/** * @class Roo.htmleditor.BlockFigure * Block that has an image and a figcaption * @cfg {String} image_src the url for the image * @cfg {String} align (left|right) alignment for the block default left * @cfg {String} caption the text to appear below (and in the alt tag) * @cfg {String} caption_display (block|none) display or not the caption * @cfg {String|number} image_width the width of the image number or %? * @cfg {String|number} image_height the height of the image number or %? * * @constructor * Create a new Filter. * @param {Object} config Configuration options */ Roo.htmleditor.BlockFigure = function(cfg) { if (cfg.node) { this.readElement(cfg.node); this.updateElement(cfg.node); } Roo.apply(this, cfg); } Roo.extend(Roo.htmleditor.BlockFigure, Roo.htmleditor.Block, { // setable values. image_src: '', align: 'center', caption : '', caption_display : 'block', width : '100%', cls : '', href: '', video_url : '', // margin: '2%', not used text_align: 'left', // (left|right) alignment for the text caption default left. - not used at present // used by context menu friendly_name : 'Image with caption', deleteTitle : "Delete Image and Caption", contextMenu : function(toolbar) { var block = function() { return Roo.htmleditor.Block.factory(toolbar.tb.selectedNode); }; var rooui = typeof(Roo.bootstrap) == 'undefined' ? Roo : Roo.bootstrap; var syncValue = toolbar.editorcore.syncValue; var fields = {}; return [ { xtype : 'TextItem', text : "Source: ", xns : rooui.Toolbar //Boostrap? }, { xtype : 'Button', text: 'Change Image URL', listeners : { click: function (btn, state) { var b = block(); Roo.MessageBox.show({ title : "Image Source URL", msg : "Enter the url for the image", buttons: Roo.MessageBox.OKCANCEL, fn: function(btn, val){ if (btn != 'ok') { return; } b.image_src = val; b.updateElement(); syncValue(); toolbar.editorcore.onEditorEvent(); }, minWidth:250, prompt:true, //multiline: multiline, modal : true, value : b.image_src }); } }, xns : rooui.Toolbar }, { xtype : 'Button', text: 'Change Link URL', listeners : { click: function (btn, state) { var b = block(); Roo.MessageBox.show({ title : "Link URL", msg : "Enter the url for the link - leave blank to have no link", buttons: Roo.MessageBox.OKCANCEL, fn: function(btn, val){ if (btn != 'ok') { return; } b.href = val; b.updateElement(); syncValue(); toolbar.editorcore.onEditorEvent(); }, minWidth:250, prompt:true, //multiline: multiline, modal : true, value : b.href }); } }, xns : rooui.Toolbar }, { xtype : 'Button', text: 'Show Video URL', listeners : { click: function (btn, state) { Roo.MessageBox.alert("Video URL", block().video_url == '' ? 'This image is not linked ot a video' : 'The image is linked to: <a target="_new" href="' + block().video_url + '">' + block().video_url + '</a>'); } }, xns : rooui.Toolbar }, { xtype : 'TextItem', text : "Width: ", xns : rooui.Toolbar //Boostrap? }, { xtype : 'ComboBox', allowBlank : false, displayField : 'val', editable : true, listWidth : 100, triggerAction : 'all', typeAhead : true, valueField : 'val', width : 70, name : 'width', listeners : { select : function (combo, r, index) { toolbar.editorcore.selectNode(toolbar.tb.selectedNode); var b = block(); b.width = r.get('val'); b.updateElement(); syncValue(); toolbar.editorcore.onEditorEvent(); } }, xns : rooui.form, store : { xtype : 'SimpleStore', data : [ ['100%'], ['80%'], ['50%'], ['20%'], ['10%'] ], fields : [ 'val'], xns : Roo.data } }, { xtype : 'TextItem', text : "Align: ", xns : rooui.Toolbar //Boostrap? }, { xtype : 'ComboBox', allowBlank : false, displayField : 'val', editable : true, listWidth : 100, triggerAction : 'all', typeAhead : true, valueField : 'val', width : 70, name : 'align', listeners : { select : function (combo, r, index) { toolbar.editorcore.selectNode(toolbar.tb.selectedNode); var b = block(); b.align = r.get('val'); b.updateElement(); syncValue(); toolbar.editorcore.onEditorEvent(); } }, xns : rooui.form, store : { xtype : 'SimpleStore', data : [ ['left'], ['right'], ['center'] ], fields : [ 'val'], xns : Roo.data } }, { xtype : 'Button', text: 'Hide Caption', name : 'caption_display', pressed : false, enableToggle : true, setValue : function(v) { // this trigger toggle. this.setText(v ? "Hide Caption" : "Show Caption"); this.setPressed(v != 'block'); }, listeners : { toggle: function (btn, state) { var b = block(); b.caption_display = b.caption_display == 'block' ? 'none' : 'block'; this.setText(b.caption_display == 'block' ? "Hide Caption" : "Show Caption"); b.updateElement(); syncValue(); toolbar.editorcore.selectNode(toolbar.tb.selectedNode); toolbar.editorcore.onEditorEvent(); } }, xns : rooui.Toolbar } ]; }, /** * create a DomHelper friendly object - for use with * Roo.DomHelper.markup / overwrite / etc.. */ toObject : function() { var d = document.createElement('div'); d.innerHTML = this.caption; var m = this.width != '100%' && this.align == 'center' ? '0 auto' : 0; var iw = this.align == 'center' ? this.width : '100%'; var img = { tag : 'img', contenteditable : 'false', src : this.image_src, alt : d.innerText.replace(/\n/g, " ").replace(/\s+/g, ' ').trim(), // removeHTML and reduce spaces.. style: { width : iw, maxWidth : iw + ' !important', // this is not getting rendered? margin : m } }; /* '<div class="{0}" width="420" height="315" src="{1}" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>' + '<a href="{2}">' + '<img class="{0}-thumbnail" src="{3}/Images/{4}/{5}#image-{4}" />' + '</a>' + '</div>', */ if (this.href.length > 0) { img = { tag : 'a', href: this.href, contenteditable : 'true', cn : [ img ] }; } if (this.video_url.length > 0) { img = { tag : 'div', cls : this.cls, frameborder : 0, allowfullscreen : true, width : 420, // these are for video tricks - that we replace the outer height : 315, src : this.video_url, cn : [ img ] }; } // we remove caption totally if its hidden... - will delete data.. but otherwise we end up with fake caption var captionhtml = this.caption_display == 'none' ? '' : (this.caption.length ? this.caption : "Caption"); var ret = { tag: 'figure', 'data-block' : 'Figure', 'data-width' : this.width, 'data-caption' : this.caption, contenteditable : 'false', style : { display: 'block', float : this.align , maxWidth : this.align == 'center' ? '100% !important' : (this.width + ' !important'), width : this.align == 'center' ? '100%' : this.width, margin: '0px', padding: this.align == 'center' ? '0' : '0 10px' , textAlign : this.align // seems to work for email.. }, align : this.align, cn : [ img, { tag: 'figcaption', 'data-display' : this.caption_display, style : { textAlign : 'left', fontSize : '16px', lineHeight : '24px', display : this.caption_display, maxWidth : (this.align == 'center' ? this.width : '100%' ) + ' !important', margin: m, width: this.align == 'center' ? this.width : '100%' }, cls : this.cls.length > 0 ? (this.cls + '-thumbnail' ) : '', cn : [ { tag: 'div', style : { marginTop : '16px', textAlign : 'left' }, align: 'left', cn : [ { // we can not rely on yahoo syndication to use CSS elements - so have to use '<i>' to encase stuff. tag : 'i', contenteditable : true, html : captionhtml } ] } ] } ] }; return ret; }, readElement : function(node) { // this should not really come from the link... this.video_url = this.getVal(node, 'div', 'src'); this.cls = this.getVal(node, 'div', 'class'); this.href = this.getVal(node, 'a', 'href'); this.image_src = this.getVal(node, 'img', 'src'); this.align = this.getVal(node, 'figure', 'align'); /// not really used - as hidden captions do not store the content here.. var figcaption = this.getVal(node, 'figcaption', false); if (figcaption !== '') { this.caption = this.getVal(figcaption, 'i', 'html'); } this.caption_display = this.getVal(node, 'figcaption', 'data-display'); var dc = this.getVal(node, true, 'data-caption'); if (this.caption_display == 'none' && figcaption != '' && dc && dc.length) { this.caption = dc; } //this.text_align = this.getVal(node, 'figcaption', 'style','text-align'); this.width = this.getVal(node, true, 'data-width'); //this.margin = this.getVal(node, 'figure', 'style', 'margin'); }, removeNode : function() { return this.node; } })