/* * Licence: LGPL */ /** * @class Roo.bootstrap.UploadCropbox * @extends Roo.bootstrap.Component * Bootstrap UploadCropbox class * @cfg {String} emptyText show when image has been loaded * @cfg {String} rotateNotify show when image too small to rotate * @cfg {Number} errorTimeout default 3000 * @cfg {Number} minWidth default 300 * @cfg {Number} minHeight default 300 * @cfg {Array} buttons default ['rotateLeft', 'pictureBtn', 'rotateRight'] * @cfg {Boolean} isDocument (true|false) default false * * @constructor * Create a new UploadCropbox * @param {Object} config The config object */ Roo.bootstrap.UploadCropbox = function(config){ Roo.bootstrap.UploadCropbox.superclass.constructor.call(this, config); this.addEvents({ /** * @event beforeselectfile * Fire before select file * @param {Roo.bootstrap.UploadCropbox} this */ "beforeselectfile" : true, /** * @event initial * Fire after initEvent * @param {Roo.bootstrap.UploadCropbox} this */ "initial" : true, /** * @event crop * Fire after initEvent * @param {Roo.bootstrap.UploadCropbox} this * @param {String} data */ "crop" : true, /** * @event prepare * Fire when preparing the file data * @param {Roo.bootstrap.UploadCropbox} this * @param {Object} file */ "prepare" : true, /** * @event exception * Fire when get exception * @param {Roo.bootstrap.UploadCropbox} this * @param {Object} options */ "exception" : true, /** * @event beforeloadcanvas * Fire before load the canvas * @param {Roo.bootstrap.UploadCropbox} this * @param {String} src */ "beforeloadcanvas" : true, /** * @event trash * Fire when trash image * @param {Roo.bootstrap.UploadCropbox} this */ "trash" : true, /** * @event download * Fire when download the image * @param {Roo.bootstrap.UploadCropbox} this */ "download" : true, /** * @event footerbuttonclick * Fire when footerbuttonclick * @param {Roo.bootstrap.UploadCropbox} this * @param {String} type */ "footerbuttonclick" : true, /** * @event resize * Fire when resize * @param {Roo.bootstrap.UploadCropbox} this */ "resize" : true, /** * @event rotate * Fire when rotate the image * @param {Roo.bootstrap.UploadCropbox} this * @param {String} pos */ "rotate" : true }); this.buttons = this.buttons || Roo.bootstrap.UploadCropbox.footer.STANDARD; }; Roo.extend(Roo.bootstrap.UploadCropbox, Roo.bootstrap.Component, { emptyText : 'Click to upload image', rotateNotify : 'Image is too small to rotate', errorTimeout : 3000, scale : 0, baseScale : 1, rotate : 0, dragable : false, pinching : false, mouseX : 0, mouseY : 0, cropData : false, minWidth : 300, minHeight : 300, file : false, exif : {}, baseRotate : 1, cropType : 'image/jpeg', buttons : false, canvasLoaded : false, isDocument : false, getAutoCreate : function() { var cfg = { tag : 'div', cls : 'roo-upload-cropbox', cn : [ { tag : 'div', cls : 'roo-upload-cropbox-body', style : 'cursor:pointer', cn : [ { tag : 'div', cls : 'roo-upload-cropbox-preview' }, { tag : 'div', cls : 'roo-upload-cropbox-thumb' }, { tag : 'div', cls : 'roo-upload-cropbox-empty-notify', html : this.emptyText }, { tag : 'div', cls : 'roo-upload-cropbox-error-notify alert alert-danger', html : this.rotateNotify } ] }, { tag : 'div', cls : 'roo-upload-cropbox-footer', cn : { tag : 'div', cls : 'btn-group btn-group-justified roo-upload-cropbox-btn-group', cn : [] } } ] }; return cfg; }, onRender : function(ct, position) { Roo.bootstrap.UploadCropbox.superclass.onRender.call(this, ct, position); if (this.buttons.length) { Roo.each(this.buttons, function(bb) { var btn = this.el.select('.roo-upload-cropbox-footer div.roo-upload-cropbox-btn-group').first().createChild(bb); btn.on('click', this.onFooterButtonClick.createDelegate(this, [bb.action], true)); }, this); } }, initEvents : function() { this.urlAPI = (window.createObjectURL && window) || (window.URL && URL.revokeObjectURL && URL) || (window.webkitURL && webkitURL); this.bodyEl = this.el.select('.roo-upload-cropbox-body', true).first(); this.bodyEl.setVisibilityMode(Roo.Element.DISPLAY).originalDisplay = 'block'; this.previewEl = this.el.select('.roo-upload-cropbox-preview', true).first(); this.previewEl.setVisibilityMode(Roo.Element.DISPLAY).originalDisplay = 'block'; this.thumbEl = this.el.select('.roo-upload-cropbox-thumb', true).first(); this.thumbEl.setVisibilityMode(Roo.Element.DISPLAY).originalDisplay = 'block'; this.thumbEl.hide(); this.notifyEl = this.el.select('.roo-upload-cropbox-empty-notify', true).first(); this.notifyEl.setVisibilityMode(Roo.Element.DISPLAY).originalDisplay = 'block'; this.errorEl = this.el.select('.roo-upload-cropbox-error-notify', true).first(); this.errorEl.setVisibilityMode(Roo.Element.DISPLAY).originalDisplay = 'block'; this.errorEl.hide(); this.footerEl = this.el.select('.roo-upload-cropbox-footer', true).first(); this.footerEl.setVisibilityMode(Roo.Element.DISPLAY).originalDisplay = 'block'; this.footerEl.hide(); this.setThumbBoxSize(); this.bind(); this.resize(); this.fireEvent('initial', this); }, bind : function() { var _this = this; window.addEventListener("resize", function() { _this.resize(); } ); this.bodyEl.on('click', this.beforeSelectFile, this); if(Roo.isTouch){ this.bodyEl.on('touchstart', this.onTouchStart, this); this.bodyEl.on('touchmove', this.onTouchMove, this); this.bodyEl.on('touchend', this.onTouchEnd, this); } if(!Roo.isTouch){ this.bodyEl.on('mousedown', this.onMouseDown, this); this.bodyEl.on('mousemove', this.onMouseMove, this); var mousewheel = (/Firefox/i.test(navigator.userAgent))? 'DOMMouseScroll' : 'mousewheel'; this.bodyEl.on(mousewheel, this.onMouseWheel, this); Roo.get(document).on('mouseup', this.onMouseUp, this); } }, reset : function() { this.scale = 0; this.baseScale = 1; this.rotate = 0; this.baseRotate = 1; this.dragable = false; this.pinching = false; this.mouseX = 0; this.mouseY = 0; this.cropData = false; this.notifyEl.dom.innerHTML = this.emptyText; }, resize : function() { if(this.fireEvent('resize', this) != false){ this.setThumbBoxPosition(); this.setCanvasPosition(); } }, onFooterButtonClick : function(e, el, o, type) { switch (type) { case 'rotate-left' : this.onRotateLeft(e); break; case 'rotate-right' : this.onRotateRight(e); break; case 'picture' : this.beforeSelectFile(e); break; case 'trash' : this.trash(e); break; case 'crop' : this.crop(e); break; case 'download' : this.download(e); break; default : break; } this.fireEvent('footerbuttonclick', this, type); }, beforeSelectFile : function(e) { this.fireEvent('beforeselectfile', this); }, trash : function(e) { this.fireEvent('trash', this); }, download : function(e) { this.fireEvent('download', this); }, loadCanvas : function(src) { if(this.fireEvent('beforeloadcanvas', this, src) != false){ this.reset(); this.imageEl = document.createElement('img'); var _this = this; this.imageEl.addEventListener("load", function(){ _this.onLoadCanvas(); }); this.imageEl.src = src; } }, onLoadCanvas : function() { this.bodyEl.un('click', this.beforeSelectFile, this); this.notifyEl.hide(); this.thumbEl.show(); this.footerEl.show(); this.imageEl.OriginWidth = this.imageEl.naturalWidth || this.imageEl.width; this.imageEl.OriginHeight = this.imageEl.naturalHeight || this.imageEl.height; this.baseRotateLevel(); if(this.isDocument){ this.setThumbBoxSize(); } this.setThumbBoxPosition(); this.baseScaleLevel(); this.draw(); this.resize(); this.canvasLoaded = true; }, setCanvasPosition : function() { if(!this.canvasEl){ return; } var pw = Math.ceil((this.bodyEl.getWidth() - this.canvasEl.width) / 2); var ph = Math.ceil((this.bodyEl.getHeight() - this.canvasEl.height) / 2); this.previewEl.setLeft(pw); this.previewEl.setTop(ph); }, onMouseDown : function(e) { e.stopEvent(); this.dragable = true; this.pinching = false; if(this.isDocument && (this.canvasEl.width < this.thumbEl.getWidth() || this.canvasEl.height < this.thumbEl.getHeight())){ this.dragable = false; return; } this.mouseX = Roo.isTouch ? e.browserEvent.touches[0].pageX : e.getPageX(); this.mouseY = Roo.isTouch ? e.browserEvent.touches[0].pageY : e.getPageY(); }, onMouseMove : function(e) { e.stopEvent(); if(!this.canvasLoaded){ return; } if (!this.dragable){ return; } var minX = Math.ceil(this.thumbEl.getLeft(true)); var minY = Math.ceil(this.thumbEl.getTop(true)); var maxX = Math.ceil(minX + this.thumbEl.getWidth() - this.canvasEl.width); var maxY = Math.ceil(minY + this.thumbEl.getHeight() - this.canvasEl.height); var x = Roo.isTouch ? e.browserEvent.touches[0].pageX : e.getPageX(); var y = Roo.isTouch ? e.browserEvent.touches[0].pageY : e.getPageY(); x = x - this.mouseX; y = y - this.mouseY; var bgX = Math.ceil(x + this.previewEl.getLeft(true)); var bgY = Math.ceil(y + this.previewEl.getTop(true)); bgX = (minX < bgX) ? minX : ((maxX > bgX) ? maxX : bgX); bgY = (minY < bgY) ? minY : ((maxY > bgY) ? maxY : bgY); this.previewEl.setLeft(bgX); this.previewEl.setTop(bgY); this.mouseX = Roo.isTouch ? e.browserEvent.touches[0].pageX : e.getPageX(); this.mouseY = Roo.isTouch ? e.browserEvent.touches[0].pageY : e.getPageY(); }, onMouseUp : function(e) { e.stopEvent(); this.dragable = false; }, onMouseWheel : function(e) { e.stopEvent(); this.startScale = this.scale; this.scale = (e.getWheelDelta() == 1) ? (this.scale + 1) : (this.scale - 1); if(!this.zoomable()){ this.scale = this.startScale; return; } this.draw(); return; }, zoomable : function() { var minScale = this.thumbEl.getWidth() / this.minWidth; if(this.minWidth < this.minHeight){ minScale = this.thumbEl.getHeight() / this.minHeight; } var width = Math.ceil(this.imageEl.OriginWidth * this.getScaleLevel() / minScale); var height = Math.ceil(this.imageEl.OriginHeight * this.getScaleLevel() / minScale); if( this.isDocument && (this.rotate == 0 || this.rotate == 180) && ( width > this.imageEl.OriginWidth || height > this.imageEl.OriginHeight || (width < this.minWidth && height < this.minHeight) ) ){ return false; } if( this.isDocument && (this.rotate == 90 || this.rotate == 270) && ( width > this.imageEl.OriginWidth || height > this.imageEl.OriginHeight || (width < this.minHeight && height < this.minWidth) ) ){ return false; } if( !this.isDocument && (this.rotate == 0 || this.rotate == 180) && ( width < this.minWidth || width > this.imageEl.OriginWidth || height < this.minHeight || height > this.imageEl.OriginHeight ) ){ return false; } if( !this.isDocument && (this.rotate == 90 || this.rotate == 270) && ( width < this.minHeight || width > this.imageEl.OriginWidth || height < this.minWidth || height > this.imageEl.OriginHeight ) ){ return false; } return true; }, onRotateLeft : function(e) { if(!this.isDocument && (this.canvasEl.height < this.thumbEl.getWidth() || this.canvasEl.width < this.thumbEl.getHeight())){ var minScale = this.thumbEl.getWidth() / this.minWidth; var bw = Math.ceil(this.canvasEl.width / this.getScaleLevel()); var bh = Math.ceil(this.canvasEl.height / this.getScaleLevel()); this.startScale = this.scale; while (this.getScaleLevel() < minScale){ this.scale = this.scale + 1; if(!this.zoomable()){ break; } if( Math.ceil(bw * this.getScaleLevel()) < this.thumbEl.getHeight() || Math.ceil(bh * this.getScaleLevel()) < this.thumbEl.getWidth() ){ continue; } this.rotate = (this.rotate < 90) ? 270 : this.rotate - 90; this.draw(); return; } this.scale = this.startScale; this.onRotateFail(); return false; } this.rotate = (this.rotate < 90) ? 270 : this.rotate - 90; if(this.isDocument){ this.setThumbBoxSize(); this.setThumbBoxPosition(); this.setCanvasPosition(); } this.draw(); this.fireEvent('rotate', this, 'left'); }, onRotateRight : function(e) { if(!this.isDocument && (this.canvasEl.height < this.thumbEl.getWidth() || this.canvasEl.width < this.thumbEl.getHeight())){ var minScale = this.thumbEl.getWidth() / this.minWidth; var bw = Math.ceil(this.canvasEl.width / this.getScaleLevel()); var bh = Math.ceil(this.canvasEl.height / this.getScaleLevel()); this.startScale = this.scale; while (this.getScaleLevel() < minScale){ this.scale = this.scale + 1; if(!this.zoomable()){ break; } if( Math.ceil(bw * this.getScaleLevel()) < this.thumbEl.getHeight() || Math.ceil(bh * this.getScaleLevel()) < this.thumbEl.getWidth() ){ continue; } this.rotate = (this.rotate > 180) ? 0 : this.rotate + 90; this.draw(); return; } this.scale = this.startScale; this.onRotateFail(); return false; } this.rotate = (this.rotate > 180) ? 0 : this.rotate + 90; if(this.isDocument){ this.setThumbBoxSize(); this.setThumbBoxPosition(); this.setCanvasPosition(); } this.draw(); this.fireEvent('rotate', this, 'right'); }, onRotateFail : function() { this.errorEl.show(true); var _this = this; (function() { _this.errorEl.hide(true); }).defer(this.errorTimeout); }, draw : function() { this.previewEl.dom.innerHTML = ''; var canvasEl = document.createElement("canvas"); var contextEl = canvasEl.getContext("2d"); canvasEl.width = this.imageEl.OriginWidth * this.getScaleLevel(); canvasEl.height = this.imageEl.OriginWidth * this.getScaleLevel(); var center = this.imageEl.OriginWidth / 2; if(this.imageEl.OriginWidth < this.imageEl.OriginHeight){ canvasEl.width = this.imageEl.OriginHeight * this.getScaleLevel(); canvasEl.height = this.imageEl.OriginHeight * this.getScaleLevel(); center = this.imageEl.OriginHeight / 2; } contextEl.scale(this.getScaleLevel(), this.getScaleLevel()); contextEl.translate(center, center); contextEl.rotate(this.rotate * Math.PI / 180); contextEl.drawImage(this.imageEl, 0, 0, this.imageEl.OriginWidth, this.imageEl.OriginHeight, center * -1, center * -1, this.imageEl.OriginWidth, this.imageEl.OriginHeight); this.canvasEl = document.createElement("canvas"); this.contextEl = this.canvasEl.getContext("2d"); switch (this.rotate) { case 0 : this.canvasEl.width = this.imageEl.OriginWidth * this.getScaleLevel(); this.canvasEl.height = this.imageEl.OriginHeight * this.getScaleLevel(); this.contextEl.drawImage(canvasEl, 0, 0, this.canvasEl.width, this.canvasEl.height, 0, 0, this.canvasEl.width, this.canvasEl.height); break; case 90 : this.canvasEl.width = this.imageEl.OriginHeight * this.getScaleLevel(); this.canvasEl.height = this.imageEl.OriginWidth * this.getScaleLevel(); if(this.imageEl.OriginWidth > this.imageEl.OriginHeight){ this.contextEl.drawImage(canvasEl, Math.abs(this.canvasEl.width - this.canvasEl.height), 0, this.canvasEl.width, this.canvasEl.height, 0, 0, this.canvasEl.width, this.canvasEl.height); break; } this.contextEl.drawImage(canvasEl, 0, 0, this.canvasEl.width, this.canvasEl.height, 0, 0, this.canvasEl.width, this.canvasEl.height); break; case 180 : this.canvasEl.width = this.imageEl.OriginWidth * this.getScaleLevel(); this.canvasEl.height = this.imageEl.OriginHeight * this.getScaleLevel(); if(this.imageEl.OriginWidth > this.imageEl.OriginHeight){ this.contextEl.drawImage(canvasEl, 0, Math.abs(this.canvasEl.width - this.canvasEl.height), this.canvasEl.width, this.canvasEl.height, 0, 0, this.canvasEl.width, this.canvasEl.height); break; } this.contextEl.drawImage(canvasEl, Math.abs(this.canvasEl.width - this.canvasEl.height), 0, this.canvasEl.width, this.canvasEl.height, 0, 0, this.canvasEl.width, this.canvasEl.height); break; case 270 : this.canvasEl.width = this.imageEl.OriginHeight * this.getScaleLevel(); this.canvasEl.height = this.imageEl.OriginWidth * this.getScaleLevel(); if(this.imageEl.OriginWidth > this.imageEl.OriginHeight){ this.contextEl.drawImage(canvasEl, 0, 0, this.canvasEl.width, this.canvasEl.height, 0, 0, this.canvasEl.width, this.canvasEl.height); break; } this.contextEl.drawImage(canvasEl, 0, Math.abs(this.canvasEl.width - this.canvasEl.height), this.canvasEl.width, this.canvasEl.height, 0, 0, this.canvasEl.width, this.canvasEl.height); break; default : break; } this.previewEl.appendChild(this.canvasEl); this.setCanvasPosition(); }, crop : function() { if(!this.canvasLoaded){ return; } var imageCanvas = document.createElement("canvas"); var imageContext = imageCanvas.getContext("2d"); imageCanvas.width = (this.imageEl.OriginWidth > this.imageEl.OriginHeight) ? this.imageEl.OriginWidth : this.imageEl.OriginHeight; imageCanvas.height = (this.imageEl.OriginWidth > this.imageEl.OriginHeight) ? this.imageEl.OriginWidth : this.imageEl.OriginHeight; var center = imageCanvas.width / 2; imageContext.translate(center, center); imageContext.rotate(this.rotate * Math.PI / 180); imageContext.drawImage(this.imageEl, 0, 0, this.imageEl.OriginWidth, this.imageEl.OriginHeight, center * -1, center * -1, this.imageEl.OriginWidth, this.imageEl.OriginHeight); var canvas = document.createElement("canvas"); var context = canvas.getContext("2d"); canvas.width = this.minWidth; canvas.height = this.minHeight; switch (this.rotate) { case 0 : var width = (this.thumbEl.getWidth() / this.getScaleLevel() > this.imageEl.OriginWidth) ? this.imageEl.OriginWidth : (this.thumbEl.getWidth() / this.getScaleLevel()); var height = (this.thumbEl.getHeight() / this.getScaleLevel() > this.imageEl.OriginHeight) ? this.imageEl.OriginHeight : (this.thumbEl.getHeight() / this.getScaleLevel()); var x = (this.thumbEl.getLeft(true) > this.previewEl.getLeft(true)) ? 0 : ((this.previewEl.getLeft(true) - this.thumbEl.getLeft(true)) / this.getScaleLevel()); var y = (this.thumbEl.getTop(true) > this.previewEl.getTop(true)) ? 0 : ((this.previewEl.getTop(true) - this.thumbEl.getTop(true)) / this.getScaleLevel()); var targetWidth = this.minWidth - 2 * x; var targetHeight = this.minHeight - 2 * y; var scale = 1; if((x == 0 && y == 0) || (x == 0 && y > 0)){ scale = targetWidth / width; } if(x > 0 && y == 0){ scale = targetHeight / height; } if(x > 0 && y > 0){ scale = targetWidth / width; if(width < height){ scale = targetHeight / height; } } context.scale(scale, scale); var sx = Math.min(this.canvasEl.width - this.thumbEl.getWidth(), this.thumbEl.getLeft(true) - this.previewEl.getLeft(true)); var sy = Math.min(this.canvasEl.height - this.thumbEl.getHeight(), this.thumbEl.getTop(true) - this.previewEl.getTop(true)); sx = sx < 0 ? 0 : (sx / this.getScaleLevel()); sy = sy < 0 ? 0 : (sy / this.getScaleLevel()); context.drawImage(imageCanvas, sx, sy, width, height, x, y, width, height); break; case 90 : var width = (this.thumbEl.getWidth() / this.getScaleLevel() > this.imageEl.OriginHeight) ? this.imageEl.OriginHeight : (this.thumbEl.getWidth() / this.getScaleLevel()); var height = (this.thumbEl.getHeight() / this.getScaleLevel() > this.imageEl.OriginWidth) ? this.imageEl.OriginWidth : (this.thumbEl.getHeight() / this.getScaleLevel()); var x = (this.thumbEl.getLeft(true) > this.previewEl.getLeft(true)) ? 0 : ((this.previewEl.getLeft(true) - this.thumbEl.getLeft(true)) / this.getScaleLevel()); var y = (this.thumbEl.getTop(true) > this.previewEl.getTop(true)) ? 0 : ((this.previewEl.getTop(true) - this.thumbEl.getTop(true)) / this.getScaleLevel()); var targetWidth = this.minWidth - 2 * x; var targetHeight = this.minHeight - 2 * y; var scale = 1; if((x == 0 && y == 0) || (x == 0 && y > 0)){ scale = targetWidth / width; } if(x > 0 && y == 0){ scale = targetHeight / height; } if(x > 0 && y > 0){ scale = targetWidth / width; if(width < height){ scale = targetHeight / height; } } context.scale(scale, scale); var sx = Math.min(this.canvasEl.width - this.thumbEl.getWidth(), this.thumbEl.getLeft(true) - this.previewEl.getLeft(true)); var sy = Math.min(this.canvasEl.height - this.thumbEl.getHeight(), this.thumbEl.getTop(true) - this.previewEl.getTop(true)); sx = sx < 0 ? 0 : (sx / this.getScaleLevel()); sy = sy < 0 ? 0 : (sy / this.getScaleLevel()); sx += (this.imageEl.OriginWidth > this.imageEl.OriginHeight) ? Math.abs(this.imageEl.OriginWidth - this.imageEl.OriginHeight) : 0; context.drawImage(imageCanvas, sx, sy, width, height, x, y, width, height); break; case 180 : var width = (this.thumbEl.getWidth() / this.getScaleLevel() > this.imageEl.OriginWidth) ? this.imageEl.OriginWidth : (this.thumbEl.getWidth() / this.getScaleLevel()); var height = (this.thumbEl.getHeight() / this.getScaleLevel() > this.imageEl.OriginHeight) ? this.imageEl.OriginHeight : (this.thumbEl.getHeight() / this.getScaleLevel()); var x = (this.thumbEl.getLeft(true) > this.previewEl.getLeft(true)) ? 0 : ((this.previewEl.getLeft(true) - this.thumbEl.getLeft(true)) / this.getScaleLevel()); var y = (this.thumbEl.getTop(true) > this.previewEl.getTop(true)) ? 0 : ((this.previewEl.getTop(true) - this.thumbEl.getTop(true)) / this.getScaleLevel()); var targetWidth = this.minWidth - 2 * x; var targetHeight = this.minHeight - 2 * y; var scale = 1; if((x == 0 && y == 0) || (x == 0 && y > 0)){ scale = targetWidth / width; } if(x > 0 && y == 0){ scale = targetHeight / height; } if(x > 0 && y > 0){ scale = targetWidth / width; if(width < height){ scale = targetHeight / height; } } context.scale(scale, scale); var sx = Math.min(this.canvasEl.width - this.thumbEl.getWidth(), this.thumbEl.getLeft(true) - this.previewEl.getLeft(true)); var sy = Math.min(this.canvasEl.height - this.thumbEl.getHeight(), this.thumbEl.getTop(true) - this.previewEl.getTop(true)); sx = sx < 0 ? 0 : (sx / this.getScaleLevel()); sy = sy < 0 ? 0 : (sy / this.getScaleLevel()); sx += (this.imageEl.OriginWidth > this.imageEl.OriginHeight) ? 0 : Math.abs(this.imageEl.OriginWidth - this.imageEl.OriginHeight); sy += (this.imageEl.OriginWidth > this.imageEl.OriginHeight) ? Math.abs(this.imageEl.OriginWidth - this.imageEl.OriginHeight) : 0; context.drawImage(imageCanvas, sx, sy, width, height, x, y, width, height); break; case 270 : var width = (this.thumbEl.getWidth() / this.getScaleLevel() > this.imageEl.OriginHeight) ? this.imageEl.OriginHeight : (this.thumbEl.getWidth() / this.getScaleLevel()); var height = (this.thumbEl.getHeight() / this.getScaleLevel() > this.imageEl.OriginWidth) ? this.imageEl.OriginWidth : (this.thumbEl.getHeight() / this.getScaleLevel()); var x = (this.thumbEl.getLeft(true) > this.previewEl.getLeft(true)) ? 0 : ((this.previewEl.getLeft(true) - this.thumbEl.getLeft(true)) / this.getScaleLevel()); var y = (this.thumbEl.getTop(true) > this.previewEl.getTop(true)) ? 0 : ((this.previewEl.getTop(true) - this.thumbEl.getTop(true)) / this.getScaleLevel()); var targetWidth = this.minWidth - 2 * x; var targetHeight = this.minHeight - 2 * y; var scale = 1; if((x == 0 && y == 0) || (x == 0 && y > 0)){ scale = targetWidth / width; } if(x > 0 && y == 0){ scale = targetHeight / height; } if(x > 0 && y > 0){ scale = targetWidth / width; if(width < height){ scale = targetHeight / height; } } context.scale(scale, scale); var sx = Math.min(this.canvasEl.width - this.thumbEl.getWidth(), this.thumbEl.getLeft(true) - this.previewEl.getLeft(true)); var sy = Math.min(this.canvasEl.height - this.thumbEl.getHeight(), this.thumbEl.getTop(true) - this.previewEl.getTop(true)); sx = sx < 0 ? 0 : (sx / this.getScaleLevel()); sy = sy < 0 ? 0 : (sy / this.getScaleLevel()); sy += (this.imageEl.OriginWidth > this.imageEl.OriginHeight) ? 0 : Math.abs(this.imageEl.OriginWidth - this.imageEl.OriginHeight); context.drawImage(imageCanvas, sx, sy, width, height, x, y, width, height); break; default : break; } this.cropData = canvas.toDataURL(this.cropType); this.fireEvent('crop', this, this.cropData); }, setThumbBoxSize : function() { var width, height; if(this.isDocument && typeof(this.imageEl) != 'undefined'){ width = (this.imageEl.OriginWidth > this.imageEl.OriginHeight) ? Math.max(this.minWidth, this.minHeight) : Math.min(this.minWidth, this.minHeight); height = (this.imageEl.OriginWidth > this.imageEl.OriginHeight) ? Math.min(this.minWidth, this.minHeight) : Math.max(this.minWidth, this.minHeight); this.minWidth = width; this.minHeight = height; if(this.rotate == 90 || this.rotate == 270){ this.minWidth = height; this.minHeight = width; } } height = 300; width = Math.ceil(this.minWidth * height / this.minHeight); if(this.minWidth > this.minHeight){ width = 300; height = Math.ceil(this.minHeight * width / this.minWidth); } this.thumbEl.setStyle({ width : width + 'px', height : height + 'px' }); return; }, setThumbBoxPosition : function() { var x = Math.ceil((this.bodyEl.getWidth() - this.thumbEl.getWidth()) / 2 ); var y = Math.ceil((this.bodyEl.getHeight() - this.thumbEl.getHeight()) / 2); this.thumbEl.setLeft(x); this.thumbEl.setTop(y); }, baseRotateLevel : function() { this.baseRotate = 1; if( typeof(this.exif) != 'undefined' && typeof(this.exif[Roo.bootstrap.UploadCropbox['tags']['Orientation']]) != 'undefined' && [1, 3, 6, 8].indexOf(this.exif[Roo.bootstrap.UploadCropbox['tags']['Orientation']]) != -1 ){ this.baseRotate = this.exif[Roo.bootstrap.UploadCropbox['tags']['Orientation']]; } this.rotate = Roo.bootstrap.UploadCropbox['Orientation'][this.baseRotate]; }, baseScaleLevel : function() { var width, height; if(this.isDocument){ if(this.baseRotate == 6 || this.baseRotate == 8){ height = this.thumbEl.getHeight(); this.baseScale = height / this.imageEl.OriginWidth; if(this.imageEl.OriginHeight * this.baseScale > this.thumbEl.getWidth()){ width = this.thumbEl.getWidth(); this.baseScale = width / this.imageEl.OriginHeight; } return; } height = this.thumbEl.getHeight(); this.baseScale = height / this.imageEl.OriginHeight; if(this.imageEl.OriginWidth * this.baseScale > this.thumbEl.getWidth()){ width = this.thumbEl.getWidth(); this.baseScale = width / this.imageEl.OriginWidth; } return; } if(this.baseRotate == 6 || this.baseRotate == 8){ width = this.thumbEl.getHeight(); this.baseScale = width / this.imageEl.OriginHeight; if(this.imageEl.OriginHeight * this.baseScale < this.thumbEl.getWidth()){ height = this.thumbEl.getWidth(); this.baseScale = height / this.imageEl.OriginHeight; } if(this.imageEl.OriginWidth > this.imageEl.OriginHeight){ height = this.thumbEl.getWidth(); this.baseScale = height / this.imageEl.OriginHeight; if(this.imageEl.OriginWidth * this.baseScale < this.thumbEl.getHeight()){ width = this.thumbEl.getHeight(); this.baseScale = width / this.imageEl.OriginWidth; } } return; } width = this.thumbEl.getWidth(); this.baseScale = width / this.imageEl.OriginWidth; if(this.imageEl.OriginHeight * this.baseScale < this.thumbEl.getHeight()){ height = this.thumbEl.getHeight(); this.baseScale = height / this.imageEl.OriginHeight; } if(this.imageEl.OriginWidth > this.imageEl.OriginHeight){ height = this.thumbEl.getHeight(); this.baseScale = height / this.imageEl.OriginHeight; if(this.imageEl.OriginWidth * this.baseScale < this.thumbEl.getWidth()){ width = this.thumbEl.getWidth(); this.baseScale = width / this.imageEl.OriginWidth; } } return; }, getScaleLevel : function() { return this.baseScale * Math.pow(1.1, this.scale); }, onTouchStart : function(e) { if(!this.canvasLoaded){ this.beforeSelectFile(e); return; } var touches = e.browserEvent.touches; if(!touches){ return; } if(touches.length == 1){ this.onMouseDown(e); return; } if(touches.length != 2){ return; } var coords = []; for(var i = 0, finger; finger = touches[i]; i++){ coords.push(finger.pageX, finger.pageY); } var x = Math.pow(coords[0] - coords[2], 2); var y = Math.pow(coords[1] - coords[3], 2); this.startDistance = Math.sqrt(x + y); this.startScale = this.scale; this.pinching = true; this.dragable = false; }, onTouchMove : function(e) { if(!this.pinching && !this.dragable){ return; } var touches = e.browserEvent.touches; if(!touches){ return; } if(this.dragable){ this.onMouseMove(e); return; } var coords = []; for(var i = 0, finger; finger = touches[i]; i++){ coords.push(finger.pageX, finger.pageY); } var x = Math.pow(coords[0] - coords[2], 2); var y = Math.pow(coords[1] - coords[3], 2); this.endDistance = Math.sqrt(x + y); this.scale = this.startScale + Math.floor(Math.log(this.endDistance / this.startDistance) / Math.log(1.1)); if(!this.zoomable()){ this.scale = this.startScale; return; } this.draw(); }, onTouchEnd : function(e) { this.pinching = false; this.dragable = false; }, prepare : function(file) { this.file = false; this.exif = {}; if(typeof(file) === 'string'){ this.loadCanvas(file); return; } if(!file || !this.urlAPI){ return; } this.file = file; this.cropType = file.type; var _this = this; if(this.fireEvent('prepare', this, this.file) != false){ var reader = new FileReader(); reader.onload = function (e) { if (e.target.error) { Roo.log(e.target.error); return; } var buffer = e.target.result, dataView = new DataView(buffer), offset = 2, maxOffset = dataView.byteLength - 4, markerBytes, markerLength; if (dataView.getUint16(0) === 0xffd8) { while (offset < maxOffset) { markerBytes = dataView.getUint16(offset); if ((markerBytes >= 0xffe0 && markerBytes <= 0xffef) || markerBytes === 0xfffe) { markerLength = dataView.getUint16(offset + 2) + 2; if (offset + markerLength > dataView.byteLength) { Roo.log('Invalid meta data: Invalid segment size.'); break; } if(markerBytes == 0xffe1){ _this.parseExifData( dataView, offset, markerLength ); } offset += markerLength; continue; } break; } } var url = _this.urlAPI.createObjectURL(_this.file); _this.loadCanvas(url); return; } reader.readAsArrayBuffer(this.file); } }, parseExifData : function(dataView, offset, length) { var tiffOffset = offset + 10, littleEndian, dirOffset; if (dataView.getUint32(offset + 4) !== 0x45786966) { // No Exif data, might be XMP data instead return; } // Check for the ASCII code for "Exif" (0x45786966): if (dataView.getUint32(offset + 4) !== 0x45786966) { // No Exif data, might be XMP data instead return; } if (tiffOffset + 8 > dataView.byteLength) { Roo.log('Invalid Exif data: Invalid segment size.'); return; } // Check for the two null bytes: if (dataView.getUint16(offset + 8) !== 0x0000) { Roo.log('Invalid Exif data: Missing byte alignment offset.'); return; } // Check the byte alignment: switch (dataView.getUint16(tiffOffset)) { case 0x4949: littleEndian = true; break; case 0x4D4D: littleEndian = false; break; default: Roo.log('Invalid Exif data: Invalid byte alignment marker.'); return; } // Check for the TIFF tag marker (0x002A): if (dataView.getUint16(tiffOffset + 2, littleEndian) !== 0x002A) { Roo.log('Invalid Exif data: Missing TIFF marker.'); return; } // Retrieve the directory offset bytes, usually 0x00000008 or 8 decimal: dirOffset = dataView.getUint32(tiffOffset + 4, littleEndian); this.parseExifTags( dataView, tiffOffset, tiffOffset + dirOffset, littleEndian ); }, parseExifTags : function(dataView, tiffOffset, dirOffset, littleEndian) { var tagsNumber, dirEndOffset, i; if (dirOffset + 6 > dataView.byteLength) { Roo.log('Invalid Exif data: Invalid directory offset.'); return; } tagsNumber = dataView.getUint16(dirOffset, littleEndian); dirEndOffset = dirOffset + 2 + 12 * tagsNumber; if (dirEndOffset + 4 > dataView.byteLength) { Roo.log('Invalid Exif data: Invalid directory size.'); return; } for (i = 0; i < tagsNumber; i += 1) { this.parseExifTag( dataView, tiffOffset, dirOffset + 2 + 12 * i, // tag offset littleEndian ); } // Return the offset to the next directory: return dataView.getUint32(dirEndOffset, littleEndian); }, parseExifTag : function (dataView, tiffOffset, offset, littleEndian) { var tag = dataView.getUint16(offset, littleEndian); this.exif[tag] = this.getExifValue( dataView, tiffOffset, offset, dataView.getUint16(offset + 2, littleEndian), // tag type dataView.getUint32(offset + 4, littleEndian), // tag length littleEndian ); }, getExifValue : function (dataView, tiffOffset, offset, type, length, littleEndian) { var tagType = Roo.bootstrap.UploadCropbox.exifTagTypes[type], tagSize, dataOffset, values, i, str, c; if (!tagType) { Roo.log('Invalid Exif data: Invalid tag type.'); return; } tagSize = tagType.size * length; // Determine if the value is contained in the dataOffset bytes, // or if the value at the dataOffset is a pointer to the actual data: dataOffset = tagSize > 4 ? tiffOffset + dataView.getUint32(offset + 8, littleEndian) : (offset + 8); if (dataOffset + tagSize > dataView.byteLength) { Roo.log('Invalid Exif data: Invalid data offset.'); return; } if (length === 1) { return tagType.getValue(dataView, dataOffset, littleEndian); } values = []; for (i = 0; i < length; i += 1) { values[i] = tagType.getValue(dataView, dataOffset + i * tagType.size, littleEndian); } if (tagType.ascii) { str = ''; // Concatenate the chars: for (i = 0; i < values.length; i += 1) { c = values[i]; // Ignore the terminating NULL byte(s): if (c === '\u0000') { break; } str += c; } return str; } return values; } }); Roo.apply(Roo.bootstrap.UploadCropbox, { tags : { 'Orientation': 0x0112 }, Orientation: { 1: 0, //'top-left', // 2: 'top-right', 3: 180, //'bottom-right', // 4: 'bottom-left', // 5: 'left-top', 6: 90, //'right-top', // 7: 'right-bottom', 8: 270 //'left-bottom' }, exifTagTypes : { // byte, 8-bit unsigned int: 1: { getValue: function (dataView, dataOffset) { return dataView.getUint8(dataOffset); }, size: 1 }, // ascii, 8-bit byte: 2: { getValue: function (dataView, dataOffset) { return String.fromCharCode(dataView.getUint8(dataOffset)); }, size: 1, ascii: true }, // short, 16 bit int: 3: { getValue: function (dataView, dataOffset, littleEndian) { return dataView.getUint16(dataOffset, littleEndian); }, size: 2 }, // long, 32 bit int: 4: { getValue: function (dataView, dataOffset, littleEndian) { return dataView.getUint32(dataOffset, littleEndian); }, size: 4 }, // rational = two long values, first is numerator, second is denominator: 5: { getValue: function (dataView, dataOffset, littleEndian) { return dataView.getUint32(dataOffset, littleEndian) / dataView.getUint32(dataOffset + 4, littleEndian); }, size: 8 }, // slong, 32 bit signed int: 9: { getValue: function (dataView, dataOffset, littleEndian) { return dataView.getInt32(dataOffset, littleEndian); }, size: 4 }, // srational, two slongs, first is numerator, second is denominator: 10: { getValue: function (dataView, dataOffset, littleEndian) { return dataView.getInt32(dataOffset, littleEndian) / dataView.getInt32(dataOffset + 4, littleEndian); }, size: 8 } }, footer : { STANDARD : [ { tag : 'div', cls : 'btn-group roo-upload-cropbox-rotate-left', action : 'rotate-left', cn : [ { tag : 'button', cls : 'btn btn-default', html : '<i class="fa fa-undo"></i>' } ] }, { tag : 'div', cls : 'btn-group roo-upload-cropbox-picture', action : 'picture', cn : [ { tag : 'button', cls : 'btn btn-default', html : '<i class="fa fa-picture-o"></i>' } ] }, { tag : 'div', cls : 'btn-group roo-upload-cropbox-rotate-right', action : 'rotate-right', cn : [ { tag : 'button', cls : 'btn btn-default', html : '<i class="fa fa-repeat"></i>' } ] } ], DOCUMENT : [ { tag : 'div', cls : 'btn-group roo-upload-cropbox-rotate-left', action : 'rotate-left', cn : [ { tag : 'button', cls : 'btn btn-default', html : '<i class="fa fa-undo"></i>' } ] }, { tag : 'div', cls : 'btn-group roo-upload-cropbox-download', action : 'download', cn : [ { tag : 'button', cls : 'btn btn-default', html : '<i class="fa fa-download"></i>' } ] }, { tag : 'div', cls : 'btn-group roo-upload-cropbox-crop', action : 'crop', cn : [ { tag : 'button', cls : 'btn btn-default', html : '<i class="fa fa-crop"></i>' } ] }, { tag : 'div', cls : 'btn-group roo-upload-cropbox-trash', action : 'trash', cn : [ { tag : 'button', cls : 'btn btn-default', html : '<i class="fa fa-trash"></i>' } ] }, { tag : 'div', cls : 'btn-group roo-upload-cropbox-rotate-right', action : 'rotate-right', cn : [ { tag : 'button', cls : 'btn btn-default', html : '<i class="fa fa-repeat"></i>' } ] } ], ROTATOR : [ { tag : 'div', cls : 'btn-group roo-upload-cropbox-rotate-left', action : 'rotate-left', cn : [ { tag : 'button', cls : 'btn btn-default', html : '<i class="fa fa-undo"></i>' } ] }, { tag : 'div', cls : 'btn-group roo-upload-cropbox-rotate-right', action : 'rotate-right', cn : [ { tag : 'button', cls : 'btn btn-default', html : '<i class="fa fa-repeat"></i>' } ] } ] } });