namespace JSDOC { public enum ScopeParserMode { BUILDING_SYMBOL_TREE, PASS2_SYMBOL_TREE } public class ScopeParser : Object { TokenStream ts; Gee.ArrayList warnings; static Gee.ArrayList idents; static bool initialized = false; Scope globalScope; ScopeParserMode mode; //braceNesting : 0, Gee.HashMap indexedScopes; bool munge = true; int expN = 0; int braceNesting = 0; static void init() { if (ScopeParser.initialized) { return; } string[] identsar = { "break", "case", "continue", "default", "delete", "do", "else", "export", "false", "for", "function", "if", "import", "in", "new", "null", "return", "switch", "this", "true", "typeof", "var", "void", "while", "with", "catch", "class", "const", "debugger", "enum", "extends", "finally", "super", "throw", "try", "abstract", "boolean", "byte", "char", "double", "final", "float", "goto", "implements", "instanceof", "int", "interface", "long", "native", "package", "private", "protected", "public", "short", "static", "synchronized", "throws", "transient", "include", "undefined" }; ScopeParser.idents = new Gee.ArrayList(); for(var i = 0 ; i < identsar.length;i++) { ScopeParser.idents.add(identsar[i]); } } private Packer packer; string filename; public ScopeParser(TokenStream ts, Packer packer, string filename) { this.ts = ts; // {TokenStream} this.packer = packer; this.filename = filename; this.warnings = new Gee.ArrayList(); this.globalScope = new Scope(-1, null, -1, "", null); this.indexedScopes = new Gee.HashMap(); //this.indexedg = {}; //this.timer = new Date() * 1; } /*void warn(string s) { //print('****************' + s); this.warnings.add(s); //println("WARNING:" + htmlescape(s) + "
"); } */ // defaults should not be initialized here =- otherwise they get duped on new, rather than initalized.. public void buildSymbolTree() { //println("
			this.braceNesting = 0;
		   // print(JSON.stringify(this.ts.tokens, null,4));
			this.globalScope =new  Scope(-1, null, -1, "", null);
			this.indexedScopes = new Gee.HashMap();
			this.indexedScopes.set(0, this.globalScope );
			this.mode = ScopeParserMode.BUILDING_SYMBOL_TREE;
		//	 print("---------------END PASS 1 ---------------- \n");
		public void mungeSymboltree()
			if (!this.munge) {

			// One problem with obfuscation resides in the use of undeclared
			// and un-namespaced global symbols that are 3 characters or less
			// in length. Here is an example:
			//     var declaredGlobalVar;
			//     function declaredGlobalFn() {
			//         var localvar;
			//         localvar = abc; // abc is an undeclared global symbol
			//     }
			// In the example above, there is a slim chance that localvar may be
			// munged to 'abc', conflicting with the undeclared global symbol
			// abc, creating a potential bug. The following code detects such
			// global symbols. This must be done AFTER the entire file has been
			// parsed, and BEFORE munging the symbol tree. Note that declaring
			// extra symbols in the global scope won't hurt.
			// Note: Since we go through all the tokens to do this, we also use
			// the opportunity to count how many times each identifier is used.

			this.braceNesting = 0;
			this.mode = ScopeParserMode.PASS2_SYMBOL_TREE;

			// this.globalScope.dump();


		void parseScope(Scope scope)   // parse a token stream..
			//this.timerPrint("parseScope EnterScope"); 
			//this.log(">>> ENTER SCOPE" + this.scopes.length);
			var isObjectLitAr = new Gee.ArrayList();
			//var scopeIndent = ''; 
			//this.scopes.forEach(function() {
			//    scopeIndent += '   '; 
			//print(">> ENTER SCOPE");
			var token = this.ts.lookTok(1);
			while (token != null) {
			  //  this.timerPrint("parseScope AFTER lookT: " + token.toString()); 
			    //this.dumpToken(token , this.scopes, this.braceNesting);
			    //print("SCOPE: %s\n" , token.asString());
			    //if (token.type == 'NAME') {
			    //    print('*' +;
			    switch(token.type) {
					case TokenType.KEYW:
						switch( {
							case TokenName.VAR:
							case TokenName.CONST: // not really relivant as it's only mozzy that does this.
							    //print('SCOPE-VAR:' + token.toString());
							    //this.log("parseScope GOT VAR/CONST : " + token.toString()); 
							    while (true) {
							        token = this.ts.nextTok();
							        //!this.debug|| print( token.toString());
							       // print('SCOPE-VAR-VAL:' + JSON.stringify(token, null, 4));
							        if (token == null) { // can return false at EOF!
							        if ( == TokenName.VAR || == ",") { // kludge..
							        //this.logR("parseScope GOT VAR  : " + token.toString() + ""); 
							        if (token.type != TokenType.NAME) {
							    		this.ts.printRange( int.max(this.ts.cursor-10,0), this.ts.cursor);
							    			"var without indent"
							            //print( "var without ident");
							            //GLib.Process.exit (0);

							        if (this.mode == ScopeParserMode.BUILDING_SYMBOL_TREE) {
							            var identifier = scope.getIdentifier(,token) ;
							            if (identifier == null) {
							                scope.declareIdentifier(, token);
							            } else {
							                token.identifier = identifier;
												"The variable '" + "' has already been declared in the same scope"

							        token = this.ts.nextTok();
							        //!this.debug|| print(token.toString());
							        assert token.getType() == Token.SEMI ||
							                token.getType() == Token.ASSIGN ||
							                token.getType() == Token.COMMA ||
							                token.getType() == Token.IN;
							        if ( == TokenName.IN) {
							        } else {
							            //var bn = this.braceNesting;
							            var bn = this.braceNesting;
							            var nts = new Gee.ArrayList();
							            while (true) {
							                if (token == null  || token.type == TokenType.VOID || == ",") {
							                token = this.ts.nextTok();
							            if (nts.size > 0) {
							                var TS = this.ts;
							                this.ts = new TokenStream(nts);
							                this.ts = TS;
							            this.braceNesting = bn;
							            //this.braceNesting = bn;
							            //this.logR("parseScope DONE  : ParseExpression - tok is:" + this.ts.lookT(0).toString()); 
							            token = this.ts.lookTok(1);
							           // print("AFTER EXP: " + token.toString());
							            if ( == ";") {
							    //this.ts.dump(vstart , this.ts.cursor);
							case TokenName.FUNCTION:
							    //if (this.mode == 'BUILDING_SYMBOL_TREE') 
							    //    print('SCOPE-FUNC:' + JSON.stringify(token,null,4));
							     var bn = this.braceNesting;
							     this.braceNesting = bn;

							case TokenName.WITH:
							    //print('SCOPE-WITH:' + token.toString());
							    if (this.mode == ScopeParserMode.BUILDING_SYMBOL_TREE) {
							        // Inside a 'with' block, it is impossible to figure out
							        // statically whether a symbol is a local variable or an
							        // object member. As a consequence, the only thing we can
							        // do is turn the obfuscation off for the highest scope
							        // containing the 'with' block.
										"Using 'with' is not recommended as it reduces the level of compression"

							case TokenName.CATCH:
							    //print('SCOPE-CATCH:' + token.toString());

								// print(" KEYW = %s\n", token.asString());
							     if (this.mode == ScopeParserMode.BUILDING_SYMBOL_TREE) {
							        if ( == TokenName.EVAL) {
							            //print("got token eval...prefix= %s\n", token.prefix);
							            //print(JSON.stringify(token, null,4));
							            // look back one and see if we can find a comment!!!
							            //var prevTok = this.ts.look(-1,true);
							            //print("prev to eval = %s\n", prevTok.asString());
							            //if (prevTok.type == TokenType.COMM) {
							        	//	print("previus to eval == comment\n%s\n" ,;
							            if (token.prefix.length > 0 && Regex.match_simple ("eval",token.prefix)) {
							                // look for eval:var:noreplace\n
							                var regex = new GLib.Regex ("eval:var:([a-z_]+)",GLib.RegexCompileFlags.CASELESS );
							                regex.replace_eval (token.prefix, token.prefix.length, 0, 0, (match_info, result) => {
									           	var a =  match_info.fetch(1);
									           	//print("protect?: %s\n", a);
							                    var hi = this.getIdentifier(a, scope, token);
								                   // println("PROTECT "+a+" from munge" + (hi ? "FOUND" : "MISSING"));
							                    if (hi != null) {
							                        //print("PROTECT "+a+" from munge\n");
							                        hi.toMunge = false;
							                    return false;
							            } else {
												"Using 'eval' is not recommended. (use  eval:var:noreplace in comments to optimize)"



								break; //???							
						break; // end KEYW
					case TokenType.PUNC:
							switch( {
								case TokenName.LEFT_CURLY: // {
								case TokenName.LEFT_PAREN: // (    
								case TokenName.LEFT_BRACE: // [
									//print("SCOPE-CURLY/PAREN %d / KS= %d / IT=%d \n", token.props.size ,token.keyseq.size, token.items.size);
									var curTS = this.ts;
									if (token.props.size > 0) {
									    // { a : ... , c : .... }
									    for (var i = 0;i < token.keyseq.size; i++ ){ 
									    //var iter = token.props.map_iterator();
											var k =  token.keyseq.get(i);
											TokenKeyMap val = token.props.get(k);
											//print("SCOPE-PROPS GET (%d/%d): %s\n", i, token.keyseq.size,k);
									      //  print('SCOPE-PROPS:' + JSON.stringify(token.props[prop],null,4));
										  	if (val == null || val.vals.size < 1) {
									        if (val.vals.get(0).data == "function") {
									            // parse a function..
									            this.ts = new TokenStream(val.vals);
									        // key value..
									        this.ts = new TokenStream(val.vals);
									    this.ts = curTS;
									    // it's an object literal..
									    // the values could be replaced..
									// ( ... ) or { .... } not object literals..
				 	            for (var xx =0; xx < token.items.size; xx++) {
									var expr = token.items.get(xx);
									//token.items.forEach(function(expr) {
									       this.ts = new TokenStream(expr);
									        //if ( == '(') {
									        //} else {
									          //  _this.parseExpression(scope)
									this.ts = curTS;
									//print("NOT PROPS"); Seed.quit();
									//print(">>>>>> OBJLIT PUSH(false)" + this.braceNesting);

								case TokenName.RIGHT_CURLY: // }
									//print("<< EXIT SCOPE");
			        case TokenType.STRN:
			    		///case "STRN.DOUBLE_QUOTE": // used for object lit detection.. case "STRN.SINGLE_QUOTE":
			          //  print('SCOPE-STRING:' + token.toString());

			            if (this.ts.lookTok(-1).data == "{" && this.ts.lookTok(1).data == ":") {
			                // then we are in an object lit.. -> we need to flag the brace as such...
			                //print(">>>>>> OBJLIT REPUSH(true)");
			            var isInObjectLitAr = isObjectLitAr.get(isObjectLitAr.size-1);
			            if (isInObjectLitAr &&  this.ts.lookTok(1).data == ":" &&
			                ( this.ts.lookTok(-1).data == "{"  ||  this.ts.lookTok(-1).data == ":" )) {
			                // see if we can replace..
			                // remove the quotes..
			                // should do a bit more checking!!!! (what about wierd char's in the string..
			                var str =,;
			                if (Regex.match_simple ("^[a-z_]+$", str,GLib.RegexCompileFlags.CASELESS) && ScopeParser.idents.index_of(str) < 0) {
			                    token.outData = str;
			        case TokenType.NAME:
			            // print("SCOPE got NAME:%s\n" , token.asString());
			            //print("DEAL WITH NAME:");
			            // got identifier..
			            // look for  { ** : <- indicates obj literal.. ** this could occur with numbers ..
			            // skip anyting with "." before it..!!
			            // print("prev0 = " + this.ts.lookTok(0).asString() +"\n");
			            // print("prev-1 = " + this.ts.lookTok(-1).asString() +"\n");			             
			            if (this.ts.lookTok(-1).name == TokenName.DOT) {
			                // skip, it's an object prop.
			                // print("prev is a .dot.\n");
			            //print("SYMBOL: " + token.toString());
			            var symbol =;
			            if (symbol == "this") {
			                // print("ignore 'this'\n");
			            if (this.mode == ScopeParserMode.PASS2_SYMBOL_TREE) {
			                //println("GOT IDENT: -2 : " + this.ts.lookT(-2).toString() + " 
..... -1 : " + this.ts.lookT(-1).toString() + "
"); //print ("MUNGE?" + symbol); //println("GOT IDENT: " + symbol + "
"); //println("GOT IDENT (2): " + symbol + "
"); var identifier = this.getIdentifier(symbol, scope, token); if (identifier == null) { // BUG!find out where builtin is defined... // print("new identifier\n"); if (symbol.length <= 3 && Scope.builtin.index_of(symbol) < 0) { // Here, we found an undeclared and un-namespaced symbol that is // 3 characters or less in length. Declare it in the global scope. // We don't need to declare longer symbols since they won't cause // any conflict with other munged symbols. this.globalScope.declareIdentifier(symbol, token); this.packer.logError( Packer.ResultType.warn, this.filename, token.line, "Found an undeclared symbol: " + symbol ); } //println("GOT IDENT IGNORE(3): " + symbol + "
"); } else { // print("existing identifier\n"); token.identifier = identifier; identifier.refcount++; } } break; //println("SID"); default: break; } // end switch //print("parseScope TOK : " + token.toString()); token = this.ts.nextTok(); //if (this.ts.nextT()) break; } //print("<<< EXIT SCOPE"); //print("<<<<<<EXP
"); //!this.debug || print("PARSE EXPR"); this.expN++; // for printing stuff.. //var expressionBraceNesting = this.braceNesting + 0; //var bracketNesting = 0; //var parensNesting = 0; var isObjectLitAr = new Gee.ArrayList(); isObjectLitAr.add( false); Token token; //print(scopeIndent + ">> ENTER EXPRESSION" + this.expN); while (null != (token = this.ts.nextTok())) { /* // moved out of loop? currentScope = this.scopes[this.scopes.length-1]; var scopeIndent = ''; this.scopes.forEach(function() { scopeIndent += ' '; }); */ //this.dumpToken(token, this.scopes, this.braceNesting ); //print("EXPR %s\n" , token.asString()); //println(""""); //this.log("EXP:" +; switch (token.type) { case TokenType.PUNC: //print("EXPR-PUNC:" + token.toString()); switch( { case ";": //print("<< EXIT EXPRESSION"); break; case ",": break; case "(": //Token.LP: case "{": //Token.LC: case "[": //Token.LB: //print('SCOPE-CURLY/PAREN/BRACE:' + token.toString()); // print('SCOPE-CURLY/PAREN/BRACE:' + JSON.stringify(token, null,4)); //println(""""); var curTS = this.ts; if (token.keyseq.size > 0) { for (var i = 0;i < token.keyseq.size; i++ ){ //var iter = token.props.map_iterator(); var k = token.keyseq.get(i); TokenKeyMap val = token.props.get(k); if (val == null) { print("failed to get %s val from token %s\n", k, token.asString()); continue; } //if (val.vals.size < 1) { //print(JSON.stringify(token.props, null,4)); //} if (val.vals.size > 0 && val.vals.get(0).data == "function") { // parse a function.. this.ts = new TokenStream(val.vals); this.ts.nextTok(); this.parseFunctionDeclaration(scope); continue; } // key value.. this.ts = new TokenStream(val.vals); this.parseExpression(scope); } this.ts = curTS; // it's an object literal.. // the values could be replaced.. break; } foreach(var expr in token.items) { this.ts = new TokenStream(expr); this.parseExpression(scope); } this.ts = curTS; ///print(">>>>> EXP PUSH(false)"+this.braceNesting); break; case ")": //Token.RP: case "]": //Token.RB: case "}": //Token.RB: //print("<< EXIT EXPRESSION"); return; // parensNesting++; // break; } break; case TokenType.STRN: // used for object lit detection.. //if (this.mode == 'BUILDING_SYMBOL_TREE') //print("EXPR-STR:" + JSON.stringify(token, null, 4)); break; case TokenType.NAME: if (this.mode == ScopeParserMode.BUILDING_SYMBOL_TREE) { //print("EXPR-NAME:" + JSON.stringify(token, null, 4)); } else { //print("EXPR-NAME:" + token.toString()); } var symbol =; //print("expression got NAME = %s \n" , symbol); //print("in NAME 0: " + this.ts.look(0).toString()); //print("in NAME 2: " + this.ts.lookTok(2).toString()); //print(this.ts.lookTok(-1).data); // prefixed with '.' if (this.ts.lookTok(-1).data == ".") { //skip '.' break; } if (symbol == "this") { break; } if (this.mode == ScopeParserMode.PASS2_SYMBOL_TREE) { var identifier = this.getIdentifier(symbol, scope, token); //println("??"); if (identifier == null) { if (symbol.length <= 3 && Scope.builtin.index_of(symbol) < 0) { // Here, we found an undeclared and un-namespaced symbol that is // 3 characters or less in length. Declare it in the global scope. // We don't need to declare longer symbols since they won't cause // any conflict with other munged symbols. this.globalScope.declareIdentifier(symbol, token); this.packer.logError( Packer.ResultType.warn, this.filename, token.line, "Found an undeclared symbol: " + symbol ); //print("Found an undeclared symbol: " + symbol + ' (line:' + token.line + ')'); //throw "OOPS"; } else { //print("undeclared:" + token.toString()) } } else { //println("++"); token.identifier = identifier; identifier.refcount++; } } break; //println("EID"); case TokenType.KEYW: //if (this.mode == 'BUILDING_SYMBOL_TREE') // print("EXPR-KEYW:" + JSON.stringify(token, null, 4)); //print('EXPR-KEYW:' + token.toString()); if ( == TokenName.FUNCTION) { this.parseFunctionDeclaration(scope); break; } var symbol =; if (this.mode == ScopeParserMode.BUILDING_SYMBOL_TREE) { if ( == TokenName.EVAL) { //print(JSON.stringify(token,null,4)); if (token.prefix.length > 0 && Regex.match_simple ("eval:var:", token.prefix,GLib.RegexCompileFlags.CASELESS)) { // look for eval:var:noreplace\n // print("GOT MATCH?"); var regex = new GLib.Regex ("eval:var:([a-z_]+)",GLib.RegexCompileFlags.CASELESS ); regex.replace_eval (token.prefix, token.prefix.length, 0, 0, (match_info, result) => { var a = match_info.fetch(0); //print("PROTECT: " + a); var hi = this.getIdentifier(a, scope, token); //println("PROTECT "+a+" from munge" + (hi ? "FOUND" : "MISSING")); if (hi != null) { // println("PROTECT "+a+" from munge"); hi.toMunge = false; } return false; }); } else { this.protectScopeFromObfuscation(scope); this.packer.logError( Packer.ResultType.warn, this.filename, token.line, "Using 'eval' is not recommended. use eval:var in comment before eval to enable compression " + symbol ); } } } break; default: //if (this.mode == 'BUILDING_SYMBOL_TREE') // print("EXPR-SKIP:" + JSON.stringify(token, null, 4)); break; } } //print("<< EXIT EXPRESSION"); this.expN--; } void parseCatch(Scope scope) { //token = getToken(-1); //assert token.getType() == Token.CATCH; var token = this.ts.nextTok(); token = this.ts.nextTok(); //print(JSON.stringify(this.ts,null,4)); //assert token.getType() == Token.LP; ( //token = this.ts.nextTok(); //assert token.getType() == Token.NAME; var symbol = token.items[0][0].data; if (this.mode == ScopeParserMode.BUILDING_SYMBOL_TREE) { // We must declare the exception identifier in the containing function // scope to avoid errors related to the obfuscation process. No need to // display a warning if the symbol was already declared here... scope.declareIdentifier(symbol, token.items[0][0]); } else { //?? why inc the refcount?? - that should be set when building the tree??? var identifier = this.getIdentifier(symbol, scope, token.items[0][0]); identifier.refcount++; } //token = this.ts.nextTok(); //assert token.getType() == Token.RP; // ) } void parseFunctionDeclaration (Scope scope) { //print("PARSE FUNCTION"); // var b4braceNesting = this.braceNesting + 0; //this.logR("PARSING FUNCTION"); var token = this.ts.nextTok(); if (token.type == TokenType.NAME) { if (this.mode == ScopeParserMode.BUILDING_SYMBOL_TREE) { // Get the name of the function and declare it in the current scope. var symbol =; if (scope.getIdentifier(symbol,token) != null) { this.packer.logError( Packer.ResultType.warn, this.filename, token.line, "The function " + symbol + " has already been declared in the same scope..." ); } scope.declareIdentifier(symbol,token); } token = this.ts.nextTok(); } // return function() {.... while ( != "(") { //print(token.toString()); token = this.ts.nextTok(); } Scope fnScope; //assert token.getType() == Token.LP; if (this.mode == ScopeParserMode.BUILDING_SYMBOL_TREE) { fnScope = new Scope(1, scope,, "", token); //println("STORING SCOPE" + this.ts.cursor); this.indexedScopes.set(,fnScope); } else { //qln("FETCHING SCOPE" + this.ts.cursor); fnScope = this.indexedScopes[]; } //if (this.mode == 'BUILDING_SYMBOL_TREE') // print('FUNC-PARSE:' + JSON.stringify(token,null,4)); // Parse function arguments. var args = token.items; for (var argpos =0; argpos < args.size; argpos++) { token = args.get(argpos).get(0); //print ("FUNC ARGS: " + token.toString()) //assert token.getType() == Token.NAME || // token.getType() == Token.COMMA; if (token.type == TokenType.NAME && this.mode == ScopeParserMode.BUILDING_SYMBOL_TREE) { var symbol =; var identifier = fnScope.declareIdentifier(symbol,token); if (symbol == "$super" && argpos == 0) { // Exception for Prototype 1.6... identifier.toMunge = false; } //argpos++; } } token = this.ts.nextTok(); if (token == null) { return; } //print('FUNC-BODY:' + JSON.stringify(token.items,null,4)); //Seed.quit(); //print(token.toString()); // assert token.getType() == Token.LC; //this.braceNesting++; //token = this.ts.nextTok(); //print(token.toString()); var outTS = this.ts; foreach(var tar in token.items) { this.ts = new TokenStream(tar); this.parseScope(fnScope); } //print(JSON.stringify(this.ts,null,4)); //this.parseScope(fnScope); this.ts = outTS; // now pop it off the stack!!! //this.braceNesting = b4braceNesting; //print("ENDFN -1: " + this.ts.lookTok(-1).toString()); //print("ENDFN 0: " + this.ts.lookTok(0).toString()); //print("ENDFN 1: " + this.ts.lookTok(1).toString()); } void protectScopeFromObfuscation (Scope scope) { //assert scope != null; if (scope == this.globalScope) { // The global scope does not get obfuscated, // so we don't need to worry about it... return; } // Find the highest local scope containing the specified scope. while (scope != null && scope.parent != this.globalScope) { scope = scope.parent; } //assert scope.getParentScope() == globalScope; scope.preventMunging(); } Identifier? getIdentifier(string symbol, Scope in_scope, Token token) { Identifier identifier; var scope = in_scope; while (scope != null) { identifier = scope.getIdentifier(symbol, token); //println("ScopeParser.getIdentgetUsedSymbols("+symbol+")=" + scope.getUsedSymbols().join(',')); if (identifier != null) { return identifier; } scope = scope.parent; } return null; } public void printWarnings() { foreach(var w in this.warnings) { print("%s\n",w); } } } }