static Xcls_PopoverAddProp _PopoverAddProp; public class Xcls_PopoverAddProp : Object { public Gtk.Popover el; private Xcls_PopoverAddProp _this; public static Xcls_PopoverAddProp singleton() { if (_PopoverAddProp == null) { _PopoverAddProp= new Xcls_PopoverAddProp(); } return _PopoverAddProp; } public Xcls_viewwin viewwin; public Xcls_view view; public Xcls_selmodel selmodel; public Xcls_sortmodel sortmodel; public Xcls_model model; public Xcls_name name; // my vars (def) public bool modal; public JsRender.NodePropType ptype; public bool active; public Xcls_MainWindow mainwindow; public JsRender.Node? node; // ctor public Xcls_PopoverAddProp() { _this = this; this.el = new Gtk.Popover(); // my vars (dec) this.modal = true; = false; this.node = null; // set gobject values this.el.width_request = 900; this.el.height_request = 800; this.el.hexpand = false; this.el.position = Gtk.PositionType.RIGHT; new Xcls_viewwin( _this ); this.el.set_child ( _this.viewwin.el ); } // user defined functions public void show (Palete.Palete pal, JsRender.NodePropType ptype, JsRender.Node node , Gtk.Widget onbtn) { /// what does this do? //if (this.prop_or_listener != "" && this.prop_or_listener == prop_or_listener) { // this.prop_or_listener = ""; // this.el.hide(); // return; //} this.node = node; var xtype = node.fqn(); // this.ptype = ptype; var m = (GLib.ListStore) _this.model.el.model; m.remove_all(); ///Gee.HashMap var elementList = pal.getPropertiesFor( xtype, ptype); //print ("GOT " + elementList.length + " items for " + fullpath + "|" + type); // console.dump(elementList); var miter = elementList.map_iterator(); while ( { var p = miter.get_value(); // nodeprop. var prop = p.toNodeProp(pal, xtype); if (prop == null) { continue; } if (node.has_prop_key(prop)) { GLib.debug("Skip - has key already %s",; continue; } //JsRender.NodeProp GLib.debug("Prop add %s",; m.append(prop); } // set size up... var win = this.mainwindow.el; // var w = win.get_width(); var h = win.get_height() - 50; // left tree = 250, editor area = 500? // min 450? // max hieght ... this.el.set_size_request( 550, h); //this.el.set_parent(onbtn); _this.view.el.sort_by_column(null, Gtk.SortType.ASCENDING); _this.view.el.sort_by_column(, Gtk.SortType.ASCENDING); //Gtk.Allocation rect; //onbtn.get_allocation(out rect); //this.el.set_pointing_to(rect);; //while(Gtk.events_pending()) { // Gtk.main_iteration(); // why? //} // this.hpane.el.set_position( 0); } public void clear () { var m = (GLib.ListStore) _this.model.el.model; m.remove_all(); } public void hide () { this.ptype = JsRender.NodePropType.NONE; this.el.hide(); this.node = null; } public class Xcls_viewwin : Object { public Gtk.ScrolledWindow el; private Xcls_PopoverAddProp _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_viewwin(Xcls_PopoverAddProp _owner ) { _this = _owner; _this.viewwin = this; this.el = new Gtk.ScrolledWindow(); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values this.el.vscrollbar_policy = Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC; this.el.hscrollbar_policy = Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC; new Xcls_view( _this ); this.el.set_child ( _this.view.el ); } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_view : Object { public Gtk.ColumnView el; private Xcls_PopoverAddProp _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_view(Xcls_PopoverAddProp _owner ) { _this = _owner; _this.view = this; new Xcls_selmodel( _this ); this.el = new Gtk.ColumnView( _this.selmodel.el ); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values this.el.single_click_activate = false; this.el.hexpand = true; this.el.vexpand = true; this.el.show_row_separators = true; this.el.show_column_separators = true; this.el.reorderable = true; var child_2 = new Xcls_GestureClick4( _this ); child_2.ref(); this.el.add_controller( child_2.el ); new Xcls_name( _this ); this.el.append_column ( ); var child_4 = new Xcls_ColumnViewColumn13( _this ); child_4.ref(); this.el.append_column ( child_4.el ); var child_5 = new Xcls_ColumnViewColumn15( _this ); child_5.ref(); this.el.append_column ( child_5.el ); } // user defined functions public int getRowAt (double x, double in_y, out string pos) { /* from var colview = gesture.widget; var line_no = check_list_widget(colview, x,y); if (line_no > -1) { var item = colview.model.get_item(line_no); } */ //GLib.debug("offset = %d y = %d", (int) voff, (int) in_y); var y = in_y + _this.viewwin.el.vadjustment.value; var child = this.el.get_first_child(); //Gtk.Allocation alloc = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }; var line_no = -1; var reading_header = true; var real_y = 0; var header_height = 0; pos = "none"; var h = 0; while (child != null) { //GLib.debug("Got %s", child.get_type().name()); if (reading_header) { if (child.get_type().name() != "GtkColumnListView") { h += child.get_height(); child = child.get_next_sibling(); continue; } // should be columnlistview child = child.get_first_child(); GLib.debug("header height=%d", h); header_height = h; reading_header = false; } if (child.get_type().name() != "GtkColumnViewRowWidget") { child = child.get_next_sibling(); continue; } if (y < header_height) { return -1; } line_no++; var hh = child.get_height(); //child.get_allocation(out alloc); //GLib.debug("got cell xy = %d,%d w,h= %d,%d", alloc.x, alloc.y, alloc.width, alloc.height); //GLib.debug("row %d y= %d %s", line_no, (int) (header_height + alloc.y), // child.visible ? "VIS" : "hidden"); if (y > (header_height + real_y) && y <= (header_height + real_y + hh) ) { if (y > ( header_height + real_y + (hh * 0.8))) { pos = "below"; } else if (y > ( header_height + real_y + (hh * 0.2))) { pos = "over"; } else { pos = "above"; } GLib.debug("getRowAt return : %d, %s", line_no, pos); return line_no; } if (real_y + hh > y) { return -1; } real_y += hh; child = child.get_next_sibling(); } return -1; } } public class Xcls_GestureClick4 : Object { public Gtk.GestureClick el; private Xcls_PopoverAddProp _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_GestureClick4(Xcls_PopoverAddProp _owner ) { _this = _owner; this.el = new Gtk.GestureClick(); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values //listeners this.el.pressed.connect( (n_press, x, y) => { if (n_press < 2) { /// doubleclick? return; } //string pos; // use selection?! var tr = (Gtk.TreeListRow)_this.selmodel.el.selected_item; GLib.debug("SELECTED = %s", tr.item.get_type().name()); var prop = (JsRender.NodeProp) tr.item; // double press ? // var row = _this.view.getRowAt(x,y, out pos ); // var prop = _this.sortmodel.getNodeAt(row); //; if (!"[]") && _this.node.has_prop_key(prop)) { GLib.debug("node already has this key."); return; // cant add it twice? -- } // you can not click on ones with children. if (prop.childstore.n_items > 0 ) { GLib.debug("no clicking on expandables"); return; } // if it's a node... if (prop.add_node != null) { if (!"[]") && null != _this.node.findProp( { GLib.debug("Add Child already contains child with %s",; return; } GLib.debug("Add Child Node %s",; _this.el.hide(); var add = prop.add_node.deepClone(); _this.node.appendChild(add); _this.mainwindow.windowstate.left_props.changed(); _this.mainwindow.windowstate.left_tree.model.selectNode(add); return; } _this.el.hide(); GLib.debug("Add %s",; var add = prop.dupe(); _this.node.add_prop(add); _this.mainwindow.windowstate.left_props.changed(); _this.mainwindow.windowstate.left_props.view.editProp(add); //_this.mainwindow.windowstate.left_props.changed(); }); } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_selmodel : Object { public Gtk.SingleSelection el; private Xcls_PopoverAddProp _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_selmodel(Xcls_PopoverAddProp _owner ) { _this = _owner; _this.selmodel = this; new Xcls_sortmodel( _this ); this.el = new Gtk.SingleSelection( _this.sortmodel.el ); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values this.el.can_unselect = true; } // user defined functions public JsRender.NodeProp? getNodeAt (uint row) { var tr = (Gtk.TreeListRow)this.el.get_item(row); var a = tr.get_item();; GLib.debug("get_item (2) = %s", a.get_type().name()); return (JsRender.NodeProp)tr.get_item(); } } public class Xcls_sortmodel : Object { public Gtk.SortListModel el; private Xcls_PopoverAddProp _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_sortmodel(Xcls_PopoverAddProp _owner ) { _this = _owner; _this.sortmodel = this; new Xcls_model( _this ); var child_2 = new Xcls_TreeListRowSorter8( _this ); child_2.ref(); this.el = new Gtk.SortListModel( _this.model.el, child_2.el ); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values // init method { //this.el.set_sorter(new Gtk.TreeListRowSorter(_this.view.el.sorter)); } } // user defined functions public JsRender.NodeProp? getNodeAt (uint row) { var tr = (Gtk.TreeListRow)this.el.get_item(row); // GLib.debug("get_item (2) = %s", a.get_type().name()); return (JsRender.NodeProp)tr.get_item(); } } public class Xcls_model : Object { public Gtk.TreeListModel el; private Xcls_PopoverAddProp _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_model(Xcls_PopoverAddProp _owner ) { _this = _owner; _this.model = this; this.el = new Gtk.TreeListModel( new GLib.ListStore(typeof(JsRender.NodeProp)), //..... << that's our store.. false, // passthru false, // autexpand (item) => { return ((JsRender.NodeProp)item).childstore; } ); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values } // user defined functions public JsRender.NodeProp getNodeAt (uint row) { var tr = (Gtk.TreeListRow)this.el.get_item(row); return (JsRender.NodeProp)tr.get_item(); } } public class Xcls_TreeListRowSorter8 : Object { public Gtk.TreeListRowSorter el; private Xcls_PopoverAddProp _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_TreeListRowSorter8(Xcls_PopoverAddProp _owner ) { _this = _owner; var child_1 = new Xcls_StringSorter9( _this ); child_1.ref(); this.el = new Gtk.TreeListRowSorter( child_1.el ); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_StringSorter9 : Object { public Gtk.StringSorter el; private Xcls_PopoverAddProp _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_StringSorter9(Xcls_PopoverAddProp _owner ) { _this = _owner; var child_1 = new Xcls_PropertyExpression10( _this ); child_1.ref(); this.el = new Gtk.StringSorter( child_1.el ); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_PropertyExpression10 : Object { public Gtk.PropertyExpression el; private Xcls_PopoverAddProp _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_PropertyExpression10(Xcls_PopoverAddProp _owner ) { _this = _owner; this.el = new Gtk.PropertyExpression( typeof(JsRender.NodeProp), null, "sort_name" ); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_name : Object { public Gtk.ColumnViewColumn el; private Xcls_PopoverAddProp _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_name(Xcls_PopoverAddProp _owner ) { _this = _owner; = this; var child_1 = new Xcls_SignalListItemFactory12( _this ); child_1.ref(); this.el = new Gtk.ColumnViewColumn( "Double click to add", child_1.el ); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values = "name"; this.el.expand = true; this.el.resizable = true; // init method { this.el.set_sorter( new Gtk.StringSorter( new Gtk.PropertyExpression(typeof(JsRender.NodeProp), null, "name") )); } } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_SignalListItemFactory12 : Object { public Gtk.SignalListItemFactory el; private Xcls_PopoverAddProp _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_SignalListItemFactory12(Xcls_PopoverAddProp _owner ) { _this = _owner; this.el = new Gtk.SignalListItemFactory(); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values //listeners this.el.setup.connect( (listitem) => { var expand = new Gtk.TreeExpander(); expand.set_indent_for_depth(true); expand.set_indent_for_icon(true); var lbl = new Gtk.Label(""); lbl.use_markup = true; lbl.halign = Gtk.Align.START; lbl.xalign = 0; expand.set_child(lbl); ((Gtk.ListItem)listitem).set_child(expand); ((Gtk.ListItem)listitem).activatable = false; }); this.el.bind.connect( (listitem) => { //GLib.debug("listitme is is %s", ((Gtk.ListItem)listitem).get_type().name()); //var expand = (Gtk.TreeExpander) ((Gtk.ListItem)listitem).get_child(); var expand = (Gtk.TreeExpander) ((Gtk.ListItem)listitem).get_child(); var lbl = (Gtk.Label) expand.child; if (lbl.label != "") { // do not update return; } var lr = (Gtk.TreeListRow)((Gtk.ListItem)listitem).get_item(); var np = (JsRender.NodeProp) lr.get_item(); GLib.debug("change %s to %s", lbl.label,; lbl.label = np.to_property_option_markup(np.propertyof == _this.node.fqn()); lbl.tooltip_markup = np.to_property_option_tooltip(); expand.set_hide_expander( np.childstore.n_items < 1); expand.set_list_row(lr); // bind image... }); } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_ColumnViewColumn13 : Object { public Gtk.ColumnViewColumn el; private Xcls_PopoverAddProp _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_ColumnViewColumn13(Xcls_PopoverAddProp _owner ) { _this = _owner; var child_1 = new Xcls_SignalListItemFactory14( _this ); child_1.ref(); this.el = new Gtk.ColumnViewColumn( "Type", child_1.el ); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values this.el.expand = true; this.el.resizable = true; // init method { this.el.set_sorter( new Gtk.StringSorter( new Gtk.PropertyExpression(typeof(JsRender.NodeProp), null, "rtype") )); } } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_SignalListItemFactory14 : Object { public Gtk.SignalListItemFactory el; private Xcls_PopoverAddProp _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_SignalListItemFactory14(Xcls_PopoverAddProp _owner ) { _this = _owner; this.el = new Gtk.SignalListItemFactory(); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values //listeners this.el.setup.connect( (listitem) => { var label = new Gtk.Label(""); label.halign = Gtk.Align.START; label.xalign = 0; ((Gtk.ListItem)listitem).set_child(label); ((Gtk.ListItem)listitem).activatable = false; }); this.el.bind.connect( (listitem) => { var lbl = (Gtk.Label) ((Gtk.ListItem)listitem).get_child(); var lr = (Gtk.TreeListRow)((Gtk.ListItem)listitem).get_item(); var np = (JsRender.NodeProp) lr.get_item(); if (lbl.label != "") { // do not update return; } lbl.label = np.rtype; }); } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_ColumnViewColumn15 : Object { public Gtk.ColumnViewColumn el; private Xcls_PopoverAddProp _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_ColumnViewColumn15(Xcls_PopoverAddProp _owner ) { _this = _owner; var child_1 = new Xcls_SignalListItemFactory16( _this ); child_1.ref(); this.el = new Gtk.ColumnViewColumn( "Property of", child_1.el ); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values this.el.expand = true; this.el.resizable = true; // init method { this.el.set_sorter( new Gtk.StringSorter( new Gtk.PropertyExpression(typeof(JsRender.NodeProp), null, "propertyof") )); } } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_SignalListItemFactory16 : Object { public Gtk.SignalListItemFactory el; private Xcls_PopoverAddProp _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_SignalListItemFactory16(Xcls_PopoverAddProp _owner ) { _this = _owner; this.el = new Gtk.SignalListItemFactory(); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values //listeners this.el.setup.connect( (listitem) => { var label = new Gtk.Label(""); label.halign = Gtk.Align.START; label.xalign = 0; ((Gtk.ListItem)listitem).set_child(label); ((Gtk.ListItem)listitem).activatable = false; }); this.el.bind.connect( (listitem) => { var lbl = (Gtk.Label) ((Gtk.ListItem)listitem).get_child(); var lr = (Gtk.TreeListRow)((Gtk.ListItem)listitem).get_item(); var np = (JsRender.NodeProp) lr.get_item(); if (lbl.label != "") { // do not update return; } lbl.label = np.propertyof; }); } // user defined functions } }