namespace JSDOC { public class DocBuilder : Object { // extractable via JSON? public string VERSION = "1.0.0" ; private SymbolSet symbolSet; public Symbol getSymbol(string name) // wrapper for read only... { return this.symbolSet.getSymbol(name); } private Packer packer; public DocBuilder (Packer p) { GLib.debug("Roo JsDoc Toolkit started at %s ", (new GLib.DateTime.now_local()).format("Y/m/d H:i:s")); this.packer = p; //if (PackerRun.singleton().opt_tmp_dir != null && !FileUtils.test(PackerRun.singleton().opt_tmp_dir, GLib.FileTest.IS_DIR)) { // Posix.mkdir(PackerRun.singleton().opt_tmp_dir, 0700); //} this.parseSrcFiles(); DocParser.validateAugments(); DocParser.fillChildClasses(); DocParser.fillTreeChildren(); this.symbolSet = DocParser.symbols(); var classes = DocParser.classes(); // this currently uses the concept of publish.js... if (PackerRun.singleton().opt_doc_dump_tree) { //print(JSON.stringify(symbols,null,4)); var jsonAll = new Json.Object(); var ar = new Json.Array(); for (var i = 0, l = this.symbolSet.values().size; i < l; i++) { var symbol = this.symbolSet.values().get(i); // ar.add_object_element( symbol.toJson()); } jsonAll.set_array_member("data", ar); var generator = new Json.Generator (); var root = new Json.Node(Json.NodeType.OBJECT); root.init_object(jsonAll); generator.set_root (root); generator.pretty= true; generator.indent = 2; size_t l; stdout.printf("%s\n",generator.to_data(out l)); return; } size_t l; //GLib.debug("JSON: %s", generator.to_data(out l)); this.publish(); } /** * Parse the source files. * */ private void parseSrcFiles() { //var useCache = PackerRun.opt_cache_dir == null ; //var cacheFile = ""; for (var i = 0, l = this.packer.files.size; i < l; i++) { var srcFile = this.packer.files.get(i); GLib.debug("Parsing source File: %s", srcFile); /* if (useCache) { cacheFile = PackerRun.opt_cache_dir + srcFile.replace("/", '_') + ".cache"; //print(cacheFile); // disabled at present!@!! if (GLib.FileUtils.test(cacheFile, GLib.FileTest.EXISTS)) { // check filetime? var cache_mt = File.new_for_path (cacheFile).queryInfo(FileAttribute.TIME_MODIFIED, GLib.FileQueryInfoFlags.NONE, null). get_modification_time(); var original_mt = File.new_for_path (sourceInfo).queryInfo(FileAttribute.TIME_MODIFIED, GLib.FileQueryInfoFlags.NONE, null). get_modification_time(); // this check does not appear to work according to the doc's - need to check it out. if (cache_mt > original_mt) { // cached time > original time! // use the cached mtimes.. GLib.debug("Read %s" , cacheFile); var parser = new Json.Parser(); parser.load_from_file(cacheFile); var ar = parser.get_root ().get_array(); for(var i = 0;i < ar.get_length();i++) { var o = ar.get_object_element(i); var sym = JSON.gobject_from_data(typeof(Symbol), o) as Symbol; DocParser.symbols.add(sym); } continue; } } } */ var src = ""; try { GLib.debug("reading : %s" , srcFile); GLib.FileUtils.get_contents(srcFile, out src); } catch(GLib.FileError e) { GLib.debug("Can't read source file '%s': %s", srcFile, e.message); continue; } var tr = new TokenReader(this.packer); tr.keepDocs = true; tr.keepWhite = true; tr.keepComments = true; tr.sepIdents = false; tr.collapseWhite = false; tr.filename = src; var toks = tr.tokenize( new TextStream(src) ); if (PackerRun.singleton().opt_dump_tokens) { toks.dump(); return; //GLib.Process.exit(0); } var ts = new TokenStream(toks.tokens); DocParser.parse(ts, srcFile); } DocParser.finish(); // this is probably not the best place for this.. } string tempdir; void publish() { GLib.debug("Publishing"); // link!!! this.tempdir = GLib.DirUtils.make_tmp("roopackerXXXXXX"); GLib.debug("Making directories"); if (!FileUtils.test (PackerRun.singleton().opt_doc_target,FileTest.IS_DIR )) { Posix.mkdir(PackerRun.singleton().opt_doc_target,0755); } if (!FileUtils.test(PackerRun.singleton().opt_doc_target+"/symbols",FileTest.IS_DIR)) { Posix.mkdir(PackerRun.singleton().opt_doc_target+"/symbols",0755); } if (!FileUtils.test(PackerRun.singleton().opt_doc_target+"/src",FileTest.IS_DIR)) { Posix.mkdir(PackerRun.singleton().opt_doc_target+"/src",0755); } if (!FileUtils.test(PackerRun.singleton().opt_doc_target +"/json",FileTest.IS_DIR)) { Posix.mkdir(PackerRun.singleton().opt_doc_target +"/json",0755); } GLib.debug("Copying files from static: %s " , PackerRun.singleton().opt_doc_template_dir); // copy everything in 'static' into if (PackerRun.singleton().opt_doc_template_dir != null) { var iter = GLib.File.new_for_path( PackerRun.singleton().opt_doc_template_dir + "/static" ).enumerate_children ( "standard::*", FileQueryInfoFlags.NOFOLLOW_SYMLINKS, null); FileInfo info; while ( (info = iter.next_file (null)) != null) { if (info.get_file_type () == FileType.DIRECTORY) { continue; } var src = File.new_for_path(info.get_name()); GLib.debug("Copy %s to %s/%s" , info.get_name() , PackerRun.singleton().opt_doc_target , src.get_basename()); src.copy( GLib.File.new_for_path( PackerRun.singleton().opt_doc_target + "/" + src.get_basename() ), GLib.FileCopyFlags.OVERWRITE ); } } GLib.debug("Setting up templates"); var symbols = this.symbolSet.values(); var files = this.packer.files; for (var i = 0, l = files.size; i < l; i++) { var file = files.get(i); // var targetDir = PackerRun.singleton().opt_doc_target + "/symbols/src/"; this.makeSrcFile(file); } //print(JSON.stringify(symbols,null,4)); var classes = DocParser.classes(); //GLib.debug("classTemplate Process : all classes"); // var classesIndex = classesTemplate.process(classes); // kept in memory GLib.debug("iterate classes"); var jsonAll = new Json.Object(); for (var i = 0, l = classes.size; i < l; i++) { var symbol = classes.get(i); var output = ""; GLib.debug("classTemplate Process : %s" , symbol.alias); var class_gen = new Json.Generator (); var class_root = new Json.Node(Json.NodeType.OBJECT); class_root.init_object(symbol.toClassDocJSON()); class_gen.set_root (class_root); class_gen.pretty= true; class_gen.indent = 2; GLib.debug("writing JSON: %s", PackerRun.singleton().opt_doc_target+"/symbols/" +symbol.alias+".json"); this.writeJson(class_gen, PackerRun.singleton().opt_doc_target+"/symbols/" +symbol.alias+".json"); jsonAll.set_object_member(symbol.alias, symbol.toClassJSON()); } // outptu class tree var class_tree_gen = new Json.Generator (); var class_tree_root = new Json.Node(Json.NodeType.ARRAY); class_tree_root.init_array(this.class_tree(classes)); class_tree_gen.set_root (class_tree_root); class_tree_gen.pretty= true; class_tree_gen.indent = 2; GLib.debug("writing JSON: %s", PackerRun.singleton().opt_doc_target+"/tree.json"); this.writeJson(class_tree_gen,PackerRun.singleton().opt_doc_target+"/tree.json"); size_t class_tree_l; //GLib.debug("JSON: %s", class_tree_gen.to_data(out class_tree_l)); /*---- this is our 'builder' json file.. -- a full list of objects+functions */ var generator = new Json.Generator (); var root = new Json.Node(Json.NodeType.OBJECT); root.init_object(jsonAll); generator.set_root (root); generator.pretty= true; generator.indent = 2; GLib.debug("writing Builder JSON: %s", PackerRun.singleton().opt_doc_target+"/json/roodata.json"); this.writeJson(generator,PackerRun.singleton().opt_doc_target+"/json/roodata.json"); size_t l; //GLib.debug("JSON: %s", generator.to_data(out l)); GLib.debug("build index"); } /** * needed as Json dumps .xXXX into same directory as it writes... */ void writeJson(Json.Generator g, string fname) { var tmp = this.tempdir + GLib.Path.get_basename(fname); g.to_file(tmp); if (GLib.FileUtils.test(fname, GLib.FileTest.EXISTS)) { string new_data, old_data; FileUtils.get_contents(tmp, out new_data); FileUtils.get_contents(fname, out old_data); if (old_data == new_data) { GLib.File.new_for_path(tmp).delete(); return; } } GLib.File.new_for_path(tmp).move( File.new_for_path(fname), GLib.FileCopyFlags.OVERWRITE); } Gee.HashMap class_tree_map; Json.Array class_tree_top; Json.Object? class_tree_new_obj(string name, bool is_class, out bool is_new) { if (this.class_tree_map.has_key(name)) { var ret = this.class_tree_map.get(name); if (!ret.get_boolean_member("is_class") && is_class) { ret.set_boolean_member("is_class", is_class); } is_new = false; return ret; // no need to do anything } GLib.debug("Class Tree: new object %s", name); var add = new Json.Object(); add.set_string_member("name", name); add.set_array_member("cn", new Json.Array()); add.set_boolean_member("is_class", is_class); this.class_tree_map.set(name, add); var bits = name.split("."); if (bits.length == 1) { // top level.. this.class_tree_top.add_object_element(add); } is_new = true; return add; } void class_tree_make_parents( Json.Object add) { var name = add.get_string_member("name"); var bits = name.split("."); if (bits.length < 2) { return; } // got or // find the parent.. string[] nn = {}; for(var i=0; i < bits.length-1; i++) { nn += bits[i]; } var pname = string.joinv(".", nn); GLib.debug("Class Tree: adding to parent %s => %s", name, pname); // no parent found.. make one.. bool is_new; var parent = this.class_tree_new_obj(pname, false, out is_new); parent.get_array_member("cn").add_object_element(add); if (is_new) { this.class_tree_make_parents( parent); } } Json.Array class_tree (Gee.ArrayList classes ) { // produce a tree array that can be used to render the navigation. /* should produce: [ { name : Roo, desc : .... is_class : true, cn : [ { name : 'Roo.util', basename : 'util', is_class : false, cn : [ { .... to do this, we will need to create the objects in a hashmap Roo.util => Json.Object */ this.class_tree_top = new Json.Array(); this.class_tree_map = new Gee.HashMap(); foreach (var cls in classes) { if(cls.alias.length < 1 || cls.alias == "this" || cls.alias == "_global_") { GLib.debug("Skip alias|global %s",; continue; } bool is_new; var add = this.class_tree_new_obj(cls.alias, cls.methods.size > 0 ? true : false,out is_new); if (add != null) { this.class_tree_make_parents( add); } } return this.class_tree_top; } // in Link (js) ??? string srcFileRelName(string sourceFile) { var rp = Posix.realpath(sourceFile); return rp.substring(PackerRun.singleton().opt_real_basedir.length); } string srcFileFlatName(string sourceFile) { var name = this.srcFileRelName(sourceFile); name = /\.\.?[\/]/.replace(name, name.length, 0, ""); name = name.replace("/", "_").replace(":", "_") + ".html"; return name; } void makeSrcFile(string sourceFile) { // this stuff works... // this check does not appear to work according to the doc's - need to check it out. var name = this.srcFileFlatName(sourceFile); GLib.debug("Write Source file : %s/src/%s", PackerRun.singleton().opt_doc_target, name); var str = ""; FileUtils.get_contents(sourceFile, out str); var pretty = PrettyPrint.toPretty(str); var fname = PackerRun.singleton().opt_doc_target+"/src/" + name; var tmp = this.tempdir + GLib.Path.get_basename(fname); FileUtils.set_contents( tmp, "" + "" + this.srcFileRelName(sourceFile) + "" + "" + "" + pretty + ""); // same content? if (GLib.FileUtils.test(fname, GLib.FileTest.EXISTS)) { string new_data, old_data; FileUtils.get_contents(tmp, out new_data); FileUtils.get_contents(fname, out old_data); if (old_data == new_data) { GLib.File.new_for_path(tmp).delete(); return; } } GLib.File.new_for_path(tmp).move( File.new_for_path(fname), GLib.FileCopyFlags.OVERWRITE); } } }