/** * @class Roo.htmleditor.FilterWord * try and clean up all the mess that Word generates. * * This is the 'nice version' - see 'Heavy' that white lists a very short list of elements, and multi-filters * @constructor * Run a new Span Filter * @param {Object} config Configuration options */ Roo.htmleditor.FilterWord = function(cfg) { // no need to apply config. this.replaceDocBullets(cfg.node); this.replaceAname(cfg.node); // this is disabled as the removal is done by other filters; // this.walk(cfg.node); } Roo.extend(Roo.htmleditor.FilterWord, Roo.htmleditor.Filter, { tag: true, /** * Clean up MS wordisms... */ replaceTag : function(node) { // no idea what this does - span with text, replaceds with just text. if( node.nodeName == 'SPAN' && !node.hasAttributes() && node.childNodes.length == 1 && node.firstChild.nodeName == "#text" ) { var textNode = node.firstChild; node.removeChild(textNode); if (node.getAttribute('lang') != 'zh-CN') { // do not space pad on chinese characters.. node.parentNode.insertBefore(node.ownerDocument.createTextNode(" "), node); } node.parentNode.insertBefore(textNode, node); if (node.getAttribute('lang') != 'zh-CN') { // do not space pad on chinese characters.. node.parentNode.insertBefore(node.ownerDocument.createTextNode(" ") , node); } node.parentNode.removeChild(node); return false; // dont do chidren - we have remove our node - so no need to do chdhilren? } if (node.tagName.toLowerCase().match(/^(style|script|applet|embed|noframes|noscript)$/)) { node.parentNode.removeChild(node); return false; // dont do chidlren } //Roo.log(node.tagName); // remove - but keep children.. if (node.tagName.toLowerCase().match(/^(meta|link|\\?xml:|st1:|o:|v:|font)/)) { //Roo.log('-- removed'); while (node.childNodes.length) { var cn = node.childNodes[0]; node.removeChild(cn); node.parentNode.insertBefore(cn, node); // move node to parent - and clean it.. if (cn.nodeType == 1) { this.replaceTag(cn); } } node.parentNode.removeChild(node); /// no need to iterate chidlren = it's got none.. //this.iterateChildren(node, this.cleanWord); return false; // no need to iterate children. } // clean styles if (node.className.length) { var cn = node.className.split(/\W+/); var cna = []; Roo.each(cn, function(cls) { if (cls.match(/Mso[a-zA-Z]+/)) { return; } cna.push(cls); }); node.className = cna.length ? cna.join(' ') : ''; if (!cna.length) { node.removeAttribute("class"); } } if (node.hasAttribute("lang")) { node.removeAttribute("lang"); } if (node.hasAttribute("style")) { var styles = node.getAttribute("style").split(";"); var nstyle = []; Roo.each(styles, function(s) { if (!s.match(/:/)) { return; } var kv = s.split(":"); if (kv[0].match(/^(mso-|line|font|background|margin|padding|color)/)) { return; } // what ever is left... we allow. nstyle.push(s); }); node.setAttribute("style", nstyle.length ? nstyle.join(';') : ''); if (!nstyle.length) { node.removeAttribute('style'); } } return true; // do children }, styleToObject: function(node) { var styles = (node.getAttribute("style") || '').split(";"); var ret = {}; Roo.each(styles, function(s) { if (!s.match(/:/)) { return; } var kv = s.split(":"); // what ever is left... we allow. ret[kv[0].trim()] = kv[1]; }); return ret; }, replaceAname : function (doc) { // replace all the a/name without.. var aa = Array.from(doc.getElementsByTagName('a')); for (var i = 0; i < aa.length; i++) { var a = aa[i]; if (a.hasAttribute("name")) { a.removeAttribute("name"); } if (a.hasAttribute("href")) { continue; } // reparent children. this.removeNodeKeepChildren(a); } }, replaceDocBullets : function(doc) { // this is a bit odd - but it appears some indents use ql-indent-1 //Roo.log(doc.innerHTML); var listpara = Array.from(doc.getElementsByClassName('MsoListParagraphCxSpFirst')); for( var i = 0; i < listpara.length; i ++) { listpara[i].className = "MsoListParagraph"; } listpara = Array.from(doc.getElementsByClassName('MsoListParagraphCxSpMiddle')); for( var i = 0; i < listpara.length; i ++) { listpara[i].className = "MsoListParagraph"; } listpara = Array.from(doc.getElementsByClassName('MsoListParagraphCxSpLast')); for( var i = 0; i < listpara.length; i ++) { listpara[i].className = "MsoListParagraph"; } listpara = Array.from(doc.getElementsByClassName('ql-indent-1')); for( var i = 0; i < listpara.length; i ++) { listpara[i].className = "MsoListParagraph"; } // this is a bit hacky - we had one word document where h2 had a miso-list attribute. var htwo = Array.from(doc.getElementsByTagName('h2')); for( var i = 0; i < htwo.length; i ++) { if (htwo[i].hasAttribute('style') && htwo[i].getAttribute('style').match(/mso-list:/)) { htwo[i].className = "MsoListParagraph"; } } listpara = Array.from(doc.getElementsByClassName('MsoNormal')); for( var i = 0; i < listpara.length; i ++) { if (listpara[i].hasAttribute('style') && listpara[i].getAttribute('style').match(/mso-list:/)) { listpara[i].className = "MsoListParagraph"; } else { listpara[i].className = "MsoNormalx"; } } listpara = doc.getElementsByClassName('MsoListParagraph'); // Roo.log(doc.innerHTML); while(listpara.length) { this.replaceDocBullet(listpara.item(0)); } }, replaceDocBullet : function(p) { // gather all the siblings. var ns = p, parent = p.parentNode, doc = parent.ownerDocument, items = []; //Roo.log("Parsing: " + p.innerText) ; var listtype = 'ul'; while (ns) { if (ns.nodeType != 1) { ns = ns.nextSibling; continue; } if (!ns.className.match(/(MsoListParagraph|ql-indent-1)/i)) { //Roo.log("Missing para r q1indent - got:" + ns.className); break; } var spans = ns.getElementsByTagName('span'); if (ns.hasAttribute('style') && ns.getAttribute('style').match(/mso-list/)) { items.push(ns); ns = ns.nextSibling; has_list = true; if (!spans.length) { continue; } var ff = spans[0].style.fontFamily; if (!spans[0].hasAttribute('style') && spans.length > 1 && spans[1].hasAttribute('style')) { ff = spans[1].style.fontFamily; } //var style = this.styleToObject(spans[0]); //Roo.log("got font family: " + ff); if (typeof(ff) != 'undefined' && !ff.match(/Symbol/)) { listtype = 'ol'; } continue; } //Roo.log("no mso-list?"); var spans = ns.getElementsByTagName('span'); if (!spans.length) { break; } var has_list = false; for(var i = 0; i < spans.length; i++) { if (spans[i].hasAttribute('style') && spans[i].getAttribute('style').match(/mso-list/)) { has_list = true; break; } } if (!has_list) { break; } items.push(ns); ns = ns.nextSibling; } if (!items.length) { ns.className = ""; return; } var ul = parent.ownerDocument.createElement(listtype); // what about number lists... parent.insertBefore(ul, p); var lvl = 0; var stack = [ ul ]; var last_li = false; var margin_to_depth = {}; max_margins = -1; items.forEach(function(n, ipos) { //Roo.log("got innertHMLT=" + n.innerHTML); var spans = n.getElementsByTagName('span'); if (!spans.length) { //Roo.log("No spans found"); parent.removeChild(n); return; // skip it... } var num = 1; var style = {}; for(var i = 0; i < spans.length; i++) { style = this.styleToObject(spans[i]); if (typeof(style['mso-list']) == 'undefined') { continue; } if (listtype == 'ol') { num = spans[i].innerText.replace(/[^0-9]+]/g,'') * 1; } spans[i].parentNode.removeChild(spans[i]); // remove the fake bullet. break; } //Roo.log("NOW GOT innertHMLT=" + n.innerHTML); style = this.styleToObject(n); // mo-list is from the parent node. if (typeof(style['mso-list']) == 'undefined') { //Roo.log("parent is missing level"); parent.removeChild(n); return; } var margin = style['margin-left']; if (typeof(margin_to_depth[margin]) == 'undefined') { max_margins++; margin_to_depth[margin] = max_margins; } nlvl = margin_to_depth[margin] ; if (nlvl > lvl) { //new indent var nul = doc.createElement(listtype); // what about number lists... if (!last_li) { last_li = doc.createElement('li'); stack[lvl].appendChild(last_li); } last_li.appendChild(nul); stack[nlvl] = nul; } lvl = nlvl; // not starting at 1.. if (!stack[nlvl].hasAttribute("start") && listtype == "ol") { stack[nlvl].setAttribute("start", num); } var nli = stack[nlvl].appendChild(doc.createElement('li')); last_li = nli; nli.innerHTML = n.innerHTML; //Roo.log("innerHTML = " + n.innerHTML); parent.removeChild(n); },this); } });