

Defined In: Roo/data/Connection.js.
Subclasses: Roo.Ajax
Extends: Roo.util.Observable
The class encapsulates a connection to the page's originating domain, allowing requests to be made
either to a configured URL, or to a URL specified at request time.

Requests made by this class are asynchronous, and will return immediately. No data from
the server will be available to the statement immediately following the {link request} call.
To process returned data, use a callback in the request options object, or an event listener.

Note: If you are doing a file upload, you will not get a normal response object sent back to
your callback or event handler. Since the upload is handled via in IFRAME, there is no XMLHttpRequest.
The response object is created using the innerHTML of the IFRAME's document as the responseText
property and, if present, the IFRAME's XML document as the responseXML property.

This means that a valid XML or HTML document must be returned. If JSON data is required, it is suggested
that it be placed either inside a <textarea> in an HTML document and retrieved from the responseText
using a regex, or inside a CDATA section in an XML document and retrieved from the responseXML using
standard DOM methods.
Class Comments / Notes => [Add Your comment/notes about this class]
Config Options (Usually are also Properties)
Options Defined By
Public Properties - Has None
Public Methods
Method Defined By
Event Defined By
Documentation generated by Introspection Doc Generator on Mon Feb 22 2016 17:05:13 GMT+0800 (HKT) Based on JsDoc Toolkit