/* * - LGPL * */ /** * @class Roo.doc.Synopsis * @extends Roo.bootstrap.Component * Synopsis Element class * @cfg {String} returntype return value * @cfg {String} returndesc description of return value. (used in the return section if set..) * @cfg {String} name title really.. * @cfg {String} stype (function|constant) * @cfg {String} memberof class name * @cfg {bool} is_static is a static member * * @constructor * Create a new Synopsis * @param {Object} config The config object */ Roo.doc.Synopsis = function(config){ Roo.doc.Synopsis.superclass.constructor.call(this, config); }; Roo.extend(Roo.doc.Synopsis, Roo.bootstrap.Component, { memberof : '', is_static : false, returntype : '', returndesc : '', name: '', stype: 'function', getAutoCreate : function(){ var syn = this.items[0]; // hopefully... var nmp = (this.is_static ? '' : '$') + this.memberof + (this.is_static ? '::' : '->'); // this should probably do the params....?? then we need to disable the rendering.. var cfg ={ tag: 'h5', cls : 'refsynopsisdiv', cn : [ { cls: 'funcsynopsis', cn: [ { tag: 'p', cn: { tag:'code', cls : 'funcprototype', cn: [ this.returntype + ' ' + nmp, { tag: 'strong', cls : this.stype, html : this.name }, '(', { tag: 'span', cls : 'roo-params' }, ')' ] } } ] } ] }; return cfg; }, getChildContainer : function(build_call) { return this.el.select('.roo-params',true).first(); } });