/* * Based on: * Ext JS Library 1.1.1 * Copyright(c) 2006-2007, Ext JS, LLC. * * Originally Released Under LGPL - original licence link has changed is not relivant. * * Fork - LGPL * <script type="text/javascript"> */ /** * @class Roo.grid.CellSelectionModel * @extends Roo.grid.AbstractSelectionModel * This class provides the basic implementation for cell selection in a grid. * @constructor * @param {Object} config The object containing the configuration of this model. * @cfg {Boolean} enter_is_tab Enter behaves the same as tab. (eg. goes to next cell) default: false */ Roo.grid.CellSelectionModel = function(config){ Roo.apply(this, config); this.selection = null; this.addEvents({ /** * @event beforerowselect * Fires before a cell is selected. * @param {SelectionModel} this * @param {Number} rowIndex The selected row index * @param {Number} colIndex The selected cell index */ "beforecellselect" : true, /** * @event cellselect * Fires when a cell is selected. * @param {SelectionModel} this * @param {Number} rowIndex The selected row index * @param {Number} colIndex The selected cell index */ "cellselect" : true, /** * @event selectionchange * Fires when the active selection changes. * @param {SelectionModel} this * @param {Object} selection null for no selection or an object (o) with two properties <ul> <li>o.record: the record object for the row the selection is in</li> <li>o.cell: An array of [rowIndex, columnIndex]</li> </ul> */ "selectionchange" : true, /** * @event tabend * Fires when the tab (or enter) was pressed on the last editable cell * You can use this to trigger add new row. * @param {SelectionModel} this */ "tabend" : true }); Roo.grid.CellSelectionModel.superclass.constructor.call(this); }; Roo.extend(Roo.grid.CellSelectionModel, Roo.grid.AbstractSelectionModel, { enter_is_tab: false, /** @ignore */ initEvents : function(){ this.grid.on("mousedown", this.handleMouseDown, this); this.grid.getGridEl().on(Roo.isIE ? "keydown" : "keypress", this.handleKeyDown, this); var view = this.grid.view; view.on("refresh", this.onViewChange, this); view.on("rowupdated", this.onRowUpdated, this); view.on("beforerowremoved", this.clearSelections, this); view.on("beforerowsinserted", this.clearSelections, this); if(this.grid.isEditor){ this.grid.on("beforeedit", this.beforeEdit, this); } }, //private beforeEdit : function(e){ this.select(e.row, e.column, false, true, e.record); }, //private onRowUpdated : function(v, index, r){ if(this.selection && this.selection.record == r){ v.onCellSelect(index, this.selection.cell[1]); } }, //private onViewChange : function(){ this.clearSelections(true); }, /** * Returns the currently selected cell,. * @return {Array} The selected cell (row, column) or null if none selected. */ getSelectedCell : function(){ return this.selection ? this.selection.cell : null; }, /** * Clears all selections. * @param {Boolean} true to prevent the gridview from being notified about the change. */ clearSelections : function(preventNotify){ var s = this.selection; if(s){ if(preventNotify !== true){ this.grid.view.onCellDeselect(s.cell[0], s.cell[1]); } this.selection = null; this.fireEvent("selectionchange", this, null); } }, /** * Returns true if there is a selection. * @return {Boolean} */ hasSelection : function(){ return this.selection ? true : false; }, /** @ignore */ handleMouseDown : function(e, t){ var v = this.grid.getView(); if(this.isLocked()){ return; }; var row = v.findRowIndex(t); var cell = v.findCellIndex(t); if(row !== false && cell !== false){ this.select(row, cell); } }, /** * Selects a cell. * @param {Number} rowIndex * @param {Number} collIndex */ select : function(rowIndex, colIndex, preventViewNotify, preventFocus, /*internal*/ r){ if(this.fireEvent("beforecellselect", this, rowIndex, colIndex) !== false){ this.clearSelections(); r = r || this.grid.dataSource.getAt(rowIndex); this.selection = { record : r, cell : [rowIndex, colIndex] }; if(!preventViewNotify){ var v = this.grid.getView(); v.onCellSelect(rowIndex, colIndex); if(preventFocus !== true){ v.focusCell(rowIndex, colIndex); } } this.fireEvent("cellselect", this, rowIndex, colIndex); this.fireEvent("selectionchange", this, this.selection); } }, //private isSelectable : function(rowIndex, colIndex, cm){ return !cm.isHidden(colIndex); }, /** @ignore */ handleKeyDown : function(e){ //Roo.log('Cell Sel Model handleKeyDown'); if(!e.isNavKeyPress()){ return; } var g = this.grid, s = this.selection; if(!s){ e.stopEvent(); var cell = g.walkCells(0, 0, 1, this.isSelectable, this); if(cell){ this.select(cell[0], cell[1]); } return; } var sm = this; var walk = function(row, col, step){ return g.walkCells(row, col, step, sm.isSelectable, sm); }; var k = e.getKey(), r = s.cell[0], c = s.cell[1]; var newCell; switch(k){ case e.TAB: // handled by onEditorKey if (g.isEditor && g.editing) { return; } if(e.shiftKey) { newCell = walk(r, c-1, -1); } else { newCell = walk(r, c+1, 1); } break; case e.DOWN: newCell = walk(r+1, c, 1); break; case e.UP: newCell = walk(r-1, c, -1); break; case e.RIGHT: newCell = walk(r, c+1, 1); break; case e.LEFT: newCell = walk(r, c-1, -1); break; case e.ENTER: if(g.isEditor && !g.editing){ g.startEditing(r, c); e.stopEvent(); return; } break; }; if(newCell){ this.select(newCell[0], newCell[1]); e.stopEvent(); } }, acceptsNav : function(row, col, cm){ return !cm.isHidden(col) && cm.isCellEditable(col, row); }, /** * Selects a cell. * @param {Number} field (not used) - as it's normally used as a listener * @param {Number} e - event - fake it by using * * var e = Roo.EventObjectImpl.prototype; * e.keyCode = e.TAB * * */ onEditorKey : function(field, e){ var k = e.getKey(), newCell, g = this.grid, ed = g.activeEditor, forward = false; ///Roo.log('onEditorKey' + k); if (this.enter_is_tab && k == e.ENTER) { k = e.TAB; } if(k == e.TAB){ if(e.shiftKey){ newCell = g.walkCells(ed.row, ed.col-1, -1, this.acceptsNav, this); }else{ newCell = g.walkCells(ed.row, ed.col+1, 1, this.acceptsNav, this); forward = true; } e.stopEvent(); }else if(k == e.ENTER && !e.ctrlKey){ ed.completeEdit(); e.stopEvent(); newCell = g.walkCells(ed.row, ed.col+1, 1, this.acceptsNav, this); }else if(k == e.ESC){ ed.cancelEdit(); } if(newCell){ //Roo.log('next cell after edit'); g.startEditing.defer(100, g, [newCell[0], newCell[1]]); } else if (forward) { // tabbed past last this.fireEvent.defer(100, this, ['tabend',this]); } } });