

Class Roo.MasterTemplate

Defined In: Roo/MasterTemplate.js.
Extends: Roo.Template
Provides a template that can have child templates. The syntax is:

var t = new Roo.MasterTemplate(
'<select name="{name}">',
'<tpl name="options"><option value="{value:trim}">{text:ellipsis(10)}</option></tpl>',
t.add('options', {value: 'foo', text: 'bar'});
// or you can add multiple child elements in one shot
t.addAll('options', [
{value: 'foo', text: 'bar'},
{value: 'foo2', text: 'bar2'},
{value: 'foo3', text: 'bar3'}
// then append, applying the master template values
t.append('my-form', {name: 'my-select'});

A name attribute for the child template is not required if you have only one child
template or you want to refer to them by index.
Class Comments / Notes => [Add Your comment/notes about this class]
Config Options (Usually are also Properties)
Options Defined By
Public Properties - Has None
Public Methods
Method Defined By
new Roo.MasterTemplate ()
Create a new Roo.MasterTemplate
Create a new Roo.MasterTemplate
Events - Has None
Documentation generated by Introspection Doc Generator on Mon Mar 14 2016 12:18:46 GMT+0800 (HKT) Based on JsDoc Toolkit