/* * - LGPL * * Documentation - designed to generate HTML+Docbook!?! */ Roo.doc = Roo.doc || {}; /** * @class Roo.doc.Entry * @extends Roo.bootstrap.Component * Entry Element class - describes a method etc... * @cfg name {String} name of method * @cfg purpose {String} short description of method. * * @constructor * Create a new E * @param {Object} config The config object */ Roo.doc.Entry = function(config){ Roo.doc.Entry.superclass.constructor.call(this, config); //this.el = Roo.get(document.body); var body = Roo.get(document.body); body.attr({ leftmargin : 0, marginwidth : 0, topmargin : 0, marginheight : 0, offset : 0 }); Roo.mailer.Body._calls++; if (Roo.mailer.Body._calls > 1) { throw "test"; } // call onRender once... and block next call...? this.onRender(body); this.onRender = function() { }; }; Roo.doc.Entry._calls = 0; Roo.extend(Roo.doc.Entry, Roo.bootstrap.Component, { name : '', purpose : '', getAutoCreate : function(){ var cfg ={ cls : 'refentry', cn : [ { tag: 'h1', cls: 'refname', html : this.name }, { cls: 'refnamediv', html : this.purpose } ] }; return cfg; }, addxtype : function (tree, cntr) { return this.addxtypeChild(tree,cntr); } });