/* * - LGPL * * base class for bootstrap elements. * */ Roo.bootstrap = Roo.bootstrap || {}; /** * @class Roo.bootstrap.Component * @extends Roo.Component * Bootstrap Component base class * @cfg {String} cls css class * @cfg {String} style any extra css * @cfg {Object} xattr extra attributes to add to 'element' (used by builder to store stuff.) * @cfg {Boolean} can_build_overlaid True if element can be rebuild from a HTML page * @cfg {string} dataId cutomer id * @cfg {string} name Specifies name attribute * * @constructor * Do not use directly - it does not do anything.. * @param {Object} config The config object */ Roo.bootstrap.Component = function(config){ Roo.bootstrap.Component.superclass.constructor.call(this, config); }; Roo.extend(Roo.bootstrap.Component, Roo.BoxComponent, { allowDomMove : false, // to stop relocations in parent onRender... cls : false, style : false, autoCreate : false, initEvents : function() { }, xattr : false, parentId : false, can_build_overlaid : true, dataId : false, name : false, parent: function() { // returns the parent component.. return Roo.ComponentMgr.get(this.parentId) }, // private onRender : function(ct, position) { // Roo.log("Call onRender: " + this.xtype); Roo.bootstrap.Component.superclass.onRender.call(this, ct, position); if(this.el){ if (this.el.attr('xtype')) { this.el.attr('xtypex', this.el.attr('xtype')); this.el.dom.removeAttribute('xtype'); this.initEvents(); } return; } var cfg = Roo.apply({}, this.getAutoCreate()); cfg.id = Roo.id(); // fill in the extra attributes if (this.xattr && typeof(this.xattr) =='object') { for (var i in this.xattr) { cfg[i] = this.xattr[i]; } } if(this.dataId){ cfg.dataId = this.dataId; } if (this.cls) { cfg.cls = (typeof(cfg.cls) == 'undefined') ? this.cls : cfg.cls + ' ' + this.cls; } if (this.style) { // fixme needs to support more complex style data. cfg.style = this.style; } if(this.name){ cfg.name = this.name; } this.el = ct.createChild(cfg, position); if(this.tabIndex !== undefined){ this.el.dom.setAttribute('tabIndex', this.tabIndex); } this.initEvents(); }, getChildContainer : function() { return this.el; }, addxtype : function(tree,cntr) { var cn = this; cn = Roo.factory(tree); cn.parentType = this.xtype; //?? cn.parentId = this.id; cntr = typeof(cntr == 'undefined' ) ? 'getChildContainer' : cntr; var has_flexy_each = (typeof(tree['flexy:foreach']) != 'undefined'); var has_flexy_if = (typeof(tree['flexy:if']) != 'undefined'); var build_from_html = Roo.XComponent.build_from_html; var is_body = (tree.xtype == 'Body') ; var page_has_body = (Roo.get(document.body).attr('xtype') == 'Roo.bootstrap.Body'); var self_cntr_el = Roo.get(this[cntr]()); if (!has_flexy_each || !build_from_html || is_body || !page_has_body) { if(!has_flexy_if || typeof(tree.name) == 'undefined' || !build_from_html || is_body || !page_has_body){ return this.addxtypeChild(tree,cntr); } var echild =self_cntr_el ? self_cntr_el.child('>*[name=' + tree.name + ']') : false; if(echild){ return this.addxtypeChild(Roo.apply({}, tree),cntr); } Roo.log('skipping render'); return cn; } var ret = false; while (true) { var echild =self_cntr_el ? self_cntr_el.child('>*[xtype]') : false; if (!echild) { break; } if (echild && echild.attr('xtype').split('.').pop() != cn.xtype) { break; } ret = this.addxtypeChild(Roo.apply({}, tree),cntr); } return ret; }, addxtypeChild : function (tree, cntr) { var cn = this; cntr = typeof(cntr == 'undefined' ) ? 'getChildContainer' : cntr; var has_flexy = (typeof(tree['flexy:if']) != 'undefined') || (typeof(tree['flexy:foreach']) != 'undefined'); // render the element if it's not BODY. if (tree.xtype != 'Body') { var test = Roo.factory(tree); cn = Roo.factory(tree); cn.parentType = this.xtype; //?? cn.parentId = this.id; var build_from_html = Roo.XComponent.build_from_html; // does the container contain child eleemnts with 'xtype' attributes. // that match this xtype.. // note - when we render we create these as well.. // so we should check to see if body has xtype set. if (Roo.get(document.body).attr('xtype') == 'Roo.bootstrap.Body') { var self_cntr_el = Roo.get(this[cntr]()); var echild =self_cntr_el ? self_cntr_el.child('>*[xtype]') : false; if (echild && echild.attr('xtype').split('.').pop() == cn.xtype) { // Roo.log("found child for " + this.xtype +": " + echild.attr('xtype') ); cn.el = echild; // Roo.log("GOT"); //echild.dom.removeAttribute('xtype'); } else { Roo.log("MISSING " + cn.xtype + " on child of " + (this.el ? this.el.attr('xbuilderid') : 'no parent')); } } // if object has flexy:if - then it may or may not be rendered. if (build_from_html && has_flexy && !cn.el && cn.can_build_overlaid) { // skip a flexy if element. Roo.log('skipping render'); } else { // actually if flexy:foreach is found, we really want to create // multiple copies here... cn.render(this[cntr]()); } // then add the element.. } // handle the kids.. var nitems = []; if (typeof (tree.menu) != 'undefined') { tree.menu.parentType = cn.xtype; tree.menu.triggerEl = cn.el; nitems.push(cn.addxtype(Roo.apply({}, tree.menu))); } if (!tree.items || !tree.items.length) { cn.items = nitems; return cn; } var items = tree.items; delete tree.items; //Roo.log(items.length); // add the items.. for(var i =0;i < items.length;i++) { nitems.push(cn.addxtype(Roo.apply({}, items[i]))); } cn.items = nitems; return cn; } }); /* * - LGPL * * based on jquery fullcalendar * */ Roo.bootstrap = Roo.bootstrap || {}; /** * @class Roo.bootstrap.Calendar * @extends Roo.bootstrap.Component * Bootstrap Calendar class * @constructor * Create a new Container * @param {Object} config The config object */ Roo.bootstrap.Calendar = function(config){ Roo.bootstrap.Calendar.superclass.constructor.call(this, config); this.addEvents({ /** * @event select * Fires when a date is selected * @param {DatePicker} this * @param {Date} date The selected date */ 'select': true, /** * @event monthchange * Fires when the displayed month changes * @param {DatePicker} this * @param {Date} date The selected month */ 'monthchange': true, /** * @event evententer * Fires when mouse over an event * @param {Calendar} this * @param {event} Event */ 'evententer': true, /** * @event eventleave * Fires when the mouse leaves an * @param {Calendar} this * @param {event} */ 'eventleave': true, /** * @event eventclick * Fires when the mouse click an * @param {Calendar} this * @param {event} */ 'eventclick': true }); }; Roo.extend(Roo.bootstrap.Calendar, Roo.bootstrap.Component, { /** * @cfg {Number} startDay * Day index at which the week should begin, 0-based (defaults to 0, which is Sunday) */ startDay : 0, getAutoCreate : function(){ var fc_button = function(name, corner, style, content ) { return Roo.apply({},{ tag : 'span', cls : 'fc-button fc-button-'+name+' fc-state-default ' + (corner.length ? 'fc-corner-' + corner.split(' ').join(' fc-corner-') : '' ), html : '<SPAN class="fc-text-'+style+ '">'+content +'</SPAN>', unselectable: 'on' }); }; var header = { tag : 'table', cls : 'fc-header', style : 'width:100%', cn : [ { tag: 'tr', cn : [ { tag : 'td', cls : 'fc-header-left', cn : [ fc_button('prev', 'left', 'arrow', '&#8249;' ), fc_button('next', 'right', 'arrow', '&#8250;' ), { tag: 'span', cls: 'fc-header-space' }, fc_button('today', 'left right', '', 'today' ) // neds state disabled.. ] }, { tag : 'td', cls : 'fc-header-center', cn : [ { tag: 'span', cls: 'fc-header-title', cn : { tag: 'H2', html : 'month / year' } } ] }, { tag : 'td', cls : 'fc-header-right', cn : [ /* fc_button('month', 'left', '', 'month' ), fc_button('week', '', '', 'week' ), fc_button('day', 'right', '', 'day' ) */ ] } ] } ] }; var cal_heads = function() { var ret = []; // fixme - handle this. for (var i =0; i < Date.dayNames.length; i++) { var d = Date.dayNames[i]; ret.push({ tag: 'th', cls : 'fc-day-header fc-' + d.substring(0,3).toLowerCase() + ' fc-widget-header', html : d.substring(0,3) }); } ret[0].cls += ' fc-first'; ret[6].cls += ' fc-last'; return ret; }; var cal_cell = function(n) { return { tag: 'td', cls : 'fc-day fc-'+n + ' fc-widget-content', ///fc-other-month fc-past cn : [ { cn : [ { cls: 'fc-day-number', html: 'D' }, { cls: 'fc-day-content', cn : [ { style: 'position: relative;' // height: 17px; } ] } ] } ] } }; var cal_rows = function() { var ret = [] for (var r = 0; r < 6; r++) { var row= { tag : 'tr', cls : 'fc-week', cn : [] }; for (var i =0; i < Date.dayNames.length; i++) { var d = Date.dayNames[i]; row.cn.push(cal_cell(d.substring(0,3).toLowerCase())); } row.cn[0].cls+=' fc-first'; row.cn[0].cn[0].style = 'min-height:90px'; row.cn[6].cls+=' fc-last'; ret.push(row); } ret[0].cls += ' fc-first'; ret[4].cls += ' fc-prev-last'; ret[5].cls += ' fc-last'; return ret; }; var cal_table = { tag: 'table', cls: 'fc-border-separate', style : 'width:100%', cellspacing : 0, cn : [ { tag: 'thead', cn : [ { tag: 'tr', cls : 'fc-first fc-last', cn : cal_heads() } ] }, { tag: 'tbody', cn : cal_rows() } ] }; var cfg = { cls : 'fc fc-ltr', cn : [ header, { cls : 'fc-content', style : "position: relative;", cn : [ { cls : 'fc-view fc-view-month fc-grid', style : 'position: relative', unselectable : 'on', cn : [ { cls : 'fc-event-container', style : 'position:absolute;z-index:8;top:0;left:0;' }, cal_table ] } ] } ] }; return cfg; }, initEvents : function() { if(!this.store){ throw "can not find store for calendar"; } this.store = Roo.factory(this.store, Roo.data); this.store.on('load', this.onLoad, this); this.resize(); this.cells = this.el.select('.fc-day',true); //Roo.log(this.cells); this.textNodes = this.el.query('.fc-day-number'); this.cells.addClassOnOver('fc-state-hover'); this.el.select('.fc-button-prev',true).on('click', this.showPrevMonth, this); this.el.select('.fc-button-next',true).on('click', this.showNextMonth, this); this.el.select('.fc-button-today',true).on('click', this.showToday, this); this.el.select('.fc-button',true).addClassOnOver('fc-state-hover'); this.on('monthchange', this.onMonthChange, this); this.update(new Date().clearTime()); }, resize : function() { var sz = this.el.getSize(); this.el.select('.fc-day-header',true).setWidth(sz.width / 7); this.el.select('.fc-day-content div',true).setHeight(34); }, // private showPrevMonth : function(e){ this.update(this.activeDate.add("mo", -1)); }, showToday : function(e){ this.update(new Date().clearTime()); }, // private showNextMonth : function(e){ this.update(this.activeDate.add("mo", 1)); }, // private showPrevYear : function(){ this.update(this.activeDate.add("y", -1)); }, // private showNextYear : function(){ this.update(this.activeDate.add("y", 1)); }, // private update : function(date) { var vd = this.activeDate; this.activeDate = date; // if(vd && this.el){ // var t = date.getTime(); // if(vd.getMonth() == date.getMonth() && vd.getFullYear() == date.getFullYear()){ // Roo.log('using add remove'); // // this.fireEvent('monthchange', this, date); // // this.cells.removeClass("fc-state-highlight"); // this.cells.each(function(c){ // if(c.dateValue == t){ // c.addClass("fc-state-highlight"); // setTimeout(function(){ // try{c.dom.firstChild.focus();}catch(e){} // }, 50); // return false; // } // return true; // }); // return; // } // } var days = date.getDaysInMonth(); var firstOfMonth = date.getFirstDateOfMonth(); var startingPos = firstOfMonth.getDay()-this.startDay; if(startingPos < this.startDay){ startingPos += 7; } var pm = date.add(Date.MONTH, -1); var prevStart = pm.getDaysInMonth()-startingPos; // this.cells = this.el.select('.fc-day',true); this.textNodes = this.el.query('.fc-day-number'); this.cells.addClassOnOver('fc-state-hover'); var cells = this.cells.elements; var textEls = this.textNodes; Roo.each(cells, function(cell){ cell.removeClass([ 'fc-past', 'fc-other-month', 'fc-future', 'fc-state-highlight', 'fc-state-disabled']); }); days += startingPos; // convert everything to numbers so it's fast var day = 86400000; var d = (new Date(pm.getFullYear(), pm.getMonth(), prevStart)).clearTime(); //Roo.log(d); //Roo.log(pm); //Roo.log(prevStart); var today = new Date().clearTime().getTime(); var sel = date.clearTime().getTime(); var min = this.minDate ? this.minDate.clearTime() : Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; var max = this.maxDate ? this.maxDate.clearTime() : Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY; var ddMatch = this.disabledDatesRE; var ddText = this.disabledDatesText; var ddays = this.disabledDays ? this.disabledDays.join("") : false; var ddaysText = this.disabledDaysText; var format = this.format; var setCellClass = function(cal, cell){ //Roo.log('set Cell Class'); cell.title = ""; var t = d.getTime(); //Roo.log(d); cell.dateValue = t; if(t == today){ cell.className += " fc-today"; cell.className += " fc-state-highlight"; cell.title = cal.todayText; } if(t == sel){ // disable highlight in other month.. //cell.className += " fc-state-highlight"; } // disabling if(t < min) { cell.className = " fc-state-disabled"; cell.title = cal.minText; return; } if(t > max) { cell.className = " fc-state-disabled"; cell.title = cal.maxText; return; } if(ddays){ if(ddays.indexOf(d.getDay()) != -1){ cell.title = ddaysText; cell.className = " fc-state-disabled"; } } if(ddMatch && format){ var fvalue = d.dateFormat(format); if(ddMatch.test(fvalue)){ cell.title = ddText.replace("%0", fvalue); cell.className = " fc-state-disabled"; } } if (!cell.initialClassName) { cell.initialClassName = cell.dom.className; } cell.dom.className = cell.initialClassName + ' ' + cell.className; }; var i = 0; for(; i < startingPos; i++) { textEls[i].innerHTML = (++prevStart); d.setDate(d.getDate()+1); cells[i].className = "fc-past fc-other-month"; setCellClass(this, cells[i]); } var intDay = 0; for(; i < days; i++){ intDay = i - startingPos + 1; textEls[i].innerHTML = (intDay); d.setDate(d.getDate()+1); cells[i].className = ''; // "x-date-active"; setCellClass(this, cells[i]); } var extraDays = 0; for(; i < 42; i++) { textEls[i].innerHTML = (++extraDays); d.setDate(d.getDate()+1); cells[i].className = "fc-future fc-other-month"; setCellClass(this, cells[i]); } this.el.select('.fc-header-title h2',true).update(Date.monthNames[date.getMonth()] + " " + date.getFullYear()); var totalRows = Math.ceil((date.getDaysInMonth() + date.getFirstDateOfMonth().getDay()) / 7); this.el.select('tr.fc-week.fc-prev-last',true).removeClass('fc-last'); this.el.select('tr.fc-week.fc-next-last',true).addClass('fc-last').show(); if(totalRows != 6){ this.el.select('tr.fc-week.fc-last',true).removeClass('fc-last').addClass('fc-next-last').hide(); this.el.select('tr.fc-week.fc-prev-last',true).addClass('fc-last'); } this.fireEvent('monthchange', this, date); /* if(!this.internalRender){ var main = this.el.dom.firstChild; var w = main.offsetWidth; this.el.setWidth(w + this.el.getBorderWidth("lr")); Roo.fly(main).setWidth(w); this.internalRender = true; // opera does not respect the auto grow header center column // then, after it gets a width opera refuses to recalculate // without a second pass if(Roo.isOpera && !this.secondPass){ main.rows[0].cells[1].style.width = (w - (main.rows[0].cells[0].offsetWidth+main.rows[0].cells[2].offsetWidth)) + "px"; this.secondPass = true; this.update.defer(10, this, [date]); } } */ }, findCell : function(dt) { dt = dt.clearTime().getTime(); var ret = false; this.cells.each(function(c){ //Roo.log("check " +c.dateValue + '?=' + dt); if(c.dateValue == dt){ ret = c; return false; } return true; }); return ret; }, findCells : function(ev) { var s = ev.start.clone().clearTime().getTime(); // Roo.log(s); var e= ev.end.clone().clearTime().getTime(); // Roo.log(e); var ret = []; this.cells.each(function(c){ ////Roo.log("check " +c.dateValue + '<' + e + ' > ' + s); if(c.dateValue > e){ return ; } if(c.dateValue < s){ return ; } ret.push(c); }); return ret; }, findBestRow: function(cells) { var ret = 0; for (var i =0 ; i < cells.length;i++) { ret = Math.max(cells[i].rows || 0,ret); } return ret; }, addItem : function(ev) { // look for vertical location slot in var cells = this.findCells(ev); ev.row = this.findBestRow(cells); // work out the location. var crow = false; var rows = []; for(var i =0; i < cells.length; i++) { if (!crow) { crow = { start : cells[i], end : cells[i] }; continue; } if (crow.start.getY() == cells[i].getY()) { // on same row. crow.end = cells[i]; continue; } // different row. rows.push(crow); crow = { start: cells[i], end : cells[i] }; } rows.push(crow); ev.els = []; ev.rows = rows; ev.cells = cells; for (var i = 0; i < cells.length;i++) { cells[i].rows = Math.max(cells[i].rows || 0 , ev.row + 1 ); } this.calevents.push(ev); }, clearEvents: function() { if(!this.calevents){ return; } Roo.each(this.cells.elements, function(c){ c.rows = 0; }); Roo.each(this.calevents, function(e) { Roo.each(e.els, function(el) { el.un('mouseenter' ,this.onEventEnter, this); el.un('mouseleave' ,this.onEventLeave, this); el.remove(); },this); },this); }, renderEvents: function() { // first make sure there is enough space.. this.cells.each(function(c) { c.select('.fc-day-content div',true).first().setHeight(Math.max(34, c.rows * 20)); }); for (var e = 0; e < this.calevents.length; e++) { var ev = this.calevents[e]; var cells = ev.cells; var rows = ev.rows; for(var i =0; i < rows.length; i++) { // how many rows should it span.. var cfg = { cls : 'roo-dynamic fc-event fc-event-hori fc-event-draggable ui-draggable', style : 'position: absolute', // left: 387px; width: 121px; top: 359px; unselectable : "on", cn : [ { cls: 'fc-event-inner', cn : [ { tag:'span', cls: 'fc-event-time', html : cells.length > 1 ? '' : ev.time }, { tag:'span', cls: 'fc-event-title', html : String.format('{0}', ev.title) } ] }, { cls: 'ui-resizable-handle ui-resizable-e', html : '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp' } ] }; if (i == 0) { cfg.cls += ' fc-event-start'; } if ((i+1) == rows.length) { cfg.cls += ' fc-event-end'; } var ctr = this.el.select('.fc-event-container',true).first(); var cg = ctr.createChild(cfg); cg.on('mouseenter' ,this.onEventEnter, this, ev); cg.on('mouseleave' ,this.onEventLeave, this, ev); cg.on('click', this.onEventClick, this, ev); ev.els.push(cg); var sbox = rows[i].start.select('.fc-day-content',true).first().getBox(); var ebox = rows[i].end.select('.fc-day-content',true).first().getBox(); //Roo.log(cg); cg.setXY([sbox.x +2, sbox.y +(ev.row * 20)]); cg.setWidth(ebox.right - sbox.x -2); } } }, onEventEnter: function (e, el,event,d) { this.fireEvent('evententer', this, el, event); }, onEventLeave: function (e, el,event,d) { this.fireEvent('eventleave', this, el, event); }, onEventClick: function (e, el,event,d) { this.fireEvent('eventclick', this, el, event); }, onMonthChange: function () { this.store.load(); }, onLoad: function () { this.clearEvents(); //Roo.log('calendar onload'); // this.calevents = []; var cal = this; if(this.store.getCount() > 0){ this.store.data.each(function(d){ cal.addItem({ id : d.data.id, start: new Date(d.data.start_dt), end : new Date(d.data.end_dt), time : d.data.start_time, title : d.data.title, description : d.data.description, venue : d.data.venue }); }); } this.renderEvents(); } }); /* * - LGPL * * based on jquery fullcalendar * */ /** * @class Roo.Calendar * @extends Roo.Component * Bootstrap Calendar class * @constructor * Create a new Container * @param {Object} config The config object */ Roo.CalendarPanel = function(config){ Roo.log("cal panel ctr"); this.wrapper = Roo.DomHelper.append(document.body, // wrapper for IE7 strict & safari scroll issue {tag: "div", cls: "x-layout-grid-wrapper x-layout-inactive-content"}, true); //this.wrapper.dom.appendChild(grid.getGridEl().dom); Roo.CalendarPanel.superclass.constructor.call(this, this.wrapper, config); Roo.log(this.el); if(this.toolbar){ this.toolbar.el.insertBefore(this.wrapper.dom.firstChild); } // xtype created footer. - not sure if will work as we normally have to render first.. if (this.footer && !this.footer.el && this.footer.xtype) { //this.footer.container = this.grid.getView().getFooterPanel(true); //this.footer.dataSource = this.grid.dataSource; //this.footer = Roo.factory(this.footer, Roo); } this.view = new Roo.calendar.View(Roo.apply({ skipNavHeader : true, skipMonthHeader : false },config)); this.on('activate', function() { Roo.log('activate'); //console.log('render tree'); this.render(); },this); this.addEvents({ /** * @event select * Fires when a date is selected * @param {DatePicker} this * @param {Date} date The selected date */ 'select': true, /** * @event monthchange * Fires when the displayed month changes * @param {DatePicker} this * @param {Date} date The selected month */ 'monthchange': true, /** * @event evententer * Fires when mouse over an event * @param {Calendar} this * @param {event} Event */ 'evententer': true, /** * @event eventleave * Fires when the mouse leaves an * @param {Calendar} this * @param {event} */ 'eventleave': true, /** * @event eventclick * Fires when the mouse click an * @param {Calendar} this * @param {event} */ 'eventclick': true, /** * @event rendered * Fires when the grid is rendered * @param {Calendar} this */ 'rendered': true }); this.relayEvents(this.view, ["select","monthchange","evententer","eventleave","rendered"]); //this.grid = grid; //this.grid.getGridEl().replaceClass("x-layout-inactive-content", "x-layout-component-panel"); }; Roo.extend(Roo.CalendarPanel, Roo.ContentPanel, { render : function() { var ct = this.el.appendChild(document.createElement("div")); this.onRender(this.el, false) }, onRender : function(ct, position) { if (this.rendered) { return; } this.rendered = true; Roo.log("render calendar"); //Roo.bootstrap.Component.superclass.onRender.call(this, ct, position); var cfg = Roo.apply({}, this.view.getAutoCreate()); cfg.id = Roo.id(); // fill in the extra attributes if (this.xattr && typeof(this.xattr) =='object') { for (var i in this.xattr) { cfg[i] = this.xattr[i]; } } if(this.dataId){ cfg.dataId = this.dataId; } if (this.cls) { cfg.cls = (typeof(cfg.cls) == 'undefined') ? this.cls : cfg.cls + ' ' + this.cls; } if (this.style) { // fixme needs to support more complex style data. cfg.style = this.style; } if(this.name){ cfg.name = this.name; } this.view.el = ct.createChild(cfg, position); //if(this.tabIndex !== undefined){ // this.el.dom.setAttribute('tabIndex', this.tabIndex); //} this.view.initEvents(); this.fireEvent('rendered'); } });