static Xcls_ValaCompileErrors _ValaCompileErrors; public class Xcls_ValaCompileErrors : Object { public Gtk.Popover el; private Xcls_ValaCompileErrors _this; public static Xcls_ValaCompileErrors singleton() { if (_ValaCompileErrors == null) { _ValaCompileErrors= new Xcls_ValaCompileErrors(); } return _ValaCompileErrors; } public Xcls_compile_view compile_view; public Xcls_compile_tree compile_tree; public Xcls_compile_result_store compile_result_store; public Xcls_renderer renderer; // my vars (def) public Xcls_MainWindow window; public bool active; public JsRender.JsRender? file; public Json.Object notices; // ctor public Xcls_ValaCompileErrors() { _this = this; this.el = new Gtk.Popover( null ); // my vars (dec) = false; // set gobject values this.el.width_request = 900; this.el.height_request = 800; this.el.modal = true; this.el.position = Gtk.PositionType.TOP; var child_0 = new Xcls_compile_view( _this ); child_0.ref(); this.el.add ( child_0.el ); } // user defined functions public void show (Json.Object tree, Gtk.Widget onbtn) { this.file = null; this.notices = tree; //print("looking for %s\n", id); // loop through parent childnre var store = this.compile_result_store.el; store.clear(); tree.foreach_member((obj, file, node) => { // id line "display text", file var title = GLib.Path.get_basename(GLib.Path.get_dirname( file)) + "/" + GLib.Path.get_basename( file) ; Gtk.TreeIter iter; print("Add file %s", title); store.append(out iter, null); var lines = tree.get_object_member(file); title += " (" + lines.get_size().to_string() + ")"; store.set(iter, 0, file, 1, 0, 2, title, 3, file,-1); lines.foreach_member((obja, line, nodea) => { var msg = ""; var ar = lines.get_array_member(line); for (var i = 0 ; i < ar.get_length(); i++) { msg += (msg.length > 0) ? "\n" : ""; msg += ar.get_string_element(i); } Gtk.TreeIter citer; print("Add line %s", line); store.append(out citer, iter); store.set(citer, 0, file + ":" + line, 1, int.parse(line), 2, GLib.Markup.escape_text(line + ": " + msg), 3, file,-1); }); }); int w,h; this.window.el.get_size(out w, out h); // left tree = 250, editor area = 500? var new_w = int.min(250, w-100); if (new_w > (w-100)) { new_w = w-100; } this.el.set_size_request( int.max(100, new_w), int.max(100, h-120)); if (this.el.relative_to == null) { this.el.set_relative_to(onbtn); } this.el.show_all(); while(Gtk.events_pending()) { Gtk.main_iteration(); } // this.hpane.el.set_position( 0); } public class Xcls_compile_view : Object { public Gtk.Box el; private Xcls_ValaCompileErrors _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_compile_view(Xcls_ValaCompileErrors _owner ) { _this = _owner; _this.compile_view = this; this.el = new Gtk.Box( Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL, 0 ); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values this.el.homogeneous = false; var child_0 = new Xcls_Box3( _this ); child_0.ref(); this.el.pack_start ( child_0.el , false,false,0 ); var child_1 = new Xcls_ScrolledWindow5( _this ); child_1.ref(); this.el.pack_end ( child_1.el , true,true,0 ); } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_Box3 : Object { public Gtk.Box el; private Xcls_ValaCompileErrors _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_Box3(Xcls_ValaCompileErrors _owner ) { _this = _owner; this.el = new Gtk.Box( Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL, 0 ); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values var child_0 = new Xcls_Button4( _this ); child_0.ref(); this.el.pack_start ( child_0.el , true,true,0 ); } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_Button4 : Object { public Gtk.Button el; private Xcls_ValaCompileErrors _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_Button4(Xcls_ValaCompileErrors _owner ) { _this = _owner; this.el = new Gtk.Button(); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values this.el.label = "Compile and Run "; } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_ScrolledWindow5 : Object { public Gtk.ScrolledWindow el; private Xcls_ValaCompileErrors _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_ScrolledWindow5(Xcls_ValaCompileErrors _owner ) { _this = _owner; this.el = new Gtk.ScrolledWindow( null, null ); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values var child_0 = new Xcls_compile_tree( _this ); child_0.ref(); this.el.add ( child_0.el ); // init method { this.el.set_policy (Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC, Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC); } } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_compile_tree : Object { public Gtk.TreeView el; private Xcls_ValaCompileErrors _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_compile_tree(Xcls_ValaCompileErrors _owner ) { _this = _owner; _this.compile_tree = this; this.el = new Gtk.TreeView(); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values var child_0 = new Xcls_compile_result_store( _this ); child_0.ref(); this.el.set_model ( child_0.el ); var child_1 = new Xcls_column( _this ); child_1.ref(); this.el.append_column ( child_1.el ); // init method { var description = new Pango.FontDescription(); description.set_size(8000); this.el.override_font(description); } //listeners this.el.button_press_event.connect( ( ev) => { Gtk.TreeViewColumn col; int cell_x; int cell_y; Gtk.TreePath path; if (!this.el.get_path_at_pos((int)ev.x, (int) ev.y, out path, out col, out cell_x, out cell_y )) { print("nothing selected on click"); return false; //not on a element. } // right click. if (ev.type != Gdk.EventType.2BUTTON_PRESS || ev.button != 1 ) { // show popup!. return false; } Gtk.TreeIter iter; var mod = _this.compile_result_store.el; mod.get_iter (out iter, path); // var val = ""; GLib.Value value; _this.compile_result_store.el.get_value(iter, 3, out value); var fname = (string)value; //GLib.Value lvalue; //_this.compile_result_store.el.get_value(iter, 1, out lvalue); //var line = (int) lvalue; var bjsf = ""; try { var regex = new Regex("\\.vala$"); bjsf = regex.replace(fname,fname.length , 0 , ".bjs"); } catch (GLib.RegexError e) { return false; } var p = _this.window.project; var jsr = p.getByPath(bjsf); if (jsr != null) { _this.window.windowstate.fileViewOpen(jsr); return false; } var pf = JsRender.JsRender.factory("PlainFile", p, fname); _this.window.windowstate.fileViewOpen(pf); // try hiding the left nav.. return false; }); } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_compile_result_store : Object { public Gtk.TreeStore el; private Xcls_ValaCompileErrors _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_compile_result_store(Xcls_ValaCompileErrors _owner ) { _this = _owner; _this.compile_result_store = this; this.el = new Gtk.TreeStore( 4, typeof(string), typeof(int), typeof(string), typeof(string) ); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_column : Object { public Gtk.TreeViewColumn el; private Xcls_ValaCompileErrors _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_column(Xcls_ValaCompileErrors _owner ) { _this = _owner; this.el = new Gtk.TreeViewColumn(); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values this.el.title = "Compile output"; var child_0 = new Xcls_renderer( _this ); child_0.ref(); this.el.pack_start ( child_0.el , true ); // init method { this.el.add_attribute(_this.renderer.el , "markup", 2 ); } } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_renderer : Object { public Gtk.CellRendererText el; private Xcls_ValaCompileErrors _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_renderer(Xcls_ValaCompileErrors _owner ) { _this = _owner; _this.renderer = this; this.el = new Gtk.CellRendererText(); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values } // user defined functions } }