static Xcls_MainWindow _MainWindow; public class Xcls_MainWindow : Object { public Gtk.Window el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; public static Xcls_MainWindow singleton() { if (_MainWindow == null) { _MainWindow= new Xcls_MainWindow(); } return _MainWindow; } public Xcls_headerbar headerbar; public Xcls_topbarmenu topbarmenu; public Xcls_vbox vbox; public Xcls_mainpane mainpane; public Xcls_leftpane leftpane; public Xcls_editpane editpane; public Xcls_tree tree; public Xcls_props props; public Xcls_clutterembed clutterembed; public Xcls_rooview rooview; public Xcls_objectview objectview; public Xcls_codeeditview codeeditview; public Xcls_addpropsview addpropsview; public Xcls_projecteditview projecteditview; public Xcls_buttonlayout buttonlayout; public Xcls_backbutton backbutton; public Xcls_projectbutton projectbutton; public Xcls_editfilebutton editfilebutton; public Xcls_projecteditbutton projecteditbutton; public Xcls_objectshowbutton objectshowbutton; public Xcls_addpropbutton addpropbutton; public Xcls_addlistenerbutton addlistenerbutton; public Xcls_addprojectbutton addprojectbutton; public Xcls_addfilebutton addfilebutton; public Xcls_delprojectbutton delprojectbutton; public Xcls_statusbar statusbar; public Xcls_statusbar_errors statusbar_errors; public Xcls_statusbar_warnings statusbar_warnings; public Xcls_statusbar_depricated statusbar_depricated; // my vars (def) public Project.Project project; public string title; public int no_windows; public WindowState windowstate; // ctor public Xcls_MainWindow() { _this = this; this.el = new Gtk.Window( Gtk.WindowType.TOPLEVEL ); // my vars (dec) this.project = null; this.title = "Application Builder"; this.no_windows = 1; this.windowstate = null; // set gobject values this.el.border_width = 0; this.el.default_height = 500; this.el.default_width = 800; var child_0 = new Xcls_headerbar( _this ); child_0.ref(); this.el.set_titlebar ( child_0.el ); var child_1 = new Xcls_vbox( _this ); child_1.ref(); this.el.add ( child_1.el ); // init method //this.el.show_all(); // listeners this.el.delete_event.connect( ( event) => { return false; }); this.el.destroy.connect( () => { Xcls_MainWindow.singleton().no_windows--; Resources.singleton().disconnect(_this.statusbar.handler_id); if (Xcls_MainWindow.singleton().no_windows < 1) { Gtk.main_quit(); } }); ( ) => { // hide the file editing.. //this.hideViewEditing(); _this.statusbar.el.hide(); _this.statusbar_errors.el.hide(); _this.statusbar_warnings.el.hide(); _this.statusbar_depricated.el.hide(); Resources.singleton().checkResources(); }); } // user defined functions public void initChildren () { // this needs putting in a better place.. this.windowstate = new WindowState(this); //w.el.show_all(); var tl = new Clutter.Timeline(6000); tl.set_repeat_count(-1); tl.start(); tl.ref(); } public void show () { this.el.show_all(); } public void setTitle (string str) { this.headerbar.el.set_title(this.title + " - " + str); } public class Xcls_headerbar : Object { public Gtk.HeaderBar el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_headerbar(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; _this.headerbar = this; this.el = new Gtk.HeaderBar(); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values this.el.title = "Application Builder"; this.el.show_close_button = true; var child_0 = new Xcls_HBox3( _this ); child_0.ref(); this.el.pack_start ( child_0.el ); } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_HBox3 : Object { public Gtk.HBox el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_HBox3(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; this.el = new Gtk.HBox( true, 0 ); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values var child_0 = new Xcls_MenuButton4( _this ); child_0.ref(); this.el.add ( child_0.el ); } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_MenuButton4 : Object { public Gtk.MenuButton el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_MenuButton4(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; this.el = new Gtk.MenuButton(); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values this.el.use_popover = false; var child_0 = new Xcls_topbarmenu( _this ); child_0.ref(); this.el.set_popup ( child_0.el ); var child_1 = new Xcls_Image10( _this ); child_1.ref(); this.el.set_image ( child_1.el ); } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_topbarmenu : Object { public Gtk.Menu el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_topbarmenu(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; _this.topbarmenu = this; this.el = new Gtk.Menu(); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values var child_0 = new Xcls_MenuItem6( _this ); child_0.ref(); this.el.append ( child_0.el ); var child_1 = new Xcls_SeparatorMenuItem7( _this ); child_1.ref(); this.el.append ( child_1.el ); var child_2 = new Xcls_MenuItem8( _this ); child_2.ref(); this.el.append ( child_2.el ); var child_3 = new Xcls_MenuItem9( _this ); child_3.ref(); this.el.append ( child_3.el ); // init method { this.el.show_all(); } } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_MenuItem6 : Object { public Gtk.MenuItem el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_MenuItem6(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; this.el = new Gtk.MenuItem(); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values this.el.label = "Open a new Window"; // listeners this.el.activate.connect( ( ) => { Xcls_MainWindow.singleton().no_windows++; var w = new Xcls_MainWindow(); w.ref(); w.el.show_all(); w.initChildren(); w.windowstate.switchState(WindowState.State.FILES); }); } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_SeparatorMenuItem7 : Object { public Gtk.SeparatorMenuItem el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_SeparatorMenuItem7(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; this.el = new Gtk.SeparatorMenuItem(); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_MenuItem8 : Object { public Gtk.MenuItem el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_MenuItem8(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; this.el = new Gtk.MenuItem(); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values this.el.label = "Download updated Resources"; // listeners this.el.activate.connect( ( ) => { Resources.singleton().fetchStart(); }); } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_MenuItem9 : Object { public Gtk.MenuItem el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_MenuItem9(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; this.el = new Gtk.MenuItem(); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values this.el.label = "About the Builder"; // listeners this.el.activate.connect( () => { About.singleton(); }); } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_Image10 : Object { public Gtk.Image el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_Image10(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; this.el = new Gtk.Image(); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values this.el.icon_name = "help-about"; } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_vbox : Object { public Gtk.VBox el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_vbox(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; _this.vbox = this; this.el = new Gtk.VBox( false, 0 ); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values var child_0 = new Xcls_mainpane( _this ); child_0.ref(); this.el.pack_start ( child_0.el , true,true,0 ); var child_1 = new Xcls_HBox66( _this ); child_1.ref(); this.el.pack_end ( child_1.el , false,true,0 ); } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_mainpane : Object { public Gtk.HPaned el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) public int lastWidth; // ctor public Xcls_mainpane(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; _this.mainpane = this; this.el = new Gtk.HPaned(); // my vars (dec) this.lastWidth = 0; // set gobject values this.el.position = 400; var child_0 = new Xcls_leftpane( _this ); child_0.ref(); this.el.add1 ( child_0.el ); var child_1 = new Xcls_VBox17( _this ); child_1.ref(); this.el.add2 ( child_1.el ); } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_leftpane : Object { public Gtk.VBox el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_leftpane(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; _this.leftpane = this; this.el = new Gtk.VBox( true, 0 ); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values var child_0 = new Xcls_editpane( _this ); child_0.ref(); this.el.pack_start ( child_0.el , false,true,0 ); } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_editpane : Object { public Gtk.VPaned el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_editpane(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; _this.editpane = this; this.el = new Gtk.VPaned(); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values var child_0 = new Xcls_tree( _this ); child_0.ref(); this.el.add1 ( child_0.el ); var child_1 = new Xcls_props( _this ); child_1.ref(); this.el.add2 ( child_1.el ); } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_tree : Object { public Gtk.VBox el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_tree(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; _this.tree = this; this.el = new Gtk.VBox( true, 0 ); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_props : Object { public Gtk.VBox el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_props(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; _this.props = this; this.el = new Gtk.VBox( true, 0 ); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_VBox17 : Object { public Gtk.VBox el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_VBox17(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; this.el = new Gtk.VBox( true, 0 ); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values var child_0 = new Xcls_clutterembed( _this ); child_0.ref(); this.el.pack_start ( child_0.el , true,true,0 ); } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_clutterembed : Object { public GtkClutter.Embed el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_clutterembed(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; _this.clutterembed = this; this.el = new GtkClutter.Embed(); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values var child_0 = new Xcls_rooview( _this ); child_0.ref(); this.el.get_stage().add_child ( child_0.el ); var child_1 = new Xcls_objectview( _this ); child_1.ref(); this.el.get_stage().add_child ( child_1.el ); var child_2 = new Xcls_codeeditview( _this ); child_2.ref(); this.el.get_stage().add_child ( child_2.el ); var child_3 = new Xcls_addpropsview( _this ); child_3.ref(); this.el.get_stage().add_child ( child_3.el ); var child_4 = new Xcls_projecteditview( _this ); child_4.ref(); this.el.get_stage().add_child ( child_4.el ); var child_5 = new Xcls_buttonlayout( _this ); child_5.ref(); this.el.get_stage().add_child ( child_5.el ); // init method var stage = this.el.get_stage(); stage.set_background_color( Clutter.Color.from_string("#000")); // listeners this.el.size_allocate.connect( ( alloc) => { if (_this.windowstate == null) { return; } _this.windowstate.resizeCanvas(); }); } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_rooview : Object { public GtkClutter.Actor el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_rooview(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; _this.rooview = this; this.el = new GtkClutter.Actor(); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values // init method { this.el.add_constraint( new Clutter.AlignConstraint( _this.clutterembed.el.get_stage(), Clutter.AlignAxis.X_AXIS, 1.0f ) ); //this.el.set_position(100,100); this.el.set_pivot_point(1.0f,1.0f); this.el.set_size(_this.clutterembed.el.get_stage().width-50, _this.clutterembed.el.get_stage().height); } } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_objectview : Object { public GtkClutter.Actor el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_objectview(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; _this.objectview = this; this.el = new GtkClutter.Actor(); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values // init method { /* this.el.add_constraint( new Clutter.AlignConstraint( _this.clutterembed.el.get_stage(), Clutter.AlignAxis.X_AXIS, 0.0f ) ); */ this.el.fixed_x = 50.0f; this.el.fixed_y = 0.0f; //this.el.set_position(100,100); this.el.set_pivot_point(0.0f,0.0f); this.el.set_scale(0.0f,1.0f); this.el.set_size((_this.clutterembed.el.get_stage().width-50)/2, _this.clutterembed.el.get_stage().height); } } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_codeeditview : Object { public GtkClutter.Actor el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_codeeditview(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; _this.codeeditview = this; this.el = new GtkClutter.Actor(); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values // init method { /* this.el.add_constraint( new Clutter.AlignConstraint( _this.clutterembed.el.get_stage(), Clutter.AlignAxis.X_AXIS, 0.0f ) ); */ this.el.fixed_x = 50.0f; this.el.fixed_y = 0.0f; //this.el.set_position(100,100); this.el.set_pivot_point(0.0f,0.0f); this.el.set_scale(0.0f,1.0f); this.el.set_size((_this.clutterembed.el.get_stage().width-50)/2, _this.clutterembed.el.get_stage().height); } } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_addpropsview : Object { public GtkClutter.Actor el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_addpropsview(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; _this.addpropsview = this; this.el = new GtkClutter.Actor(); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values // init method { /* this.el.add_constraint( new Clutter.AlignConstraint( _this.clutterembed.el.get_stage(), Clutter.AlignAxis.X_AXIS, 0.0f ) ); */ this.el.fixed_x = 50.0f; this.el.fixed_y = 0.0f; //this.el.set_position(100,100); this.el.set_pivot_point(0.0f,0.0f); this.el.set_scale(0.0f,1.0f); this.el.set_size((_this.clutterembed.el.get_stage().width-50)/2, _this.clutterembed.el.get_stage().height); } } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_projecteditview : Object { public GtkClutter.Actor el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_projecteditview(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; _this.projecteditview = this; this.el = new GtkClutter.Actor(); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values // init method { this.el.add_constraint( new Clutter.AlignConstraint( _this.clutterembed.el.get_stage(), Clutter.AlignAxis.X_AXIS, 1.0f ) ); //this.el.set_position(100,100); this.el.set_pivot_point(0.0f,0.0f); this.el.set_scale(1.0f,0.0f); this.el.set_size(_this.clutterembed.el.get_stage().width-50, _this.clutterembed.el.get_stage().height /2); } } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_buttonlayout : Object { public Clutter.Actor el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_buttonlayout(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; _this.buttonlayout = this; this.el = new Clutter.Actor(); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values var child_0 = new Xcls_BoxLayout25( _this ); child_0.ref(); this.el.layout_manager = child_0.el; var child_1 = new Xcls_backbutton( _this ); child_1.ref(); this.el.add_child ( child_1.el ); var child_2 = new Xcls_projectbutton( _this ); child_2.ref(); this.el.add_child ( child_2.el ); var child_3 = new Xcls_editfilebutton( _this ); child_3.ref(); this.el.add_child ( child_3.el ); var child_4 = new Xcls_projecteditbutton( _this ); child_4.ref(); this.el.add_child ( child_4.el ); var child_5 = new Xcls_objectshowbutton( _this ); child_5.ref(); this.el.add_child ( child_5.el ); var child_6 = new Xcls_addpropbutton( _this ); child_6.ref(); this.el.add_child ( child_6.el ); var child_7 = new Xcls_addlistenerbutton( _this ); child_7.ref(); this.el.add_child ( child_7.el ); var child_8 = new Xcls_addprojectbutton( _this ); child_8.ref(); this.el.add_child ( child_8.el ); var child_9 = new Xcls_addfilebutton( _this ); child_9.ref(); this.el.add_child ( child_9.el ); var child_10 = new Xcls_delprojectbutton( _this ); child_10.ref(); this.el.add_child ( child_10.el ); // init method { this.el.add_constraint( new Clutter.AlignConstraint( _this.clutterembed.el.get_stage(), Clutter.AlignAxis.X_AXIS, 0.0f ) ); //this.el.set_position(100,100); this.el.set_pivot_point(0.5f,0.5f); this.el.set_size(50, _this.clutterembed.el.get_stage().height); } } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_BoxLayout25 : Object { public Clutter.BoxLayout el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_BoxLayout25(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; this.el = new Clutter.BoxLayout(); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values this.el.orientation = Clutter.Orientation.VERTICAL; } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_backbutton : Object { public Clutter.Actor el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_backbutton(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; _this.backbutton = this; this.el = new Clutter.Actor(); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values var child_0 = new Xcls_Actor27( _this ); child_0.ref(); this.el.add_child ( child_0.el ); // init method this.el.set_size(50,50); } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_Actor27 : Object { public GtkClutter.Actor el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_Actor27(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; this.el = new GtkClutter.Actor(); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values var child_0 = new Xcls_Button28( _this ); child_0.ref(); // init method ((Gtk.Container)(this.el.get_widget())).add ( child_0.el); } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_Button28 : Object { public Gtk.Button el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_Button28(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; this.el = new Gtk.Button(); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values this.el.width_request = 50; this.el.height_request = 50; this.el.tooltip_text = "Back"; var child_0 = new Xcls_Image29( _this ); child_0.ref(); this.el.set_image ( child_0.el ); // listeners this.el.clicked.connect( ( ) => { _this.windowstate.switchState(WindowState.State.PREVIEW); }); } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_Image29 : Object { public Gtk.Image el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_Image29(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; this.el = new Gtk.Image(); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values this.el.icon_name = "go-previous"; } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_projectbutton : Object { public Clutter.Actor el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_projectbutton(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; _this.projectbutton = this; this.el = new Clutter.Actor(); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values var child_0 = new Xcls_Actor31( _this ); child_0.ref(); this.el.add_child ( child_0.el ); // init method this.el.set_size(50,50); } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_Actor31 : Object { public GtkClutter.Actor el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_Actor31(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; this.el = new GtkClutter.Actor(); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values var child_0 = new Xcls_Button32( _this ); child_0.ref(); // init method ((Gtk.Container)(this.el.get_widget())).add ( child_0.el); } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_Button32 : Object { public Gtk.Button el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_Button32(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; this.el = new Gtk.Button(); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values this.el.width_request = 50; this.el.height_request = 50; var child_0 = new Xcls_Image33( _this ); child_0.ref(); this.el.set_image ( child_0.el ); // listeners this.el.clicked.connect( ( ) => { _this.windowstate.switchState(WindowState.State.FILES); }); } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_Image33 : Object { public Gtk.Image el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_Image33(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; this.el = new Gtk.Image(); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values this.el.icon_name = "document-open"; } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_editfilebutton : Object { public Clutter.Actor el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_editfilebutton(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; _this.editfilebutton = this; this.el = new Clutter.Actor(); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values var child_0 = new Xcls_Actor35( _this ); child_0.ref(); this.el.add_child ( child_0.el ); // init method this.el.set_size(50.0f,50.0f); } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_Actor35 : Object { public GtkClutter.Actor el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_Actor35(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; this.el = new GtkClutter.Actor(); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values var child_0 = new Xcls_Button36( _this ); child_0.ref(); // init method ((Gtk.Container)(this.el.get_widget())).add ( child_0.el); } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_Button36 : Object { public Gtk.Button el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_Button36(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; this.el = new Gtk.Button(); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values this.el.width_request = 50; this.el.height_request = 50; this.el.tooltip_text = "File Details"; var child_0 = new Xcls_Image37( _this ); child_0.ref(); this.el.set_image ( child_0.el ); // listeners this.el.clicked.connect( ( ) => { // create a new file in project.. if (_this.project == null || _this.windowstate.left_tree.model.file == null) { return ; } _this.windowstate.left_tree.model.file, this.el ); return ; }); } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_Image37 : Object { public Gtk.Image el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_Image37(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; this.el = new Gtk.Image(); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values this.el.icon_name = "document-properties"; } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_projecteditbutton : Object { public Clutter.Actor el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_projecteditbutton(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; _this.projecteditbutton = this; this.el = new Clutter.Actor(); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values var child_0 = new Xcls_Actor39( _this ); child_0.ref(); this.el.add_child ( child_0.el ); // init method this.el.set_size(50,50); } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_Actor39 : Object { public GtkClutter.Actor el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_Actor39(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; this.el = new GtkClutter.Actor(); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values var child_0 = new Xcls_Button40( _this ); child_0.ref(); // init method ((Gtk.Container)(this.el.get_widget())).add ( child_0.el); } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_Button40 : Object { public Gtk.Button el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_Button40(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; this.el = new Gtk.Button(); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values this.el.width_request = 50; this.el.height_request = 50; this.el.tooltip_text = "Project Details"; var child_0 = new Xcls_Image41( _this ); child_0.ref(); this.el.set_image ( child_0.el ); // listeners this.el.clicked.connect( ( ) => { _this.windowstate.switchState(WindowState.State.PROJECT); }); } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_Image41 : Object { public Gtk.Image el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_Image41(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; this.el = new Gtk.Image(); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values this.el.icon_name = "emblem-system"; } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_objectshowbutton : Object { public Clutter.Actor el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_objectshowbutton(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; _this.objectshowbutton = this; this.el = new Clutter.Actor(); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values var child_0 = new Xcls_Actor43( _this ); child_0.ref(); this.el.add_child ( child_0.el ); // init method this.el.set_size(50,50); // listeners this.el.enter_event.connect( ( event) => { this.el.background_color = new Clutter.Color.from_string("#333"); return false; }); this.el.leave_event.connect( ( event) => { this.el.background_color = new Clutter.Color.from_string("#000"); return false; }); } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_Actor43 : Object { public GtkClutter.Actor el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_Actor43(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; this.el = new GtkClutter.Actor(); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values var child_0 = new Xcls_Button44( _this ); child_0.ref(); // init method ((Gtk.Container)(this.el.get_widget())).add ( child_0.el); } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_Button44 : Object { public Gtk.Button el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_Button44(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; this.el = new Gtk.Button(); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values this.el.width_request = 50; this.el.height_request = 50; this.el.tooltip_text = "Add Child Element"; var child_0 = new Xcls_Image45( _this ); child_0.ref(); this.el.set_image ( child_0.el ); // listeners this.el.clicked.connect( ( ) => { _this.windowstate.switchState(WindowState.State.OBJECT); }); } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_Image45 : Object { public Gtk.Image el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_Image45(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; this.el = new Gtk.Image(); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values this.el.icon_name = "list-add"; } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_addpropbutton : Object { public Clutter.Actor el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_addpropbutton(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; _this.addpropbutton = this; this.el = new Clutter.Actor(); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values var child_0 = new Xcls_Actor47( _this ); child_0.ref(); this.el.add_child ( child_0.el ); // init method this.el.set_size(50,50); } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_Actor47 : Object { public GtkClutter.Actor el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_Actor47(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; this.el = new GtkClutter.Actor(); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values var child_0 = new Xcls_Button48( _this ); child_0.ref(); // init method ((Gtk.Container)(this.el.get_widget())).add ( child_0.el); } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_Button48 : Object { public Gtk.Button el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_Button48(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; this.el = new Gtk.Button(); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values this.el.width_request = 50; this.el.height_request = 50; this.el.tooltip_text = "Add Property"; var child_0 = new Xcls_Image49( _this ); child_0.ref(); this.el.set_image ( child_0.el ); // listeners this.el.clicked.connect( ( ) => { _this.windowstate.switchState(WindowState.State.PROP); }); } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_Image49 : Object { public Gtk.Image el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_Image49(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; this.el = new Gtk.Image(); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values this.el.icon_name = "format-justify-left"; } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_addlistenerbutton : Object { public Clutter.Actor el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_addlistenerbutton(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; _this.addlistenerbutton = this; this.el = new Clutter.Actor(); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values var child_0 = new Xcls_Actor51( _this ); child_0.ref(); this.el.add_child ( child_0.el ); // init method this.el.set_size(50,50); } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_Actor51 : Object { public GtkClutter.Actor el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_Actor51(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; this.el = new GtkClutter.Actor(); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values var child_0 = new Xcls_Button52( _this ); child_0.ref(); // init method ((Gtk.Container)(this.el.get_widget())).add ( child_0.el); } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_Button52 : Object { public Gtk.Button el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_Button52(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; this.el = new Gtk.Button(); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values this.el.width_request = 50; this.el.height_request = 50; this.el.tooltip_text = "Add Event Code"; var child_0 = new Xcls_Image53( _this ); child_0.ref(); this.el.set_image ( child_0.el ); // listeners this.el.clicked.connect( ( ) => { _this.windowstate.switchState(WindowState.State.LISTENER); }); } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_Image53 : Object { public Gtk.Image el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_Image53(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; this.el = new Gtk.Image(); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values this.el.icon_name = "appointment-new"; } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_addprojectbutton : Object { public Clutter.Actor el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_addprojectbutton(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; _this.addprojectbutton = this; this.el = new Clutter.Actor(); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values var child_0 = new Xcls_Actor55( _this ); child_0.ref(); this.el.add_child ( child_0.el ); // init method this.el.set_size(50.0f,50.0f); } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_Actor55 : Object { public GtkClutter.Actor el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_Actor55(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; this.el = new GtkClutter.Actor(); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values var child_0 = new Xcls_Button56( _this ); child_0.ref(); // init method ((Gtk.Container)(this.el.get_widget())).add ( child_0.el); } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_Button56 : Object { public Gtk.Button el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_Button56(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; this.el = new Gtk.Button(); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values this.el.width_request = 50; this.el.height_request = 50; this.el.tooltip_text = "New\nProj."; var child_0 = new Xcls_Image57( _this ); child_0.ref(); this.el.set_image ( child_0.el ); // listeners this.el.clicked.connect( ( ) => { // create a new file in project.. //Xcls_DialogNewComponent.singleton().show( var pe = Xcls_EditProject.singleton(); pe.el.set_transient_for(_this.el); pe.el.set_modal(true); var p =; if (p == null) { return; } _this.windowstate.left_projects.is_loaded = false; _this.windowstate.left_projects.load(); _this.windowstate.left_projects.selectProject(p); return ; }); } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_Image57 : Object { public Gtk.Image el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_Image57(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; this.el = new Gtk.Image(); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values this.el.icon_name = "folder-new"; } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_addfilebutton : Object { public Clutter.Actor el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_addfilebutton(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; _this.addfilebutton = this; this.el = new Clutter.Actor(); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values var child_0 = new Xcls_Actor59( _this ); child_0.ref(); this.el.add_child ( child_0.el ); // init method this.el.set_size(50.0f,50.0f); } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_Actor59 : Object { public GtkClutter.Actor el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_Actor59(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; this.el = new GtkClutter.Actor(); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values var child_0 = new Xcls_Button60( _this ); child_0.ref(); // init method ((Gtk.Container)(this.el.get_widget())).add ( child_0.el); } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_Button60 : Object { public Gtk.Button el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_Button60(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; this.el = new Gtk.Button(); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values this.el.width_request = 50; this.el.height_request = 50; this.el.tooltip_text = "Add File"; var child_0 = new Xcls_Image61( _this ); child_0.ref(); this.el.set_image ( child_0.el ); // listeners this.el.clicked.connect( () => { // create a new file in project.. // what's the currently selected project... var proj = _this.windowstate.left_projects.getSelectedProject(); if (proj == null) { return ; } var f = JsRender.JsRender.factory(proj.xtype, proj, ""); _this.project = proj; f, this.el ); return ; }); } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_Image61 : Object { public Gtk.Image el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_Image61(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; this.el = new Gtk.Image(); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values this.el.icon_name = "document-new"; } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_delprojectbutton : Object { public Clutter.Actor el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_delprojectbutton(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; _this.delprojectbutton = this; this.el = new Clutter.Actor(); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values var child_0 = new Xcls_Actor63( _this ); child_0.ref(); this.el.add_child ( child_0.el ); // init method this.el.set_size(50,50); } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_Actor63 : Object { public GtkClutter.Actor el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_Actor63(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; this.el = new GtkClutter.Actor(); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values var child_0 = new Xcls_Button64( _this ); child_0.ref(); // init method ((Gtk.Container)(this.el.get_widget())).add ( child_0.el); } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_Button64 : Object { public Gtk.Button el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_Button64(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; this.el = new Gtk.Button(); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values this.el.width_request = 50; this.el.height_request = 50; this.el.tooltip_text = "Delete Project"; var child_0 = new Xcls_Image65( _this ); child_0.ref(); this.el.set_image ( child_0.el ); // listeners this.el.clicked.connect( ( ) => { var cd = DialogConfirm.singleton(); cd.el.set_transient_for(_this.el); cd.el.set_modal(true); var project = _this.windowstate.left_projects.getSelectedProject(); if (project == null) { print("SKIP - no project\n"); return; } if (Gtk.ResponseType.YES !="Confirm", "Are you sure you want to delete project %s".printf( { return; } // confirm? Project.Project.remove(project); _this.project = null; _this.windowstate.left_projects.is_loaded = false; _this.windowstate.left_projects.load(); _this.windowstate.clutterfiles.clearFiles(); }); } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_Image65 : Object { public Gtk.Image el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_Image65(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; this.el = new Gtk.Image(); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values this.el.icon_name = "user-trash"; } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_HBox66 : Object { public Gtk.HBox el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_HBox66(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; this.el = new Gtk.HBox( false, 0 ); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values var child_0 = new Xcls_Label67( _this ); child_0.ref(); this.el.pack_start ( child_0.el , true,true,0 ); var child_1 = new Xcls_statusbar( _this ); child_1.ref(); this.el.pack_start ( child_1.el , true,true,0 ); var child_2 = new Xcls_MenuBar69( _this ); child_2.ref(); this.el.pack_end ( child_2.el , false,true,0 ); } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_Label67 : Object { public Gtk.Label el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_Label67(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; this.el = new Gtk.Label( " " ); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_statusbar : Object { public Gtk.ProgressBar el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) public ulong handler_id; // ctor public Xcls_statusbar(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; _this.statusbar = this; this.el = new Gtk.ProgressBar(); // my vars (dec) this.handler_id = -1; // set gobject values this.el.show_text = true; // init method { this.handler_id = Resources.singleton().updateProgress.connect((pos,total) => { if (pos < 1) { this.el.hide(); _this.mainpane.el.set_sensitive(true); return; } _this.mainpane.el.set_sensitive(false);; this.el.set_fraction ((1.0f * pos) / (1.0f * total)); this.el.set_text("Fetching Resource : %s/%s".printf(pos.to_string(), total.to_string())); }); } } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_MenuBar69 : Object { public Gtk.MenuBar el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_MenuBar69(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; this.el = new Gtk.MenuBar(); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values var child_0 = new Xcls_MenuItem70( _this ); child_0.ref(); this.el.add ( child_0.el ); var child_1 = new Xcls_statusbar_errors( _this ); child_1.ref(); this.el.add ( child_1.el ); var child_2 = new Xcls_statusbar_warnings( _this ); child_2.ref(); this.el.add ( child_2.el ); var child_3 = new Xcls_statusbar_depricated( _this ); child_3.ref(); this.el.add ( child_3.el ); } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_MenuItem70 : Object { public Gtk.MenuItem el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_MenuItem70(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; this.el = new Gtk.MenuItem(); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values this.el.label = "Compile Status:"; } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_statusbar_errors : Object { public Gtk.ImageMenuItem el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) public Xcls_ValaCompileErrors popup; public Json.Object notices; // ctor public Xcls_statusbar_errors(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; _this.statusbar_errors = this; this.el = new Gtk.ImageMenuItem(); // my vars (dec) this.notices = new Json.Object() ; // set gobject values this.el.always_show_image = true; this.el.label = "Errors"; var child_0 = new Xcls_Image72( _this ); child_0.ref(); this.el.set_image ( child_0.el ); // listeners this.el.button_press_event.connect( () => { if (this.popup == null) { this.popup = new Xcls_ValaCompileErrors(); this.popup.window = _this; } if (_this.statusbar_warnings.popup != null && { = false; _this.statusbar_warnings.popup.el.hide(); } if (_this.statusbar_depricated.popup != null && { = false; _this.statusbar_depricated.popup.el.hide(); } if ( { = false; this.popup.el.hide(); return true; }, this.el); return true; }); } // user defined functions public void setNotices (Json.Object nots, int qty) {; this.el.label = qty.to_string() + " Errors"; this.notices = nots; } } public class Xcls_Image72 : Object { public Gtk.Image el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_Image72(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; this.el = new Gtk.Image(); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values this.el.icon_name = "dialog-error"; } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_statusbar_warnings : Object { public Gtk.ImageMenuItem el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) public Xcls_ValaCompileErrors popup; public Json.Object notices; // ctor public Xcls_statusbar_warnings(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; _this.statusbar_warnings = this; this.el = new Gtk.ImageMenuItem(); // my vars (dec) this.notices = new Json.Object(); // set gobject values this.el.always_show_image = true; this.el.label = "Warnings"; var child_0 = new Xcls_Image74( _this ); child_0.ref(); this.el.set_image ( child_0.el ); // listeners this.el.button_press_event.connect( () => { if (this.popup == null) { this.popup = new Xcls_ValaCompileErrors(); this.popup.window = _this; } if (_this.statusbar_errors.popup != null && { = false; _this.statusbar_errors.popup.el.hide(); } if (_this.statusbar_depricated.popup != null && { = false; _this.statusbar_depricated.popup.el.hide(); } if ( { = false; this.popup.el.hide(); return true; }, this.el); return true; }); } // user defined functions public void setNotices (Json.Object nots, int qty) {; this.el.label = qty.to_string() + " Warnings"; this.notices = nots; } } public class Xcls_Image74 : Object { public Gtk.Image el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_Image74(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; this.el = new Gtk.Image(); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values this.el.icon_name = "dialog-warning"; } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_statusbar_depricated : Object { public Gtk.ImageMenuItem el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) public Xcls_ValaCompileErrors popup; public Json.Object notices; // ctor public Xcls_statusbar_depricated(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; _this.statusbar_depricated = this; this.el = new Gtk.ImageMenuItem(); // my vars (dec) this.notices = new Json.Object(); // set gobject values this.el.always_show_image = true; this.el.label = "Depricated"; var child_0 = new Xcls_Image76( _this ); child_0.ref(); this.el.set_image ( child_0.el ); // listeners this.el.button_press_event.connect( () => { if (this.popup == null) { this.popup = new Xcls_ValaCompileErrors(); this.popup.window = _this; } if (_this.statusbar_errors.popup != null && { = false; _this.statusbar_errors.popup.el.hide(); } if (_this.statusbar_warnings.popup != null && { = false; _this.statusbar_warnings.popup.el.hide(); } if ( { = false; this.popup.el.hide(); return true; }, this.el); return true; }); } // user defined functions public void setNotices (Json.Object nots, int qty) {; this.el.label = qty.to_string() + " Depricated"; this.notices = nots; } } public class Xcls_Image76 : Object { public Gtk.Image el; private Xcls_MainWindow _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_Image76(Xcls_MainWindow _owner ) { _this = _owner; this.el = new Gtk.Image(); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values this.el.icon_name = "dialog-information"; } // user defined functions } }