.skip = new Gee.ArrayList(); this.ar_props = new Gee.HashMap(); this.parentObj = null; } public Object? munge ( ) { var ret = this.mungeNode(); if (ret == null) { return null; } return ret.wrapped_object; } public NodeToGtk? mungeChild( Node cnode) { var x = new NodeToGtk(cnode); x.parentObj = this; return x.mungeNode(); } public NodeToGtk? mungeNode() { var parent = this.parentObj != null ? this.parentObj.wrapped_object : null; var cls = this.node.fqn().replace(".", ""); var ns = this.node.fqn().split(".")[0]; var gtkbuilder = new global::Gtk.Builder(); var cls_gtype = gtkbuilder.get_type_from_name(cls); print("Type: %s ?= %s\n", this.node.fqn(), cls_gtype.name()); if (cls_gtype == GLib.Type.INVALID) { print("SKIP - gtype is invalid\n"); return null; } // if it's a window... if (cls_gtype.is_a(typeof(global::Gtk.Window))) { // what if it has none... if (this.node.items.size < 1) { return null; } return this.mungeChild(this.node.items.get(0)); } var ret = Object.new(cls_gtype); ret.ref(); //??? problematic? this.wrapped_object = ret; switch(cls) { // fixme //case "GtkTreeStore": // top level.. - named and referenced case "GtkListStore": // top level.. - named and referenced //case "GtkTreeViewColumn": // part of liststore?!?! //case "GtkMenu": // top level.. //case "GtkCellRendererText": case "GtkSourceBuffer": case "GtkClutterActor"://fixme.. case "GtkClutterEmbed"://fixme.. -- we can not nest embedded.. need to solve.. return null; } this.packParent(); // pack paramenters if (parent != null && parent.get_type().is_a(typeof(global::Gtk.Container))) { this.packContainerParams(); } var cls_gir =Palete.Gir.factoryFqn(this.node.fqn()); if (cls_gir == null) { return null; } //var id = this.node.uid(); //var ret = @"$pad\n"; // properties.. var props = cls_gir.props; var pviter = props.map_iterator(); while (pviter.next()) { // print("Check: " +cls + "::(" + pviter.get_value().propertyof + ")" + pviter.get_key() + " " ); var k = pviter.get_key(); // skip items we have already handled.. if (!this.node.has(k)) { continue; } // find out the type of the property... var type = pviter.get_value().type; type = Palete.Gir.fqtypeLookup(type, ns); var val = this.toValue(this.node.get(k).strip(), type); if (val == null) { print("skip (failed to transform value %s type = %s from %s\n", cls + "." + k, type, this.node.get(k).strip()); continue; } print ("set_property ( %s , %s / %s)\n", k, this.node.get(k).strip(), val.strdup_contents()); ret.set_property(k, val); } // packing??? // for now... - just try the builder style packing if (this.node.items.size < 1) { return this; } for (var i = 0; i < this.node.items.size; i++ ) { var ch = this.mungeChild(this.node.items.get(i)); if (ch != null) { this.children.add(ch); } } this.afterChildren(); return this; } public void afterChildren() { // things like GtkNotebook - we have to pack children after they have been created.. var cls = this.node.fqn().replace(".", ""); if (cls == "GtkNotebook") { this.afterChildrenGtkNotebook(); } } public void afterChildrenGtkNotebook() { // we have a number of children.. // some are labels - this might need to be more complex... // perhaps labels should be a special property labels[] of the notebook.. var labels = new Gee.ArrayList(); for (var i = 0; i < this.children.size; i++) { var cn = this.children.get(i).node.fqn().replace(".", ""); if (cn != "GtkLabel") { continue; } labels.add(this.children.get(i)); } } /** * called after the this.object has been created * and it needs to be packed onto parent. */ public void packParent() { var cls = this.node.fqn().replace(".", ""); var gtkbuilder = new global::Gtk.Builder(); var cls_gtype = gtkbuilder.get_type_from_name(cls); if (this.parentObj == null) { return; } var parent = this.parentObj.wrapped_object; var do_pack =true; if (parent == null) { // no parent.. can not pack. return; /// } // ------------- handle various special parents .. ----------- var par_type = this.parentObj.node.fqn().replace(".", ""); if (par_type == "GtkNotebook") { // do not pack - it's done afterwards... return; } // ------------- handle various child types.. ----------- // our overrides if (cls == "GtkMenu") { this.packMenu(); return; } if (cls == "GtkTreeStore") { // other stores? // tree store is buildable??? --- this.packTreeStore(); return; } if (cls =="GtkTreeViewColumn") { // other stores? //?? treeview column is actually buildable -- but we do not use the builder??? this.packTreeViewColumn(); return; } if (cls_gtype.is_a(typeof(global::Gtk.CellRenderer))) { // other stores? this.packCellRenderer(); return; } // -- handle buildable add_child.. if ( cls_gtype.is_a(typeof(global::Gtk.Buildable)) && parent.get_type().is_a(typeof(global::Gtk.Buildable)) ) { ((global::Gtk.Buildable)parent).add_child(gtkbuilder, this.wrapped_object, null); return; } // other packing? } public void packMenu() { var parent = this.parentObj.wrapped_object; if (!parent.get_type().is_a(typeof(global::Gtk.Widget))) { print("skip menu pack - parent is not a widget"); return; } var p = (global::Gtk.Menu)this.wrapped_object; ((global::Gtk.Widget)parent).button_press_event.connect((s, ev) => { p.set_screen(Gdk.Screen.get_default()); p.show_all(); p.popup(null, null, null, ev.button, ev.time); return true; }); } public void packTreeStore() { var parent = this.parentObj.wrapped_object; if (!parent.get_type().is_a(typeof(global::Gtk.TreeView))) { print("skip treestore pack - parent is not a treeview"); return; } ((global::Gtk.TreeView)parent).set_model((global::Gtk.TreeModel)this.wrapped_object); } public void packTreeViewColumn() { var parent = this.parentObj.wrapped_object; if (!parent.get_type().is_a(typeof(global::Gtk.TreeView))) { print("skip packGtkViewColumn pack - parent is not a treeview"); return; } ((global::Gtk.TreeView)parent).append_column((global::Gtk.TreeViewColumn)this.wrapped_object); // init contains the add_attribute for what to render... } public void packCellRenderer() { var parent = this.parentObj.wrapped_object; if (!parent.get_type().is_a(typeof(global::Gtk.TreeViewColumn))) { print("skip packGtkViewColumn pack - parent is not a treeview"); return; } ((global::Gtk.TreeViewColumn)parent).pack_start((global::Gtk.CellRenderer)this.wrapped_object, false); // init contains the add_attribute for what to render... } public void packContainerParams() { if (this.parentObj == null) { return; } // child must be a widget.. if (!this.wrapped_object.get_type().is_a(typeof(global::Gtk.Widget))) { return; } var parent_gir = Palete.Gir.factoryFqn(this.parentObj.node.fqn()); var parent = this.parentObj.wrapped_object; if (parent_gir == null) { return; } // let's test just setting expand to false... var cls_methods = parent_gir.methods; if (cls_methods == null) { return; } if (!this.node.props.has_key("* pack")) { return; } var ns = this.parentObj.node.fqn().split(".")[0]; var pack = this.node.props.get("* pack").split(","); if (cls_methods.has_key(pack[0])) { var mparams = cls_methods.get(pack[0]).paramset.params; for (var i = 1; i < mparams.size; i++ ) { if (i > (pack.length -1)) { continue; } var k = mparams.get(i).name; Value cur_val; var type = mparams.get(i).type; type = Palete.Gir.fqtypeLookup(type, ns); var val = this.toValue(pack[i].strip(), type); if (val == null) { print("skip (failed to transform value %s type = %s from %s\n", this.parentObj.node.fqn() + "." + k, type, pack[i].strip()); continue; } print ("pack:set_property ( %s , %s / %s)\n", k, pack[i].strip(), val.strdup_contents()); ((global::Gtk.Container)parent).child_set_property( (global::Gtk.Widget)this.wrapped_object , k, val); } } } public GLib.Value? toValue(string val, string type) { var gtkbuilder = new global::Gtk.Builder(); if (type == "utf8") { var qret = GLib.Value(typeof(string)); qret.set_string(val); return qret; } var prop_gtype = gtkbuilder.get_type_from_name(type); if (prop_gtype == GLib.Type.INVALID) { return null; } var ret = GLib.Value(prop_gtype); switch(type) { case "gboolean": ret.set_boolean(val.down() == "false" ? false : true); return ret; case "guint": ret.set_uint(int.parse(val)); return ret; case "gint": ret.set_int(int.parse(val)); return ret; case "gfloat": ret.set_float(long.parse(val)); return ret; case "utf8": ret.set_string(val); return ret; default: var sval = GLib.Value(typeof(string)); sval.set_string(val); if (!sval.transform(ref ret)) { return null; } return ret; } } }