static Xcls_MainWindow _MainWindow; public class Xcls_MainWindow : Object { public Gtk.ApplicationWindow el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; public static Xcls_MainWindow singleton() { if (_MainWindow == null) { _MainWindow= new Xcls_MainWindow(); } return _MainWindow; } public Xcls_headerbar headerbar; public Xcls_splitview splitview; public Xcls_vbox vbox; public Xcls_mainpane mainpane; public Xcls_leftpane leftpane; public Xcls_editpane editpane; public Xcls_tree tree; public Xcls_props props; public Xcls_rooviewbox rooviewbox; public Xcls_codeeditviewbox codeeditviewbox; public Xcls_topbarmenu topbarmenu; public Xcls_statusbar statusbar; public Xcls_statusbar_compilestatus_label statusbar_compilestatus_label; public Xcls_statusbar_errors statusbar_errors; public Xcls_statusbar_warnings statusbar_warnings; public Xcls_statusbar_depricated statusbar_depricated; public Xcls_statusbar_run statusbar_run; public Xcls_statusbar_compile_spinner statusbar_compile_spinner; public Xcls_statusbar_compile_icon statusbar_compile_icon; public Xcls_sidebar sidebar; public Xcls_filesearch filesearch; public Xcls_open_projects_btn open_projects_btn; public Xcls_winsel winsel; public Xcls_winfilter winfilter; public Xcls_windowsearch windowsearch; public Xcls_winmodel winmodel; public Xcls_projcol projcol; public Xcls_filecol filecol; public Xcls_treescroll treescroll; public Xcls_treeview treeview; public Xcls_treeselmodel treeselmodel; public Xcls_treelistsort treelistsort; public Xcls_treelistmodel treelistmodel; public Xcls_treemodel treemodel; public Xcls_treefilter treefilter; public Xcls_name name; public Xcls_keystate keystate; // my vars (def) public WindowState windowstate; public bool winloading; public Project.Project project; // ctor public Xcls_MainWindow() { _this = this; this.el = new Gtk.ApplicationWindow(BuilderApplication.singleton({})); // my vars (dec) this.winloading = false; this.project = null; // set gobject values this.el.title = "Roo Application Builder"; this.el.default_height = 850; this.el.default_width = 1200; new Xcls_headerbar( _this ); this.el.set_titlebar ( _this.headerbar.el ); new Xcls_splitview( _this ); this.el.child = _this.splitview.el; // init method this.el.set_icon_name("roobuilder"); //listeners this.el.close_request.connect( ( ) => { Resources.singleton().disconnect(_this.statusbar.handler_id); this.windowstate.file.getLanguageServer().document_close( this.windowstate.file ); BuilderApplication.removeWindow(this); if ( < 1) { this.windowstate.file.getLanguageServer().exit(); BuilderApplication.singleton( null ).quit(); } return true; }); ( ) => { // hide the file editing.. //this.hideViewEditing(); // this is updated by windowstate - we try and fill it in.. _this.statusbar.el.hide(); //_this.statusbar_errors.el.hide(); //_this.statusbar_warnings.el.hide(); //_this.statusbar_depricated.el.hide(); _this.statusbar_compile_spinner.el.hide(); Resources.singleton().checkResources(); }); this.el.hide.connect( () => { }); } // user defined functions public void updateErrors () { GLib.debug("updateErrors"); var pr = this.windowstate.project.getErrors("ERR"); this.statusbar_errors.setNotices( pr, this.windowstate.file.getErrorsTotal("ERR") ); this.statusbar_warnings.setNotices( this.windowstate.project.getErrors("WARN"), this.windowstate.file.getErrorsTotal("WARN") ); this.statusbar_depricated.setNotices( this.windowstate.project.getErrors("DEPR"), this.windowstate.file.getErrorsTotal("DEPR") ); _this.statusbar_run.el.hide(); if (pr.get_n_items() < 1) {; } } public void initChildren () { // this needs putting in a better place.. if (this.windowstate == null) { this.windowstate = new WindowState(this); } } public void show () {; if (this.windowstate.file == null) { this.windowstate.showPopoverFiles(this.open_projects_btn.el, null, false); } } public void setTitle () { if (_this.windowstate.project == null || _this.windowstate.file == null ) { this.el.set_title("Select File"); return; } _this.el.set_title( + " - " + _this.windowstate.file.relpath); } public void openNewWindow () { var w = new Xcls_MainWindow(); w.ref(); BuilderApplication.addWindow(w);; w.initChildren(); w.windowstate.showPopoverFiles(w.open_projects_btn.el, _this.project, false); } public class Xcls_headerbar : Object { public Gtk.HeaderBar el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) public bool show_close_button; // ctor public Xcls_headerbar(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; _this.headerbar = this; this.el = new Gtk.HeaderBar(); // my vars (dec) this.show_close_button = true; // set gobject values var child_1 = new Xcls_Box2( _this ); child_1.ref(); this.el.pack_start ( child_1.el ); } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_Box2 : Object { public Gtk.Box el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_Box2(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; this.el = new Gtk.Box( Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL, 0 ); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values var child_1 = new Xcls_Button3( _this ); child_1.ref(); this.el.append ( child_1.el ); var child_2 = new Xcls_Button5( _this ); child_2.ref(); this.el.append( child_2.el ); var child_3 = new Xcls_Button6( _this ); child_3.ref(); this.el.append( child_3.el ); } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_Button3 : Object { public Gtk.Button el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_Button3(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; this.el = new Gtk.Button(); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values this.el.has_frame = false; this.el.tooltip_text = "Manage Windows (Ctrl-O)"; this.el.has_tooltip = true; var child_1 = new Xcls_ButtonContent4( _this ); this.el.child = child_1.el; //listeners this.el.clicked.connect( ( ) => { _this.splitview.el.show_sidebar = !_this.splitview.el.show_sidebar; if (_this.splitview.el.show_sidebar) {; } }); } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_ButtonContent4 : Object { public Adw.ButtonContent el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_ButtonContent4(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; this.el = new Adw.ButtonContent(); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values this.el.icon_name = "preferences-system-windows"; this.el.label = " Files"; } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_Button5 : Object { public Gtk.Button el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_Button5(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; this.el = new Gtk.Button(); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values this.el.icon_name = "edit-undo"; this.el.has_frame = false; //listeners this.el.clicked.connect( ( ) => { GLib.debug("undo clicked"); if (_this.windowstate.file.xtype == "PlainFile") { _this.windowstate.code_editor_tab.buffer.el.undo(); } if (!_this.windowstate.file.undoStep(-1)) { return; } _this.windowstate.switchState (WindowState.State.PREVIEW); // this triggers loadItems.. _this.windowstate.left_tree.model.loadFile( _this.windowstate.file); // load it everywhere }); } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_Button6 : Object { public Gtk.Button el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_Button6(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; this.el = new Gtk.Button(); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values this.el.icon_name = "edit-redo"; this.el.has_frame = false; //listeners this.el.clicked.connect( ( ) => { GLib.debug("undo clicked"); if (_this.windowstate.file.xtype == "PlainFile") { _this.windowstate.code_editor_tab.buffer.el.redo(); } if (!_this.windowstate.file.undoStep(1)) { return; } _this.windowstate.switchState (WindowState.State.PREVIEW); // this triggers loadItems.. _this.windowstate.left_tree.model.loadFile( _this.windowstate.file); // load it everywhere }); } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_splitview : Object { public Adw.OverlaySplitView el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_splitview(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; _this.splitview = this; this.el = new Adw.OverlaySplitView(); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values this.el.collapsed = true; this.el.sidebar_width_fraction = 0.400000; this.el.show_sidebar = false; new Xcls_vbox( _this ); this.el.content = _this.vbox.el; new Xcls_sidebar( _this ); this.el.sidebar = _this.sidebar.el; new Xcls_keystate( _this ); this.el.add_controller( _this.keystate.el ); } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_vbox : Object { public Gtk.Box el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_vbox(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; _this.vbox = this; this.el = new Gtk.Box( Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL, 0 ); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values this.el.homogeneous = false; this.el.hexpand = true; this.el.vexpand = false; new Xcls_mainpane( _this ); this.el.append( _this.mainpane.el ); var child_2 = new Xcls_Box17( _this ); child_2.ref(); this.el.append( child_2.el ); } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_mainpane : Object { public Gtk.Paned el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) public int lastWidth; // ctor public Xcls_mainpane(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; _this.mainpane = this; this.el = new Gtk.Paned( Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL ); // my vars (dec) this.lastWidth = 0; // set gobject values this.el.hexpand = true; this.el.vexpand = true; this.el.position = 400; new Xcls_leftpane( _this ); this.el.start_child = _this.leftpane.el; var child_2 = new Xcls_Box14( _this ); this.el.end_child = child_2.el; //listeners this.el.accept_position.connect( ( ) => { _this.windowstate.left_tree.onresize(); return true; }); } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_leftpane : Object { public Gtk.Box el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_leftpane(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; _this.leftpane = this; this.el = new Gtk.Box( Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL, 0 ); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values this.el.hexpand = true; this.el.vexpand = true; new Xcls_editpane( _this ); this.el.append( _this.editpane.el ); } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_editpane : Object { public Gtk.Paned el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_editpane(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; _this.editpane = this; this.el = new Gtk.Paned( Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL ); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values new Xcls_tree( _this ); this.el.start_child = _this.tree.el; new Xcls_props( _this ); this.el.end_child = _this.props.el; //listeners this.el.accept_position.connect( ( ) => { _this.windowstate.left_tree.onresize(); return true; }); this.el.move_handle.connect( (scroll) => { GLib.debug("Move handle"); return true; }); } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_tree : Object { public Gtk.Box el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_tree(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; _this.tree = this; this.el = new Gtk.Box( Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL, 0 ); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values this.el.hexpand = true; this.el.vexpand = true; } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_props : Object { public Gtk.Box el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_props(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; _this.props = this; this.el = new Gtk.Box( Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL, 0 ); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values this.el.hexpand = true; this.el.vexpand = true; } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_Box14 : Object { public Gtk.Box el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_Box14(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; this.el = new Gtk.Box( Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL, 0 ); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values this.el.hexpand = true; this.el.vexpand = true; new Xcls_rooviewbox( _this ); this.el.append( _this.rooviewbox.el ); new Xcls_codeeditviewbox( _this ); this.el.append( _this.codeeditviewbox.el ); } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_rooviewbox : Object { public Gtk.Box el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_rooviewbox(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; _this.rooviewbox = this; this.el = new Gtk.Box( Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL, 0 ); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values this.el.hexpand = true; this.el.vexpand = true; } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_codeeditviewbox : Object { public Gtk.Box el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_codeeditviewbox(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; _this.codeeditviewbox = this; this.el = new Gtk.Box( Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL, 0 ); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values this.el.hexpand = true; this.el.vexpand = true; } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_Box17 : Object { public Gtk.Box el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_Box17(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; this.el = new Gtk.Box( Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL, 0 ); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values this.el.homogeneous = false; this.el.vexpand = false; var child_1 = new Xcls_Button18( _this ); child_1.ref(); this.el.append( child_1.el ); var child_2 = new Xcls_Button19( _this ); child_2.ref(); this.el.append( child_2.el ); var child_3 = new Xcls_MenuButton20( _this ); child_3.ref(); this.el.append( child_3.el ); var child_4 = new Xcls_Label25( _this ); child_4.ref(); this.el.append( child_4.el ); new Xcls_statusbar( _this ); this.el.append( _this.statusbar.el ); var child_6 = new Xcls_Box27( _this ); child_6.ref(); this.el.append( child_6.el ); new Xcls_statusbar_compile_spinner( _this ); this.el.append( _this.statusbar_compile_spinner.el ); new Xcls_statusbar_compile_icon( _this ); this.el.append( _this.statusbar_compile_icon.el ); } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_Button18 : Object { public Gtk.Button el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) public bool always_show_image; // ctor public Xcls_Button18(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; this.el = new Gtk.Button(); // my vars (dec) this.always_show_image = true; // set gobject values this.el.icon_name = "emblem-system"; this.el.tooltip_text = "Project Details"; this.el.label = "Edit Project Settings"; //listeners this.el.clicked.connect( ( ) => { _this.windowstate.projectPopoverShow(_this.el, null, null); }); } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_Button19 : Object { public Gtk.Button el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) public bool always_show_image; // ctor public Xcls_Button19(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; this.el = new Gtk.Button(); // my vars (dec) this.always_show_image = true; // set gobject values this.el.icon_name = "document-properties"; this.el.tooltip_text = "File Details"; this.el.label = "Edit File Properties"; //listeners this.el.clicked.connect( ( ) => { // create a new file in project.. if (_this.project == null || _this.windowstate.file == null) { return ; } _this.windowstate.file, _this.el, false ); return ; }); } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_MenuButton20 : Object { public Gtk.MenuButton el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) public bool always_show_image; // ctor public Xcls_MenuButton20(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; this.el = new Gtk.MenuButton(); // my vars (dec) this.always_show_image = true; // set gobject values this.el.icon_name = "dialog-information"; this.el.label = "About"; new Xcls_topbarmenu( _this ); this.el.popover = _this.topbarmenu.el; } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_topbarmenu : Object { public Gtk.PopoverMenu el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_topbarmenu(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; _this.topbarmenu = this; this.el = new Gtk.PopoverMenu.from_model(null); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values var child_1 = new Xcls_Box22( _this ); child_1.ref(); this.el.set_child ( child_1.el ); // init method { //; } } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_Box22 : Object { public Gtk.Box el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_Box22(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; this.el = new Gtk.Box( Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL, 0 ); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values var child_1 = new Xcls_Button23( _this ); child_1.ref(); this.el.append( child_1.el ); var child_2 = new Xcls_Button24( _this ); child_2.ref(); this.el.append( child_2.el ); } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_Button23 : Object { public Gtk.Button el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_Button23(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; this.el = new Gtk.Button(); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values this.el.label = "Download updated Resources"; //listeners this.el.activate.connect( ( ) => { Resources.singleton().fetchStart(); }); } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_Button24 : Object { public Gtk.Button el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_Button24(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; this.el = new Gtk.Button(); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values this.el.label = "About the Builder"; //listeners this.el.clicked.connect( () => { About.singleton(); }); } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_Label25 : Object { public Gtk.Label el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_Label25(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; this.el = new Gtk.Label( " " ); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values this.el.hexpand = true; } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_statusbar : Object { public Gtk.ProgressBar el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) public ulong handler_id; // ctor public Xcls_statusbar(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; _this.statusbar = this; this.el = new Gtk.ProgressBar(); // my vars (dec) this.handler_id = -1; // set gobject values this.el.show_text = true; // init method { this.handler_id = Resources.singleton().updateProgress.connect((pos,total) => { if (pos < 1) { this.el.hide(); _this.mainpane.el.set_sensitive(true); return; } _this.mainpane.el.set_sensitive(false);; this.el.set_fraction ((1.0f * pos) / (1.0f * total)); this.el.set_text("Fetching Resource : %s/%s".printf(pos.to_string(), total.to_string())); }); } } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_Box27 : Object { public Gtk.Box el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_Box27(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; this.el = new Gtk.Box( Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL, 0 ); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values new Xcls_statusbar_compilestatus_label( _this ); this.el.append( _this.statusbar_compilestatus_label.el ); new Xcls_statusbar_errors( _this ); this.el.append( _this.statusbar_errors.el ); new Xcls_statusbar_warnings( _this ); this.el.append( _this.statusbar_warnings.el ); new Xcls_statusbar_depricated( _this ); this.el.append( _this.statusbar_depricated.el ); new Xcls_statusbar_run( _this ); this.el.append( _this.statusbar_run.el ); } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_statusbar_compilestatus_label : Object { public Gtk.Label el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_statusbar_compilestatus_label(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; _this.statusbar_compilestatus_label = this; this.el = new Gtk.Label( "Compile Status:" ); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values this.el.margin_end = 4; this.el.margin_start = 4; } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_statusbar_errors : Object { public Gtk.Button el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) public Xcls_ValaCompileErrors popup; // ctor public Xcls_statusbar_errors(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; _this.statusbar_errors = this; this.el = new Gtk.Button(); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values this.el.icon_name = "dialog-error"; this.el.label = "0 Errors"; //listeners this.el.clicked.connect( () => { if (this.popup == null) { return; }; }); } // user defined functions public void setNotices (GLib.ListStore nots, int ferrors ) { BuilderApplication.showSpinner(""); if (nots.get_n_items() < 1 ) { this.el.hide(); if (this.popup != null) { this.popup.el.hide(); } return; }; this.el.label = "%d/%d Errors".printf(ferrors,(int)nots.get_n_items()); if (this.popup == null) { this.popup = new Xcls_ValaCompileErrors(); this.popup.window = _this; // this.popup.el.set_transient_for( _this.el ); this.popup.el.set_parent(this.el); } this.popup.updateNotices(nots); } } public class Xcls_statusbar_warnings : Object { public Gtk.Button el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) public Xcls_ValaCompileErrors popup; // ctor public Xcls_statusbar_warnings(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; _this.statusbar_warnings = this; this.el = new Gtk.Button(); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values this.el.icon_name = "dialog-warning"; this.el.label = "0 Warnings"; //listeners this.el.clicked.connect( () => { if (this.popup == null) { return; }; return; }); } // user defined functions public void setNotices (GLib.ListStore nots, int ferrs ) { if (nots.get_n_items() < 1 ) { this.el.hide(); if (this.popup != null) { this.popup.el.hide(); } return; }; this.el.label = "%d/%d Warnings".printf(ferrs,(int)nots.get_n_items()); if (this.popup == null) { this.popup = new Xcls_ValaCompileErrors(); this.popup.window = _this; // this.popup.el.set_transient_for( _this.el ); this.popup.el.set_parent(this.el); } this.popup.updateNotices(nots); } } public class Xcls_statusbar_depricated : Object { public Gtk.Button el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) public Xcls_ValaCompileErrors popup; public GLib.ListStore notices; // ctor public Xcls_statusbar_depricated(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; _this.statusbar_depricated = this; this.el = new Gtk.Button(); // my vars (dec) this.notices = null; // set gobject values this.el.icon_name = "dialog-information"; this.el.label = "0 Depricated"; //listeners this.el.clicked.connect( () => { if (this.popup == null) { return; }; }); } // user defined functions public void setNotices (GLib.ListStore nots, int ferrs ) { if (nots.get_n_items() < 1 ) { this.el.hide(); if (this.popup != null) { this.popup.el.hide(); } return; }; this.el.label = "%d/%d Depricated".printf(ferrs,(int)nots.get_n_items()); if (this.popup == null) { this.popup = new Xcls_ValaCompileErrors(); this.popup.window = _this; // this.popup.el.set_transient_for( _this.el ); this.popup.el.set_parent(this.el); } this.popup.updateNotices(nots); } } public class Xcls_statusbar_run : Object { public Gtk.Button el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) public Xcls_ValaCompileErrors popup; public Palete.ValaCompileRequest? last_request; // ctor public Xcls_statusbar_run(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; _this.statusbar_run = this; this.el = new Gtk.Button(); // my vars (dec) this.last_request = null; // set gobject values this.el.icon_name = "media-playback-start"; this.el.label = "Run"; this.el.visible = false; //listeners this.el.clicked.connect( () => { if (_this.windowstate.file == null) { return; } if (_this.statusbar_compile_spinner.el.spinning) { _this.windowstate.compile_results.el.set_parent(this.el);; // show currently running. return; } if (this.last_request != null) { this.last_request.cancel(); if (this.last_request.terminal_pid > 0) { this.last_request.killChildren(this.last_request.terminal_pid); } } var pr = _this.windowstate.project as Project.Gtk; if (pr == null) { return; } this.last_request= new Palete.ValaCompileRequest( pr, pr.firstBuildModuleWith(_this.windowstate.file) ); this.last_request.onOutput.connect( ( str) => { _this.windowstate.compile_results.addLine(str); }); ( a, r) => {; }); if (_this.windowstate.compile_results.el.parent == null) { _this.windowstate.compile_results.el.set_parent(this.el); },true); }); } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_statusbar_compile_spinner : Object { public Gtk.Spinner el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_statusbar_compile_spinner(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; _this.statusbar_compile_spinner = this; this.el = new Gtk.Spinner(); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values this.el.margin_end = 4; this.el.margin_start = 4; this.el.tooltip_text = "Compiling"; } // user defined functions public void start (string icon, string tooltip) { if (icon == "spinner") {; this.el.start(); this.el.tooltip_text = tooltip; _this.statusbar_compile_icon.el.hide(); } else { this.el.hide(); // GLib.debug("set status icon %s, %s", icon, tooltip); _this.statusbar_compile_icon.el.tooltip_text = tooltip; _this.statusbar_compile_icon.el.icon_name = icon;; } } public void stop () { this.el.stop(); this.el.hide(); _this.statusbar_compile_icon.el.hide(); } } public class Xcls_statusbar_compile_icon : Object { public Gtk.Image el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_statusbar_compile_icon(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; _this.statusbar_compile_icon = this; this.el = new Gtk.Image(); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values this.el.margin_end = 4; this.el.margin_start = 4; this.el.icon_size = Gtk.IconSize.NORMAL; } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_sidebar : Object { public Gtk.Box el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_sidebar(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; _this.sidebar = this; this.el = new Gtk.Box( Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL, 0 ); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values new Xcls_filesearch( _this ); this.el.append( _this.filesearch.el ); var child_2 = new Xcls_Box38( _this ); child_2.ref(); this.el.append( child_2.el ); var child_3 = new Xcls_Paned47( _this ); child_3.ref(); this.el.append( child_3.el ); } // user defined functions public void show () { _this.splitview.el.show_sidebar = true; _this.filesearch.el.grab_focus(); _this.winloading = true; _this.winmodel.el.remove_all(); _this.filesearch.el.set_text(""); for(var i = 0;i < BuilderApplication.windowlist.get_n_items(); i++) { _this.winmodel.el.append( BuilderApplication.windowlist.get_item(i)); } _this.winsel.selectCurrent(); _this.winloading = false; _this.treeview.el.set_model(new Gtk.SingleSelection(null)); _this.windowstate.project.loadDirsIntoStore(_this.treemodel.el); _this.treeview.el.set_model(_this.treeselmodel.el); _this.treeselmodel.el.selected = Gtk.INVALID_LIST_POSITION; } } public class Xcls_filesearch : Object { public Gtk.SearchEntry el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_filesearch(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; _this.filesearch = this; this.el = new Gtk.SearchEntry(); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values this.el.hexpand = true; this.el.tooltip_text = "up/down arrow to select file from lower file list\nenter opens selected in new window\nshift+enter opens it in this window "; this.el.has_tooltip = true; this.el.placeholder_text = "Search for file"; var child_1 = new Xcls_EventControllerKey37( _this ); child_1.ref(); this.el.add_controller( child_1.el ); //listeners this.el.search_changed.connect( ( ) => { _this.windowsearch.el.set_search(this.el.get_text()); if (this.el.text == "") { _this.treescroll.el.visible = false; return; } _this.treescroll.el.visible = true; _this.treefilter.el.changed(Gtk.FilterChange.DIFFERENT); }); } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_EventControllerKey37 : Object { public Gtk.EventControllerKey el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_EventControllerKey37(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; this.el = new Gtk.EventControllerKey(); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values //listeners this.el.key_released.connect( (keyval, keycode, state) => { if (!_this.treescroll.el.visible || _this.treeselmodel.el.get_n_items() < 0) { return; } GLib.debug( "searcj key release %d, %d, %d ?= %d" , (int) keyval, (int) keycode, state, (int)Gdk.Key.Return ); if (!_this.treescroll.el.visible || _this.treeselmodel.el.get_n_items() < 0) { return; } var dir = 0; if (keyval == Gdk.Key.Return) { var tr = (Gtk.TreeListRow)_this.treeselmodel.el.selected_item; GLib.debug("SELECTED = %s", tr.item.get_type().name()); var f = (JsRender.JsRender) tr.item; GLib.debug("Click %s",; if (f.xtype == "Dir") { return; } _this.windowstate.fileViewOpen(f, _this.keystate.is_shift != 1 ); _this.splitview.el.show_sidebar = false; return; } if (keyval == Gdk.Key.Up) { dir = -1; }if (keyval == Gdk.Key.Down) { dir = 1; } if (dir == 0) { return; } var ns = _this.treeselmodel.el.selected + dir; if (ns < 0) { ns = 0; } if (ns >= _this.treeselmodel.el.get_n_items()) { ns = _this.treeselmodel.el.get_n_items()-1; } _this.treeselmodel.el.selected = ns; }); } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_Box38 : Object { public Gtk.Box el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_Box38(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; this.el = new Gtk.Box( Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL, 0 ); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values this.el.hexpand = true; new Xcls_open_projects_btn( _this ); this.el.append( _this.open_projects_btn.el ); var child_2 = new Xcls_Button43( _this ); child_2.ref(); this.el.append( child_2.el ); } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_open_projects_btn : Object { public Gtk.Button el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_open_projects_btn(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; _this.open_projects_btn = this; this.el = new Gtk.Button(); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values this.el.hexpand = true; var child_1 = new Xcls_Box40( _this ); this.el.child = child_1.el; //listeners this.el.clicked.connect( ( ) => { _this.splitview.el.show_sidebar = false; _this.windowstate.showPopoverFiles(this.el, _this.project, false); }); } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_Box40 : Object { public Gtk.Box el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_Box40(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; this.el = new Gtk.Box( Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL, 0 ); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values var child_1 = new Xcls_Image41( _this ); child_1.ref(); this.el.append( child_1.el ); var child_2 = new Xcls_Label42( _this ); child_2.ref(); this.el.append( child_2.el ); } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_Image41 : Object { public Gtk.Image el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_Image41(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; this.el = new Gtk.Image(); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values this.el.icon_name = "document-open"; this.el.margin_end = 4; } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_Label42 : Object { public Gtk.Label el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_Label42(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; this.el = new Gtk.Label( "Open File" ); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_Button43 : Object { public Gtk.Button el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_Button43(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; this.el = new Gtk.Button(); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values this.el.hexpand = true; var child_1 = new Xcls_Box44( _this ); this.el.child = child_1.el; //listeners this.el.clicked.connect( ( ) => { _this.splitview.el.show_sidebar = false; _this.windowstate.showPopoverFiles(_this.el, _this.project, true); }); } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_Box44 : Object { public Gtk.Box el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_Box44(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; this.el = new Gtk.Box( Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL, 0 ); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values var child_1 = new Xcls_Image45( _this ); child_1.ref(); this.el.append( child_1.el ); var child_2 = new Xcls_Label46( _this ); child_2.ref(); this.el.append( child_2.el ); } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_Image45 : Object { public Gtk.Image el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_Image45(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; this.el = new Gtk.Image(); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values this.el.icon_name = "window-new"; this.el.margin_end = 4; } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_Label46 : Object { public Gtk.Label el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_Label46(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; this.el = new Gtk.Label( "New Window" ); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_Paned47 : Object { public Gtk.Paned el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_Paned47(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; this.el = new Gtk.Paned( Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL ); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values this.el.vexpand = true; var child_1 = new Xcls_ScrolledWindow48( _this ); this.el.start_child = child_1.el; new Xcls_treescroll( _this ); this.el.end_child = _this.treescroll.el; } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_ScrolledWindow48 : Object { public Gtk.ScrolledWindow el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_ScrolledWindow48(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; this.el = new Gtk.ScrolledWindow(); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values this.el.has_frame = true; var child_1 = new Xcls_ColumnView49( _this ); this.el.child = child_1.el; } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_ColumnView49 : Object { public Gtk.ColumnView el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_ColumnView49(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; new Xcls_winsel( _this ); this.el = new Gtk.ColumnView( _this.winsel.el ); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values new Xcls_projcol( _this ); this.el.append_column( _this.projcol.el ); new Xcls_filecol( _this ); this.el.append_column ( _this.filecol.el ); } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_winsel : Object { public Gtk.SingleSelection el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) public bool selecting; // ctor public Xcls_winsel(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; _this.winsel = this; var child_1 = new Xcls_SortListModel51( _this ); child_1.ref(); this.el = new Gtk.SingleSelection( child_1.el ); // my vars (dec) this.selecting = false; // set gobject values this.el.can_unselect = false; this.el.autoselect = false; //listeners this.el.notify["selected"].connect( () => { if (_this.winloading || this.selecting || this.el.selected == Gtk.INVALID_LIST_POSITION) { return; } var ws = this.el.selected_item as WindowState; if (ws == null) { return; } if (ws.file.path != _this.windowstate.file.path) { _this.windowstate.fileViewOpen(ws.file, ws.file_details.new_window, -1); _this.splitview.el.show_sidebar = false; } this.selectCurrent(); }); } // user defined functions public void selectCurrent () { this.selecting = true; for(var i = 0;i < this.el.get_n_items(); i++) { var ws = this.el.get_item(i) as WindowState; if (ws.file.path == _this.windowstate.file.path) { this.el.selected = i; break; } } this.selecting = false; } } public class Xcls_SortListModel51 : Object { public Gtk.SortListModel el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_SortListModel51(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; new Xcls_winfilter( _this ); var child_2 = new Xcls_StringSorter56( _this ); child_2.ref(); this.el = new Gtk.SortListModel( _this.winfilter.el, child_2.el ); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_winfilter : Object { public Gtk.FilterListModel el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_winfilter(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; _this.winfilter = this; new Xcls_winmodel( _this ); new Xcls_windowsearch( _this ); this.el = new Gtk.FilterListModel( _this.winmodel.el, _this.windowsearch.el ); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_windowsearch : Object { public Gtk.StringFilter el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_windowsearch(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; _this.windowsearch = this; var child_1 = new Xcls_PropertyExpression54( _this ); child_1.ref(); this.el = new Gtk.StringFilter( child_1.el ); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_PropertyExpression54 : Object { public Gtk.PropertyExpression el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_PropertyExpression54(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; this.el = new Gtk.PropertyExpression( typeof(WindowState), null, "file_name" ); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_winmodel : Object { public GLib.ListStore el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_winmodel(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; _this.winmodel = this; this.el = new GLib.ListStore( typeof(WindowState) ); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_StringSorter56 : Object { public Gtk.StringSorter el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_StringSorter56(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; var child_1 = new Xcls_PropertyExpression57( _this ); child_1.ref(); this.el = new Gtk.StringSorter( child_1.el ); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values this.el.ignore_case = true; } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_PropertyExpression57 : Object { public Gtk.PropertyExpression el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_PropertyExpression57(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; this.el = new Gtk.PropertyExpression( typeof(WindowState), null, "file_name" ); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_projcol : Object { public Gtk.ColumnViewColumn el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_projcol(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; _this.projcol = this; var child_1 = new Xcls_SignalListItemFactory59( _this ); child_1.ref(); this.el = new Gtk.ColumnViewColumn( "Project", child_1.el ); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values = "projcol"; this.el.expand = true; this.el.resizable = true; } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_SignalListItemFactory59 : Object { public Gtk.SignalListItemFactory el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_SignalListItemFactory59(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; this.el = new Gtk.SignalListItemFactory(); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values //listeners this.el.setup.connect( (listitem) => { var lbl = new Gtk.Label(""); (listitem as Gtk.ListItem).set_child(lbl); lbl.justify = Gtk.Justification.LEFT; lbl.xalign = 0; lbl.use_markup = true; lbl.ellipsize = Pango.EllipsizeMode.START; (listitem as Gtk.ListItem).activatable = true; }); this.el.bind.connect( (listitem) => { var lb = (Gtk.Label) (listitem as Gtk.ListItem).get_child(); var item = (listitem as Gtk.ListItem).get_item() as WindowState; lb.label =; }); } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_filecol : Object { public Gtk.ColumnViewColumn el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_filecol(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; _this.filecol = this; var child_1 = new Xcls_SignalListItemFactory61( _this ); child_1.ref(); this.el = new Gtk.ColumnViewColumn( "File", child_1.el ); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values = "filecol"; this.el.expand = true; this.el.resizable = true; } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_SignalListItemFactory61 : Object { public Gtk.SignalListItemFactory el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_SignalListItemFactory61(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; this.el = new Gtk.SignalListItemFactory(); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values //listeners this.el.setup.connect( (listitem) => { var lbl = new Gtk.Label(""); (listitem as Gtk.ListItem).set_child(lbl); lbl.justify = Gtk.Justification.LEFT; lbl.xalign = 0; lbl.use_markup = true; lbl.ellipsize = Pango.EllipsizeMode.START; (listitem as Gtk.ListItem).activatable = true; }); this.el.bind.connect( (listitem) => { var lb = (Gtk.Label) (listitem as Gtk.ListItem).get_child(); var item = (listitem as Gtk.ListItem).get_item() as WindowState; lb.label = item.file.relpath; }); } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_treescroll : Object { public Gtk.ScrolledWindow el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_treescroll(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; _this.treescroll = this; this.el = new Gtk.ScrolledWindow(); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values this.el.has_frame = true; this.el.hexpand = true; this.el.vexpand = true; this.el.tooltip_text = "dbl-click - opens in NEW window \nshift--dbl-click opens in this window"; this.el.visible = false; new Xcls_treeview( _this ); this.el.child = _this.treeview.el; } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_treeview : Object { public Gtk.ColumnView el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_treeview(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; _this.treeview = this; new Xcls_treeselmodel( _this ); this.el = new Gtk.ColumnView( _this.treeselmodel.el ); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values this.el.hexpand = true; this.el.vexpand = true; var child_2 = new Xcls_GestureClick64( _this ); child_2.ref(); this.el.add_controller( child_2.el ); new Xcls_name( _this ); this.el.append_column ( ); } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_GestureClick64 : Object { public Gtk.GestureClick el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_GestureClick64(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; this.el = new Gtk.GestureClick(); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values //listeners this.el.pressed.connect( (n_press, x, y) => { if (n_press == 2) { GLib.debug("double cliced"); } else { return; } var tr = (Gtk.TreeListRow)_this.treeselmodel.el.selected_item; GLib.debug("SELECTED = %s", tr.item.get_type().name()); var f = (JsRender.JsRender) tr.item; GLib.debug("Click %s",; if (f.xtype == "Dir") { return; } _this.windowstate.fileViewOpen(f, _this.keystate.is_shift != 1 ); _this.splitview.el.show_sidebar = false; }); } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_treeselmodel : Object { public Gtk.SingleSelection el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_treeselmodel(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; _this.treeselmodel = this; var child_1 = new Xcls_FilterListModel66( _this ); child_1.ref(); this.el = new Gtk.SingleSelection( child_1.el ); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values this.el.can_unselect = true; this.el.autoselect = true; } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_FilterListModel66 : Object { public Gtk.FilterListModel el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_FilterListModel66(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; new Xcls_treelistsort( _this ); new Xcls_treefilter( _this ); this.el = new Gtk.FilterListModel( _this.treelistsort.el, _this.treefilter.el ); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_treelistsort : Object { public Gtk.SortListModel el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_treelistsort(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; _this.treelistsort = this; new Xcls_treelistmodel( _this ); var child_2 = new Xcls_TreeListRowSorter70( _this ); child_2.ref(); this.el = new Gtk.SortListModel( _this.treelistmodel.el, child_2.el ); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values this.el.incremental = true; } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_treelistmodel : Object { public Gtk.TreeListModel el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_treelistmodel(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; _this.treelistmodel = this; new Xcls_treemodel( _this ); this.el = new Gtk.TreeListModel( _this.treemodel.el, false, true, (item) => { //GLib.debug("liststore got %s", item.get_type().name()); return ((JsRender.JsRender)item).childfiles; } ); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_treemodel : Object { public GLib.ListStore el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_treemodel(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; _this.treemodel = this; this.el = new GLib.ListStore( typeof(JsRender.JsRender) ); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_TreeListRowSorter70 : Object { public Gtk.TreeListRowSorter el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_TreeListRowSorter70(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; var child_1 = new Xcls_StringSorter71( _this ); child_1.ref(); this.el = new Gtk.TreeListRowSorter( child_1.el ); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_StringSorter71 : Object { public Gtk.StringSorter el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_StringSorter71(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; var child_1 = new Xcls_PropertyExpression72( _this ); child_1.ref(); this.el = new Gtk.StringSorter( child_1.el ); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values this.el.ignore_case = true; } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_PropertyExpression72 : Object { public Gtk.PropertyExpression el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_PropertyExpression72(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; this.el = new Gtk.PropertyExpression( typeof(JsRender.JsRender) , null, "name" ); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_treefilter : Object { public Gtk.CustomFilter el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_treefilter(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; _this.treefilter = this; this.el = new Gtk.CustomFilter( (item) => { var tr = ((Gtk.TreeListRow)item).get_item(); //GLib.debug("filter %s", tr.get_type().name()); var j = (JsRender.JsRender) tr; if (j.xtype == "Dir" && j.childfiles.n_items < 1) { return false; } var str = _this.filesearch.el.text.down(); if (j.xtype == "Dir") { for (var i =0 ; i < j.childfiles.n_items; i++) { var f = (JsRender.JsRender) j.childfiles.get_item(i); //if (f.xtype != "PlainFile") { // continue; //} if (f.content_type.contains("image")) { continue; } if (str.length < 1) { return true; } if ( { return true; } } return false; } //if (j.xtype != "PlainFile") { // return false; //} if (j.content_type.contains("image")) { return false; } if (str.length < 1) { // no search. return true; } if ( { return true; } return false; } ); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_name : Object { public Gtk.ColumnViewColumn el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_name(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; = this; var child_1 = new Xcls_SignalListItemFactory75( _this ); child_1.ref(); this.el = new Gtk.ColumnViewColumn( "All Project Files", child_1.el ); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values = "name"; this.el.expand = true; this.el.resizable = true; // init method { // this.el.set_sorter( new Gtk.StringSorter( // new Gtk.PropertyExpression(typeof(JsRender.NodeProp), null, "name") // )); } } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_SignalListItemFactory75 : Object { public Gtk.SignalListItemFactory el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_SignalListItemFactory75(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; this.el = new Gtk.SignalListItemFactory(); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values //listeners this.el.setup.connect( (listitem) => { var expand = new Gtk.TreeExpander(); expand.set_indent_for_depth(true); expand.set_indent_for_icon(true); var hbox = new Gtk.Box(Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL,0); var icon = new Gtk.Image(); icon.margin_end = 4; var lbl = new Gtk.Label(""); lbl.use_markup = true; lbl.justify = Gtk.Justification.LEFT; lbl.xalign = 0; hbox.append(icon); hbox.append(lbl); expand.set_child(hbox); ((Gtk.ListItem)listitem).set_child(expand); ((Gtk.ListItem)listitem).activatable = false; }); this.el.bind.connect( (listitem) => { //GLib.debug("listitme is is %s", ((Gtk.ListItem)listitem).get_type().name()); //var expand = (Gtk.TreeExpander) ((Gtk.ListItem)listitem).get_child(); var expand = (Gtk.TreeExpander) ((Gtk.ListItem)listitem).get_child(); var hbox = (Gtk.Box) expand.child; var img = (Gtk.Image) hbox.get_first_child(); var lbl = (Gtk.Label) img.get_next_sibling(); if (lbl == null || lbl.label != "") { // do not update return; } var lr = (Gtk.TreeListRow)((Gtk.ListItem)listitem).get_item(); //GLib.debug("LR = %s", lr.get_type().name()); var jr =(JsRender.JsRender) lr.get_item(); //GLib.debug("JR = %s", jr.get_type().name()); if (jr == null) { GLib.debug("Problem getting item"); return; } jr.bind_property("icon", img, "gicon", GLib.BindingFlags.SYNC_CREATE); //GLib.debug("change %s to %s", lbl.label,; lbl.label =; // for dir's we could hsow the sub path.. lbl.tooltip_markup = jr.path; expand.set_hide_expander( jr.xtype != "Dir" ); expand.set_list_row(lr); // bind image... }); } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_keystate : Object { public Gtk.EventControllerKey el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) public int is_shift; // ctor public Xcls_keystate(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; _this.keystate = this; this.el = new Gtk.EventControllerKey(); // my vars (dec) this.is_shift = 0; // set gobject values //listeners this.el.key_released.connect( (keyval, keycode, state) => { GLib.debug( "key release %d, %d, %d ?= %d %d" , (int) keyval, (int) keycode, state, (int)Gdk.Key.O, Gdk.ModifierType.CONTROL_MASK ); if (keyval == Gdk.Key.Shift_L || keyval == Gdk.Key.Shift_R) { this.is_shift = 0; } //GLib.debug("set state %d , shift = %d", (int)this.el.get_current_event_state(), Gdk.ModifierType.SHIFT_MASK); if (keyval == Gdk.Key.o && (state & Gdk.ModifierType.CONTROL_MASK) != 0) { // ctrl O pressed if (!_this.splitview.el.show_sidebar) {; } } }); this.el.key_pressed.connect( (keyval, keycode, state) => { if (keyval == Gdk.Key.Shift_L || keyval == Gdk.Key.Shift_R) { this.is_shift = 1; } return true; }); } // user defined functions } }