static Xcls_GtkView _GtkView; public class Xcls_GtkView : Object { public Gtk.Box el; private Xcls_GtkView _this; public static Xcls_GtkView singleton() { if (_GtkView == null) { _GtkView= new Xcls_GtkView(); } return _GtkView; } public Xcls_notebook notebook; public Xcls_label_preview label_preview; public Xcls_label_code label_code; public Xcls_view_layout view_layout; public Xcls_container container; public Xcls_sourceviewscroll sourceviewscroll; public Xcls_sourceview sourceview; public Xcls_buffer buffer; public Xcls_search_entry search_entry; public Xcls_search_results search_results; public Xcls_nextBtn nextBtn; public Xcls_backBtn backBtn; public Xcls_search_settings search_settings; public Xcls_case_sensitive case_sensitive; public Xcls_regex regex; public Xcls_multiline multiline; // my vars (def) public Gtk.Widget lastObj; public Gtk.CssProvider css; public Xcls_MainWindow main_window; public GtkSource.SearchContext searchcontext; public int last_search_end; public JsRender.JsRender file; // ctor public Xcls_GtkView() { _this = this; this.el = new Gtk.Box( Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL, 0 ); // my vars (dec) this.lastObj = null; this.last_search_end = 0; this.file = null; // set gobject values this.el.hexpand = true; this.el.vexpand = true; new Xcls_notebook( _this ); this.el.append( _this.notebook.el ); // init method { this.css = new Gtk.CssProvider(); this.css.load_from_string( "#gtkview-view-layout { background-color: #ccc; }" ); Gtk.StyleContext.add_provider_for_display( this.el.get_display(), this.css, Gtk.STYLE_PROVIDER_PRIORITY_APPLICATION ); } } // user defined functions public void loadFile (JsRender.JsRender file) { this.file = null; if (file.tree == null) { return; } = 0;// gtk preview this.file = file; this.sourceview.loadFile(); this.searchcontext = null; if (this.lastObj != null) { this.container.el.remove(this.lastObj); } // hide the compile view at present.. var w = this.el.get_width(); var h = this.el.get_height(); print("ALLOC SET SIZES %d, %d\n", w,h); // set the container size min to 500/500 or 20 px less than max.. w = int.max (w-20, 500); h = int.max (h-20, 500); print("SET SIZES %d, %d\n", w,h); _this.container.el.set_size_request(w,h); _this.view_layout.el.set_size_request(w,h); // should be baded on calc.. -- see update_scrolled. var fc = this.container.el.get_first_child(); if (fc != null) { this.container.el.remove(fc); } var xmlstr = JsRender.NodeToGlade.mungeFile( file); var builder = new Gtk.Builder.from_string (xmlstr, xmlstr.length); var obj = (Gtk.Widget) builder.get_object("w"+ file.tree.oid.to_string()); this.container.el.append(obj);; this.createThumb(); return;/* var x = new JsRender.NodeToGtk((Project.Gtk) file.project, file.tree); var obj = x.munge() as Gtk.Widget; this.lastObj = null; if (obj == null) { return; } this.lastObj = obj; this.container.el.append(obj);; */ } public void highlightNodeAtLine (int ln) { // this is done from clicking on the editor.. // highlight node... var node = _this.file.lineToNode(ln+1); if (node == null) { //print("can not find node\n"); return; } var prop = node.lineToProp(ln+1); print("prop : %s", prop == null ? "???" :; // ---------- this selects the tree's node... var ltree = _this.main_window.windowstate.left_tree; ltree.model.selectNode(node); //var tp = ltree.model.treePathFromNode(node); //print("got tree path %s\n", tp); //if (tp == "") { // return; //} //_this.sourceview.allow_node_scroll = false; /// block node scrolling.. //print("changing cursor on tree..\n"); // let's try allowing editing on the methods. // a little klunky at present.. _this.sourceview.prop_selected = ""; /* if (prop != null) { //see if we can find it.. var kv = prop.split(":"); if (kv[0] == "p") { //var k = prop.get_key(kv[1]); // fixme -- need to determine if it's an editable property... _this.sourceview.prop_selected = prop; } else if (kv[0] == "l") { _this.sourceview.prop_selected = prop; } } */ //ltree.view.setCursor(tp, "editor"); // ltree.view.el.set_cursor(new Gtk.TreePath.from_string(tp), null, false); _this.sourceview.nodeSelected(node,false); // scrolling is disabled... as node selection calls scroll 10ms after it changes. // GLib.Timeout.add_full(GLib.Priority.DEFAULT,100 , () => { // this.allow_node_scroll = true; // return false; // }); // } } public void forwardSearch (bool change_focus) { if (this.searchcontext == null) { return; } = 1; Gtk.TextIter beg, st,en; bool has_wrapped_around; var buf = this.sourceview.el.get_buffer(); buf.get_iter_at_offset(out beg, this.last_search_end); if (!this.searchcontext.forward(beg, out st, out en, out has_wrapped_around)) { this.last_search_end = 0; return; } this.last_search_end = en.get_offset(); if (change_focus) { this.sourceview.el.grab_focus(); } buf.place_cursor(st); this.sourceview.el.scroll_to_iter(st, 0.0f, true, 0.0f, 0.5f); var ln = st.get_line(); this.highlightNodeAtLine(ln); } public void backSearch (bool change_focus) { if (this.searchcontext == null) { return; } Gtk.TextIter beg, st,en; bool has_wrapped_around; this.buffer.el.get_iter_at_offset(out beg, this.last_search_end -1 ); if (!this.searchcontext.backward(beg, out st, out en, out has_wrapped_around)) { this.last_search_end = 0; return; } this.last_search_end = en.get_offset(); if (change_focus) { this.sourceview.el.grab_focus(); } this.buffer.el.place_cursor(st); this.sourceview.el.scroll_to_iter(st, 0.1f, true, 0.0f, 0.5f); var ln = st.get_line(); this.highlightNodeAtLine(ln); } public int search (string in_txt) { = 1; var s = new GtkSource.SearchSettings(); s.case_sensitive =; s.regex_enabled =; s.wrap_around = false; this.searchcontext = new GtkSource.SearchContext(this.buffer.el,s); this.searchcontext.set_highlight(true); var txt = in_txt; if ( { txt = in_txt.replace("\\n", "\n"); } s.set_search_text(txt); Gtk.TextIter beg, st,en; bool has_wrapped_around; this.buffer.el.get_start_iter(out beg); this.searchcontext.forward(beg, out st, out en, out has_wrapped_around); this.last_search_end = 0; return this.searchcontext.get_occurrences_count(); } public void createThumb () { if (this.file == null) { return; } // only screenshot the gtk preview.. if ( > 0 ) { return; } this.file.widgetToIcon(this.container.el); return; // should we hold until it's printed... } public void updateErrorMarks (string category) { var buf = _this.buffer.el; Gtk.TextIter start; Gtk.TextIter end; buf.get_bounds (out start, out end); buf.remove_source_marks (start, end, category); GLib.debug("highlight errors"); // we should highlight other types of errors.. if (_this.file == null) { GLib.debug("file is null?"); return; } var ar = this.file.getErrors(category); if (ar == null || ar.get_n_items() < 1) { GLib.debug("higjlight %s has no errors", category); return; } var tlines = buf.get_line_count () +1; for (var i = 0; i < ar.get_n_items();i++) { var err = (Palete.CompileError) ar.get_item(i); Gtk.TextIter iter; // print("get inter\n"); var eline = err.line + 1; GLib.debug("GOT ERROR on line %d -- converted to %d ", err.line ,eline); if (eline > tlines || eline < 0) { return; } buf.get_iter_at_line( out iter, eline); var msg = "Line: %d %s : %s".printf(eline+1, err.category, err.msg); buf.create_source_mark( msg, err.category, iter); GLib.debug("set line %d to %s", eline, msg); //this.marks.set(eline, msg); } return ; } public void scroll_to_line (int line) { // code preview... GLib.Timeout.add(100, () => { this.notebook.el.set_current_page(1); var buf = this.sourceview.el.get_buffer(); var sbuf = (GtkSource.Buffer) buf; Gtk.TextIter iter; sbuf.get_iter_at_line(out iter, line); this.sourceview.el.scroll_to_iter(iter, 0.1f, true, 0.0f, 0.5f); return false; }); } public class Xcls_notebook : Object { public Gtk.Notebook el; private Xcls_GtkView _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_notebook(Xcls_GtkView _owner ) { _this = _owner; _this.notebook = this; this.el = new Gtk.Notebook(); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values this.el.overflow = Gtk.Overflow.VISIBLE; new Xcls_label_preview( _this ); new Xcls_label_code( _this ); var child_3 = new Xcls_ScrolledWindow5( _this ); child_3.ref(); this.el.append_page ( child_3.el , _this.label_preview.el ); var child_4 = new Xcls_Box8( _this ); child_4.ref(); this.el.append_page ( child_4.el , _this.label_code.el ); } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_label_preview : Object { public Gtk.Label el; private Xcls_GtkView _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_label_preview(Xcls_GtkView _owner ) { _this = _owner; _this.label_preview = this; this.el = new Gtk.Label( "Preview" ); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_label_code : Object { public Gtk.Label el; private Xcls_GtkView _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_label_code(Xcls_GtkView _owner ) { _this = _owner; _this.label_code = this; this.el = new Gtk.Label( "Preview Generated Code" ); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_ScrolledWindow5 : Object { public Gtk.ScrolledWindow el; private Xcls_GtkView _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_ScrolledWindow5(Xcls_GtkView _owner ) { _this = _owner; this.el = new Gtk.ScrolledWindow(); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values new Xcls_view_layout( _this ); this.el.set_child ( _this.view_layout.el ); } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_view_layout : Object { public Gtk.Fixed el; private Xcls_GtkView _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_view_layout(Xcls_GtkView _owner ) { _this = _owner; _this.view_layout = this; this.el = new Gtk.Fixed(); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values = "gtkview-view-layout"; new Xcls_container( _this ); this.el.put ( _this.container.el , 10,10 ); } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_container : Object { public Gtk.Box el; private Xcls_GtkView _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_container(Xcls_GtkView _owner ) { _this = _owner; _this.container = this; this.el = new Gtk.Box( Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL, 0 ); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_Box8 : Object { public Gtk.Box el; private Xcls_GtkView _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_Box8(Xcls_GtkView _owner ) { _this = _owner; this.el = new Gtk.Box( Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL, 0 ); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values new Xcls_sourceviewscroll( _this ); this.el.append( _this.sourceviewscroll.el ); var child_2 = new Xcls_Box13( _this ); child_2.ref(); this.el.append( child_2.el ); } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_sourceviewscroll : Object { public Gtk.ScrolledWindow el; private Xcls_GtkView _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_sourceviewscroll(Xcls_GtkView _owner ) { _this = _owner; _this.sourceviewscroll = this; this.el = new Gtk.ScrolledWindow(); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values this.el.vexpand = true; new Xcls_sourceview( _this ); this.el.set_child ( _this.sourceview.el ); } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_sourceview : Object { public GtkSource.View el; private Xcls_GtkView _this; // my vars (def) public bool loading; public bool zallow_node_scroll; public string prop_selected; public Gtk.CssProvider css; public JsRender.Node? node_selected; // ctor public Xcls_sourceview(Xcls_GtkView _owner ) { _this = _owner; _this.sourceview = this; this.el = new GtkSource.View(); // my vars (dec) this.loading = false; this.zallow_node_scroll = true; this.prop_selected = ""; // set gobject values = "gtkview-view"; this.el.editable = false; this.el.show_line_marks = true; this.el.show_line_numbers = true; this.el.tab_width = 4; new Xcls_buffer( _this ); this.el.set_buffer ( _this.buffer.el ); var child_2 = new Xcls_EventControllerKey12( _this ); child_2.ref(); this.el.add_controller( child_2.el ); // init method { this.css = new Gtk.CssProvider(); this.css.load_from_string("#gtkview-view { font: 10px monospace ;}"); Gtk.StyleContext.add_provider_for_display( this.el.get_display(), this.css, Gtk.STYLE_PROVIDER_PRIORITY_APPLICATION ); this.loading = true; var attrs = new GtkSource.MarkAttributes(); var pink = Gdk.RGBA(); pink.parse ( "pink"); attrs.set_background ( pink); attrs.set_icon_name ( "process-stop"); attrs.query_tooltip_text.connect(( mark) => { //print("tooltip query? %s\n",; return; }); this.el.set_mark_attributes ("ERR", attrs, 1); var wattrs = new GtkSource.MarkAttributes(); var blue = Gdk.RGBA(); blue.parse ( "#ABF4EB"); wattrs.set_background ( blue); wattrs.set_icon_name ( "process-stop"); wattrs.query_tooltip_text.connect(( mark) => { //print("tooltip query? %s\n",; return; }); this.el.set_mark_attributes ("WARN", wattrs, 1); var dattrs = new GtkSource.MarkAttributes(); var purple = Gdk.RGBA(); purple.parse ( "#EEA9FF"); dattrs.set_background ( purple); dattrs.set_icon_name ( "process-stop"); dattrs.query_tooltip_text.connect(( mark) => { //print("tooltip query? %s\n",; return; }); this.el.set_mark_attributes ("DEPR", dattrs, 1); var gattrs = new GtkSource.MarkAttributes(); var grey = Gdk.RGBA(); grey.parse ( "#ccc"); gattrs.set_background ( grey); this.el.set_mark_attributes ("grey", gattrs, 1); } //listeners this.el.query_tooltip.connect( (x, y, keyboard_tooltip, tooltip) => { //GLib.debug("query tooltip"); Gtk.TextIter iter; int trailing; var yoff = (int) _this.sourceviewscroll.el.vadjustment.value; this.el.get_iter_at_position (out iter, out trailing, x, y + yoff); var l = iter.get_line(); // GLib.debug("query tooltip line %d", (int) l); var marks = _this.buffer.el.get_source_marks_at_line(l, "ERR"); if (marks.is_empty()) { marks = _this.buffer.el.get_source_marks_at_line(l, "WARN"); } if (marks.is_empty()) { marks = _this.buffer.el.get_source_marks_at_line(l, "DEPR"); } // GLib.debug("query tooltip line marks %d", (int) marks.length()); var str = ""; marks.@foreach((m) => { //GLib.debug("got mark %s",; str += (str.length > 0 ? "\n" : "") +; }); // true if there is a mark.. tooltip.set_text( str); return str.length > 0 ? true : false; }); } // user defined functions public void loadFile ( ) { this.loading = true; var buf = this.el.get_buffer(); buf.set_text("",0); var sbuf = (GtkSource.Buffer) buf; var cpos = buf.cursor_position; print("BEFORE LOAD cursor = %d\n", cpos); var vadj_pos = this.el.get_vadjustment().get_value(); if (_this.file == null || _this.file.xtype != "Gtk") { print("xtype != Gtk"); this.loading = false; return; } var valafn = ""; try { var regex = new Regex("\\.bjs$"); valafn = regex.replace(_this.file.path,_this.file.path.length , 0 , ".vala"); } catch (GLib.RegexError e) { this.loading = false; return; } if (!FileUtils.test(valafn,FileTest.IS_REGULAR) ) { print("File path has no errors\n"); this.loading = false; return ; } string str; try { GLib.FileUtils.get_contents (valafn, out str); } catch (Error e) { this.loading = false; return ; } // print("setting str %d\n", str.length); buf.set_text(str, str.length); var lm = GtkSource.LanguageManager.get_default(); //?? is javascript going to work as js? ((GtkSource.Buffer)(buf)) .set_language(lm.get_language(_this.file.language)); _this.main_window.windowstate.updateErrorMarksAll(); // restore the cursor position? // after reloading the contents. GLib.Timeout.add(500, () => { _this.buffer.in_cursor_change = true; print("RESORTING cursor to = %d\n", cpos); Gtk.TextIter cpos_iter; buf.get_iter_at_offset(out cpos_iter, cpos); buf.place_cursor(cpos_iter); this.el.get_vadjustment().set_value(vadj_pos);; _this.buffer.in_cursor_change = false; //_this.buffer.checkSyntax(); return false; }); this.loading = false; } public void nodeSelected (JsRender.Node? sel, bool scroll) { if (this.loading) { return; } // this is connected in widnowstate print("Roo-view - node selected\n"); var buf = this.el.get_buffer(); var sbuf = (GtkSource.Buffer) buf; // clear all the marks.. Gtk.TextIter start; Gtk.TextIter end; sbuf.get_bounds (out start, out end); sbuf.remove_source_marks (start, end, "grey"); this.node_selected = sel; if (sel == null) { // no highlighting.. return; } Gtk.TextIter iter; sbuf.get_iter_at_line(out iter, sel.line_start); Gtk.TextIter cur_iter; sbuf.get_iter_at_offset(out cur_iter, sbuf.cursor_position); if (!_this.buffer.in_cursor_change) { this.el.scroll_to_iter(iter, 0.1f, true, 0.0f, 0.5f); } for (var i = 0; i < buf.get_line_count();i++) { if (i < sel.line_start || i > sel.line_end) { sbuf.get_iter_at_line(out iter, i); sbuf.create_source_mark(null, "grey", iter); } } } public string toString () { Gtk.TextIter s; Gtk.TextIter e; this.el.get_buffer().get_start_iter(out s); this.el.get_buffer().get_end_iter(out e); var ret = this.el.get_buffer().get_text(s,e,true); //print("TO STRING? " + ret); return ret; } } public class Xcls_buffer : Object { public GtkSource.Buffer el; private Xcls_GtkView _this; // my vars (def) public int error_line; public bool in_cursor_change; public bool dirty; public int last_line; // ctor public Xcls_buffer(Xcls_GtkView _owner ) { _this = _owner; _this.buffer = this; this.el = new GtkSource.Buffer( null ); // my vars (dec) this.error_line = -1; this.in_cursor_change = false; this.dirty = false; this.last_line = -1; // set gobject values //listeners this.el.cursor_moved.connect( ( ) => { GLib.debug("cursor moved called"); if (this.in_cursor_change ) { GLib.debug("cursor changed : %d [ignoring nested call)", this.el.cursor_position); return; } GLib.debug("cursor changed : %d", this.el.cursor_position); Gtk.TextIter cpos; this.el.get_iter_at_offset(out cpos, this.el.cursor_position); var ln = cpos.get_line(); if (this.last_line == ln ){ return; } this.last_line = ln; var node = _this.file.lineToNode(ln); if (node == null) { print("can not find node\n"); return; } this.in_cursor_change = true; var ltree = _this.main_window.windowstate.left_tree; ltree.model.selectNode(node); this.in_cursor_change = false; }); } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_EventControllerKey12 : Object { public Gtk.EventControllerKey el; private Xcls_GtkView _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_EventControllerKey12(Xcls_GtkView _owner ) { _this = _owner; this.el = new Gtk.EventControllerKey(); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values //listeners this.el.key_pressed.connect( (keyval, keycode, state) => { if (keyval == Gdk.Key.g && (state & Gdk.ModifierType.CONTROL_MASK ) > 0 ) { GLib.debug("SAVE: ctrl-g pressed"); _this.forwardSearch(true); return true; } if (keyval == Gdk.Key.f && (state & Gdk.ModifierType.CONTROL_MASK ) > 0 ) { GLib.debug("SAVE: ctrl-f pressed"); _this.search_entry.el.grab_focus(); return true; } return false; }); } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_Box13 : Object { public Gtk.Box el; private Xcls_GtkView _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_Box13(Xcls_GtkView _owner ) { _this = _owner; this.el = new Gtk.Box( Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL, 0 ); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values this.el.homogeneous = false; this.el.vexpand = false; new Xcls_search_entry( _this ); this.el.append( _this.search_entry.el ); new Xcls_search_results( _this ); this.el.append( _this.search_results.el ); new Xcls_nextBtn( _this ); this.el.append( _this.nextBtn.el ); new Xcls_backBtn( _this ); this.el.append( _this.backBtn.el ); var child_5 = new Xcls_MenuButton19( _this ); child_5.ref(); this.el.append( child_5.el ); } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_search_entry : Object { public Gtk.SearchEntry el; private Xcls_GtkView _this; // my vars (def) public Gtk.CssProvider css; // ctor public Xcls_search_entry(Xcls_GtkView _owner ) { _this = _owner; _this.search_entry = this; this.el = new Gtk.SearchEntry(); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values = "gtkview-search-entry"; this.el.hexpand = true; this.el.placeholder_text = "Press enter to search"; this.el.search_delay = 3; var child_1 = new Xcls_EventControllerKey15( _this ); child_1.ref(); this.el.add_controller( child_1.el ); // init method this.css = new Gtk.CssProvider(); this.css.load_from_string(" #gtkview-search-entry { font: 10px monospace ;}" ); Gtk.StyleContext.add_provider_for_display( this.el.get_display(), this.css, Gtk.STYLE_PROVIDER_PRIORITY_APPLICATION ); //listeners this.el.search_changed.connect( () => {; _this.search_results.updateResults(); GLib.Timeout.add_seconds(1,() => { _this.search_results.updateResults(); return false; }); }); } // user defined functions public void forwardSearch (bool change_focus) { _this.forwardSearch(change_focus); /* switch(_this.windowstate.state) { case WindowState.State.CODEONLY: //case WindowState.State.CODE: // search the code being edited.. _this.windowstate.code_editor_tab.forwardSearch(change_focus); break; case WindowState.State.PREVIEW: if (_this.windowstate.file.xtype == "Gtk") { _this.windowstate.window_gladeview.forwardSearch(change_focus); } else { _this.windowstate.window_rooview.forwardSearch(change_focus); } break; } */ } } public class Xcls_EventControllerKey15 : Object { public Gtk.EventControllerKey el; private Xcls_GtkView _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_EventControllerKey15(Xcls_GtkView _owner ) { _this = _owner; this.el = new Gtk.EventControllerKey(); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values //listeners this.el.key_pressed.connect( (keyval, keycode, state) => { if (keyval == Gdk.Key.g && (state & Gdk.ModifierType.CONTROL_MASK ) > 0 ) { GLib.debug("SAVE: ctrl-g pressed"); _this.forwardSearch(true); return true; } if (keyval == Gdk.Key.Return && _this.search_entry.el.text.length > 0) { _this.forwardSearch(true); return true; } // print(event.key.keyval) return false; }); } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_search_results : Object { public Gtk.Label el; private Xcls_GtkView _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_search_results(Xcls_GtkView _owner ) { _this = _owner; _this.search_results = this; this.el = new Gtk.Label( "No Results" ); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values this.el.margin_end = 4; this.el.margin_start = 4; } // user defined functions public void updateResults () { this.el.visible = true; var res = _this.searchcontext.get_occurrences_count(); if (res < 0) { _this.search_results.el.label = "??? Matches"; return; } _this.nextBtn.el.sensitive = false; _this.backBtn.el.sensitive = false; if (res > 0) { _this.search_results.el.label = "%d Matches".printf(res); _this.nextBtn.el.sensitive = true; _this.backBtn.el.sensitive = true; return; } _this.search_results.el.label = "No Matches"; } } public class Xcls_nextBtn : Object { public Gtk.Button el; private Xcls_GtkView _this; // my vars (def) public bool always_show_image; // ctor public Xcls_nextBtn(Xcls_GtkView _owner ) { _this = _owner; _this.nextBtn = this; this.el = new Gtk.Button(); // my vars (dec) this.always_show_image = true; // set gobject values this.el.icon_name = "go-down"; this.el.sensitive = false; //listeners this.el.clicked.connect( ( ) => { _this.forwardSearch(true); }); } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_backBtn : Object { public Gtk.Button el; private Xcls_GtkView _this; // my vars (def) public bool always_show_image; // ctor public Xcls_backBtn(Xcls_GtkView _owner ) { _this = _owner; _this.backBtn = this; this.el = new Gtk.Button(); // my vars (dec) this.always_show_image = true; // set gobject values this.el.icon_name = "go-up"; this.el.sensitive = false; //listeners this.el.clicked.connect( ( ) => { _this.backSearch(true); }); } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_MenuButton19 : Object { public Gtk.MenuButton el; private Xcls_GtkView _this; // my vars (def) public bool always_show_image; // ctor public Xcls_MenuButton19(Xcls_GtkView _owner ) { _this = _owner; this.el = new Gtk.MenuButton(); // my vars (dec) this.always_show_image = true; // set gobject values this.el.icon_name = "emblem-system"; this.el.always_show_arrow = true; new Xcls_search_settings( _this ); this.el.popover = _this.search_settings.el; } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_search_settings : Object { public Gtk.PopoverMenu el; private Xcls_GtkView _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_search_settings(Xcls_GtkView _owner ) { _this = _owner; _this.search_settings = this; this.el = new Gtk.PopoverMenu.from_model(null); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values var child_1 = new Xcls_Box21( _this ); child_1.ref(); this.el.set_child ( child_1.el ); } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_Box21 : Object { public Gtk.Box el; private Xcls_GtkView _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_Box21(Xcls_GtkView _owner ) { _this = _owner; this.el = new Gtk.Box( Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL, 0 ); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values new Xcls_case_sensitive( _this ); this.el.append( _this.case_sensitive.el ); new Xcls_regex( _this ); this.el.append( _this.regex.el ); new Xcls_multiline( _this ); this.el.append( _this.multiline.el ); } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_case_sensitive : Object { public Gtk.CheckButton el; private Xcls_GtkView _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_case_sensitive(Xcls_GtkView _owner ) { _this = _owner; _this.case_sensitive = this; this.el = new Gtk.CheckButton(); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values this.el.label = "Case Sensitive"; } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_regex : Object { public Gtk.CheckButton el; private Xcls_GtkView _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_regex(Xcls_GtkView _owner ) { _this = _owner; _this.regex = this; this.el = new Gtk.CheckButton(); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values this.el.label = "Regex"; } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_multiline : Object { public Gtk.CheckButton el; private Xcls_GtkView _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_multiline(Xcls_GtkView _owner ) { _this = _owner; _this.multiline = this; this.el = new Gtk.CheckButton(); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values this.el.label = "Multi-line (add \\n)"; } // user defined functions } }