namespace JSDOC { public enum DocTagTitle { NO_VALUE, PARAM, PROPERTY, CFG, EXAMPLE, SINGLETON, AUTHOR, METHOD, DESC, OVERVIEW, SINCE, CONSTANT, VERSION, DEPRECATED, SEE, CLASS, NAMESPACE, CONSTRUCTOR, STATIC, INNER, FIELD, FUNCTION, EVENT, NAME, RETURN, THROWS, REQUIRES, TYPE, PRIVATE, IGNORE, ARGUMENTS, EXTENDS, DEFAULT, MEMBEROF, PUBLIC, SCOPE, SCOPEALIAS, // these are some we have added for creating trees etc.. CHILDREN, // what classes can be added as child in a tree PARENT, // restrict what the class can be added to. ABSTRACT, // is the class abstract BUILDER_TOP // can the element be used as a top level in the gui builder } errordomain DocTagException { NO_TITLE, INVALID_TITLE, INVALID_NAME, INVALID_TYPE } public class DocTag : Object { public DocTagTitle title = DocTagTitle.NO_VALUE; public string type = ""; // eg.. boolean / string etc..., may be xxxx|bbbb - eg. optional types public string name = ""; // eg. "title" << a property name etc... public bool isOptional = false; public string defaultValue = ""; public string desc = ""; public Gee.ArrayList optvalues; public string memberOf = ""; // set by add addMember.. public string asString() { return "DocTag: title=%s name=%s type=%s desc=%s".printf( this.title.to_string(),, this.type, this.desc ); } public Json.Object toJson() { var ret = new Json.Object(); ret.set_string_member("title", this.title.to_string()); ret.set_string_member("type", this.type); ret.set_string_member("name",; ret.set_string_member("defaultValue", this.defaultValue); ret.set_string_member("desc", this.desc); ret.set_string_member("memberOf", this.memberOf); ret.set_boolean_member("isOptional", this.isOptional); var ar = new Json.Array(); foreach(var ov in this.optvalues) { ar.add_string_element(ov); } ret.set_array_member("optvalues", ar); return ret; } public DocTag (string in_src) { GLib.debug("Parsing Tag: %s", in_src); this.optvalues = new Gee.ArrayList(); var src = in_src; try { src = this.nibbleTitle(src); src = this.nibbleType(src); // only some tags are allowed to have names. if ( this.title == DocTagTitle.PARAM || this.title == DocTagTitle.PROPERTY || this.title == DocTagTitle.CFG) { // @config is deprecated << not really? src = this.nibbleName(src); } } catch(DocTagException e) { GLib.debug("Failed to parse tag: '%s' = error = %s", in_src, e.message); // only throw if in 'strict'?? //throw e; return; } // if type == @cfg, and matches (|....|...) src = src.strip(); // our code uses (Optional) - but we really want to ignore this. src = /\(Optional\)/.replace(src, src.length, 0, "").strip(); MatchInfo mi = null; if (this.title == DocTagTitle.CFG && /^\([^)]+\)/.match_all(src, 0, out mi )) { var ms = mi.fetch(0); GLib.debug("Got Opt list: %s", ms); ms = ms.substring(1,ms.length-2); GLib.debug("clan to: %s", ms); if (ms.contains("|")) { var ar = ms.split("|"); GLib.debug("split to: %d", ar.length); for (var i =0 ; i < ar.length;i++) { GLib.debug("Add optvalue: %s",ar[i].strip()); this.optvalues.add(ar[i].strip()); } src = src.substring(ms.length, src.length - (ms.length+2)).strip(); GLib.debug("SRC NOW: %s",src); } } if (this.title == DocTagTitle.CFG && /\[required\]/.match(src)) { this.isOptional = false; src = /\[required\]/.replace(src, src.length, 0, "").strip(); } this.desc = src; // whatever is left // example tags need to have whitespace preserved if (this.title != DocTagTitle.EXAMPLE) { this.desc = this.desc.strip(); } } /** Find and shift off the title of a tag. @param {string} src @return src */ private string nibbleTitle (string src) throws DocTagException { //GLib.debug("nibbleTitle: %s", src); MatchInfo mi; if(! /^\s*(\S+)\s*(?:\s([\s\S]*))?$/.match_full(src, src.length, 0, 0, out mi) || mi.get_match_count() < 2) { throw new DocTagException.NO_TITLE("missing title"); return src; } // convert the @xxx to a DocTagTitle // wonder if caching this as a GeeHashmap would be quicker? EnumClass enumc = (EnumClass) typeof (DocTagTitle).class_ref (); unowned EnumValue? eval = enumc.get_value_by_name( // "JSDOC_DOC_TAG_TITLE_"+ mi.fetch(1).up() "JSDOC_DOC_TAG_TITLE_"+ mi.fetch(1).up().replace("-", "_") ); if (eval == null) { throw new DocTagException.INVALID_TITLE("title not supported ??"); return src; } this.title = (DocTagTitle) eval.value; return mi.get_match_count() > 2 ? mi.fetch(2) : ""; } /** Find and shift off the type of a tag. @requires frame/String.js @param {string} src @return src */ private string nibbleType(string src) { MatchInfo mi; if(! /^\s*\{/.match_all(src, 0, out mi)) { return src; } int start; int stop; this.balance(src,'{', '}', out start, out stop); //GLib.debug("nibble type: %s %d, %d", src, start,stop); if (stop == -1) { throw new DocTagException.INVALID_TYPE("Malformed comment tag ignored. Tag type requires an opening { and a closing }: ") ; return src; } this.type = src.substring(start+1,stop-1).strip(); this.type = this.type.replace(",", "|"); // multiples can be separated by , or | return src.substring(stop+1, -1); } /** Find and shift off the name of a tag. @requires frame/String.js @param {string} src @return src */ private string nibbleName( string in_src) throws DocTagException { var src = in_src.strip(); //GLib.debug("nibbleName: %s", in_src); // is optional? if (src.get(0) == '[') { int start, stop; this.balance(src,'[', ']', out start, out stop); if (stop == -1) { throw new DocTagException.INVALID_NAME("Malformed comment tag ignored. Tag optional name requires an opening [ and a closing ]: "); return src; } = src.substring(start+1, stop).strip(); this.isOptional = true; src = src.substring(stop+1); // has default value? var nameAndValue ="="); if (nameAndValue.length > 1) { var oname =; = nameAndValue[0].strip(); this.defaultValue = oname.substring( nameAndValue[0].length + 1 , nameAndValue[0].length + 1 - oname.length); /// what about } GLib.debug("got name %s",; return src.substring(stop+1, stop+1-src.length); } // not encased with [ ] MatchInfo mi; if (/^(\S+)(?:\s([\s\S]*))?$/.match_full(src, src.length, 0, 0, out mi)) { = mi.fetch(1); GLib.debug("got name %s",; return mi.get_match_count() > 2 ? mi.fetch(2) : ""; } return src; } private void balance(string str, char open, char close, out int start, out int stop) { start = 0; stop =-1; while (str.get(start) != open) { if (start == str.length) { return; } start++; } stop = start +1; var balance = 1; while (stop < str.length) { if (str.get(stop) == open) balance++; if (str.get(stop) == close) balance--; if (balance == 0) break; stop++; if (stop == str.length) { stop = -1; return; } } } public Json.Array optvalue_as_json_array() { var ret = new Json.Array(); foreach (var str in this.optvalues ) { ret.add_string_element(str); } return ret; } public Json.Object toPropertyJSON (Symbol parent) { var add = new Json.Object(); add.set_string_member("name",; add.set_string_member("type",this.type); add.set_string_member("desc",this.desc); add.set_string_member("memberOf", this.memberOf == parent.alias ? "" : this.memberOf); add.set_boolean_member("isOptional", this.isOptional); var ar = new Json.Array(); foreach(var ov in this.optvalues) { ar.add_string_element(ov); } add.set_array_member("optvals", ar); return add; } } }