

Class Roo.View

Defined In: Roo/View.js.
Subclasses: Roo.JsonView
Extends: Roo.util.Observable
Create a "View" for an element based on a data model or UpdateManager and the supplied DomHelper template.
This class also supports single and multi selection modes.

Create a data model bound view:

var store = new;

var view = new Roo.View({
el : "my-element",
tpl : '<div id="{0}">{2} - {1}</div>', // auto create template

singleSelect: true,
selectedClass: "ydataview-selected",
store: store

// listen for node click?
view.on("click", function(vw, index, node, e){
alert('Node "' + + '" at index: ' + index + " was clicked.");

// load XML data

For an example of creating a JSON/UpdateManager view, see {link Roo.JsonView}.

Note: The root of your template must be a single node. Table/row implementations may work but are not supported due to
IE"s limited insertion support with tables and Opera"s faulty event bubbling.

Note: old style constructor is still suported (container, template, config)
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Config Options (Usually are also Properties)
Options Defined By
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Event Defined By
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