/** * @class Roo.bootstrap.menu.Menu * @extends Roo.bootstrap.Component * @licence LGPL * @children Roo.bootstrap.menu.Item * @parent none * Bootstrap Menu class - container for MenuItems - normally has to be added to a object that supports the menu property * * @cfg {String} type (dropdown|treeview|submenu) type of menu * @cfg {bool} hidden if the menu should be hidden when rendered. * @cfg {bool} stopEvent (true|false) Stop event after trigger press (default true) * @cfg {bool} isLink (true|false) the menu has link disable auto expand and collaspe (default false) * @cfg {bool} hideTrigger (true|false) default false - hide the carret for trigger. * @cfg {String} align default tl-bl? == below - how the menu should be aligned. * @constructor * Create a new Menu * @param {Object} config The config objectQ */ Roo.bootstrap.menu.Menu = function(config){ if (config.type == 'treeview') { // normally menu's are drawn attached to the document to handle layering etc.. // however treeview (used by the docs menu is drawn into the parent element) this.container_method = 'getChildContainer'; } Roo.bootstrap.menu.Menu.superclass.constructor.call(this, config); if (this.registerMenu && this.type != 'treeview') { Roo.bootstrap.menu.Manager.register(this); } this.addEvents({ /** * @event beforeshow * Fires before this menu is displayed (return false to block) * @param {Roo.menu.Menu} this */ beforeshow : true, /** * @event beforehide * Fires before this menu is hidden (return false to block) * @param {Roo.menu.Menu} this */ beforehide : true, /** * @event show * Fires after this menu is displayed * @param {Roo.menu.Menu} this */ show : true, /** * @event hide * Fires after this menu is hidden * @param {Roo.menu.Menu} this */ hide : true, /** * @event click * Fires when this menu is clicked (or when the enter key is pressed while it is active) * @param {Roo.menu.Menu} this * @param {Roo.menu.Item} menuItem The menu item that was clicked * @param {Roo.EventObject} e */ click : true, /** * @event mouseover * Fires when the mouse is hovering over this menu * @param {Roo.menu.Menu} this * @param {Roo.EventObject} e * @param {Roo.menu.Item} menuItem The menu item that was clicked */ mouseover : true, /** * @event mouseout * Fires when the mouse exits this menu * @param {Roo.menu.Menu} this * @param {Roo.EventObject} e * @param {Roo.menu.Item} menuItem The menu item that was clicked */ mouseout : true, /** * @event itemclick * Fires when a menu item contained in this menu is clicked * @param {Roo.menu.BaseItem} baseItem The BaseItem that was clicked * @param {Roo.EventObject} e */ itemclick: true }); this.menuitems = new Roo.util.MixedCollection(false, function(o) { return o.el.id; }); }; Roo.extend(Roo.bootstrap.menu.Menu, Roo.bootstrap.Component, { /// html : false, triggerEl : false, // is this set by component builder? -- it should really be fetched from parent()??? type: false, /** * @cfg {Boolean} registerMenu True (default) - means that clicking on screen etc. hides it. */ registerMenu : true, menuItems :false, // stores the menu items.. hidden:true, parentMenu : false, stopEvent : true, isLink : false, container_method : 'getDocumentBody', // so the menu is rendered on the body and zIndex works. hideTrigger : false, align : 'tl-bl?', getChildContainer : function() { return this.el; }, getAutoCreate : function(){ //if (['right'].indexOf(this.align)!==-1) { // cfg.cn[1].cls += ' pull-right' //} var cfg = { tag : 'ul', cls : 'dropdown-menu shadow' , style : 'z-index:1000' }; if (this.type === 'submenu') { cfg.cls = 'submenu active'; } if (this.type === 'treeview') { cfg.cls = 'treeview-menu'; } return cfg; }, initEvents : function() { // Roo.log("ADD event"); // Roo.log(this.triggerEl.dom); if (this.triggerEl) { this.triggerEl.on('click', this.onTriggerClick, this); this.triggerEl.on(Roo.isTouch ? 'touchstart' : 'mouseup', this.onTriggerPress, this); if (!this.hideTrigger) { if (this.triggerEl.hasClass('nav-item') && this.triggerEl.select('.nav-link',true).length) { // dropdown toggle on the 'a' in BS4? this.triggerEl.select('.nav-link',true).first().addClass('dropdown-toggle'); } else { this.triggerEl.addClass('dropdown-toggle'); } } } if (Roo.isTouch) { this.el.on('touchstart' , this.onTouch, this); } this.el.on('click' , this.onClick, this); this.el.on("mouseover", this.onMouseOver, this); this.el.on("mouseout", this.onMouseOut, this); }, findTargetItem : function(e) { var t = e.getTarget(".dropdown-menu-item", this.el, true); if(!t){ return false; } //Roo.log(t); Roo.log(t.id); if(t && t.id){ //Roo.log(this.menuitems); return this.menuitems.get(t.id); //return this.items.get(t.menuItemId); } return false; }, onTouch : function(e) { Roo.log("menu.onTouch"); //e.stopEvent(); this make the user popdown broken this.onClick(e); }, onClick : function(e) { Roo.log("menu.onClick"); var t = this.findTargetItem(e); if(!t || t.isContainer){ return; } Roo.log(e); /* if (Roo.isTouch && e.type == 'touchstart' && t.menu && !t.disabled) { if(t == this.activeItem && t.shouldDeactivate(e)){ this.activeItem.deactivate(); delete this.activeItem; return; } if(t.canActivate){ this.setActiveItem(t, true); } return; } */ Roo.log('pass click event'); t.onClick(e); this.fireEvent("click", this, t, e); var _this = this; if(!t.href.length || t.href == '#'){ (function() { _this.hide(); }).defer(100); } }, onMouseOver : function(e){ var t = this.findTargetItem(e); //Roo.log(t); //if(t){ // if(t.canActivate && !t.disabled){ // this.setActiveItem(t, true); // } //} this.fireEvent("mouseover", this, e, t); }, isVisible : function(){ return !this.hidden; }, onMouseOut : function(e){ var t = this.findTargetItem(e); //if(t ){ // if(t == this.activeItem && t.shouldDeactivate(e)){ // this.activeItem.deactivate(); // delete this.activeItem; // } //} this.fireEvent("mouseout", this, e, t); }, /** * Displays this menu relative to another element * @param {String/HTMLElement/Roo.Element} element The element to align to * @param {String} position (optional) The {@link Roo.Element#alignTo} anchor position to use in aligning to * the element (defaults to this.defaultAlign) * @param {Roo.menu.Menu} parentMenu (optional) This menu's parent menu, if applicable (defaults to undefined) */ show : function(el, pos, parentMenu) { if (false === this.fireEvent("beforeshow", this)) { Roo.log("show canceled"); return; } this.parentMenu = parentMenu; if(!this.el){ this.render(); } this.el.addClass('show'); // show otherwise we do not know how big we are.. var xy = this.el.getAlignToXY(el, pos); // bl-tl << left align below // tl-bl << left align if(this.el.getWidth() + xy[0] >= Roo.lib.Dom.getViewWidth()){ // if it goes to far to the right.. -> align left. xy = this.el.getAlignToXY(el, this.align.replace('/l/g', 'r')) } if(xy[0] < 0){ // was left align - go right? xy = this.el.getAlignToXY(el, this.align.replace('/r/g', 'l')) } // goes down the bottom if(this.el.getHeight() + xy[1] >= Roo.lib.Dom.getViewHeight() || xy[1] < 0 ){ var a = this.align.replace('?', '').split('-'); xy = this.el.getAlignToXY(el, a[1] + '-' + a[0] + '?') } this.showAt( xy , parentMenu, false); }, /** * Displays this menu at a specific xy position * @param {Array} xyPosition Contains X & Y [x, y] values for the position at which to show the menu (coordinates are page-based) * @param {Roo.menu.Menu} parentMenu (optional) This menu's parent menu, if applicable (defaults to undefined) */ showAt : function(xy, parentMenu, /* private: */_e){ this.parentMenu = parentMenu; if(!this.el){ this.render(); } if(_e !== false){ this.fireEvent("beforeshow", this); //xy = this.el.adjustForConstraints(xy); } //this.el.show(); this.hideMenuItems(); this.hidden = false; if (this.triggerEl) { this.triggerEl.addClass('open'); } this.el.addClass('show'); // reassign x when hitting right // reassign y when hitting bottom // but the list may align on trigger left or trigger top... should it be a properity? if(this.el.getStyle('top') != 'auto' && this.el.getStyle('top').slice(-1) != "%"){ this.el.setXY(xy); } this.focus(); this.fireEvent("show", this); }, focus : function(){ return; if(!this.hidden){ this.doFocus.defer(50, this); } }, doFocus : function(){ if(!this.hidden){ this.focusEl.focus(); } }, /** * Hides this menu and optionally all parent menus * @param {Boolean} deep (optional) True to hide all parent menus recursively, if any (defaults to false) */ hide : function(deep) { if (false === this.fireEvent("beforehide", this)) { Roo.log("hide canceled"); return; } this.hideMenuItems(); if(this.el && this.isVisible()){ if(this.activeItem){ this.activeItem.deactivate(); this.activeItem = null; } if (this.triggerEl) { this.triggerEl.removeClass('open'); } this.el.removeClass('show'); this.hidden = true; this.fireEvent("hide", this); } if(deep === true && this.parentMenu){ this.parentMenu.hide(true); } }, onTriggerClick : function(e) { Roo.log('trigger click'); var target = e.getTarget(); Roo.log(target.nodeName.toLowerCase()); if(target.nodeName.toLowerCase() === 'i'){ e.preventDefault(); } }, onTriggerPress : function(e) { Roo.log('trigger press'); //Roo.log(e.getTarget()); // Roo.log(this.triggerEl.dom); // trigger only occurs on normal menu's -- if it's a treeview or dropdown... do not hide/show.. var pel = Roo.get(e.getTarget()); if (pel.findParent('.dropdown-menu') || pel.findParent('.treeview-menu') ) { Roo.log('is treeview or dropdown?'); return; } if(e.getTarget().nodeName.toLowerCase() !== 'i' && this.isLink){ return; } if (this.isVisible()) { Roo.log('hide'); this.hide(); } else { Roo.log('show'); this.show(this.triggerEl, this.align, false); } if(this.stopEvent || e.getTarget().nodeName.toLowerCase() === 'i'){ e.stopEvent(); } }, hideMenuItems : function() { Roo.log("hide Menu Items"); if (!this.el) { return; } this.el.select('.open',true).each(function(aa) { aa.removeClass('open'); }); }, addxtypeChild : function (tree, cntr) { var comp= Roo.bootstrap.menu.Menu.superclass.addxtypeChild.call(this, tree, cntr); this.menuitems.add(comp); return comp; }, getEl : function() { Roo.log(this.el); return this.el; }, clear : function() { this.getEl().dom.innerHTML = ''; this.menuitems.clear(); } });