/* * Based on: * Ext JS Library 1.1.1 * Copyright(c) 2006-2007, Ext JS, LLC. * * Originally Released Under LGPL - original licence link has changed is not relivant. * * Fork - LGPL * <script type="text/javascript"> */ /** * @class Roo.bootstrap.SplitButton * @extends Roo.bootstrap.Button * A split button that provides a built-in dropdown arrow that can fire an event separately from the default * click event of the button. Typically this would be used to display a dropdown menu that provides additional * options to the primary button action, but any custom handler can provide the arrowclick implementation. * @cfg {Function} arrowHandler A function called when the arrow button is clicked (can be used instead of click event) * @cfg {String} arrowTooltip The title attribute of the arrow * @constructor * Create a new menu button * @param {String/HTMLElement/Element} renderTo The element to append the button to * @param {Object} config The config object */ Roo.bootstrap.SplitButton = function(renderTo, config){ Roo.bootstrap.SplitButton.superclass.constructor.call(this, renderTo, config); /** * @event arrowclick * Fires when this button's arrow is clicked * @param {SplitButton} this * @param {EventObject} e The click event */ this.addEvents({"arrowclick":true}); }; Roo.extend(Roo.bootstrap.SplitButton, Roo.bootstrap.Button, { render : function(renderTo){ // this is one sweet looking template! var tpl = new Roo.Template( '<table cellspacing="0" class="x-btn-menu-wrap x-btn"><tr><td>', '<table cellspacing="0" class="x-btn-wrap x-btn-menu-text-wrap"><tbody>', '<tr><td class="x-btn-left"><i>&#160;</i></td><td class="x-btn-center"><button class="x-btn-text" type="{1}">{0}</button></td></tr>', "</tbody></table></td><td>", '<table cellspacing="0" class="x-btn-wrap x-btn-menu-arrow-wrap"><tbody>', '<tr><td class="x-btn-center"><button class="x-btn-menu-arrow-el" type="button">&#160;</button></td><td class="x-btn-right"><i>&#160;</i></td></tr>', "</tbody></table></td></tr></table>" ); var btn = tpl.append(renderTo, [this.text, this.type], true); var btnEl = btn.child("button"); if(this.cls){ btn.addClass(this.cls); } if(this.icon){ btnEl.setStyle('background-image', 'url(' +this.icon +')'); } if(this.iconCls){ btnEl.addClass(this.iconCls); if(!this.cls){ btn.addClass(this.text ? 'x-btn-text-icon' : 'x-btn-icon'); } } this.el = btn; if(this.handleMouseEvents){ btn.on("mouseover", this.onMouseOver, this); btn.on("mouseout", this.onMouseOut, this); btn.on("mousedown", this.onMouseDown, this); btn.on("mouseup", this.onMouseUp, this); } btn.on(this.clickEvent, this.onClick, this); if(this.tooltip){ if(typeof this.tooltip == 'object'){ Roo.QuickTips.tips(Roo.apply({ target: btnEl.id }, this.tooltip)); } else { btnEl.dom[this.tooltipType] = this.tooltip; } } if(this.arrowTooltip){ btn.child("button:nth(2)").dom[this.tooltipType] = this.arrowTooltip; } if(this.hidden){ this.hide(); } if(this.disabled){ this.disable(); } if(this.pressed){ this.el.addClass("x-btn-pressed"); } if(Roo.isIE && !Roo.isIE7){ this.autoWidth.defer(1, this); }else{ this.autoWidth(); } if(this.menu){ this.menu.on("show", this.onMenuShow, this); this.menu.on("hide", this.onMenuHide, this); } this.fireEvent('render', this); }, // private autoWidth : function(){ if(this.el){ var tbl = this.el.child("table:first"); var tbl2 = this.el.child("table:last"); this.el.setWidth("auto"); tbl.setWidth("auto"); if(Roo.isIE7 && Roo.isStrict){ var ib = this.el.child('button:first'); if(ib && ib.getWidth() > 20){ ib.clip(); ib.setWidth(Roo.util.TextMetrics.measure(ib, this.text).width+ib.getFrameWidth('lr')); } } if(this.minWidth){ if(this.hidden){ this.el.beginMeasure(); } if((tbl.getWidth()+tbl2.getWidth()) < this.minWidth){ tbl.setWidth(this.minWidth-tbl2.getWidth()); } if(this.hidden){ this.el.endMeasure(); } } this.el.setWidth(tbl.getWidth()+tbl2.getWidth()); } }, /** * Sets this button's click handler * @param {Function} handler The function to call when the button is clicked * @param {Object} scope (optional) Scope for the function passed above */ setHandler : function(handler, scope){ this.handler = handler; this.scope = scope; }, /** * Sets this button's arrow click handler * @param {Function} handler The function to call when the arrow is clicked * @param {Object} scope (optional) Scope for the function passed above */ setArrowHandler : function(handler, scope){ this.arrowHandler = handler; this.scope = scope; }, /** * Focus the button */ focus : function(){ if(this.el){ this.el.child("button:first").focus(); } }, // private onClick : function(e){ e.preventDefault(); if(!this.disabled){ if(e.getTarget(".x-btn-menu-arrow-wrap")){ if(this.menu && !this.menu.isVisible()){ this.menu.show(this.el, this.menuAlign); } this.fireEvent("arrowclick", this, e); if(this.arrowHandler){ this.arrowHandler.call(this.scope || this, this, e); } }else{ this.fireEvent("click", this, e); if(this.handler){ this.handler.call(this.scope || this, this, e); } } } }, // private onMouseDown : function(e){ if(!this.disabled){ Roo.fly(e.getTarget("table")).addClass("x-btn-click"); } }, // private onMouseUp : function(e){ Roo.fly(e.getTarget("table")).removeClass("x-btn-click"); } }); // backwards compat Roo.bootstrap.MenuButton = Roo.bootstrap.SplitButton;