{ "name" : "ClutterFiles", "parent" : "", "title" : "", "path" : "/home/alan/gitlive/app.Builder.js/src/Builder4/ClutterFiles.bjs", "permname" : "", "modOrder" : "", "build_module" : "builder", "items" : [ { "id" : "ClutterFiles", "| void clearFiles" : "() {\n \n this.filelayout.el.remove_all_children();\n // we need to unref all the chidren that we loaded though...\n \n}\n ", "Clutter.ScrollMode scroll_mode" : "Clutter.ScrollMode.VERTICALLY", "xtype" : "Actor", "| void loadProject" : "(Project.Project pr) {\n // list all the files, and create new Xcls_fileitem for each one.\n \n this.project = pr;\n \n \n // LEAK --- we should unref all the chilren...\n this.filelayout.el.y = 0;\n this.clearFiles();\n \n print(\"clutter files - load project: \" + pr.name +\"\\n\");\n // should unref.. them hopefully.\n \n this.project_title_name.el.text = pr.name;\n this.project_title_path.el.text = pr.firstPath();\n \n // file items contains a reference until we reload ...\n this.fileitems = new Gee.ArrayList();\n\n \n\n var fiter = pr.sortedFiles().list_iterator();\n while (fiter.next()) {\n var a = new Xcls_fileitem(this,fiter.get());\n this.fileitems.add(a);\n\n// a.ref();\n print(\"add to clutter file view: \" + fiter.get().name + \"\\n\");\n this.filelayout.el.add_child(a.el);\n }\n \n // folders...\n \n if (!(pr is Project.Gtk)) {\n print (\"not gtk... skipping files\");\n return;\n }\n var gpr = (Project.Gtk)pr;\n var def = gpr.compilegroups.get(\"_default_\");\n var items = def.sources;\n \n \n \n for(var i =0 ; i < items.size; i++) {\n print (\"cheking folder %s\\n\", items.get(i));\n var files = gpr.filesForOpen(items.get(i));\n if (files.size < 1) {\n continue;\n }\n\n // add the directory... items.get(i);\n var x = new Xcls_folderitem(this,items.get(i));\n this.fileitems.add(x);\n this.filelayout.el.add_child(x.el);\n \n for(var j =0 ; j < files.size; j++) {\n print (\"adding file %s\\n\", files.get(j));\n \n var y = new Xcls_folderfile(this, files.get(j));\n this.fileitems.add(y);\n x.el.add_child(y.el);\n\n // add file to files.get(j);\n \n }\n \n \n //this.el.set_value(citer, 1, items.get(i) );\n }\n \n \n \n this.el.show();\n}\n", "# Gdk.Pixbuf missing_thumb_pixbuf" : "null", "@ void open" : "(JsRender.JsRender file)", "$ xns" : "Clutter", "bool reactive" : true, "Project.Project project" : "", "| void set_size" : "(float w, float h) \n{\n \n // called by window resize... with is alreaddy -50 (for the buttons?)\n \n\n\n\n if (this.el == null) {\n print(\"object not ready yet?\");\n return;\n }\n \n print(\"recv width %f, filelayoutw = %f\", w, w-200);\n \n w = GLib.Math.floorf ( w/120.0f) * 120.0f;\n \n \n \n \n //_this.filelayout_manager.el.max_column_width = w - 200;\n _this.filelayout.el.width = w - 200;\n \n this.el.set_size(\n // this.el.get_stage().width-150,\n w,\n h // this.el.get_stage().height\n );\n \n // 100 right for buttons ..\n this.el.set_position(75,0);\n \n \n this.scroller.el.set_size(\n // this.el.get_stage().width-150,\n w-50,\n h // this.el.get_stage().height\n );\n \n // 100 right for buttons ..\n this.scroller.el.set_position(0,50);\n // scroll...\n _this.filelayout.el.y = 0.0f;\n \n}\n", "# Gee.ArrayList fileitems" : "new Gee.ArrayList()", "items" : [ { "id" : "project_title", "* init" : "\nthis.el.add_constraint(\n new Clutter.BindConstraint(_this.el,Clutter.BindCoordinate.SIZE, 0.0f)\n);\nthis.el.set_position(0,0);\n ", "xtype" : "Actor", "* pack" : "add_child", "$ reactive" : true, "$ xns" : "Clutter", "items" : [ { "id" : "project_title_manager", "$ orientation" : "Clutter.FlowOrientation.HORIZONTAL", "xtype" : "FlowLayout", "boolean homogeneous" : false, "$ xns" : "Clutter", "row_spacing" : 5, "* prop" : "layout_manager", "column_spacing" : 20 }, { "xtype" : "FixedLayout", "$ xns" : "Clutter", "* prop" : "layout_manager" }, { "* ctor" : "new Clutter.Text.full(\"Sans 20px\", \"\", Clutter.Color.from_string(\"#eee\"))", "id" : "project_title_name", "float x" : "0.0f", "* pack" : "add_child", "xtype" : "Text", "float y" : "10.0f", "boolean x_expand" : false, "$ xns" : "Clutter" }, { "* ctor" : "new Clutter.Text.full(\"Sans 10px\", \"\", Clutter.Color.from_string(\"#ccc\"))", "id" : "project_title_path", "float x" : "0.0f", "* pack" : "add_child", "xtype" : "Text", "float y" : "35.0f", "$ xns" : "Clutter" } ] }, { "listeners" : { "scroll_event" : "( event) => {\n //Sprint(\"scroll event\");\n var y = _this.filelayout.el.y;\n var dir = event.direction;\n \n var last_child_bottom = _this.filelayout.el.last_child.y + _this.filelayout.el.last_child.height;\n var bottompos = -1 * ( last_child_bottom - (0.5f * this.el.height));\n \n switch (dir) {\n case Clutter.ScrollDirection.UP:\n print(\"Scroll up by %f\\n\", event.y);\n y += event.y /2;\n y = float.min(0, y); // \n break;\n \n case Clutter.ScrollDirection.DOWN:\n print(\"Scroll down by %f\\n\", event.y);\n y -= event.y /2 ;\n y = float.max(bottompos, y);\n \n \n break;\n default:\n return false;\n }\n // range of scroll -- can go up -- eg.. -ve value.\n \n\n \n // to work out the max -ve number\n // height of filelayout\n // height of scrollactor..\n \n/*\n if ( (-1 * (y+200)) > ( last_child_bottom - this.el.height)) {\n var nv = _this.filelayout.el.y ;\n if (nv != -1 * ( last_child_bottom - this.el.height)) {\n \n _this.filelayout.el.y = -1 * ( last_child_bottom - this.el.height);\n return true;\n }\n \n return false;\n }\n\n*/\n \n \n// print(\"\\nlast child - this height = %f ==== new y %f\\n \".printf( \n // last_child_bottom - this.el.height,\n // y)); \n // y = float.min(0, y); //??\n // print(\"scroll event of %f - new y = %f \".printf(event.y, y));\n print(\"Set scroll to %f (lcb=%f / height = %f)\\n\", y, last_child_bottom, this.el.height);\n \n _this.filelayout.el.y = y;\n return true;\n \n}" }, "# Gee.ArrayList fileitems" : "new Gee.ArrayList()", "id" : "scroller", "Clutter.ScrollMode scroll_mode" : "Clutter.ScrollMode.VERTICALLY", "xtype" : "ScrollActor", "* pack" : "add_child", "# Gdk.Pixbuf missing_thumb_pixbuf" : "null", "$ xns" : "Clutter", "bool reactive" : true, "items" : [ { "id" : "filelayout", "* init" : "\nthis.el.add_constraint(\n new Clutter.BindConstraint(_this.el,Clutter.BindCoordinate.SIZE, 0.0f)\n);\n\n ", "xtype" : "Actor", "* pack" : "add_child", "$ reactive" : true, "$ xns" : "Clutter", "items" : [ { "id" : "filelayout_manager", "bool homogeneous" : false, "$ orientation" : "Clutter.FlowOrientation.HORIZONTAL", "xtype" : "FlowLayout", "float max_column_width" : "100.0f", "$ xns" : "Clutter", "row_spacing" : 20, "* prop" : "layout_manager", "column_spacing" : 20 }, { "listeners" : { "button_press_event" : " ( event) => {\n _this.open(this.file);\n return false;\n} ", "enter_event" : "( event) => {\n this.el.background_color = Clutter.Color.from_string(\"#333\");\n this.title.el.background_color = Clutter.Color.from_string(\"#fff\");\n this.typetitle.el.background_color = Clutter.Color.from_string(\"#fff\");\n this.title.el.color = Clutter.Color.from_string(\"#000\");\n this.typetitle.el.color = Clutter.Color.from_string(\"#000\");\n \n return false;\n}", "leave_event" : "( event) => {\n this.el.background_color = Clutter.Color.from_string(\"#000\");\n this.title.el.background_color = Clutter.Color.from_string(\"#000\");\n this.typetitle.el.background_color = Clutter.Color.from_string(\"#000\");\n this.title.el.color = Clutter.Color.from_string(\"#fff\");\n this.typetitle.el.color = Clutter.Color.from_string(\"#fff\");\n \n \n return false;\n}" }, "id" : "*fileitem", "* args" : "JsRender.JsRender file", "* init" : "this.file = file;\nthis.el.set_size(100,100);", "* pack" : true, "xtype" : "Actor", "# JsRender.JsRender file" : "", "$ reactive" : true, "$ xns" : "Clutter", "items" : [ { "spacing" : 4, "xtype" : "BoxLayout", "orientation" : "Clutter.Orientation.VERTICAL", "$ xns" : "Clutter", "* prop" : "layout_manager" }, { "$ margin_right" : 5, "$ margin_top" : 5, "id" : "+image", "* args" : "JsRender.JsRender file", "* init" : "{\n Gdk.Pixbuf pixbuf= null;\n \n var fname = file.getIconFileName(false);\n\n try {\n if (FileUtils.test(fname, FileTest.EXISTS)) {\n pixbuf = new Gdk.Pixbuf.from_file(fname);\n } \n } catch (Error e) {\n // noop\n \n }\n if (pixbuf == null) {\n \n try {\n if (_this.missing_thumb_pixbuf == null) {\n var icon_theme = Gtk.IconTheme.get_default ();\n _this.missing_thumb_pixbuf = icon_theme.load_icon (\"package-x-generic\", 92, 0);\n _this.missing_thumb_pixbuf.ref();\n }\n pixbuf = _this.missing_thumb_pixbuf;\n\n } catch (Error e) {\n // noop?\n }\n }\n try {\n var img = new Clutter.Image();\n img.set_data(pixbuf.get_pixels(), \n pixbuf.has_alpha \n ? Cogl.PixelFormat.RGBA_8888\n : Cogl.PixelFormat.RGB_888,\n pixbuf.get_width (),\n pixbuf.get_height (),\n pixbuf.get_rowstride ()\n );\n this.el.set_content(img);\n } catch (Error e) {\n // noop?\n }\n // should probably do smarter scaling...\n \n \n this.el.set_size(90, 70);\n}\n", "* pack" : "add_child", "xtype" : "Actor", "bool x_expand" : false, "$ y_align" : "Clutter.ActorAlign.START", "$ margin_left" : 5, "$ xns" : "Clutter", "bool y_expand" : false, "$ x_align" : "Clutter.ActorAlign.START" }, { "* ctor" : "new Clutter.Text.full(\"Sans 10px\", file.nickType(), Clutter.Color.from_string(\"#fff\"))", "* args" : "JsRender.JsRender file", "id" : "+typetitle", "* pack" : "add_child", "xtype" : "Text", "bool x_expand" : false, "$ y_align" : "Clutter.ActorAlign.START", "$ xns" : "Clutter", "bool y_expand" : false, "$ x_align" : "Clutter.ActorAlign.START" }, { "* ctor" : "new Clutter.Text.full(\"Sans 10px\", file.nickName(), Clutter.Color.from_string(\"#fff\"))", "* args" : "JsRender.JsRender file", "id" : "+title", "* pack" : "add_child", "xtype" : "Text", "bool x_expand" : false, "$ y_align" : "Clutter.ActorAlign.START", "$ xns" : "Clutter", "bool y_expand" : false, "$ x_align" : "Clutter.ActorAlign.START" } ] }, { "id" : "*folderitem", "* args" : "string folderpath", "* init" : " \n//this.el.set_size(100,100);", "* pack" : true, "xtype" : "Actor", "$ reactive" : true, "$ xns" : "Clutter", "items" : [ { "spacing" : 2, "xtype" : "BoxLayout", "orientation" : "Clutter.Orientation.VERTICAL", "$ xns" : "Clutter", "* prop" : "layout_manager" }, { "* ctor" : "new Clutter.Text.full(\"Sans bold 14px\", GLib.Path.get_basename(folderpath), Clutter.Color.from_string(\"#fff\"))", "id" : "+foldertitle", "* args" : "string folderpath", "$ x_expand" : true, "* pack" : "add_child", "xtype" : "Text", "$ y_align" : "Clutter.ActorAlign.START", "$ xns" : "Clutter", "bool y_expand" : false, "$ x_align" : "Clutter.ActorAlign.START" }, { "listeners" : { "button_press_event" : " ( event) => {\n \n var f = JsRender.JsRender.factory(\"PlainFile\", _this.project, this.filepath);\n _this.open(f);\n return false;\n} ", "enter_event" : "( event) => {\n this.el.background_color = Clutter.Color.from_string(\"#fff\");\n this.el.color = Clutter.Color.from_string(\"#000\");\n return false;\n}", "leave_event" : "( event) => {\n this.el.background_color = Clutter.Color.from_string(\"#000\");\n this.el.color = Clutter.Color.from_string(\"#fff\");\n return false;\n}" }, "* ctor" : "new Clutter.Text.full(\"Sans 10px\", GLib.Path.get_basename(filepath), Clutter.Color.from_string(\"#fff\"))", "id" : "*folderfile", "* args" : "string filepath", "* init" : "{\n this.filepath = filepath;\n}\n", "$ x_expand" : true, "* pack" : "add_child", "xtype" : "Text", "$ y_align" : "Clutter.ActorAlign.START", "string filepath" : "", "$ xns" : "Clutter", "bool reactive" : true, "bool y_expand" : false, "$ x_align" : "Clutter.ActorAlign.START" } ] } ] } ] } ] } ] }