// <script type="text/javascript"> /* * Based on * Ext JS Library 1.1.1 * Copyright(c) 2006-2007, Ext JS, LLC. * */ /** * @class Roo.form.HtmlEditorToolbar1 * Basic Toolbar * * Usage: * new Roo.form.HtmlEditor({ .... toolbars : [ new Roo.form.HtmlEditorToolbar1({ disable : { fonts: 1 , format: 1, ..., ... , ...], btns : [ .... ] }) } * * @cfg {Object} disable List of elements to disable.. * @cfg {Array} btns List of additional buttons. * * * NEEDS Extra CSS? * .x-html-editor-tb .x-edit-none .x-btn-text { background: none; } */ Roo.form.HtmlEditor.ToolbarStandard = function(config) { Roo.apply(this, config); // default disabled, based on 'good practice'.. this.disable = this.disable || {}; Roo.applyIf(this.disable, { fontSize : true, colors : true, specialElements : true }); //Roo.form.HtmlEditorToolbar1.superclass.constructor.call(this, editor.wrap.dom.firstChild, [], config); // dont call parent... till later. } Roo.apply(Roo.form.HtmlEditor.ToolbarStandard.prototype, { tb: false, rendered: false, editor : false, editorcore : false, /** * @cfg {Object} disable List of toolbar elements to disable */ disable : false, /** * @cfg {String} createLinkText The default text for the create link prompt */ createLinkText : 'Please enter the URL for the link:', /** * @cfg {String} defaultLinkValue The default value for the create link prompt (defaults to http:/ /) */ defaultLinkValue : 'http:/'+'/', /** * @cfg {Array} fontFamilies An array of available font families */ fontFamilies : [ 'Arial', 'Courier New', 'Tahoma', 'Times New Roman', 'Verdana' ], specialChars : [ "&#169;", "&#174;", "&#8482;", "&#163;" , // "&#8212;", "&#8230;", "&#247;" , // "&#225;" , ?? a acute? "&#8364;" , //Euro // "&#8220;" , // "&#8221;" , // "&#8226;" , "&#176;" // , // degrees // "&#233;" , // e ecute // "&#250;" , // u ecute? ], specialElements : [ { text: "Insert Table", xtype: 'MenuItem', xns : Roo.Menu, ihtml : '<table><tr><td>Cell</td></tr></table>' }, { text: "Insert Image", xtype: 'MenuItem', xns : Roo.Menu, ihtml : '<img src="about:blank"/>' } ], inputElements : [ "form", "input:text", "input:hidden", "input:checkbox", "input:radio", "input:password", "input:submit", "input:button", "select", "textarea", "label" ], formats : [ ["p"] , ["h1"],["h2"],["h3"],["h4"],["h5"],["h6"], ["pre"],[ "code"], ["abbr"],[ "acronym"],[ "address"],[ "cite"],[ "samp"],[ "var"], ['div'],['span'], ['sup'],['sub'] ], cleanStyles : [ "font-size" ], /** * @cfg {String} defaultFont default font to use. */ defaultFont: 'tahoma', fontSelect : false, formatCombo : false, init : function(editor) { this.editor = editor; this.editorcore = editor.editorcore ? editor.editorcore : editor; var editorcore = this.editorcore; var _t = this; var fid = editorcore.frameId; var etb = this; function btn(id, toggle, handler){ var xid = fid + '-'+ id ; return { id : xid, cmd : id, cls : 'x-btn-icon x-edit-'+id, enableToggle:toggle !== false, scope: _t, // was editor... handler:handler||_t.relayBtnCmd, clickEvent:'mousedown', tooltip: etb.buttonTips[id] || undefined, ///tips ??? tabIndex:-1 }; } var tb = new Roo.Toolbar(editor.wrap.dom.firstChild); this.tb = tb; // stop form submits tb.el.on('click', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); // what does this do? }); if(!this.disable.font) { // && !Roo.isSafari){ /* why no safari for fonts editor.fontSelect = tb.el.createChild({ tag:'select', tabIndex: -1, cls:'x-font-select', html: this.createFontOptions() }); editor.fontSelect.on('change', function(){ var font = editor.fontSelect.dom.value; editor.relayCmd('fontname', font); editor.deferFocus(); }, editor); tb.add( editor.fontSelect.dom, '-' ); */ }; if(!this.disable.formats){ this.formatCombo = new Roo.form.ComboBox({ store: new Roo.data.SimpleStore({ id : 'tag', fields: ['tag'], data : this.formats // from states.js }), blockFocus : true, name : '', //autoCreate : {tag: "div", size: "20"}, displayField:'tag', typeAhead: false, mode: 'local', editable : false, triggerAction: 'all', emptyText:'Add tag', selectOnFocus:true, width:135, listeners : { 'select': function(c, r, i) { editorcore.insertTag(r.get('tag')); editor.focus(); } } }); tb.addField(this.formatCombo); } if(!this.disable.format){ tb.add( btn('bold'), btn('italic'), btn('underline'), btn('strikethrough') ); }; if(!this.disable.fontSize){ tb.add( '-', btn('increasefontsize', false, editorcore.adjustFont), btn('decreasefontsize', false, editorcore.adjustFont) ); }; if(!this.disable.colors){ tb.add( '-', { id:editorcore.frameId +'-forecolor', cls:'x-btn-icon x-edit-forecolor', clickEvent:'mousedown', tooltip: this.buttonTips['forecolor'] || undefined, tabIndex:-1, menu : new Roo.menu.ColorMenu({ allowReselect: true, focus: Roo.emptyFn, value:'000000', plain:true, selectHandler: function(cp, color){ editorcore.execCmd('forecolor', Roo.isSafari || Roo.isIE ? '#'+color : color); editor.deferFocus(); }, scope: editorcore, clickEvent:'mousedown' }) }, { id:editorcore.frameId +'backcolor', cls:'x-btn-icon x-edit-backcolor', clickEvent:'mousedown', tooltip: this.buttonTips['backcolor'] || undefined, tabIndex:-1, menu : new Roo.menu.ColorMenu({ focus: Roo.emptyFn, value:'FFFFFF', plain:true, allowReselect: true, selectHandler: function(cp, color){ if(Roo.isGecko){ editorcore.execCmd('useCSS', false); editorcore.execCmd('hilitecolor', color); editorcore.execCmd('useCSS', true); editor.deferFocus(); }else{ editorcore.execCmd(Roo.isOpera ? 'hilitecolor' : 'backcolor', Roo.isSafari || Roo.isIE ? '#'+color : color); editor.deferFocus(); } }, scope:editorcore, clickEvent:'mousedown' }) } ); }; // now add all the items... if(!this.disable.alignments){ tb.add( '-', btn('justifyleft'), btn('justifycenter'), btn('justifyright') ); }; //if(!Roo.isSafari){ if(!this.disable.links){ tb.add( '-', btn('createlink', false, this.createLink) /// MOVE TO HERE?!!?!?!?! ); }; if(!this.disable.lists){ tb.add( '-', btn('insertorderedlist'), btn('insertunorderedlist') ); } if(!this.disable.sourceEdit){ tb.add( '-', btn('sourceedit', true, function(btn){ this.toggleSourceEdit(btn.pressed); }) ); } //} var smenu = { }; // special menu.. - needs to be tidied up.. if (!this.disable.special) { smenu = { text: "&#169;", cls: 'x-edit-none', menu : { items : [] } }; for (var i =0; i < this.specialChars.length; i++) { smenu.menu.items.push({ html: this.specialChars[i], handler: function(a,b) { editorcore.insertAtCursor(String.fromCharCode(a.html.replace('&#','').replace(';', ''))); //editor.insertAtCursor(a.html); }, tabIndex:-1 }); } tb.add(smenu); } var cmenu = { }; if (!this.disable.cleanStyles) { cmenu = { cls: 'x-btn-icon x-btn-clear', menu : { items : [] } }; for (var i =0; i < this.cleanStyles.length; i++) { cmenu.menu.items.push({ actiontype : this.cleanStyles[i], html: 'Remove ' + this.cleanStyles[i], handler: function(a,b) { // Roo.log(a); // Roo.log(b); var c = Roo.get(editorcore.doc.body); c.select('[style]').each(function(s) { s.dom.style.removeProperty(a.actiontype); }); editorcore.syncValue(); }, tabIndex:-1 }); } cmenu.menu.items.push({ actiontype : 'tablewidths', html: 'Remove Table Widths', handler: function(a,b) { editorcore.cleanTableWidths(); editorcore.syncValue(); }, tabIndex:-1 }); cmenu.menu.items.push({ actiontype : 'word', html: 'Remove MS Word Formating', handler: function(a,b) { editorcore.cleanWord(); editorcore.syncValue(); }, tabIndex:-1 }); cmenu.menu.items.push({ actiontype : 'all', html: 'Remove All Styles', handler: function(a,b) { var c = Roo.get(editorcore.doc.body); c.select('[style]').each(function(s) { s.dom.removeAttribute('style'); }); editorcore.syncValue(); }, tabIndex:-1 }); cmenu.menu.items.push({ actiontype : 'all', html: 'Remove All CSS Classes', handler: function(a,b) { var c = Roo.get(editorcore.doc.body); c.select('[class]').each(function(s) { s.dom.removeAttribute('class'); }); editorcore.cleanWord(); editorcore.syncValue(); }, tabIndex:-1 }); cmenu.menu.items.push({ actiontype : 'tidy', html: 'Tidy HTML Source', handler: function(a,b) { new Roo.htmleditor.Tidy(editorcore.doc.body); editorcore.syncValue(); }, tabIndex:-1 }); tb.add(cmenu); } if (!this.disable.specialElements) { var semenu = { text: "Other;", cls: 'x-edit-none', menu : { items : [] } }; for (var i =0; i < this.specialElements.length; i++) { semenu.menu.items.push( Roo.apply({ handler: function(a,b) { editor.insertAtCursor(this.ihtml); } }, this.specialElements[i]) ); } tb.add(semenu); } if (this.btns) { for(var i =0; i< this.btns.length;i++) { var b = Roo.factory(this.btns[i],this.btns[i].xns || Roo.form); b.cls = 'x-edit-none'; if(typeof(this.btns[i].cls) != 'undefined' && this.btns[i].cls.indexOf('x-init-enable') !== -1){ b.cls += ' x-init-enable'; } b.scope = editorcore; tb.add(b); } } // disable everything... this.tb.items.each(function(item){ if( item.id != editorcore.frameId+ '-sourceedit' && (typeof(item.cls) != 'undefined' && item.cls.indexOf('x-init-enable') === -1) ){ item.disable(); } }); this.rendered = true; // the all the btns; editor.on('editorevent', this.updateToolbar, this); // other toolbars need to implement this.. //editor.on('editmodechange', this.updateToolbar, this); }, relayBtnCmd : function(btn) { this.editorcore.relayCmd(btn.cmd); }, // private used internally createLink : function(){ Roo.log("create link?"); var url = prompt(this.createLinkText, this.defaultLinkValue); if(url && url != 'http:/'+'/'){ this.editorcore.relayCmd('createlink', url); } }, /** * Protected method that will not generally be called directly. It triggers * a toolbar update by reading the markup state of the current selection in the editor. */ updateToolbar: function(){ if(!this.editorcore.activated){ this.editor.onFirstFocus(); return; } var btns = this.tb.items.map, doc = this.editorcore.doc, frameId = this.editorcore.frameId; if(!this.disable.font && !Roo.isSafari){ /* var name = (doc.queryCommandValue('FontName')||this.editor.defaultFont).toLowerCase(); if(name != this.fontSelect.dom.value){ this.fontSelect.dom.value = name; } */ } if(!this.disable.format){ btns[frameId + '-bold'].toggle(doc.queryCommandState('bold')); btns[frameId + '-italic'].toggle(doc.queryCommandState('italic')); btns[frameId + '-underline'].toggle(doc.queryCommandState('underline')); btns[frameId + '-strikethrough'].toggle(doc.queryCommandState('strikethrough')); } if(!this.disable.alignments){ btns[frameId + '-justifyleft'].toggle(doc.queryCommandState('justifyleft')); btns[frameId + '-justifycenter'].toggle(doc.queryCommandState('justifycenter')); btns[frameId + '-justifyright'].toggle(doc.queryCommandState('justifyright')); } if(!Roo.isSafari && !this.disable.lists){ btns[frameId + '-insertorderedlist'].toggle(doc.queryCommandState('insertorderedlist')); btns[frameId + '-insertunorderedlist'].toggle(doc.queryCommandState('insertunorderedlist')); } var ans = this.editorcore.getAllAncestors(); if (this.formatCombo) { var store = this.formatCombo.store; this.formatCombo.setValue(""); for (var i =0; i < ans.length;i++) { if (ans[i] && store.query('tag',ans[i].tagName.toLowerCase(), false).length) { // select it.. this.formatCombo.setValue(ans[i].tagName.toLowerCase()); break; } } } // hides menus... - so this cant be on a menu... Roo.menu.MenuMgr.hideAll(); //this.editorsyncValue(); }, createFontOptions : function(){ var buf = [], fs = this.fontFamilies, ff, lc; for(var i = 0, len = fs.length; i< len; i++){ ff = fs[i]; lc = ff.toLowerCase(); buf.push( '<option value="',lc,'" style="font-family:',ff,';"', (this.defaultFont == lc ? ' selected="true">' : '>'), ff, '</option>' ); } return buf.join(''); }, toggleSourceEdit : function(sourceEditMode){ Roo.log("toolbar toogle"); if(sourceEditMode === undefined){ sourceEditMode = !this.sourceEditMode; } this.sourceEditMode = sourceEditMode === true; var btn = this.tb.items.get(this.editorcore.frameId +'-sourceedit'); // just toggle the button? if(btn.pressed !== this.sourceEditMode){ btn.toggle(this.sourceEditMode); return; } if(sourceEditMode){ Roo.log("disabling buttons"); this.tb.items.each(function(item){ if(item.cmd != 'sourceedit' && (typeof(item.cls) != 'undefined' && item.cls.indexOf('x-init-enable') === -1)){ item.disable(); } }); }else{ Roo.log("enabling buttons"); if(this.editorcore.initialized){ this.tb.items.each(function(item){ item.enable(); }); } } Roo.log("calling toggole on editor"); // tell the editor that it's been pressed.. this.editor.toggleSourceEdit(sourceEditMode); }, /** * Object collection of toolbar tooltips for the buttons in the editor. The key * is the command id associated with that button and the value is a valid QuickTips object. * For example: <pre><code> { bold : { title: 'Bold (Ctrl+B)', text: 'Make the selected text bold.', cls: 'x-html-editor-tip' }, italic : { title: 'Italic (Ctrl+I)', text: 'Make the selected text italic.', cls: 'x-html-editor-tip' }, ... </code></pre> * @type Object */ buttonTips : { bold : { title: 'Bold (Ctrl+B)', text: 'Make the selected text bold.', cls: 'x-html-editor-tip' }, italic : { title: 'Italic (Ctrl+I)', text: 'Make the selected text italic.', cls: 'x-html-editor-tip' }, underline : { title: 'Underline (Ctrl+U)', text: 'Underline the selected text.', cls: 'x-html-editor-tip' }, strikethrough : { title: 'Strikethrough', text: 'Strikethrough the selected text.', cls: 'x-html-editor-tip' }, increasefontsize : { title: 'Grow Text', text: 'Increase the font size.', cls: 'x-html-editor-tip' }, decreasefontsize : { title: 'Shrink Text', text: 'Decrease the font size.', cls: 'x-html-editor-tip' }, backcolor : { title: 'Text Highlight Color', text: 'Change the background color of the selected text.', cls: 'x-html-editor-tip' }, forecolor : { title: 'Font Color', text: 'Change the color of the selected text.', cls: 'x-html-editor-tip' }, justifyleft : { title: 'Align Text Left', text: 'Align text to the left.', cls: 'x-html-editor-tip' }, justifycenter : { title: 'Center Text', text: 'Center text in the editor.', cls: 'x-html-editor-tip' }, justifyright : { title: 'Align Text Right', text: 'Align text to the right.', cls: 'x-html-editor-tip' }, insertunorderedlist : { title: 'Bullet List', text: 'Start a bulleted list.', cls: 'x-html-editor-tip' }, insertorderedlist : { title: 'Numbered List', text: 'Start a numbered list.', cls: 'x-html-editor-tip' }, createlink : { title: 'Hyperlink', text: 'Make the selected text a hyperlink.', cls: 'x-html-editor-tip' }, sourceedit : { title: 'Source Edit', text: 'Switch to source editing mode.', cls: 'x-html-editor-tip' } }, // private onDestroy : function(){ if(this.rendered){ this.tb.items.each(function(item){ if(item.menu){ item.menu.removeAll(); if(item.menu.el){ item.menu.el.destroy(); } } item.destroy(); }); } }, onFirstFocus: function() { this.tb.items.each(function(item){ item.enable(); }); } });