/** * Originally this was supposed to intercept http calls and redirect them * but that is not supported in webkit2 (without using the extension api) * * so for now we have modified our server to serve use a base url of xhttp: * * so all relative urls are based on that * * Idea is to serve the files from the file system, so no need to setup apache etc... * This should work for the static content like css / javascript etc.. but * will cause issues with 'dynamic' xhr files (eg. the php stuff) * * the idea is nicked from geary. * * At present this serves from ~/gitlive/**** - that probably needs more thought.. * * */ public errordomain FakeServerError { FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST } public class FakeServerCache : Object { public string fname; public uint8[] data; public string content_type; public int64 size; public static Gee.HashMap cache; public static FakeServerCache factory(string fname, string scheme) { if (cache == null) { cache = new Gee.HashMap(); } // print ("CACHE look for ==%s==\n", fname); if (scheme == "resources") { return new FakeServerCache.from_resource(fname); } if (cache.has_key(fname)) { print ("CACHE got %s\n", fname); return cache.get(fname); } print ("CACHE create %s\n", fname); var el = new FakeServerCache(fname); cache.set(fname, el); return el; } // called onload to clear the temporary cached file.. public static void remove(string fname) { if (cache == null) { return; } if (!cache.has_key(fname)) { return; } FakeServerCache v; cache.unset(fname, out v); } public static void clear() { if (cache == null) { return; } cache.clear(); } public static FakeServerCache factory_with_data(string data) { if (cache == null) { cache = new Gee.HashMap(); } var el = new FakeServerCache.with_data(data); print("CACHE - store %s\n", el.fname); cache.set(el.fname, el); return el; } public FakeServerCache.with_data( string data ) { this.fname = "/" + GLib.Checksum.compute_for_string(GLib.ChecksumType.MD5, data, data.length) + ".js"; this.data = data.data; this.content_type = "text/javascript;charset=UTF-8"; this.size= data.length; } public FakeServerCache.from_resource( string fname ) { this.fname = fname; var file = File.new_for_path ( BuilderApplication.configDirectory() + "/resources/" + fname); if (!file.query_exists()) { this.data = "".data; this.content_type = ""; this.size = 0; return; } try { var info = file.query_info( "standard::*", FileQueryInfoFlags.NONE ); this.content_type = info.get_content_type(); this.size = info.get_size(); uint8[] data; GLib.FileUtils.get_data(file.get_path(), out data); this.data = data; } catch (Error e) { this.data = "".data; this.size = 0; this.content_type = ""; return; } } public FakeServerCache( string fname ) { this.fname = fname; var file = File.new_for_path ( GLib.Environment.get_home_dir() + "/gitlive" + fname); if (!file.query_exists()) { this.data = "".data; this.content_type = ""; this.size = 0; return; } try { var info = file.query_info( "standard::*", FileQueryInfoFlags.NONE ); this.content_type = info.get_content_type(); this.size = info.get_size(); uint8[] data; GLib.FileUtils.get_data(file.get_path(), out data); this.data = data; } catch (Error e) { this.data = "".data; this.size = 0; this.content_type = ""; return; } print("FakeServerCache :%s, %s (%s/%d)\n", fname , this.content_type, this.size.to_string(), this.data.length); } public void run(WebKit.URISchemeRequest request, Cancellable? cancellable) { var stream = new GLib.MemoryInputStream.from_data (this.data, GLib.free); print("SEND %s\nwe", this.size.to_string()); request.finish(stream, this.size, this.content_type); return; } } public class FakeServer : Object { //WebKit.WebView view; static WebKit.WebContext cx = null; public FakeServer(WebKit.WebView wkview) { //this.view = wkview; if (cx != null) { return; } cx = WebKit.WebContext.get_default(); //var cx = this.view.get_context(); cx.register_uri_scheme("xhttp", serve); cx.register_uri_scheme("resources", serve); cx.set_cache_model (WebKit.CacheModel.DOCUMENT_VIEWER); // these do not help for cross domain requests.. //cx.get_security_manager().register_uri_scheme_as_cors_enabled("xhttp"); //cx.get_security_manager().register_uri_scheme_as_cors_enabled("http"); //cx.register_uri_scheme_as_cors_enabled("xhttp"); // = crash cx.set_process_model (WebKit.ProcessModel.MULTIPLE_SECONDARY_PROCESSES ); } public void serve(WebKit.URISchemeRequest request) { // request is URISchemeRequest print("REQ: %s\n",request.get_path()); var cdata = FakeServerCache.factory(request.get_path() , request.get_scheme()); if (cdata.size < 1 ) { print("Skip file missing = %s/gitlive%s\n", GLib.Environment.get_home_dir() , request.get_path()); request.finish_error(new FakeServerError.FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST ("My error msg")); return; } print("Send :%s, %s (%s/%d)", request.get_path(), cdata.content_type, cdata.size.to_string(), cdata.data.length); cdata.run(request, null); } }