/* * - LGPL * * Input * */ /** * @class Roo.bootstrap.SecurePass * @extends Roo.bootstrap.Input * Bootstrap SecurePass class * * * @constructor * Create a new SecurePass * @param {Object} config The config object */ Roo.bootstrap.SecurePass = function (config) { // these go here, so the translation tool can replace them.. this.errors = { PwdEmpty: "Please type a password, and then retype it to confirm.", PwdShort: "Your password must be at least 6 characters long. Please type a different password.", PwdLong: "Your password can't contain more than 16 characters. Please type a different password.", PwdBadChar: "The password contains characters that aren't allowed. Please type a different password.", IDInPwd: "Your password can't include the part of your ID. Please type a different password.", FNInPwd: "Your password can't contain your first name. Please type a different password.", LNInPwd: "Your password can't contain your last name. Please type a different password.", TooWeak: "Your password is Too Weak." }, this.meterLabel = "Password strength:"; this.pwdStrengths = ["Too Weak", "Weak", "Medium", "Strong"]; Roo.bootstrap.SecurePass.superclass.constructor.call(this, config); } Roo.extend(Roo.bootstrap.SecurePass, Roo.bootstrap.Input, { /** * @cfg {String/Object} errors A Error spec, or true for a default spec (defaults to * { * PwdEmpty: "Please type a password, and then retype it to confirm.", * PwdShort: "Your password must be at least 6 characters long. Please type a different password.", * PwdLong: "Your password can't contain more than 16 characters. Please type a different password.", * PwdBadChar: "The password contains characters that aren't allowed. Please type a different password.", * IDInPwd: "Your password can't include the part of your ID. Please type a different password.", * FNInPwd: "Your password can't contain your first name. Please type a different password.", * LNInPwd: "Your password can't contain your last name. Please type a different password." * }) */ // private meterClass : ["password-meter-tooweak", "password-meter-weak", "password-meter-medium", "password-meter-strong"], meterWidth: 300, errorMsg :'', errors: {}, imageRoot: '/', /** * @cfg {String/Object} Label for the strength meter (defaults to * 'Password strength:') */ // private meterLabel: '', /** * @cfg {String/Object} pwdStrengths A pwdStrengths spec, or true for a default spec (defaults to * ['Weak', 'Medium', 'Strong']) */ // private pwdStrengths: [], // private strength: 0, // private _lastPwd: null, // private kCapitalLetter: 0, kSmallLetter: 1, kDigit: 2, kPunctuation: 3, insecure: false, // private initEvents: function () { Roo.bootstrap.SecurePass.superclass.initEvents.call(this); if (this.el.is('input[type=password]') && Roo.isSafari) { this.el.on('keydown', this.SafariOnKeyDown, this); } this.el.on('keyup', this.checkStrength, this, {buffer: 50}); }, // private onRender: function (ct, position) { Roo.bootstrap.SecurePass.superclass.onRender.call(this, ct, position); this.wrap = this.el.wrap({cls: 'x-form-field-wrap'}); this.trigger = this.wrap.createChild({tag: 'div', cls: 'StrengthMeter ' + this.triggerClass}); this.trigger.createChild({ tag: 'div', style: { 'margin-bottom': '20px', width: this.meterWidth + 'px' }, cn: { tag: 'div', cls: 'password-meter-grey', style: { width: this.meterWidth + 'px' }, cn: [ { //id: 'PwdMeter', tag: 'div', cls: 'password-meter-tooweek', style: { //width: 0, width: this.meterWidth + 'px' } }, { cls: 'password-meter-text' } ] } }); if (this.hideTrigger) { this.trigger.setDisplayed(false); } this.setSize(this.width || '', this.height || ''); }, // private onDestroy: function () { if (this.trigger) { this.trigger.removeAllListeners(); this.trigger.remove(); } if (this.wrap) { this.wrap.remove(); } Roo.bootstrap.TriggerField.superclass.onDestroy.call(this); }, // private checkStrength: function () { var pwd = this.inputEl().getValue(); if (pwd == this._lastPwd) { return; } var strength; if (this.ClientSideStrongPassword(pwd)) { strength = 3; } else if (this.ClientSideMediumPassword(pwd)) { strength = 2; } else if (this.ClientSideWeakPassword(pwd)) { strength = 1; } else { strength = 0; } console.log('strength1: ' + strength); //var pm = this.trigger.child('div/div/div').dom; var pm = this.trigger.child('div/div/div'); pm.removeClass(this.meterClass); pm.addClass(this.meterClass[strength]); //pm.style.width = (this.meterWidth / 3) * strength + 'px'; var pt = this.trigger.child('/div/div/').child('>*[class=password-meter-text]').dom; pt.innerHTML = this.meterLabel + '&nbsp;' + this.pwdStrengths[strength]; this._lastPwd = pwd; }, reset: function () { Roo.bootstrap.SecurePass.superclass.reset.call(this); this._lastPwd = ''; //var pm = this.trigger.child('div/div/div').dom; //pm.style.width = 0; var pm = this.trigger.child('div/div/div'); pm.removeClass(this.meterClass); pm.addClass(this.meterClass[0]); var pt = this.trigger.child('/div/div/').child('>*[class=password-meter-text]').dom; //pt.innerHTML = this.meterLabel + '&nbsp;' + this.pwdStrengths[strength]; pt.innerHTML = ''; this.inputEl().dom.type='password'; }, // private validateValue: function (value) { if (!Roo.bootstrap.SecurePass.superclass.validateValue.call(this, value)) { return false; } if (value.length == 0) { if (this.allowBlank) { this.clearInvalid(); return true; } this.markInvalid(this.errors.PwdEmpty); this.errorMsg = this.errors.PwdEmpty; return false; } if(this.insecure){ return true; } if ('[\x21-\x7e]*'.match(value)) { this.markInvalid(this.errors.PwdBadChar); this.errorMsg = this.errors.PwdBadChar; return false; } if (value.length < 6) { this.markInvalid(this.errors.PwdShort); this.errorMsg = this.errors.PwdShort; return false; } if (value.length > 16) { this.markInvalid(this.errors.PwdLong); this.errorMsg = this.errors.PwdLong; return false; } var strength; if (this.ClientSideStrongPassword(value)) { strength = 3; } else if (this.ClientSideMediumPassword(value)) { strength = 2; } else if (this.ClientSideWeakPassword(value)) { strength = 1; } else { strength = 0; } /* if (strength < 2) { this.markInvalid(this.errors.TooWeak); this.errorMsg = this.errors.TooWeak; return false; } */ console.log('strength2: ' + strength); //var pm = this.trigger.child('div/div/div').dom; var pm = this.trigger.child('div/div/div'); pm.removeClass(this.meterClass); pm.addClass(this.meterClass[strength]); var pt = this.trigger.child('/div/div/').child('>*[class=password-meter-text]').dom; pt.innerHTML = this.meterLabel + '&nbsp;' + this.pwdStrengths[strength]; this.errorMsg = ''; return true; }, // private CharacterSetChecks: function (type) { this.type = type; this.fResult = false; }, // private isctype: function (character, type) { switch (type) { //why needed break after return in js ? very odd bug case this.kCapitalLetter: if (character >= 'A' && character <= 'Z') { return true; } break; case this.kSmallLetter: if (character >= 'a' && character <= 'z') { return true; } break; case this.kDigit: if (character >= '0' && character <= '9') { return true; } break; case this.kPunctuation: if ('!@#$%^&*()_+-=\'";:[{]}|.>,</?`~'.indexOf(character) >= 0) { return true; } break; default: return false; } }, // private IsLongEnough: function (pwd, size) { return !(pwd == null || isNaN(size) || pwd.length < size); }, // private SpansEnoughCharacterSets: function (word, nb) { if (!this.IsLongEnough(word, nb)) { return false; } var characterSetChecks = new Array( new this.CharacterSetChecks(this.kCapitalLetter), new this.CharacterSetChecks(this.kSmallLetter), new this.CharacterSetChecks(this.kDigit), new this.CharacterSetChecks(this.kPunctuation)); for (var index = 0; index < word.length; ++index) { for (var nCharSet = 0; nCharSet < characterSetChecks.length; ++nCharSet) { if (!characterSetChecks[nCharSet].fResult && this.isctype(word.charAt(index), characterSetChecks[nCharSet].type)) { characterSetChecks[nCharSet].fResult = true; break; } } } var nCharSets = 0; for (var nCharSet = 0; nCharSet < characterSetChecks.length; ++nCharSet) { if (characterSetChecks[nCharSet].fResult) { ++nCharSets; } } if (nCharSets < nb) { return false; } return true; }, // private ClientSideStrongPassword: function (pwd) { return this.IsLongEnough(pwd, 8) && this.SpansEnoughCharacterSets(pwd, 3); }, // private ClientSideMediumPassword: function (pwd) { return this.IsLongEnough(pwd, 7) && this.SpansEnoughCharacterSets(pwd, 2); }, // private ClientSideWeakPassword: function (pwd) { return this.IsLongEnough(pwd, 6) || !this.IsLongEnough(pwd, 0); } })