/** * This script refer to: * Title: International Telephone Input * Author: Jack O'Connor * Code version: v12.1.12 * Availability: https://github.com/jackocnr/intl-tel-input.git **/ /** * @class Roo.bootstrap.PhoneInput * @extends Roo.bootstrap.TriggerField * An input with International dial-code selection * @cfg {String} defaultDialCode default '+852' * @cfg {Array} preferedCountries default [] * @constructor * Create a new PhoneInput. * @param {Object} config Configuration options */ Roo.bootstrap.PhoneInput = function(config) { Roo.bootstrap.PhoneInput.superclass.constructor.call(this, config); }; Roo.extend(Roo.bootstrap.PhoneInput, Roo.bootstrap.TriggerField, { listWidth: undefined, selectedClass: 'active', invalidClass : "has-warning", validClass: 'has-success', allowed: '0123456789', /** * @cfg {String} defaultDialCode The default dial code when initializing the input */ defaultDialCode: '+852', /** * @cfg {Array} preferedCountries A list of iso2 in array (e.g. ['hk','us']). Those related countries will show at the top of the input's choices */ preferedCountries: false, getAutoCreate : function() { var data = Roo.bootstrap.PhoneInputData(); var align = this.labelAlign || this.parentLabelAlign(); var id = Roo.id(); this.allCountries = []; this.dialCodeMapping = []; for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { var c = data[i]; this.allCountries[i] = { name: c[0], iso2: c[1], dialCode: c[2], priority: c[3] || 0, areaCodes: c[4] || null }; this.dialCodeMapping[c[2]] = { name: c[0], iso2: c[1], priority: c[3] || 0, areaCodes: c[4] || null }; } var cfg = { cls: 'form-group', cn: [] }; var input = { tag: 'input', id : id, cls : 'form-control tel-input', autocomplete: 'new-password' }; var hiddenInput = { tag: 'input', type: 'hidden', cls: 'hidden-tel-input' }; if (this.name) { hiddenInput.name = this.name; } if (this.disabled) { input.disabled = true; } var flag_container = { tag: 'div', cls: 'flag-box', cn: [ { tag: 'div', cls: 'flag' }, { tag: 'div', cls: 'caret' } ] }; var box = { tag: 'div', cls: this.hasFeedback ? 'has-feedback' : '', cn: [ hiddenInput, input, { tag: 'input', cls: 'dial-code-holder', disabled: true } ] }; var container = { cls: 'roo-select2-container input-group', cn: [ flag_container, box ] }; if (this.fieldLabel.length) { var indicator = { tag: 'i', tooltip: 'This field is required' }; var label = { tag: 'label', 'for': id, cls: 'control-label', cn: [] }; var label_text = { tag: 'span', html: this.fieldLabel }; indicator.cls = 'roo-required-indicator text-danger fa fa-lg fa-star left-indicator'; label.cn = [ indicator, label_text ]; if(this.indicatorpos == 'right') { indicator.cls = 'roo-required-indicator text-danger fa fa-lg fa-star right-indicator'; label.cn = [ label_text, indicator ]; } if(align == 'left') { container = { tag: 'div', cn: [ container ] }; if(this.labelWidth > 12){ label.style = "width: " + this.labelWidth + 'px'; } if(this.labelWidth < 13 && this.labelmd == 0){ this.labelmd = this.labelWidth; } if(this.labellg > 0){ label.cls += ' col-lg-' + this.labellg; input.cls += ' col-lg-' + (12 - this.labellg); } if(this.labelmd > 0){ label.cls += ' col-md-' + this.labelmd; container.cls += ' col-md-' + (12 - this.labelmd); } if(this.labelsm > 0){ label.cls += ' col-sm-' + this.labelsm; container.cls += ' col-sm-' + (12 - this.labelsm); } if(this.labelxs > 0){ label.cls += ' col-xs-' + this.labelxs; container.cls += ' col-xs-' + (12 - this.labelxs); } } } cfg.cn = [ label, container ]; var settings = this; ['xs','sm','md','lg'].map(function(size){ if (settings[size]) { cfg.cls += ' col-' + size + '-' + settings[size]; } }); this.store = new Roo.data.Store({ proxy : new Roo.data.MemoryProxy({}), reader : new Roo.data.JsonReader({ fields : [ { 'name' : 'name', 'type' : 'string' }, { 'name' : 'iso2', 'type' : 'string' }, { 'name' : 'dialCode', 'type' : 'string' }, { 'name' : 'priority', 'type' : 'string' }, { 'name' : 'areaCodes', 'type' : 'string' } ] }) }); if(!this.preferedCountries) { this.preferedCountries = [ 'hk', 'gb', 'us' ]; } var p = this.preferedCountries.reverse(); if(p) { for (var i = 0; i < p.length; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < this.allCountries.length; j++) { if(this.allCountries[j].iso2 == p[i]) { var t = this.allCountries[j]; this.allCountries.splice(j,1); this.allCountries.unshift(t); } } } } this.store.proxy.data = { success: true, data: this.allCountries }; return cfg; }, initEvents : function() { this.createList(); Roo.bootstrap.PhoneInput.superclass.initEvents.call(this); this.indicator = this.indicatorEl(); this.flag = this.flagEl(); this.dialCodeHolder = this.dialCodeHolderEl(); this.trigger = this.el.select('div.flag-box',true).first(); this.trigger.on("click", this.onTriggerClick, this, {preventDefault:true}); var _this = this; (function(){ var lw = _this.listWidth || Math.max(_this.inputEl().getWidth(), _this.minListWidth); _this.list.setWidth(lw); }).defer(100); this.list.on('mouseover', this.onViewOver, this); this.list.on('mousemove', this.onViewMove, this); this.inputEl().on("keyup", this.onKeyUp, this); this.tpl = '<li><a href="#"><div class="flag {iso2}"></div>{name} <span class="dial-code">+{dialCode}</span></a></li>'; this.view = new Roo.View(this.list, this.tpl, { singleSelect:true, store: this.store, selectedClass: this.selectedClass }); this.view.on('click', this.onViewClick, this); this.setValue(this.defaultDialCode); }, onTriggerClick : function(e) { Roo.log('trigger click'); if(this.disabled){ return; } if(this.isExpanded()){ this.collapse(); this.hasFocus = false; }else { this.store.load({}); this.hasFocus = true; this.expand(); } }, isExpanded : function() { return this.list.isVisible(); }, collapse : function() { if(!this.isExpanded()){ return; } this.list.hide(); Roo.get(document).un('mousedown', this.collapseIf, this); Roo.get(document).un('mousewheel', this.collapseIf, this); this.fireEvent('collapse', this); this.validate(); }, expand : function() { Roo.log('expand'); if(this.isExpanded() || !this.hasFocus){ return; } var lw = this.listWidth || Math.max(this.inputEl().getWidth(), this.minListWidth); this.list.setWidth(lw); this.list.show(); this.restrictHeight(); Roo.get(document).on('mousedown', this.collapseIf, this); Roo.get(document).on('mousewheel', this.collapseIf, this); this.fireEvent('expand', this); }, restrictHeight : function() { this.list.alignTo(this.inputEl(), this.listAlign); this.list.alignTo(this.inputEl(), this.listAlign); }, onViewOver : function(e, t) { if(this.inKeyMode){ return; } var item = this.view.findItemFromChild(t); if(item){ var index = this.view.indexOf(item); this.select(index, false); } }, // private onViewClick : function(view, doFocus, el, e) { var index = this.view.getSelectedIndexes()[0]; var r = this.store.getAt(index); if(r){ this.onSelect(r, index); } if(doFocus !== false && !this.blockFocus){ this.inputEl().focus(); } }, onViewMove : function(e, t) { this.inKeyMode = false; }, select : function(index, scrollIntoView) { this.selectedIndex = index; this.view.select(index); if(scrollIntoView !== false){ var el = this.view.getNode(index); if(el){ this.list.scrollChildIntoView(el, false); } } }, createList : function() { this.list = Roo.get(document.body).createChild({ tag: 'ul', cls: 'typeahead typeahead-long dropdown-menu tel-list', style: 'display:none' }); this.list.setVisibilityMode(Roo.Element.DISPLAY).originalDisplay = 'block';; }, collapseIf : function(e) { var in_combo = e.within(this.el); var in_list = e.within(this.list); var is_list = (Roo.get(e.getTarget()).id == this.list.id) ? true : false; if (in_combo || in_list || is_list) { return; } this.collapse(); }, onSelect : function(record, index) { if(this.fireEvent('beforeselect', this, record, index) !== false){ this.setFlagClass(record.data.iso2); this.setDialCode(record.data.dialCode); this.hasFocus = false; this.collapse(); this.fireEvent('select', this, record, index); } }, flagEl : function() { var flag = this.el.select('div.flag',true).first(); if(!flag){ return false; } return flag; }, dialCodeHolderEl : function() { var d = this.el.select('input.dial-code-holder',true).first(); if(!d){ return false; } return d; }, setDialCode : function(v) { this.dialCodeHolder.dom.value = '+'+v; }, setFlagClass : function(n) { this.flag.dom.className = 'flag '+n; }, getValue : function() { var v = this.inputEl().getValue(); if(this.dialCodeHolder) { v = this.dialCodeHolder.dom.value+this.inputEl().getValue(); } return v; }, setValue : function(v) { var d = this.getDialCode(v); //invalid dial code if(v.length == 0 || !d || d.length == 0) { if(this.rendered){ this.inputEl().dom.value = (v === null || v === undefined ? '' : v); this.hiddenEl().dom.value = (v === null || v === undefined ? '' : v); } return; } //valid dial code this.setFlagClass(this.dialCodeMapping[d].iso2); this.setDialCode(d); this.inputEl().dom.value = v.replace('+'+d,''); this.hiddenEl().dom.value = this.getValue(); this.validate(); }, getDialCode : function(v = '') { if (v.length == 0) { return this.dialCodeHolder.dom.value; } var dialCode = ""; if (v.charAt(0) != "+") { return false; } var numericChars = ""; for (var i = 1; i < v.length; i++) { var c = v.charAt(i); if (!isNaN(c)) { numericChars += c; if (this.dialCodeMapping[numericChars]) { dialCode = v.substr(1, i); } if (numericChars.length == 4) { break; } } } return dialCode; }, reset : function() { this.setValue(this.defaultDialCode); this.validate(); }, hiddenEl : function() { return this.el.select('input.hidden-tel-input',true).first(); }, onKeyUp : function(e){ var k = e.getKey(); var c = e.getCharCode(); if( (String.fromCharCode(c) == '.' || String.fromCharCode(c) == '-') && this.allowed.indexOf(String.fromCharCode(c)) === -1 ){ e.stopEvent(); } // if(!Roo.isIE && (e.isSpecialKey() || k == e.BACKSPACE || k == e.DELETE)){ // return; // } if(this.allowed.indexOf(String.fromCharCode(c)) === -1){ e.stopEvent(); } this.setValue(this.getValue()); } });