/** * * this is the code represents a File when using the Gtk view.. * * It ues NodeToGtk * * */ namespace JsRender { int gid = 1; public class Gtk : JsRender { public Gtk(Project.Project project, string path) { base( project, path); this.xtype = "Gtk"; this.language = "vala"; //this.items = false; //if (cfg.json) { // var jstr = JSON.parse(cfg.json); // this.items = [ jstr ]; // //console.log(cfg.items.length); // delete cfg.json; // not needed! // } // super?!?! this.id = "file-gtk-%d".printf(gid++); //console.dump(this); // various loader methods.. // Class = list of arguments ... and which property to use as a value. } /* setNSID : function(id) { this.items[0]['*class'] = id; }, getType: function() { return 'Gtk'; }, */ public override void removeFiles() { var js = GLib.Path.get_dirname(this.path) +"/" + name + ".js"; if (FileUtils.test(js, FileTest.EXISTS)) { GLib.FileUtils.remove(js); } var vala = GLib.Path.get_dirname(this.path) +"/" + name + ".vala"; if (FileUtils.test(vala, FileTest.EXISTS)) { GLib.FileUtils.remove(vala); } } public override void loadItems() throws GLib.Error // : function(cb, sync) == original was async. { print("load Items!\n"); if (this.tree != null) { this.loaded = true; return; } /* print("load: %s\n" , this.path); if (!GLib.FileUtils.test(this.path, GLib.FileTest.EXISTS)) { // new file?!? this.tree = null; this.loaded = true; return; } */ var pa = new Json.Parser(); pa.load_from_file(this.path); var node = pa.get_root(); if (node.get_node_type () != Json.NodeType.OBJECT) { throw new Error.INVALID_FORMAT ("Unexpected element type %s", node.type_name ()); } var obj = node.get_object (); this.name = obj.get_string_member("name"); this.parent = obj.get_string_member("parent"); this.title = obj.get_string_member("title"); if (obj.has_member("build_module")) { // should check type really.. this.build_module = obj.get_string_member("build_module"); } // load items[0] ??? into tree... var bjs_version_str = this.jsonHasOrEmpty(obj, "bjs-version"); bjs_version_str = bjs_version_str == "" ? "1" : bjs_version_str; if (obj.has_member("items") && obj.get_member("items").get_node_type() == Json.NodeType.ARRAY && obj.get_array_member("items").get_length() > 0 ) { var ar = obj.get_array_member("items"); var tree_base = ar.get_object_element(0); this.tree = new Node(); this.tree.loadFromJson(tree_base, int.parse(bjs_version_str)); } NodeToVala.mungeFile(this); // force line numbering.. this.loaded = true; } public override string toSourcePreview() { return ""; } public override void setSource(string str) {} public override string toSource() { if (this.tree == null) { return ""; } // var data = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.items[0])); // we should base this on the objects in the tree really.. string[] inc = { "Gtk", "Gdk", "Pango", "GLib", "Gio", "GObject", "GtkSource", "WebKit", "Vte" }; //, "GtkClutter" , "Gdl"]; var src = ""; for (var i=0; i< inc.length; i++) { var e = inc[i]; src += e+" = imports.gi." + e +";\n"; } src += "console = imports.console;\n"; // path?!!? src += "XObject = imports.XObject.XObject;\n"; // path?!!? src += this.name + "=new XObject("+ this.mungeToString(" ") + ");\n"; src += this.name + ".init();\n"; // register it in the cache src += "XObject.cache['/" + this.name + "'] = " + this.name + ";\n"; return src; } public override void save() { this.saveBJS(); // this.saveJS(); - disabled at present.. project settings will probably enable this later.. this.saveVala(); } // ignore these calls. public override void saveHTML ( string html ) {} /** * saveJS * * save as a javascript file. * why is this not save...??? * */ void saveJS() { var fn = GLib.Path.get_dirname(this.path) + "/" + this.name + ".js"; print("WRITE :%s\n " , fn); this.writeFile(fn, this.toSource()); } void saveVala() { if (this.tree == null) { return; } var fn = GLib.Path.get_dirname(this.path) + "/" + this.name + ".vala"; print("WRITE :%s\n " , fn); this.writeFile(fn, NodeToVala.mungeFile(this)); } /* valaCompileCmd : function() { var fn = '/tmp/' + this.name + '.vala'; print("WRITE : " + fn); File.write(fn, this.toVala(true)); return ["valac", "--pkg", "gio-2.0", "--pkg" , "posix" , "--pkg" , "gtk+-3.0", "--pkg", "libnotify", "--pkg", "gtksourceview-3.0", "--pkg", "libwnck-3.0", fn , "-o", "/tmp/" + this.name]; }, */ string getHelpUrl(string cls) { return "http://devel.akbkhome.com/seed/" + cls + ".html"; } public override void findTransStrings(Node? node ) { // not yet.. } } }