static Xcls_WindowLeftTree _WindowLeftTree; public class Xcls_WindowLeftTree : Object { public Gtk.Box el; private Xcls_WindowLeftTree _this; public static Xcls_WindowLeftTree singleton() { if (_WindowLeftTree == null) { _WindowLeftTree= new Xcls_WindowLeftTree(); } return _WindowLeftTree; } public Xcls_viewwin viewwin; public Xcls_view view; public Xcls_keystate keystate; public Xcls_drop drop; public Xcls_selmodel selmodel; public Xcls_model model; public Xcls_maincol maincol; public Xcls_LeftTreeMenu LeftTreeMenu; // my vars (def) public signal bool before_node_change (); public Xcls_MainWindow? main_window; public int last_error_counter; public signal void changed (); public signal void node_selected (JsRender.Node? node); public Gee.ArrayList? error_widgets; // ctor public Xcls_WindowLeftTree() { _this = this; this.el = new Gtk.Box( Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL, 0 ); // my vars (dec) this.main_window = null; this.last_error_counter = -1; this.error_widgets = null; // set gobject values this.el.hexpand = true; this.el.vexpand = true; var child_1 = new Xcls_ListView1( _this ); child_1.ref(); this.el.append( child_1.el ); new Xcls_viewwin( _this ); this.el.append( _this.viewwin.el ); } // user defined functions public void updateErrors () { var file = this.getActiveFile(); if (file == null) { return; } var ar = file.getErrors(); if (ar == null || ar.size < 1) { if (this.last_error_counter != file.error_counter) { this.removeErrors(); } this.last_error_counter = file.error_counter ; return; } if (this.last_error_counter == file.error_counter) { return; } this.removeErrors(); this.error_widgets = new Gee.ArrayList(); foreach(var diag in ar) { // print("get inter\n"); var node= file.lineToNode( (int)diag.range.start.line) ; if (node == null) { continue; } var row = _this.model.nodeToRow(node); if (row < 0) { continue; } var w = this.view.getWidgetAtRow(row); if (w == null) { return; } this.error_widgets.add(w); // always show errors. var ed = diag.category.down(); if (ed != "err" && w.has_css_class("node-err")) { continue; } if (ed == "err" && w.has_css_class("node-warn")) { w.remove_css_class("node-warn"); } if (ed == "err" && w.has_css_class("node-depr")) { w.remove_css_class("node-depr"); } if (!w.has_css_class("node-"+ ed)) { w.add_css_class("node-" + ed); } } } public void onresize () { //GLib.debug("Got allocation width of scrolled view %d", allocation.width ); // _this.maincol.el.set_max_width( _this.viewwin.el.get_width() - 32 ); } public void removeErrors () { if (this.error_widgets == null || this.error_widgets.size < 1) { return; } foreach(var child in this.error_widgets) { if (child.has_css_class("node-err")) { child.remove_css_class("node-err"); } if (child.has_css_class("node-warn")) { child.remove_css_class("node-warn"); } if (child.has_css_class("node-depr")) { child.remove_css_class("node-depr"); } } this.error_widgets = null; return; /* var child = this.view.el.get_first_child(); var reading_header = true; while (child != null) { //GLib.debug("Got %s", child.get_type().name()); if (reading_header) { if (child.get_type().name() != "GtkColumnListView") { child = child.get_next_sibling(); continue; } // should be columnlistview child = child.get_first_child(); reading_header = false; continue; } if (child.has_css_class("node-err")) { child.remove_css_class("node-err"); } if (child.has_css_class("node-warn")) { child.remove_css_class("node-warn"); } if (child.has_css_class("node-depr")) { child.remove_css_class("node-depr"); } child = child.get_next_sibling(); } //GLib.debug("Rturning null"); */ } public JsRender.Node? getActiveElement () { // return path to actie node. return _this.selmodel.getSelectedNode(); } public JsRender.JsRender getActiveFile () { return this.main_window.windowstate.file; } public class Xcls_ListView1 : Object { public Gtk.ListView el; private Xcls_WindowLeftTree _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_ListView1(Xcls_WindowLeftTree _owner ) { _this = _owner; var child_1 = new Xcls_SignalListItemFactory2( _this ); child_1.ref(); this.el = new Gtk.ListView( null, child_1.el ); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_SignalListItemFactory2 : Object { public Gtk.SignalListItemFactory el; private Xcls_WindowLeftTree _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_SignalListItemFactory2(Xcls_WindowLeftTree _owner ) { _this = _owner; this.el = new Gtk.SignalListItemFactory(); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_viewwin : Object { public Gtk.ScrolledWindow el; private Xcls_WindowLeftTree _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_viewwin(Xcls_WindowLeftTree _owner ) { _this = _owner; _this.viewwin = this; this.el = new Gtk.ScrolledWindow(); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values this.el.vscrollbar_policy = Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC; this.el.has_frame = true; this.el.hexpand = true; this.el.vexpand = true; this.el.hscrollbar_policy = Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC; new Xcls_view( _this ); this.el.child = _this.view.el; new Xcls_LeftTreeMenu( _this ); } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_view : Object { public Gtk.ColumnView el; private Xcls_WindowLeftTree _this; // my vars (def) public bool blockChanges; public bool headers_visible; public string lastEventSource; public bool button_is_pressed; public Gtk.CssProvider css; public JsRender.Node? dragNode; // ctor public Xcls_view(Xcls_WindowLeftTree _owner ) { _this = _owner; _this.view = this; new Xcls_selmodel( _this ); this.el = new Gtk.ColumnView( _this.selmodel.el ); // my vars (dec) this.blockChanges = false; this.headers_visible = false; this.lastEventSource = ""; this.button_is_pressed = false; this.dragNode = null; // set gobject values = "left-tree-view"; this.el.hexpand = false; this.el.vexpand = true; var child_2 = new Xcls_GestureClick5( _this ); child_2.ref(); this.el.add_controller( child_2.el ); var child_3 = new Xcls_GestureClick6( _this ); child_3.ref(); this.el.add_controller( child_3.el ); var child_4 = new Xcls_DragSource7( _this ); child_4.ref(); this.el.add_controller( child_4.el ); var child_5 = new Xcls_EventControllerKey8( _this ); child_5.ref(); this.el.add_controller( child_5.el ); new Xcls_keystate( _this ); this.el.add_controller( _this.keystate.el ); new Xcls_drop( _this ); this.el.add_controller( _this.drop.el ); new Xcls_maincol( _this ); this.el.append_column ( _this.maincol.el ); var child_9 = new Xcls_ColumnViewColumn15( _this ); child_9.ref(); this.el.append_column ( child_9.el ); // init method { /* this.css = new Gtk.CssProvider(); // try { this.css.load_from_string(" #left-tree-view { font-size: 12px;} .drag-over { background-color:#88a3bc; } .drag-below { border-bottom-width: 5px; border-bottom-style: solid; border-bottom-color: #88a3bc; } .drag-above { border-top-width: 5px; border-top-style: solid; border-top-color: #88a3bc; } .node-err { border-top-width: 5px; border-top-style: solid; border-top-color: red; border-bottom-width: 5px; border-bottom-style: solid; border-bottom-color: red; } .node-warn { border-top-width: 5px; border-top-style: solid; border-top-color: #ABF4EB; border-bottom-width: 5px; border-bottom-style: solid; border-bottom-color: #ABF4EB; } .node-depr { border-top-width: 5px; border-top-style: solid; border-top-color: #EEA9FF; border-bottom-width: 5px; border-bottom-style: solid; border-bottom-color: #EEA9FF; } #left-tree-view indent { -gtk-icon-size : 2px; } #left-tree-view indent:nth-last-child(2) { min-width: 24px; } "); Gtk.StyleContext.add_provider_for_display( this.el.get_display(), this.css, Gtk.STYLE_PROVIDER_PRIORITY_APPLICATION ); */ } } // user defined functions public Gtk.Widget? getWidgetAtRow (uint row) { /* from var colview = gesture.widget; var line_no = check_list_widget(colview, x,y); if (line_no > -1) { var item = colview.model.get_item(line_no); } */ //GLib.debug("Get Widget At Row %d", (int)row); var child = this.el.get_first_child(); var line_no = -1; var reading_header = true; while (child != null) { //GLib.debug("Got %s", child.get_type().name()); if (reading_header) { if (child.get_type().name() != "GtkColumnListView") { child = child.get_next_sibling(); continue; } // should be columnlistview child = child.get_first_child(); reading_header = false; continue; } line_no++; if (line_no == row) { //GLib.debug("Returning widget %s", child.get_type().name()); return (Gtk.Widget)child; } child = child.get_next_sibling(); } //GLib.debug("Rturning null"); return null; } public int getColAt (double x, double y) { /* from */ //Gtk.Allocation alloc = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }; //GLib.debug("Cehck %d, %d", x,y); var child = this.el.get_first_child(); var col = 0; var offx = 0; while (child != null) { if (child.get_type().name() == "GtkColumnViewRowWidget") { child = child.get_first_child(); continue; } //child.get_allocation(out alloc); if (x < (child.get_width() + offx)) { return col; } return 1; //offx += child.get_width(); //col++; //child = child.get_next_sibling(); } return -1; } public int getRowAt (double x, double y, out string pos) { pos = ""; var w = this.el.pick(x, y, Gtk.PickFlags.DEFAULT); //GLib.debug("got widget %s", w == null ? "nothing" : w.get_type().name()); if (w == null) { return -1; } var row= w.get_ancestor(GLib.Type.from_name("GtkColumnViewRowWidget")); if (row == null) { return -1; } //GLib.debug("got colview %s", row == null ? "nothing" : row.get_type().name()); var rn = 0; var cr = row; while (cr.get_prev_sibling() != null) { rn++; cr = cr.get_prev_sibling(); } //GLib.debug("row number is %d", rn); //GLib.debug("click %d, %d", (int)x, (int)y); // above or belw Graphene.Rect bounds; row.compute_bounds(this.el, out bounds); //GLib.debug("click x=%d, y=%d, w=%d, h=%d", // (int)bounds.get_x(), (int)bounds.get_y(), // (int)bounds.get_width(), (int)bounds.get_height() // ); var ypos = y - bounds.get_y(); //GLib.debug("rel ypos = %d", (int)ypos); var rpos = 100.0 * (ypos / bounds.get_height()); //GLib.debug("rel pos = %d %%", (int)rpos); pos = "over"; if (rpos > 80) { pos = "below"; } else if (rpos < 20) { pos = "above"; } return rn; } public Gtk.Widget? getWidgetAt (double x, double y) { var w = this.el.pick(x, y, Gtk.PickFlags.DEFAULT); //GLib.debug("got widget %s", w == null ? "nothing" : w.get_type().name()); if (w == null) { return null; } var row= w.get_ancestor(GLib.Type.from_name("GtkColumnViewRowWidget")); if (row == null) { return null; } return row; } } public class Xcls_GestureClick5 : Object { public Gtk.GestureClick el; private Xcls_WindowLeftTree _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_GestureClick5(Xcls_WindowLeftTree _owner ) { _this = _owner; this.el = new Gtk.GestureClick(); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values //listeners this.el.released.connect( (n_press, x, y) => { _this.view.button_is_pressed = false; }); this.el.pressed.connect( (n_press, x, y) => { //console.log("button press?"); //this.el.set_state(Gtk.EventSequenceState.CLAIMED); _this.view.button_is_pressed = true; _this.view.lastEventSource = "tree"; if (! _this.before_node_change() ) { GLib.debug("before_node_change return false"); return ; } // nothing there -show dialog if (_this.model.el.get_n_items() < 1) { _this.main_window.windowstate.showAddObject(_this.view.el, null); GLib.debug("no items"); return ; } string pos; var row = _this.view.getRowAt(x,y, out pos ); if (row < 0) { GLib.debug("no row selected items"); return; } var node = _this.selmodel.getNodeAt(row); if (node == null) { GLib.warning("No node found at row %d", row); return; } if (_this.view.getColAt(x,y) > 0 ) { GLib.debug("add colum clicked."); var fqn = node.fqn(); var cn = _this.main_window.windowstate.project.palete.getChildList(fqn, false); if (cn.size < 1) { return ; } _this.main_window.windowstate.leftTreeBeforeChange(); //_this.view.el.get_selection().select_path(res); GLib.debug("Button Pressed - start show window"); _this.main_window.windowstate.showAddObject(_this.view.el, node); GLib.debug("Button Pressed - finsihed show window"); return ; } }); } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_GestureClick6 : Object { public Gtk.GestureClick el; private Xcls_WindowLeftTree _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_GestureClick6(Xcls_WindowLeftTree _owner ) { _this = _owner; this.el = new Gtk.GestureClick(); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values this.el.button = 3; //listeners this.el.pressed.connect( (n_press, x, y) => { if (_this.model.el.get_n_items() < 1) { GLib.debug("no items"); return ; } string pos; var row = _this.view.getRowAt(x,y, out pos ); if (row < 0) { GLib.debug("no row selected items"); return; } var node = _this.selmodel.getNodeAt(row); if (node == null) { GLib.warning("No node found at row %d", row); return; } _this.model.selectNode(node); GLib.debug("Prssed %d", (int) this.el.get_current_button()); //_this.deletemenu.el.set_parent(_this.view.el); _this.LeftTreeMenu.el.set_parent(_this.view.el); //Gtk.Allocation rect; //_this.view.el.get_allocation(out rect); //_this.deletemenu.el.set_has_arrow(false); _this.LeftTreeMenu.el.set_position(Gtk.PositionType.BOTTOM); _this.LeftTreeMenu.el.set_offset( (int)x , (int)y - (int)_this.view.el.get_height()); _this.LeftTreeMenu.el.popup(); }); } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_DragSource7 : Object { public Gtk.DragSource el; private Xcls_WindowLeftTree _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_DragSource7(Xcls_WindowLeftTree _owner ) { _this = _owner; this.el = new Gtk.DragSource(); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values this.el.actions = Gdk.DragAction.COPY | Gdk.DragAction.MOVE ; //listeners this.el.drag_cancel.connect( (drag, reason) => { _this.view.dragNode = null; return true; }); this.el.prepare.connect( (x, y) => { /// ( drag_context, data, info, time) => { //print("drag-data-get"); var ndata = _this.selmodel.getSelectedNode(); if (ndata == null) { GLib.debug("return empty string - no selection.."); return null; } //data.set_text(tp,tp.length); var str = ndata.toJsonString(); GLib.debug("prepare store: %s", str); GLib.Value ov = GLib.Value(typeof(string)); ov.set_string(str); var cont = new Gdk.ContentProvider.for_value(ov); /* GLib.Value v = GLib.Value(typeof(string)); //var str = drop.read_text( [ "text/plain" ] 0); cont.get_value(ref v); } GLib.debug("set %s", v.get_string()); */ return cont; }); this.el.drag_begin.connect( ( drag ) => { GLib.debug("SOURCE: drag-begin"); // find what is selected in our tree... var data = _this.selmodel.getSelectedNode(); if (data == null) { return ; } _this.view.dragNode = data; var xname = data.fqn(); GLib.debug ("XNAME IS %s", xname); var widget = _this.view.getWidgetAtRow(_this.selmodel.el.selected); var paintable = new Gtk.WidgetPaintable(widget); this.el.set_icon(paintable, 0,0); }); this.el.drag_end.connect( (drag, delete_data) => { _this.view.dragNode = null; }); } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_EventControllerKey8 : Object { public Gtk.EventControllerKey el; private Xcls_WindowLeftTree _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_EventControllerKey8(Xcls_WindowLeftTree _owner ) { _this = _owner; this.el = new Gtk.EventControllerKey(); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values //listeners this.el.key_pressed.connect( (keyval, keycode, state) => { if (keyval != Gdk.Key.Delete && keyval != Gdk.Key.BackSpace) { return true; } _this.model.deleteSelected(); return true; }); } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_keystate : Object { public Gtk.EventControllerKey el; private Xcls_WindowLeftTree _this; // my vars (def) public int is_shift; // ctor public Xcls_keystate(Xcls_WindowLeftTree _owner ) { _this = _owner; _this.keystate = this; this.el = new Gtk.EventControllerKey(); // my vars (dec) this.is_shift = 0; // set gobject values //listeners this.el.key_released.connect( (keyval, keycode, state) => { GLib.debug("key release %d, %d, %d" , (int) keyval, (int) keycode, state); if (keyval == Gdk.Key.Shift_L || keyval == Gdk.Key.Shift_R) { this.is_shift = 0; } //GLib.debug("set state %d , shift = %d", (int)this.el.get_current_event_state(), Gdk.ModifierType.SHIFT_MASK); }); this.el.key_pressed.connect( (keyval, keycode, state) => { if (keyval == Gdk.Key.Shift_L || keyval == Gdk.Key.Shift_R) { this.is_shift = 1; } return true; }); } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_drop : Object { public Gtk.DropTarget el; private Xcls_WindowLeftTree _this; // my vars (def) public Gtk.Widget? highlightWidget; public JsRender.Node? lastDragNode; public string lastDragString; // ctor public Xcls_drop(Xcls_WindowLeftTree _owner ) { _this = _owner; _this.drop = this; this.el = new Gtk.DropTarget ( typeof(string) , Gdk.DragAction.COPY | Gdk.DragAction.MOVE ); // my vars (dec) this.highlightWidget = null; this.lastDragNode = null; this.lastDragString = "\"\""; // set gobject values //listeners this.el.accept.connect( (drop) => { GLib.debug("got DropTarget:accept"); // NOT REALLY NEEDED? = put stuff in drop? /* ( ctx, x, y, time) => { //Seed.print("TARGET: drag-drop"); var src = Gtk.drag_get_source_widget(ctx); if (src != this.el) { this.drag_in_motion = false; // request data that will be recieved by the recieve... Gtk.drag_get_data ( this.el, // will receive 'drag-data-received' signal ctx, // represents the current state of the DnD Gdk.Atom.intern("application/json",true), // the target type we want time // time stamp ); // No target offered by source => error return false; } // handle drop around self.. //print("GETTING POS"); var targetData = ""; Gtk.TreePath path; Gtk.TreeViewDropPosition pos; var isOver = _this.view.el.get_dest_row_at_pos(this.drag_x,this.drag_y, out path, out pos); // if there are not items in the tree.. the we have to set isOver to true for anything.. var isEmpty = false; if (_this.model.el.iter_n_children(null) < 1) { print("got NO children?\n"); isOver = true; //??? isEmpty = true; pos = Gtk.TreeViewDropPosition.INTO_OR_AFTER; } //var action = Gdk.DragAction.COPY; // unless we are copying!!! ctl button.. var action = (ctx.get_actions() & Gdk.DragAction.MOVE) > 0 ? Gdk.DragAction.COPY : Gdk.DragAction.MOVE ; // Gdk.DragAction.MOVE : Gdk.DragAction.COPY ; if (_this.model.el.iter_n_children(null) < 1) { // no children.. -- asume it's ok.. targetData = "|%d|".printf((int)Gtk.TreeViewDropPosition.INTO_OR_AFTER); // continue through to allow drop... } else { //print("ISOVER? " + isOver); if (!isOver) { Gtk.drag_finish (ctx, false, false, time); // drop failed.. return true; // not over apoint!?! - no action on drop or motion.. } // drag node is parent of child.. //console.log("SRC TREEPATH: " + src.treepath); //console.log("TARGET TREEPATH: " + data.path.to_string()); // nned to check a few here.. //Gtk.TreeViewDropPosition.INTO_OR_AFTER //Gtk.TreeViewDropPosition.INTO_OR_BEFORE //Gtk.TreeViewDropPosition.AFTER //Gtk.TreeViewDropPosition.BEFORE // locally dragged items to not really use the var selection_text = this.dragData; if (selection_text == null || selection_text.length < 1) { //print("Error - drag selection text returned NULL"); Gtk.drag_finish (ctx, false, false, time); // drop failed.. return true; /// -- fixme -- this is not really correct.. } // see if we are dragging into ourself? print ("got selection text of " + selection_text); var target_path = path.to_string(); //print("target_path="+target_path); // if (selection_text == target_path) { print("self drag ?? == we should perhaps allow copy onto self..\n"); Gtk.drag_finish (ctx, false, false, time); // drop failed.. return true; /// -- fixme -- this is not really correct.. } // check that //print("DUMPING DATA"); //console.dump(data); // path, pos //print(data.path.to_string() +' => '+ data.pos); // dropList is a list of xtypes that this node could be dropped on. // it is set up when we start to drag.. targetData = _this.model.findDropNodeByPath( path.to_string(), this.dropList, pos); print("targetDAta: " + targetData +"\n"); if (targetData.length < 1) { //print("Can not find drop node path"); Gtk.drag_finish (ctx, false, false, time); // drop failed.. return true; } // continue on to allow drop.. } // at this point, drag is not in motion... -- as checked above... - so it's a real drop event.. var delete_selection_data = false; if (action == Gdk.DragAction.ASK) { // Ask the user to move or copy, then set the ctx action. } if (action == Gdk.DragAction.MOVE) { delete_selection_data = true; } // drag around.. - reorder.. _this.model.moveNode(targetData, action); // we can send stuff to souce here... // do we always say failure, so we handle the reall drop? Gtk.drag_finish (ctx, false, false,time); //delete_selection_data, time); return true; } */ return true; }); this.el.motion.connect( ( x, y) => { var is_shift = _this.keystate.is_shift > 0; //GLib.debug("shift is %s", _this.keystate.is_shift > 0 ? "SHIFT" : "-"); string pos; // over / before / after.. //GLib.debug("got drag motion"); GLib.Value v = GLib.Value(typeof(string)); //var str = drop.read_text( [ "text/plain" ] 0); var cont = this.el.current_drop.get_drag().content ; try { cont.get_value(ref v); } catch (GLib.Error e) { // GLib.debug("failed to get drag value"); return Gdk.DragAction.COPY; } //GLib.debug("got %s", v.get_string()); if (this.lastDragString != v.get_string() || this.lastDragNode == null) { // still dragging same node this.lastDragNode = new JsRender.Node(); this.lastDragNode.loadFromJsonString(v.get_string(), 1); } var drop_on_to = _this.main_window.windowstate.file.palete().getDropList( this.lastDragNode.fqn()); string[] str = {}; foreach(var dp in drop_on_to) { str += dp; } //GLib.debug("droplist: %s", string.joinv(", ", str)); // if there are not items in the tree.. the we have to set isOver to true for anything.. if (_this.model.el.n_items < 1) { // FIXME check valid drop types? if (drop_on_to.contains("*top")) { this.addHighlight(_this.view.el, "over"); } else { this.addHighlight(null, ""); } return Gdk.DragAction.COPY; // no need to highlight? } // if path of source and dest are inside each other.. // need to add source info to drag? // the fail(); var row = _this.view.getRowAt(x,y, out pos); //GLib.debug("check is over %d, %d, %s", (int)x,(int)y, pos); if (row < 0) { this.addHighlight(null, ""); return Gdk.DragAction.COPY; } var tr = (Gtk.TreeListRow)_this.view.el.model.get_object(row); var node = (JsRender.Node)tr.get_item(); //GLib.debug("Drop over node: %s", node.fqn()); if (pos == "above" || pos == "below") { if (node.parent == null) { //GLib.debug("no parent try center"); pos = "over"; } else { if (!drop_on_to.contains(node.parent.fqn())) { //GLib.debug("drop on does not contain %s - try center" , node.parent.fqn()); pos = "over"; } else { //GLib.debug("drop contains %s - using %s" , node.parent.fqn(), pos); if (_this.view.dragNode != null && is_shift) { if (node.parent.oid == _this.view.dragNode.oid || node.parent.has_parent(_this.view.dragNode)) { GLib.debug("shift drop not self not allowed"); this.addHighlight(null, ""); return Gdk.DragAction.COPY; } } } } } if (pos == "over") { if (!drop_on_to.contains(node.fqn())) { //GLib.debug("drop on does not contain %s - try center" , node.fqn()); this.addHighlight(null, ""); return is_shift ? Gdk.DragAction.MOVE : Gdk.DragAction.COPY; } if (_this.view.dragNode != null && is_shift) { if (node.oid == _this.view.dragNode.oid || node.has_parent(_this.view.dragNode)) { //GLib.debug("shift drop not self not allowed"); this.addHighlight(null, ""); return Gdk.DragAction.COPY; } } } // _this.view.highlightDropPath("", (Gtk.TreeViewDropPosition)0); var w = _this.view.getWidgetAt(x,y); this.addHighlight(w, pos); return is_shift ? Gdk.DragAction.MOVE : Gdk.DragAction.COPY; }); this.el.leave.connect( ( ) => { this.addHighlight(null,""); }); this.el.drop.connect( (v, x, y) => { // must get the pos before we clear the hightlihg. var pos = ""; var row = _this.view.getRowAt(x,y, out pos); this.addHighlight(null,""); var is_shift = _this.keystate.is_shift > 0; // -- get position.. if (this.lastDragString != v.get_string() || this.lastDragNode == null) { // still dragging same node this.lastDragNode = new JsRender.Node(); this.lastDragNode.loadFromJsonString(v.get_string(), 1); } var dropNode = new JsRender.Node(); dropNode.loadFromJsonString(v.get_string(), 2); GLib.debug("dropped node %s", dropNode.toJsonString()); var drop_on_to = _this.main_window.windowstate.file.palete().getDropList(dropNode.fqn()); // if there are not items in the tree.. the we have to set isOver to true for anything.. if (_this.model.el.n_items < 1) { // FIXME check valid drop types? if (!drop_on_to.contains("*top")) { GLib.debug("drop on to list does not contain top?"); return false; } // add new node to top.. GLib.debug("adding to top"); var m = (GLib.ListStore) _this.model.el.model; _this.main_window.windowstate.file.tree = dropNode; dropNode.updated_count++; m.append(dropNode); _this.model.selectNode(dropNode); _this.changed(); _this.node_selected(dropNode); return true; // no need to highlight? } if (row < 0) { GLib.debug("could not get row %d,%d, %s", (int)x,(int)y,pos); return false; //Gdk.DragAction.COPY; } var tr = (Gtk.TreeListRow)_this.view.el.model.get_object(row); var node = (JsRender.Node)tr.get_item(); if (pos == "above" || pos == "below") { if (node.parent == null) { pos = "over"; } else { if (!drop_on_to.contains(node.parent.fqn())) { pos = "over"; } else { GLib.debug("drop contains %s - using %s" , node.parent.fqn(), pos); if (_this.view.dragNode != null && is_shift) { if (node.parent.oid == _this.view.dragNode.oid || node.parent.has_parent(_this.view.dragNode)) { GLib.debug("shift drop not self not allowed"); return false; } } } } } if (pos == "over") { if (!drop_on_to.contains(node.fqn())) { GLib.debug("drop on does not contain %s - try center" , node.fqn()); return false; } if (node.oid == _this.view.dragNode.oid || node.has_parent(_this.view.dragNode)) { GLib.debug("shift drop not self not allowed"); return false; } } switch(pos) { case "over": if (is_shift && _this.view.dragNode != null) { _this.model.selectNode(null); _this.view.dragNode.remove(); } node.appendChild(dropNode); dropNode.updated_count++; _this.model.selectNode(dropNode); _this.changed(); return true; case "above": GLib.debug("Above - insertBefore"); if (is_shift && _this.view.dragNode != null) { _this.model.selectNode(null); _this.view.dragNode.remove(); } node.parent.insertBefore(dropNode, node); dropNode.updated_count++; _this.model.selectNode(dropNode); _this.changed(); return true; case "below": GLib.debug("Below - insertAfter"); if (is_shift && _this.view.dragNode != null) { _this.model.selectNode(null); _this.view.dragNode.remove(); } node.parent.insertAfter(dropNode, node); dropNode.updated_count++; _this.model.selectNode(dropNode); _this.changed(); // select it return true; default: // should not happen return false; } }); } // user defined functions public void addHighlight (Gtk.Widget? w, string hl) { if (this.highlightWidget != null) { var ww = this.highlightWidget; //GLib.debug("clear drag from previous highlight"); if (ww.has_css_class("drag-below")) { ww.remove_css_class("drag-below"); } if (ww.has_css_class("drag-above")) { ww.remove_css_class("drag-above"); } if (ww.has_css_class("drag-over")) { ww.remove_css_class("drag-over"); } } if (w != null) { //GLib.debug("add drag=%s to widget", hl); if (!w.has_css_class("drag-" + hl)) { w.add_css_class("drag-" + hl); } } this.highlightWidget = w; } } public class Xcls_selmodel : Object { public Gtk.SingleSelection el; private Xcls_WindowLeftTree _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_selmodel(Xcls_WindowLeftTree _owner ) { _this = _owner; _this.selmodel = this; new Xcls_model( _this ); this.el = new Gtk.SingleSelection( _this.model.el ); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values this.el.can_unselect = true; //listeners this.el.selection_changed.connect( (position, n_items) => { //if (!this.button_is_pressed && !this.key_is_pressed) { // then event was started by some other action // which should manually trigger all the events.. // print("SKIPPING select - no button or key pressed\n"); // return; //} if (_this.view.blockChanges) { // probably not needed.. GLib.debug("SKIPPING select - blockchanges set.."); return ; } if (!_this.before_node_change( ) ) { _this.view.blockChanges = true; _this.selmodel.el.unselect_all(); _this.view.blockChanges = false; return; } if (_this.main_window.windowstate.file == null) { GLib.debug("SKIPPING select windowstate file is not set..."); return; } //var render = this.get('/LeftTree').getRenderer(); GLib.debug("LEFT TREE -> view -> selection changed called"); // -- it appears that the selection is not updated. // select the node... //_this.selmodel.el.set_selected(row); GLib.debug("LEFT TREE -> view -> selection changed TIMEOUT CALLED"); var snode = _this.selmodel.getSelectedNode(); if (snode == null) { GLib.debug("selected rows < 1"); //??this.model.load( false); _this.node_selected(null); return ; } // why dup_? GLib.debug ("calling left_tree.node_selected %s", snode.toJsonString()); _this.node_selected(snode); // no need to scroll. it's in the view as we clicked on it. // _this.view.el.scroll_to_cell(new Gtk.TreePath.from_string(_this.model.activePath), null, true, 0.1f,0.0f); return ; }); } // user defined functions public JsRender.Node? getSelectedNode () { if (this.el.selected_item == null) { return null; } var tr = (Gtk.TreeListRow)this.el.selected_item; return (JsRender.Node)tr.get_item(); } public JsRender.Node getNodeAt (uint row) { var tr = (Gtk.TreeListRow)this.el.get_item(row); var a = tr.get_item();; GLib.debug("get_item (2) = %s", a.get_type().name()); return (JsRender.Node)tr.get_item(); } } public class Xcls_model : Object { public Gtk.TreeListModel el; private Xcls_WindowLeftTree _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_model(Xcls_WindowLeftTree _owner ) { _this = _owner; _this.model = this; this.el = this.updateModel(null); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values } // user defined functions public void loadFile (JsRender.JsRender f) { //console.dump(f); _this.drop.highlightWidget = null; var m = (GLib.ListStore) this.el.model; m.remove_all(); _this.main_window.windowstate.leftTreeNodeSelected(null); // needed??? _this.main_window.windowstate.file = f; _this.last_error_counter = -1; if (f.tree == null) { try { f.loadItems( ); } catch (Error e) { return; } } // if it's still null? if (f.tree == null) { _this.main_window.windowstate.showAddObject(_this.view.el, null); _this.updateErrors(); return; } m.append(f.tree); _this.updateErrors(); _this.selmodel.el.set_selected(Gtk.INVALID_LIST_POSITION); return; } public int nodeToRow (JsRender.Node node) { var s = _this.view.el.model as Gtk.SingleSelection; for (var i = 0; i < s.n_items; i++) { //GLib.debug("check node %s", s.get_item(i).get_type().name()); var lr = s.get_item(i) as Gtk.TreeListRow; //GLib.debug("check node %s", lr.get_item().get_type().name()); var nn = (lr.get_item() as JsRender.Node); if (nn != null && nn.oid == node.oid) { return i; } } return -1; } public void deleteSelected () { var node = _this.selmodel.getSelectedNode(); if (node == null) { GLib.debug("delete Selected - no node slected?"); return; } _this.selmodel.el.unselect_all(); if (node.parent != null) { node.remove(); GLib.debug("delete Selected - done"); _this.changed(); return; } this.updateModel(null); _this.main_window.windowstate.file.tree = null; _this.changed(); _this.node_selected(null); /* print("DELETE SELECTED?"); //_this.view.blockChanges = true; print("GET SELECTION?"); var s = _this.view.el.get_selection(); print("GET SELECTED?"); Gtk.TreeIter iter; Gtk.TreeModel mod; if (!s.get_selected(out mod, out iter)) { return; // nothing seleted.. } this.activePath= ""; print("GET vnode value?"); GLib.Value value; this.el.get_value(iter, 2, out value); var data = (JsRender.Node)(value.get_object()); print("removing node from Render\n"); if (data.parent == null) { _this.main_window.windowstate.file.tree = null; } else { data.remove(); } print("removing node from Tree\n"); s.unselect_all(); this.el.remove(ref iter); // this.activePath= ""; // again!?!? //this.changed(null,true); _this.changed(); _this.view.blockChanges = false; */ } public Gtk.TreeListModel updateModel (GLib.ListStore? m) { this.el = new Gtk.TreeListModel( m != null ? m : new GLib.ListStore(typeof(JsRender.Node)), //..... << that's our store.. false, // passthru true, // autexpand (item) => { return ((JsRender.Node)item).childstore; } ); if (_this.selmodel.el == null) { return this.el; } _this.selmodel.el.set_model(this.el); return this.el; } public void selectNode (JsRender.Node? node) { var s = _this.view.el.model as Gtk.SingleSelection; if (node == null) { s.selected=Gtk.INVALID_LIST_POSITION; return; } var row = this.nodeToRow(node); if (row < 0) { // select none? GLib.debug("Could not find node"); s.selected=Gtk.INVALID_LIST_POSITION; return; } GLib.debug("Select %d", row); s.set_selected(row); _this.view.el.scroll_to(row, null, Gtk.ListScrollFlags.SELECT, null); //_this.node_selected(node); } } public class Xcls_maincol : Object { public Gtk.ColumnViewColumn el; private Xcls_WindowLeftTree _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_maincol(Xcls_WindowLeftTree _owner ) { _this = _owner; _this.maincol = this; var child_1 = new Xcls_SignalListItemFactory14( _this ); child_1.ref(); this.el = new Gtk.ColumnViewColumn( "Property", child_1.el ); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values = "maincol"; this.el.expand = true; this.el.resizable = true; } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_SignalListItemFactory14 : Object { public Gtk.SignalListItemFactory el; private Xcls_WindowLeftTree _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_SignalListItemFactory14(Xcls_WindowLeftTree _owner ) { _this = _owner; this.el = new Gtk.SignalListItemFactory(); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values //listeners this.el.setup.connect( (listitem) => { var expand = new Gtk.TreeExpander(); expand.set_indent_for_depth(true); expand.set_indent_for_icon(true); var hbox = new Gtk.Box(Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL,0); var icon = new Gtk.Image(); var lbl = new Gtk.Label(""); lbl.use_markup = true; lbl.ellipsize = Pango.EllipsizeMode.END; icon.margin_end = 4; lbl.justify = Gtk.Justification.LEFT; lbl.xalign = 0; // listitem.activatable = true; ?? hbox.append(icon); hbox.append(lbl); expand.set_child(hbox); ((Gtk.ListItem)listitem).set_child(expand); }); this.el.bind.connect( (listitem) => { // GLib.debug("listitme is is %s", ((Gtk.ListItem)listitem).get_type().name()); //var expand = (Gtk.TreeExpander) ((Gtk.ListItem)listitem).get_child(); var expand = (Gtk.TreeExpander) ((Gtk.ListItem)listitem).get_child(); var hbox = (Gtk.Box) expand.child; var img = (Gtk.Image) hbox.get_first_child(); var lbl = (Gtk.Label) img.get_next_sibling(); var lr = (Gtk.TreeListRow)((Gtk.ListItem)listitem).get_item(); var node = (JsRender.Node) lr.get_item(); if (node == null || node.fqn() == "") { return; } //GLib.debug("node is %s", node.get_type().name()); // was item (1) in old layout /* var ic = Gtk.IconTheme.get_for_display(_this.el.get_display()); var clsname = node.fqn(); var clsb = clsname.split("."); var sub = clsb.length > 1 ? clsb[1].down() : ""; var fn = "/usr/share/glade/pixmaps/hicolor/16x16/actions/widget-gtk-" + sub + ".png"; try { if (FileUtils.test (fn, FileTest.IS_REGULAR)) { img.set_from_file(fn); } else { img.set_from_paintable( ic.lookup_icon ( "media-playback-stop", null, 16,1, Gtk.TextDirection.NONE, 0 ) ); } } catch (GLib.Error e) {} */ expand.set_hide_expander( !node.hasChildren() ); expand.set_list_row(lr); node.bind_property("iconResourceName", img, "resource", GLib.BindingFlags.SYNC_CREATE); node.bind_property("nodeTitleProp", lbl, "label", GLib.BindingFlags.SYNC_CREATE); node.bind_property("nodeTipProp", lbl, "tooltip_markup", GLib.BindingFlags.SYNC_CREATE); // bind image... }); } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_ColumnViewColumn15 : Object { public Gtk.ColumnViewColumn el; private Xcls_WindowLeftTree _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_ColumnViewColumn15(Xcls_WindowLeftTree _owner ) { _this = _owner; var child_1 = new Xcls_SignalListItemFactory16( _this ); child_1.ref(); this.el = new Gtk.ColumnViewColumn( "Add", child_1.el ); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values this.el.fixed_width = 25; } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_SignalListItemFactory16 : Object { public Gtk.SignalListItemFactory el; private Xcls_WindowLeftTree _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_SignalListItemFactory16(Xcls_WindowLeftTree _owner ) { _this = _owner; this.el = new Gtk.SignalListItemFactory(); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values //listeners this.el.setup.connect( (listitem) => { var icon = new Gtk.Image(); ((Gtk.ListItem)listitem).set_child(icon); }); this.el.bind.connect( (listitem) => { var img = (Gtk.Image) ((Gtk.ListItem)listitem).get_child(); var lr = (Gtk.TreeListRow)((Gtk.ListItem)listitem).get_item(); var node = (JsRender.Node) lr.get_item(); var ic = Gtk.IconTheme.get_for_display(_this.el.get_display()); img.set_from_paintable( ic.lookup_icon ( "list-add", null, 16,1, Gtk.TextDirection.NONE, 0 ) ); var fqn = node.fqn(); var cn = _this.main_window.windowstate.project.palete.getChildList(fqn, false); img.set_visible(cn.size > 0 ? true : false); }); } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_LeftTreeMenu : Object { public Gtk.Popover el; private Xcls_WindowLeftTree _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_LeftTreeMenu(Xcls_WindowLeftTree _owner ) { _this = _owner; _this.LeftTreeMenu = this; this.el = new Gtk.Popover(); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values var child_1 = new Xcls_Box18( _this ); child_1.ref(); this.el.child = child_1.el; } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_Box18 : Object { public Gtk.Box el; private Xcls_WindowLeftTree _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_Box18(Xcls_WindowLeftTree _owner ) { _this = _owner; this.el = new Gtk.Box( Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL, 0 ); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values var child_1 = new Xcls_Button19( _this ); child_1.ref(); this.el.append( child_1.el ); var child_2 = new Xcls_Button20( _this ); child_2.ref(); this.el.append( child_2.el ); var child_3 = new Xcls_Button21( _this ); child_3.ref(); this.el.append( child_3.el ); } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_Button19 : Object { public Gtk.Button el; private Xcls_WindowLeftTree _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_Button19(Xcls_WindowLeftTree _owner ) { _this = _owner; this.el = new Gtk.Button(); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values this.el.has_frame = false; this.el.label = "Delete Element"; //listeners this.el.clicked.connect( ( ) => { _this.LeftTreeMenu.el.hide(); _this.model.deleteSelected(); _this.changed(); }); } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_Button20 : Object { public Gtk.Button el; private Xcls_WindowLeftTree _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_Button20(Xcls_WindowLeftTree _owner ) { _this = _owner; this.el = new Gtk.Button(); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values this.el.has_frame = false; this.el.label = "Save as Template"; //listeners this.el.clicked.connect( () => { _this.LeftTreeMenu.el.hide(); DialogSaveTemplate.singleton().showIt( (Gtk.Window) _this.el.get_root (), _this.main_window.windowstate.file.palete(), _this.getActiveElement() ); }); } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_Button21 : Object { public Gtk.Button el; private Xcls_WindowLeftTree _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_Button21(Xcls_WindowLeftTree _owner ) { _this = _owner; this.el = new Gtk.Button(); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values this.el.has_frame = false; this.el.label = "Save as Module"; //listeners this.el.clicked.connect( () => { _this.LeftTreeMenu.el.hide(); var node = _this.getActiveElement(); var sm = DialogSaveModule.singleton(); sm.showIt( (Gtk.Window) _this.el.get_root (), _this.main_window.windowstate.project, node ); /* gtk4 migration - disabled this part.. probably not used muchanyway if (name.length < 1) { return; } node.set_prop( new JsRender.NodeProp.special("xinclude", name)); node.items.clear(); var s = _this.view.el.get_selection(); print("GET SELECTED?"); Gtk.TreeIter iter; Gtk.TreeModel mod; if (!s.get_selected(out mod, out iter)) { return; // nothing seleted.. } Gtk.TreeIter citer; var n_cn = mod.iter_n_children(iter) -1; for (var i = n_cn; i > -1; i--) { mod.iter_nth_child(out citer, iter, i); print("removing node from Tree\n"); _this.model.el.remove(ref citer); } _this.changed(); _this.node_selected(node, "tree"); */ }); } // user defined functions } }