/* * - LGPL * * trigger field - base class for combo.. * */ /** * @class Roo.bootstrap.TriggerField * @extends Roo.bootstrap.Input * Provides a convenient wrapper for TextFields that adds a clickable trigger button (looks like a combobox by default). * The trigger has no default action, so you must assign a function to implement the trigger click handler by * overriding {@link #onTriggerClick}. You can create a TriggerField directly, as it renders exactly like a combobox * for which you can provide a custom implementation. For example: * <pre><code> var trigger = new Roo.bootstrap.TriggerField(); trigger.onTriggerClick = myTriggerFn; trigger.applyTo('my-field'); </code></pre> * * However, in general you will most likely want to use TriggerField as the base class for a reusable component. * {@link Roo.bootstrap.DateField} and {@link Roo.bootstrap.ComboBox} are perfect examples of this. * @cfg {String} triggerClass An additional CSS class used to style the trigger button. The trigger will always get the * class 'x-form-trigger' by default and triggerClass will be <b>appended</b> if specified. * @cfg {String} caret (search|calendar) BS3 only - carat fa name * @constructor * Create a new TriggerField. * @param {Object} config Configuration options (valid {@Roo.bootstrap.Input} config options will also be applied * to the base TextField) */ Roo.bootstrap.TriggerField = function(config){ this.mimicing = false; Roo.bootstrap.TriggerField.superclass.constructor.call(this, config); }; Roo.extend(Roo.bootstrap.TriggerField, Roo.bootstrap.Input, { /** * @cfg {String} triggerClass A CSS class to apply to the trigger */ /** * @cfg {Boolean} hideTrigger True to hide the trigger element and display only the base text field (defaults to false) */ hideTrigger:false, /** * @cfg {Boolean} removable (true|false) special filter default false */ removable : false, /** @cfg {Boolean} grow @hide */ /** @cfg {Number} growMin @hide */ /** @cfg {Number} growMax @hide */ /** * @hide * @method */ autoSize: Roo.emptyFn, // private monitorTab : true, // private deferHeight : true, actionMode : 'wrap', caret : false, getAutoCreate : function(){ var align = this.labelAlign || this.parentLabelAlign(); var id = Roo.id(); var cfg = { cls: 'form-group' //input-group }; var input = { tag: 'input', id : id, type : this.inputType, cls : 'form-control', autocomplete: 'new-password', placeholder : this.placeholder || '' }; if (this.name) { input.name = this.name; } if (this.size) { input.cls += ' input-' + this.size; } if (this.disabled) { input.disabled=true; } var inputblock = input; if(this.hasFeedback && !this.allowBlank){ var feedback = { tag: 'span', cls: 'glyphicon form-control-feedback' }; if(this.removable && !this.editable ){ inputblock = { cls : 'has-feedback', cn : [ inputblock, { tag: 'button', html : 'x', cls : 'roo-combo-removable-btn close' }, feedback ] }; } else { inputblock = { cls : 'has-feedback', cn : [ inputblock, feedback ] }; } } else { if(this.removable && !this.editable ){ inputblock = { cls : 'roo-removable', cn : [ inputblock, { tag: 'button', html : 'x', cls : 'roo-combo-removable-btn close' } ] }; } } if (this.before || this.after) { inputblock = { cls : 'input-group', cn : [] }; if (this.before) { inputblock.cn.push({ tag :'span', cls : 'input-group-addon input-group-prepend input-group-text', html : this.before }); } inputblock.cn.push(input); if(this.hasFeedback && !this.allowBlank){ inputblock.cls += ' has-feedback'; inputblock.cn.push(feedback); } if (this.after) { inputblock.cn.push({ tag :'span', cls : 'input-group-addon input-group-append input-group-text', html : this.after }); } }; var ibwrap = inputblock; if(this.multiple){ ibwrap = { tag: 'ul', cls: 'roo-select2-choices', cn:[ { tag: 'li', cls: 'roo-select2-search-field', cn: [ inputblock ] } ] }; } var combobox = { cls: 'roo-select2-container input-group', cn: [ { tag: 'input', type : 'hidden', cls: 'form-hidden-field' }, ibwrap ] }; if(!this.multiple && this.showToggleBtn){ var caret = { tag: 'span', cls: 'caret' }; if (this.caret != false) { caret = { tag: 'i', cls: 'fa fa-' + this.caret }; } combobox.cn.push({ tag :'span', cls : 'input-group-addon input-group-append input-group-text btn dropdown-toggle', cn : [ Roo.bootstrap.version == 3 ? caret : '', { tag: 'span', cls: 'combobox-clear', cn : [ { tag : 'i', cls: 'icon-remove' } ] } ] }) } if(this.multiple){ combobox.cls += ' roo-select2-container-multi'; } var indicator = { tag : 'i', cls : 'roo-required-indicator ' + (this.indicatorpos == 'right' ? 'right' : 'left') +'-indicator text-danger fa fa-lg fa-star', tooltip : 'This field is required' }; if (Roo.bootstrap.version == 4) { indicator = { tag : 'i', style : 'display:none' }; } if (align ==='left' && this.fieldLabel.length) { cfg.cls += ' roo-form-group-label-left' + (Roo.bootstrap.version == 4 ? ' row' : ''); cfg.cn = [ indicator, { tag: 'label', 'for' : id, cls : 'control-label', html : this.fieldLabel }, { cls : "", cn: [ combobox ] } ]; var labelCfg = cfg.cn[1]; var contentCfg = cfg.cn[2]; if(this.indicatorpos == 'right'){ cfg.cn = [ { tag: 'label', 'for' : id, cls : 'control-label', cn : [ { tag : 'span', html : this.fieldLabel }, indicator ] }, { cls : "", cn: [ combobox ] } ]; labelCfg = cfg.cn[0]; contentCfg = cfg.cn[1]; } if(this.labelWidth > 12){ labelCfg.style = "width: " + this.labelWidth + 'px'; } if(this.labelWidth < 13 && this.labelmd == 0){ this.labelmd = this.labelWidth; } if(this.labellg > 0){ labelCfg.cls += ' col-lg-' + this.labellg; contentCfg.cls += ' col-lg-' + (12 - this.labellg); } if(this.labelmd > 0){ labelCfg.cls += ' col-md-' + this.labelmd; contentCfg.cls += ' col-md-' + (12 - this.labelmd); } if(this.labelsm > 0){ labelCfg.cls += ' col-sm-' + this.labelsm; contentCfg.cls += ' col-sm-' + (12 - this.labelsm); } if(this.labelxs > 0){ labelCfg.cls += ' col-xs-' + this.labelxs; contentCfg.cls += ' col-xs-' + (12 - this.labelxs); } } else if ( this.fieldLabel.length) { // Roo.log(" label"); cfg.cn = [ indicator, { tag: 'label', //cls : 'input-group-addon', html : this.fieldLabel }, combobox ]; if(this.indicatorpos == 'right'){ cfg.cn = [ { tag: 'label', cn : [ { tag : 'span', html : this.fieldLabel }, indicator ] }, combobox ]; } } else { // Roo.log(" no label && no align"); cfg = combobox } var settings=this; ['xs','sm','md','lg'].map(function(size){ if (settings[size]) { cfg.cls += ' col-' + size + '-' + settings[size]; } }); return cfg; }, // private onResize : function(w, h){ // Roo.bootstrap.TriggerField.superclass.onResize.apply(this, arguments); // if(typeof w == 'number'){ // var x = w - this.trigger.getWidth(); // this.inputEl().setWidth(this.adjustWidth('input', x)); // this.trigger.setStyle('left', x+'px'); // } }, // private adjustSize : Roo.BoxComponent.prototype.adjustSize, // private getResizeEl : function(){ return this.inputEl(); }, // private getPositionEl : function(){ return this.inputEl(); }, // private alignErrorIcon : function(){ this.errorIcon.alignTo(this.inputEl(), 'tl-tr', [2, 0]); }, // private initEvents : function(){ this.createList(); Roo.bootstrap.TriggerField.superclass.initEvents.call(this); //this.wrap = this.el.wrap({cls: "x-form-field-wrap"}); if(!this.multiple && this.showToggleBtn){ this.trigger = this.el.select('span.dropdown-toggle',true).first(); if(this.hideTrigger){ this.trigger.setDisplayed(false); } this.trigger.on("click", this.onTriggerClick, this, {preventDefault:true}); } if(this.multiple){ this.inputEl().on("click", this.onTriggerClick, this, {preventDefault:true}); } if(this.removable && !this.editable && !this.tickable){ var close = this.closeTriggerEl(); if(close){ close.setVisibilityMode(Roo.Element.DISPLAY).hide(); close.on('click', this.removeBtnClick, this, close); } } //this.trigger.addClassOnOver('x-form-trigger-over'); //this.trigger.addClassOnClick('x-form-trigger-click'); //if(!this.width){ // this.wrap.setWidth(this.el.getWidth()+this.trigger.getWidth()); //} }, closeTriggerEl : function() { var close = this.el.select('.roo-combo-removable-btn', true).first(); return close ? close : false; }, removeBtnClick : function(e, h, el) { e.preventDefault(); if(this.fireEvent("remove", this) !== false){ this.reset(); this.fireEvent("afterremove", this) } }, createList : function() { this.list = Roo.get(document.body).createChild({ tag: Roo.bootstrap.version == 4 ? 'div' : 'ul', cls: 'typeahead typeahead-long dropdown-menu shadow', style: 'display:none' }); this.list.setVisibilityMode(Roo.Element.DISPLAY).originalDisplay = 'block';; }, // private initTrigger : function(){ }, // private onDestroy : function(){ if(this.trigger){ this.trigger.removeAllListeners(); // this.trigger.remove(); } //if(this.wrap){ // this.wrap.remove(); //} Roo.bootstrap.TriggerField.superclass.onDestroy.call(this); }, // private onFocus : function(){ Roo.bootstrap.TriggerField.superclass.onFocus.call(this); /* if(!this.mimicing){ this.wrap.addClass('x-trigger-wrap-focus'); this.mimicing = true; Roo.get(Roo.isIE ? document.body : document).on("mousedown", this.mimicBlur, this); if(this.monitorTab){ this.el.on("keydown", this.checkTab, this); } } */ }, // private checkTab : function(e){ if(e.getKey() == e.TAB){ this.triggerBlur(); } }, // private onBlur : function(){ // do nothing }, // private mimicBlur : function(e, t){ /* if(!this.wrap.contains(t) && this.validateBlur()){ this.triggerBlur(); } */ }, // private triggerBlur : function(){ this.mimicing = false; Roo.get(Roo.isIE ? document.body : document).un("mousedown", this.mimicBlur); if(this.monitorTab){ this.el.un("keydown", this.checkTab, this); } //this.wrap.removeClass('x-trigger-wrap-focus'); Roo.bootstrap.TriggerField.superclass.onBlur.call(this); }, // private // This should be overriden by any subclass that needs to check whether or not the field can be blurred. validateBlur : function(e, t){ return true; }, // private onDisable : function(){ this.inputEl().dom.disabled = true; //Roo.bootstrap.TriggerField.superclass.onDisable.call(this); //if(this.wrap){ // this.wrap.addClass('x-item-disabled'); //} }, // private onEnable : function(){ this.inputEl().dom.disabled = false; //Roo.bootstrap.TriggerField.superclass.onEnable.call(this); //if(this.wrap){ // this.el.removeClass('x-item-disabled'); //} }, // private onShow : function(){ var ae = this.getActionEl(); if(ae){ ae.dom.style.display = ''; ae.dom.style.visibility = 'visible'; } }, // private onHide : function(){ var ae = this.getActionEl(); ae.dom.style.display = 'none'; }, /** * The function that should handle the trigger's click event. This method does nothing by default until overridden * by an implementing function. * @method * @param {EventObject} e */ onTriggerClick : Roo.emptyFn });