//<script type="text/javascript"> /** * @class Roo.Login * @extends Roo.LayoutDialog * A generic Login Dialog..... - only one needed in theory!?!? * * Fires XComponent builder on success... * * Sends * username,password, lang = for login actions. * check = 1 for periodic checking that sesion is valid. * passwordRequest = email request password * logout = 1 = to logout * * Affects: (this id="????" elements) * loading (removed) (used to indicate application is loading) * loading-mask (hides) (used to hide application when it's building loading) * * * Usage: * * * Myapp.login = Roo.Login({ url: xxxx, realm : 'Myapp', method : 'POST', * }) * * * **/ Roo.Login = function(cfg) { this.addEvents({ 'refreshed' : true }); Roo.apply(this,cfg); Roo.onReady(function() { this.onLoad(); }, this); // call parent.. Roo.Login.superclass.constructor.call(this, this); //this.addxtype(this.items[0]); } Roo.extend(Roo.Login, Roo.LayoutDialog, { /** * @cfg {String} method * Method used to query for login details. */ method : 'POST', /** * @cfg {String} url * URL to query login data. - eg. baseURL + '/Login.php' */ url : '', /** * @property user * The user data - if user.id < 0 then login will be bypassed. (used for inital setup situation. * @type {Object} */ user : false, /** * @property checkFails * Number of times we have attempted to get authentication check, and failed. * @type {Number} */ checkFails : 0, /** * @property intervalID * The window interval that does the constant login checking. * @type {Number} */ intervalID : 0, onLoad : function() // called on page load... { // load if (Roo.get('loading')) { // clear any loading indicator.. Roo.get('loading').remove(); } //this.switchLang('en'); // set the language to english.. this.check({ success: function(response, opts) { // check successfull... var res = this.processResponse(response); this.checkFails =0; if (!res.success) { // error! this.checkFails = 5; //console.log('call failure'); return this.failure(response,opts); } if (!res.data.id) { // id=0 == login failure. return this.show(); } //console.log(success); this.fillAuth(res.data); this.checkFails =0; Roo.XComponent.build(); }, failure : this.show }); }, check: function(cfg) // called every so often to refresh cookie etc.. { if (cfg.again) { // could be undefined.. this.checkFails++; } else { this.checkFails = 0; } var _this = this; if (this.sending) { if ( this.checkFails > 4) { Roo.MessageBox.alert("Error", "Error getting authentication status. - try reloading, or wait a while", function() { _this.sending = false; }); return; } cfg.again = true; _this.check.defer(10000, _this, [ cfg ]); // check in 10 secs. return; } this.sending = true; Roo.Ajax.request({ url: this.url, params: { getAuthUser: true }, method: this.method, success: cfg.success || this.success, failure : cfg.failure || this.failure, scope : this, callCfg : cfg }); }, logout: function() { window.onbeforeunload = function() { }; // false does not work for IE.. this.user = false; var _this = this; Roo.Ajax.request({ url: this.url, params: { logout: 1 }, method: 'GET', failure : function() { Roo.MessageBox.alert("Error", "Error logging out. - continuing anyway.", function() { document.location = document.location.toString() + '?ts=' + Math.random(); }); }, success : function() { _this.user = false; this.checkFails =0; // fixme.. document.location = document.location.toString() + '?ts=' + Math.random(); } }); }, processResponse : function (response) { var res = ''; try { res = Roo.decode(response.responseText); // oops... if (typeof(res) != 'object') { res = { success : false, errorMsg : res, errors : true }; } if (typeof(res.success) == 'undefined') { res.success = false; } } catch(e) { res = { success : false, errorMsg : response.responseText, errors : true }; } return res; }, success : function(response, opts) // check successfull... { this.sending = false; var res = this.processResponse(response); if (!res.success) { return this.failure(response, opts); } if (!res.data || !res.data.id) { return this.failure(response,opts); } //console.log(res); this.fillAuth(res.data); this.checkFails =0; }, failure : function (response, opts) // called if login 'check' fails.. (causes re-check) { this.authUser = -1; this.sending = false; var res = this.processResponse(response); //console.log(res); if ( this.checkFails > 2) { Roo.MessageBox.alert("Error", res.errorMsg ? res.errorMsg : "Error getting authentication status. - try reloading"); return; } opts.callCfg.again = true; this.check.defer(1000, this, [ opts.callCfg ]); return; }, fillAuth: function(au) { this.startAuthCheck(); this.authUserId = au.id; this.authUser = au; this.lastChecked = new Date(); this.fireEvent('refreshed', au); //Pman.Tab.FaxQueue.newMaxId(au.faxMax); //Pman.Tab.FaxTab.setTitle(au.faxNumPending); au.lang = au.lang || 'en'; //this.switchLang(Roo.state.Manager.get('Pman.Login.lang', 'en')); Roo.state.Manager.set( this.realm + 'lang' , au.lang); this.switchLang(au.lang ); // open system... - -on setyp.. if (this.authUserId < 0) { Roo.MessageBox.alert("Warning", "This is an open system - please set up a admin user with a password."); } //Pman.onload(); // which should do nothing if it's a re-auth result... }, startAuthCheck : function() // starter for timeout checking.. { if (this.intervalID) { // timer already in place... return false; } var _this = this; this.intervalID = window.setInterval(function() { _this.check(false); }, 120000); // every 120 secs = 2mins.. }, switchLang : function (lang) { _T = typeof(_T) == 'undefined' ? false : _T; if (!_T || !lang.length) { return; } if (!_T && lang != 'en') { Roo.MessageBox.alert("Sorry", "Language not available yet (" + lang +')'); return; } if (typeof(_T.en) == 'undefined') { _T.en = {}; Roo.apply(_T.en, _T); } if (typeof(_T[lang]) == 'undefined') { Roo.MessageBox.alert("Sorry", "Language not available yet (" + lang +')'); return; } Roo.apply(_T, _T[lang]); // just need to set the text values for everything... var _this = this; /* this will not work ... if (this.form) { function formLabel(name, val) { _this.form.findField(name).fieldEl.child('label').dom.innerHTML = val; } formLabel('password', "Password"+':'); formLabel('username', "Email Address"+':'); formLabel('lang', "Language"+':'); this.dialog.setTitle("Login"); this.dialog.buttons[0].setText("Forgot Password"); this.dialog.buttons[1].setText("Login"); } */ }, title: "Login", modal: true, width: 350, //height: 230, height: 180, shadow: true, minWidth:200, minHeight:180, //proxyDrag: true, closable: false, draggable: false, collapsible: false, resizable: false, center: { // needed?? autoScroll:false, titlebar: false, // tabPosition: 'top', hideTabs: true, closeOnTab: true, alwaysShowTabs: false } , listeners : { show : function(dlg) { //console.log(this); this.form = this.layout.getRegion('center').activePanel.form; this.form.dialog = dlg; this.buttons[0].form = this.form; this.buttons[0].dialog = dlg; this.buttons[1].form = this.form; this.buttons[1].dialog = dlg; //this.resizeToLogo.defer(1000,this); // this is all related to resizing for logos.. //var sz = Roo.get(Pman.Login.form.el.query('img')[0]).getSize(); //// if (!sz) { // this.resizeToLogo.defer(1000,this); // return; // } //var w = Ext.lib.Dom.getViewWidth() - 100; //var h = Ext.lib.Dom.getViewHeight() - 100; //this.resizeTo(Math.max(350, Math.min(sz.width + 30, w)),Math.min(sz.height+200, h)); //this.center(); if (this.disabled) { this.hide(); return; } if (this.user.id < 0) { // used for inital setup situations. return; } if (this.intervalID) { // remove the timer window.clearInterval(this.intervalID); this.intervalID = false; } if (Roo.get('loading')) { Roo.get('loading').remove(); } if (Roo.get('loading-mask')) { Roo.get('loading-mask').hide(); } //incomming._node = tnode; this.form.reset(); //this.dialog.modal = !modal; //this.dialog.show(); this.el.unmask(); this.form.setValues({ 'username' : Roo.state.Manager.get(this.realm + '.username', ''), 'lang' : Roo.state.Manager.get(this.realm + '.lang', 'en') }); this.switchLang(Roo.state.Manager.get(this.realm + '.lang', 'en')); if (this.form.findField('username').getValue().length > 0 ){ this.form.findField('password').focus(); } else { this.form.findField('username').focus(); } } }, items : [ { xtype : 'ContentPanel', xns : Roo, region: 'center', fitToFrame : true, items : [ { xtype : 'Form', xns : Roo.form, labelWidth: 100, style : 'margin: 10px;', listeners : { actionfailed : function(f, act) { // form can return { errors: .... } //act.result.errors // invalid form element list... //act.result.errorMsg// invalid form element list... this.dialog.el.unmask(); Roo.MessageBox.alert("Error", act.result.errorMsg ? act.result.errorMsg : "Login failed - communication error - try again."); }, actioncomplete: function(re, act) { Roo.state.Manager.set( this.dialog.realm + '.username', this.findField('username').getValue() ); Roo.state.Manager.set( this.dialog.realm + '.lang', this.findField('lang').getValue() ); this.dialog.fillAuth(act.result.data); this.dialog.hide(); if (Roo.get('loading-mask')) { Roo.get('loading-mask').show(); } Roo.XComponent.build(); } }, items : [ { xtype : 'TextField', xns : Roo.form, fieldLabel: "Email Address", name: 'username', width:200, autoCreate : {tag: "input", type: "text", size: "20"} }, { xtype : 'TextField', xns : Roo.form, fieldLabel: "Password", inputType: 'password', name: 'password', width:200, autoCreate : {tag: "input", type: "text", size: "20"}, listeners : { specialkey : function(e,ev) { if (ev.keyCode == 13) { this.form.dialog.el.mask("Logging in"); this.form.doAction('submit', { url: this.form.dialog.url, method: this.form.dialog.method }); } } } }, { xtype : 'ComboBox', xns : Roo.form, fieldLabel: "Language", name : 'langdisp', store: { xtype : 'SimpleStore', fields: ['lang', 'ldisp'], data : [ [ 'en', 'English' ], [ 'zh_HK' , '\u7E41\u4E2D' ], [ 'zh_CN', '\u7C21\u4E2D' ] ] }, valueField : 'lang', hiddenName: 'lang', width: 200, displayField:'ldisp', typeAhead: false, editable: false, mode: 'local', triggerAction: 'all', emptyText:'Select a Language...', selectOnFocus:true, listeners : { select : function(cb, rec, ix) { this.form.switchLang(rec.data.lang); } } } ] } ] } ], buttons : [ { xtype : 'Button', xns : 'Roo', text : "Forgot Password", listeners : { click : function() { //console.log(this); var n = this.form.findField('username').getValue(); if (!n.length) { Roo.MessageBox.alert("Error", "Fill in your email address"); return; } Roo.Ajax.request({ url: this.dialog.url, params: { passwordRequest: n }, method: this.dialog.method, success: function(response, opts) { // check successfull... var res = this.dialog.processResponse(response); if (!res.success) { // error! Roo.MessageBox.alert("Error" , res.errorMsg ? res.errorMsg : "Problem Requesting Password Reset"); return; } Roo.MessageBox.alert("Notice" , "Please check you email for the Password Reset message"); }, failure : function() { Roo.MessageBox.alert("Error" , "Problem Requesting Password Reset"); } }); } } }, { xtype : 'Button', xns : 'Roo', text : "Login", listeners : { click : function () { this.dialog.el.mask("Logging in"); this.form.doAction('submit', { url: this.dialog.url, method: this.dialog.method }); } } } ] })