/** This is a replacement for our key/value events and properties */ public enum JsRender.NodePropType { NONE, // fake value - used in popoveraddprop. CTOR, // not used exetp getProperties for? // these are all stored as properties, and should not overlap. PROP, RAW, METHOD, SIGNAL, // in theory we could have user defined properties that overlap - but probably not a good idea. USER, // specials - these should be in a seperate list? SPECIAL, // listerens can definatly overlap as they are stored in a seperate list. << no need to use this for listeners? LISTENER; public static string to_abbr(NodePropType intype) { switch(intype) { case PROP: return ""; case RAW: return "$"; case METHOD : return "|"; case SIGNAL : return "@"; // vala signal case USER : return "#"; // user defined. case SPECIAL : return "*"; // * prop| args | ctor | init case LISTENER : return ""; // always raw... // not used case NONE: case CTOR: return ""; } return "??"; } // only usefull for reall values. public static NodePropType from_string(string str) { switch(str) { //case "" : return PROP; case "$": return RAW; case "|": return METHOD; case "@": return SIGNAL; case "#": return USER; case "*": return SPECIAL; //case "": return case LISTENER : return "" // always raw... } return PROP; } public string to_name() { switch (this) { case RAW: return "Raw Property (not quoted or escaped)"; case METHOD : return "User Defined Method"; case SIGNAL : return "Vala Signal"; // vala signal case USER : return "User Defined Property"; // user defined. case SPECIAL : return "Special Property (eg. prop / arg / ctor / init)"; // * prop| args | ctor | init case LISTENER : return "Listener / Signal Handler"; // always raw... // not used case NONE: return "None??"; case CTOR: return "Constructor?"; case PROP: return "Gtk/Roo Property"; default: return "oops"; } } public static NodePropType[] alltypes() { return { PROP, USER, RAW, METHOD, SIGNAL, SPECIAL, LISTENER // CTOR, }; } public bool can_have_opt_list() { switch (this) { case RAW: case METHOD : case SIGNAL : case SPECIAL : case LISTENER : case NONE: case CTOR: return false; case USER : case PROP: return true; default: return false; } } public static NodePropType nameToType(string str) { foreach(var np in alltypes()) { if (np.to_name() == str) { return np; } } return NONE; } public static string[] get_pulldown_list() { // eventually it needs to be smarter.... - but i did not have internet so could not use listmodels for the dropdown string[] ret = {}; foreach(var np in alltypes()) { ret += np.to_name(); } return ret; } } public class JsRender.NodeProp : Object { private string _name = ""; public string name { get { return this._name; } set { if (this._name == value) { return; } this._name = value; this.updated_count++; if (this.parent != null) { // causes props/ listeners array to get updated. this.parent.updated_count++; } } } // can not be updated... ?? you have to remove / replace? private NodePropType _ptype; public NodePropType ptype { get { return this._ptype; } set { if (this._ptype == value) { return; } this._ptype = value; if (this.parent != null) { // causes props/ listeners array to get updated. this.parent.updated_count++; } } } private string _rtype = ""; public string rtype { get { return this._rtype; } set { if (this._rtype == value) { return; } this._rtype = value; if (this.parent != null) { this.parent.updated_count++; } this.updated_count++; } } // return or type private string _val = ""; public string val { get { return this._val; } set { if (this._val == value) { return; } this._val = value; if (this.parent != null) { this.parent.updated_count++; } this.updated_count++; } } private int _updated_count = 0; public int updated_count { get { return this._updated_count; } set { // set things that are used to display values. this.to_display_name_prop = value.to_string(); this.to_tooltip_name_prop = value.to_string(); this.val_short = value.to_string(); this.val_tooltip = value.to_string(); this._updated_count = value; } } // changes to this trigger updates on the tree.. public string sort_name { owned get { if (this.add_node == null) { return this.name; } return this.name + " " + this.add_node.fqn(); } set {} } private string last_ptype_check = ""; public bool is_invalid_ptype { get; private set ; default = false; } public bool update_is_valid_ptype(Project.Project project) { if (this.parent == null) { return false; } // what types are we interested in checking? // raw/ prop / user if (this.ptype != NodePropType.PROP && this.ptype != NodePropType.USER) { return false; } if (this.name == "xtype" || this.name == "xns" || this.name == "id" ) { // flaky.. return false; } if (this.name == this.last_ptype_check) { return this.is_invalid_ptype; } if (project.xtype != "Gtk") { // js not handled? return false; } this.last_ptype_check = this.name; var cls = Palete.Gir.factoryFqn(project, this.parent.fqn()); if (cls == null) { this.is_invalid_ptype = false; return false; } var is_native = cls.props.has_key(this.name); if ( is_native && this.ptype == NodePropType.PROP ) { this.is_invalid_ptype = false; return false; } if ( !is_native && this.ptype == NodePropType.USER ) { this.is_invalid_ptype = false; return false; } this.is_invalid_ptype = true; return true; } public Node? parent; // the parent node. public int start_line = 0; public int end_line = 0; // used by display list.. public GLib.ListStore childstore; // WILL BE USED FOR properties with mutliple types public Node? add_node = null; // used when we list potentional nodes for properties in add list. public string propertyof { get; set; } public NodeProp(string name, NodePropType ptype, string rtype, string val) { this.name = name; this.ptype = ptype; this.rtype = rtype; this.val = val; this.childstore = new GLib.ListStore( typeof(NodeProp)); } public string ptype_as_string { get { return this.ptype.to_string(); } private set {} } public bool equals(NodeProp p) { return this.name == p.name && this.ptype == p.ptype && this.rtype == p.rtype && this.val == p.val; } public NodeProp dupe() { return new NodeProp(this.name, this.ptype, this.rtype, this.val); } public NodeProp.from_json(string key, string inval) { this.val = inval; var kkv = key.strip().split(" "); string[] kk = {}; for (var i = 0; i < kkv.length; i++) { if (kkv[i].length > 0 ) { kk += kkv[i]; } } switch(kk.length) { case 1: this.name = kk[0]; this.ptype = NodePropType.PROP; this.rtype = ""; return; case 2: this.name = kk[1]; if (kk[0].length > 1) { // void fred (no type) this.rtype = kk[0]; this.ptype = NodePropType.PROP; } else { // has a ptype. this.rtype = ""; // no return type, only a ptype indicator. this.ptype = NodePropType.from_string(kk[0]); } return; default: // 3 or more... (ignores spaces..) case 3: this.name = kk[2]; this.ptype = NodePropType.from_string(kk[0]); this.rtype = kk[1]; return; } } public string to_json_key() { if (this.rtype == null) { // not sure why this happens.!? this.rtype = ""; } var ortype = this.rtype + (this.rtype.length > 0 ? " " : ""); var oabbr = NodePropType.to_abbr(this.ptype); if (oabbr.length > 0) { oabbr += " "; } switch(this.ptype) { case NodePropType.LISTENER : return this.name; case NodePropType.PROP: return ortype + this.name; case NodePropType.RAW: case NodePropType.METHOD: case NodePropType.SIGNAL: case NodePropType.USER : return oabbr + ortype + this.name; case NodePropType.SPECIAL: return oabbr + this.name; case NodePropType.NONE: // not used case NodePropType.CTOR: return ""; } return this.name; } public string to_index_key() { switch(this.ptype) { case NodePropType.PROP: case NodePropType.RAW: case NodePropType.METHOD : case NodePropType.SIGNAL : case NodePropType.USER : return this.name; case NodePropType.SPECIAL : return "* " + this.name; // in seperate list.. case NodePropType.LISTENER : return this.name; case NodePropType.NONE: // not used case NodePropType.CTOR: return ""; } return this.name; } // how it appears on the property list. - public string val_short { set { // NOOp ??? should } owned get { if (this._val.index_of("\n") < 0) { return this._val; } var vals = this._val.split("\n"); return vals[0] + (vals.length > 1 ? " ..." : ""); } } public string val_tooltip { set { // NOOp ??? should } owned get { return "" + GLib.Markup.escape_text(this.val) + ""; } } public string to_display_name_prop { set { // NOOp ??? should } owned get { return this.to_display_name(); } } public string to_display_name() { var bg = this.is_invalid_ptype ? " bgcolor=\"red\"" : ""; var nm = GLib.Markup.escape_text(this.name); var rt = GLib.Markup.escape_text(this.rtype); //return (this.rtype.length > 0 ? this.rtype + " " : "") + this.name; // before we showed "@" for signals switch(this.ptype) { case NodePropType.PROP: return @"$nm"; case NodePropType.RAW: return @"$nm"; case NodePropType.METHOD : return @"$rt $nm"; case NodePropType.SIGNAL : // purpley return @"$nm"; case NodePropType.USER : return @"$rt $nm"; case NodePropType.SPECIAL : return @"$nm"; // in seperate list.. case NodePropType.LISTENER : return @"$nm"; case NodePropType.NONE: // not used case NodePropType.CTOR: return ""; } return this.name; } public string to_tooltip_name_prop { set { // NOOp ??? should } owned get { return this.to_tooltip_name(); } } public string to_tooltip_name() { //return (this.rtype.length > 0 ? this.rtype + " " : "") + this.name; // before we showed "@" for signals switch(this.ptype) { case NodePropType.PROP: case NodePropType.SIGNAL: case NodePropType.RAW: case NodePropType.SPECIAL : case NodePropType.LISTENER : return GLib.Markup.escape_text(this.name) ; case NodePropType.METHOD : case NodePropType.USER : return GLib.Markup.escape_text(this.rtype) + " " + GLib.Markup.escape_text( this.name) ; case NodePropType.NONE: // not used case NodePropType.CTOR: return ""; } return this.name; } // used ot sort the dispaly list of properties. public string to_sort_key() { var n = this.name; //return (this.rtype.length > 0 ? this.rtype + " " : "") + this.name; // before we showed "@" for signals switch(this.ptype) { case NodePropType.PROP: return "5" + n; case NodePropType.RAW: return "5" + n; case NodePropType.METHOD : return "2" + n; case NodePropType.SIGNAL : return "3" + n; case NodePropType.USER : return "4" + n; case NodePropType.SPECIAL : return "1" + n; // in seperate list.. case NodePropType.LISTENER : return "0" + this.name; case NodePropType.NONE: // not used case NodePropType.CTOR: return ""; } return this.name; } // this is really only used for stuct ctors at present // which are only props (although RAW might be valid) public string value_to_code() { switch (this.ptype) { case NodePropType.PROP: break; case NodePropType.METHOD : case NodePropType.RAW: case NodePropType.SIGNAL : case NodePropType.USER : case NodePropType.SPECIAL : case NodePropType.LISTENER : case NodePropType.NONE: // not used case NodePropType.CTOR: return this.val; } if (this.rtype.contains(".")) { // probalby an enum return this.val; } switch (this.rtype) { case "string": return "\"" + this.rtype.escape() + "\""; case "bool": return this.val.down(); case "float": case "double": default: break; } return this.val; } public string to_tooltip() { switch(this.ptype) { case NodePropType.PROP: return this.rtype + " " + this.name + " = \"" + this.val + "\""; case NodePropType.LISTENER : // thsi might look a bit odd on javascript? return "on " + this.name + " " + this.val; case NodePropType.RAW: return this.rtype + " " + this.name + " = " + this.val; case NodePropType.METHOD : // functions - js FRED function () { } <<< could probably be cleaner.. // functions - vala FRED () { } return this.rtype + " " + this.name + " " + this.val; case NodePropType.SIGNAL : return "signal: " + this.rtype + " " + this.name + " " + this.val; case NodePropType.USER : return "user defined: " + this.rtype + " " + this.name + " = " + this.val; case NodePropType.SPECIAL: return "special property: " + this.rtype + " " + this.name + " = " + this.val; case NodePropType.NONE: // not used case NodePropType.CTOR: return ""; } return this.name; } public string to_property_option_markup(bool isbold) { return isbold ? "" + this.name + "" : this.name; } public string to_property_option_tooltip() { return this.to_property_option_markup( false ); // fixme will probaly want help info (possibly by havinga reference to the GirObject that its created from } public bool is(NodeProp comp) { if (comp.ptype == NodePropType.LISTENER || this.ptype == NodePropType.LISTENER ) { return comp.ptype == this.ptype && comp.name == this.name; } return comp.to_index_key() == this.to_index_key(); } /* public NodeProp.listenerfromjson(string str, string inval) { this.val = inval; this.name = str; this.ptype = NodePropType.LISTENER; this.rtype = ""; } */ // regular addition - should work for properties public NodeProp.prop(string name, string rtype = "", string val = "") { this(name, NodePropType.PROP, rtype, val); } public NodeProp.raw(string name, string rtype = "", string val = "") { this(name, NodePropType.RAW, rtype, val); } public NodeProp.valamethod(string name, string rtype = "void", string val = "() {\n\n}") { this(name, NodePropType.METHOD, rtype, val); } public NodeProp.jsmethod(string name, string val = "function() {\n\n}") { this(name, NodePropType.METHOD, "", val); } // vala (and js) specials.. props etc.. - they only have name/value (not type) - type is in xns/xtype public NodeProp.special(string name, string val = "") { this(name, NodePropType.SPECIAL, "", val); } public NodeProp.listener(string name, string val = "") { this(name, NodePropType.LISTENER, "", val); } public NodeProp.user(string name, string rtype = "", string val = "") { this(name, NodePropType.USER, rtype, val); } public NodeProp.sig(string name, string rtype = "void", string val = "()") { this(name, NodePropType.SIGNAL, rtype, val); } public void appendChild(NodeProp child) { this.childstore.append(child); } /** could use enums.. but basically. 0 - > inline text editor 1 -> pulldown 2 -> full editor */ public bool useTextArea() { var use_textarea = false; //------------ things that require the text editor... if (this.ptype == NodePropType.LISTENER) { use_textarea = true; } if (this.ptype == NodePropType.METHOD) { use_textarea = true; } if ( this.name == "init" && this.ptype == NodePropType.SPECIAL) { use_textarea = true; } if (this.val.length > 40 || this.val.index_of("\n") > -1) { // long value... use_textarea = true; } return use_textarea; } }