/* * - LGPL * * Documentation - designed to generate HTML+Docbook!?! */ Roo.doc = Roo.doc || {}; /** * @class Roo.doc.Entry * @extends Roo.bootstrap.Component * Entry Element class - describes a method etc... * @cfg name {String} name of method * @cfg purpose {String} short description of method. * * @constructor * Create a new E * @param {Object} config The config object */ Roo.doc.Entry = function(config){ Roo.doc.Entry.superclass.constructor.call(this, config); //this.el = Roo.get(document.body); /* var body = Roo.get(document.body); body.attr({ leftmargin : 0, marginwidth : 0, topmargin : 0, marginheight : 0, offset : 0 }); // call onRender once... and block next call...? this.onRender(body); this.el = body; //this.onRender = function() { }; */ }; //Roo.doc.Entry._calls = 0; Roo.extend(Roo.doc.Entry, Roo.bootstrap.Component, { name : '', purpose : '', getAutoCreate : function(){ var cfg ={ cls : 'refentry', cn : [ { tag: 'h1', cls: 'refname', html : this.name }, { cls: 'refnamediv', html : this.purpose } ] }; return cfg; }, addxtype : function (tree, cntr) { return this.addxtypeChild(tree,cntr); } /* onRender : function(ct, position) { Roo.doc.Entry._calls++; if (Roo.doc.Entry._calls > 1 || !ct) { return; } // call onRender once... and block next call...? Roo.bootstrap.Component.prototype.onRender.call(this, ct, position); } */ }); /* * - LGPL * */ /** * @class Roo.doc.Example * @extends Roo.bootstrap.Component * Example Element class * @cfg {String} title short title describing example * @cfg {String} lang (php|txt|sql) code language. * @cfg {String} code example code * @cfg {String} output The expected output from the code * @cfg {String} outputlang php|txt|sql) output language * * * @constructor * Create a new Synopsis * @param {Object} config The config object */ Roo.doc.Example = function(config){ Roo.doc.Example.superclass.constructor.call(this, config); }; Roo.extend(Roo.doc.Example, Roo.bootstrap.Component, { title : '', lang: 'php', code : '', output : '', outputlang : 'txt', getAutoCreate : function(){ // no colour highlighting in here.... var code = hljs ? hljs.highlight(this.lang,this.code).value : String.format('{0}',this.code).replace(/\n/g, '<br/>'); Roo.log("code=" + code); var cfg ={ cls : 'panel panel-info', cn : [ { cls : 'panel-heading', html : this.title }, { cls : 'panel-body', cn : [ { tag: 'pre', cls : 'lang-' + this.lang, html : code } ] } ] }; if (this.output) { var out = hljs ? hljs.highlight(this.outputlang,this.output).value : String.format('{0}',this.output).replace(/\n/g, '<br/>'); cfg.cn.push( { cls : 'panel-footer', cn : { tag: 'pre', html : out } } ); } return cfg; } }); /* * - LGPL * */ /** * @class Roo.doc.Para * @extends Roo.bootstrap.Component * Param Element class * @cfg {String} html * * @constructor * Create a new Paragraph * @param {Object} config The config object */ Roo.doc.Para = function(config){ Roo.doc.Para.superclass.constructor.call(this, config); }; Roo.extend(Roo.doc.Para, Roo.bootstrap.Component, { html : '', getAutoCreate : function(){ //?? this is the synopsis type.... // this is not very fancy... var cfg ={ tag: 'p', cls: 'para', html : Roo.Markdown.toHtml(this.html) }; if (this.parent().is_list) { return { tag: 'li', cls : listitme, cn : [ cfg ] }; } return cfg; } }); /* * - LGPL * */ /** * @class Roo.doc.Param * @extends Roo.bootstrap.Component * Param Element class * @cfg {bool} is_optional is the argument optional * @cfg {String} type argument type * @cfg {String} name name of the parameter * @cfg {String} desc short description * @cfg {String} defaultvalue default value * * @constructor * Create a new Param * @param {Object} config The config object */ Roo.doc.Param = function(config){ Roo.doc.Param.superclass.constructor.call(this, config); }; Roo.extend(Roo.doc.Param, Roo.bootstrap.Component, { is_optional : false, type : '', name: '', defaultvalue: '', desc: '', getAutoCreate : function(){ //?? this is the synopsis type.... var desc = Roo.Markdown.toHtml(this.desc); if (this.parent().stype == 'parameter') { return { tag : 'li', cn : [ { tag : 'p', cls: 'para', cn : [ { tag: 'code', html : this.type + ' ' + this.name }, desc ] } ] }; } if (this.parent().stype == 'return') { return { tag : 'p', cls: 'para', cn : [ { tag: 'code', html : this.type }, desc ] }; } // this is not very fancy... var cfg ={ tag: 'span', cn : [ this.is_optional ? '[' : '', this.type, ' ', { tag : 'b', html : this.name }, this.defaultvalue == '' ? '' : ' = ', this.defaultvalue, this.is_optional ? ']' : '', ',' // not really.. but let's do it anyway... ] }; return cfg; }, getAutoCreateParamSection : function() { var desc = Roo.Markdown.toHtml(this.desc); return { tag : 'li', cn : [ { tag : 'p', cls: 'para', cn : [ { tag: 'code', html : this.type + ' ' + this.name }, desc ] } ] }; } }); /* * - LGPL * */ /** * @class Roo.doc.Section * @extends Roo.bootstrap.Component * SectionElement class * @cfg {String} stype (desc|parameter|return|note|example) section type. * * @constructor * Create a new Synopsis * @param {Object} config The config object */ Roo.doc.Section = function(config){ Roo.doc.Section.superclass.constructor.call(this, config); }; Roo.extend(Roo.doc.Section, Roo.bootstrap.Component, { stype: '', getAutoCreate : function(){ var syn = Roo.factory(this.parent().items[0]); var cfg ={ cls : 'refsection', // id... ? cn : [ { tag: 'h3', cls : 'title', html : Roo.doc.Section.map[this.stype] } ] }; if (this.stype == 'parameter') { // db package uses variable list here... - it results in dd/dl but the layout is messed up.. var ul = { tag: 'ul', cls: 'itemizedlist roo-params', cn : [] }; // might not have any.. var params = syn.items; for (var i =0; i < params.length;i++) { ul.cn.push( Roo.factory(params[i]).getAutoCreateParamSection() ) } cfg.cn.push(ul); } if (this.stype == 'return' && (syn.returndesc.length || syn.returntype.length )) { cfg.cn.push({ tag: 'p', cls : 'para', cn : [ { tag: 'code', cls: 'parameter', html : syn.returntype }, syn.returndesc ] }); } return cfg; }, getChildContainer : function(build_call) { if (this.stype == 'parameter') { return this.el.select('.roo-params',true).first(); } return this.el; } }); Roo.doc.Section.map = { 'desc' : 'Description', 'parameter' : 'Parameters', 'return' : 'Return Value', 'note' : 'Notes', 'example' : 'Examples', 'throws' : 'Throws Exception' } /* * - LGPL * */ /** * @class Roo.doc.Synopsis * @extends Roo.bootstrap.Component * Synopsis Element class * @cfg {String} returntype return value * @cfg {String} returndesc description of return value. (used in the return section if set..) * @cfg {String} name title really.. * @cfg {String} stype (function|constant) * @cfg {String} memberof class name * @cfg {bool} is_static is a static member * @cfg {bool} is_constructor is a static member * * @constructor * Create a new Synopsis * @param {Object} config The config object */ Roo.doc.Synopsis = function(config){ Roo.doc.Synopsis.superclass.constructor.call(this, config); }; Roo.extend(Roo.doc.Synopsis, Roo.bootstrap.Component, { memberof : '', is_static : false, returntype : '', returndesc : '', name: '', stype: 'function', is_constructor : false, getAutoCreate : function(){ var syn = this.items[0]; // hopefully... var nmp = (this.is_static ? '' : '$') + this.memberof + (this.is_static ? '::' : '->'); var nm = this.name; // this should probably do the params....?? then we need to disable the rendering.. if (this.is_constructor) { nm = this.memberof; nmp = 'new '; } var cfg ={ tag: 'h5', cls : 'refsynopsisdiv', cn : [ { cls: 'funcsynopsis', cn: [ { tag: 'p', cn: { tag:'code', cls : 'funcprototype', cn: [ this.returntype + ' ' + nmp, { tag: 'strong', cls : this.stype, html : nm }, '(', { tag: 'span', cls : 'roo-params' }, ')' ] } } ] } ] }; return cfg; }, getChildContainer : function(build_call) { return this.el.select('.roo-params',true).first(); } }); /* * - LGPL * */ /** * @class Roo.doc.NavCategory * @extends Roo.bootstrap.Component * Navigation Category class * @cfg {string} title * @cfg {string} name * * Represent's an category on the left menu. * - phpdoc @category elements map the pages to the categories * this should be on the left side of the menu, when the * contents are loaded, then it can expand this out, and add links * for each of the methods. * * * * @constructor * Create a new Navigation Category * @param {Object} config The config object */ Roo.doc.NavCategory = function(config){ Roo.doc.Para.superclass.constructor.call(this, config); Roo.doc.NavCategory.registry[this.name] = this; }; Roo.doc.NavCategory.registry = {}; Roo.extend(Roo.doc.NavCategory, Roo.bootstrap.Component, { title : '', name : '', getAutoCreate : function(){ //?? this is the synopsis type.... // this is not very fancy... var cfg ={ cn : [ { tag : 'a', cls: 'roo-nav-category', href : '#' + this.name, html : this.title }, { cls : 'container roo-child-ctr' } ] }; return cfg; }, getChildContainer : function() { return this.el.select('.roo-child-ctr',true).first(); } });