/* * - LGPL * * Tooltip * */ /** * @class Roo.bootstrap.Tooltip * Bootstrap Tooltip class * This is basic at present - all componets support it by default, however they should add tooltipEl() method * to determine which dom element triggers the tooltip. * * It needs to add support for additional attributes like tooltip-position * * @constructor * Create a new Toolti * @param {Object} config The config object */ Roo.bootstrap.Tooltip = function(config){ Roo.bootstrap.Tooltip.superclass.constructor.call(this, config); this.alignment = Roo.bootstrap.Tooltip.alignment; if(typeof(config) != 'undefined' && typeof(config.alignment) != 'undefined'){ this.alignment = config.alignment; } }; Roo.apply(Roo.bootstrap.Tooltip, { /** * @function init initialize tooltip monitoring. * @static */ currentEl : false, currentTip : false, currentRegion : false, // init : delay? init : function() { Roo.get(document).on('mouseover', this.enter ,this); Roo.get(document).on('mouseout', this.leave, this); this.currentTip = new Roo.bootstrap.Tooltip(); }, enter : function(ev) { var dom = ev.getTarget(); //Roo.log(['enter',dom]); var el = Roo.fly(dom); if (this.currentEl) { //Roo.log(dom); //Roo.log(this.currentEl); //Roo.log(this.currentEl.contains(dom)); if (this.currentEl == el) { return; } if (dom != this.currentEl.dom && this.currentEl.contains(dom)) { return; } } if (this.currentTip.el) { this.currentTip.el.setVisibilityMode(Roo.Element.DISPLAY).hide(); // force hiding... } //Roo.log(ev); if(!el || el.dom == document){ return; } var bindEl = el; // you can not look for children, as if el is the body.. then everythign is the child.. if (!el.attr('tooltip')) { // if (!el.select("[tooltip]").elements.length) { return; } // is the mouse over this child...? bindEl = el.select("[tooltip]").first(); var xy = ev.getXY(); if (!bindEl.getRegion().contains( { top : xy[1] ,right : xy[0] , bottom : xy[1], left : xy[0]})) { //Roo.log("not in region."); return; } //Roo.log("child element over.."); } this.currentEl = bindEl; this.currentTip.bind(bindEl); this.currentRegion = Roo.lib.Region.getRegion(dom); this.currentTip.enter(); }, leave : function(ev) { var dom = ev.getTarget(); //Roo.log(['leave',dom]); if (!this.currentEl) { return; } if (dom != this.currentEl.dom) { return; } var xy = ev.getXY(); if (this.currentRegion.contains( new Roo.lib.Region( xy[1], xy[0] ,xy[1], xy[0] ))) { return; } // only activate leave if mouse cursor is outside... bounding box.. if (this.currentTip) { this.currentTip.leave(); } //Roo.log('clear currentEl'); this.currentEl = false; }, alignment : { 'left' : ['r-l', [-2,0], 'right'], 'right' : ['l-r', [2,0], 'left'], 'bottom' : ['t-b', [0,2], 'top'], 'top' : [ 'b-t', [0,-2], 'bottom'] } }); Roo.extend(Roo.bootstrap.Tooltip, Roo.bootstrap.Component, { bindEl : false, delay : null, // can be { show : 300 , hide: 500} timeout : null, hoverState : null, //??? placement : 'bottom', alignment : false, getAutoCreate : function(){ var cfg = { cls : 'tooltip', role : 'tooltip', cn : [ { cls : 'tooltip-arrow arrow' }, { cls : 'tooltip-inner' } ] }; return cfg; }, bind : function(el) { this.bindEl = el; }, initEvents : function() { this.arrowEl = this.el.select('.arrow', true).first(); this.innerEl = this.el.select('.tooltip-inner', true).first(); }, enter : function () { if (this.timeout != null) { clearTimeout(this.timeout); } this.hoverState = 'in'; //Roo.log("enter - show"); if (!this.delay || !this.delay.show) { this.show(); return; } var _t = this; this.timeout = setTimeout(function () { if (_t.hoverState == 'in') { _t.show(); } }, this.delay.show); }, leave : function() { clearTimeout(this.timeout); this.hoverState = 'out'; if (!this.delay || !this.delay.hide) { this.hide(); return; } var _t = this; this.timeout = setTimeout(function () { //Roo.log("leave - timeout"); if (_t.hoverState == 'out') { _t.hide(); Roo.bootstrap.Tooltip.currentEl = false; } }, delay); }, show : function (msg) { if (!this.el) { this.render(document.body); } // set content. //Roo.log([this.bindEl, this.bindEl.attr('tooltip')]); var tip = msg || this.bindEl.attr('tooltip') || this.bindEl.select("[tooltip]").first().attr('tooltip'); this.el.select('.tooltip-inner',true).first().dom.innerHTML = tip; this.el.removeClass(['fade','top','bottom', 'left', 'right','in', 'bs-tooltip-top','bs-tooltip-bottom', 'bs-tooltip-left', 'bs-tooltip-right']); var placement = typeof this.placement == 'function' ? this.placement.call(this, this.el, on_el) : this.placement; var autoToken = /\s?auto?\s?/i; var autoPlace = autoToken.test(placement); if (autoPlace) { placement = placement.replace(autoToken, '') || 'top'; } //this.el.detach() //this.el.setXY([0,0]); this.el.show(); //this.el.dom.style.display='block'; //this.el.appendTo(on_el); var p = this.getPosition(); var box = this.el.getBox(); if (autoPlace) { // fixme.. } var align = this.alignment[placement]; var xy = this.el.getAlignToXY(this.bindEl, align[0], align[1]); if(placement == 'top' || placement == 'bottom'){ if(xy[0] < 0){ placement = 'right'; } if(xy[0] + this.el.getWidth() > Roo.lib.Dom.getViewWidth()){ placement = 'left'; } var scroll = Roo.select('body', true).first().getScroll(); if(xy[1] > Roo.lib.Dom.getViewHeight() + scroll.top - this.el.getHeight()){ placement = 'top'; } align = this.alignment[placement]; this.arrowEl.setLeft((this.innerEl.getWidth()/2) - 5); } this.el.alignTo(this.bindEl, align[0],align[1]); //var arrow = this.el.select('.arrow',true).first(); //arrow.set(align[2], this.el.addClass(placement); this.el.addClass("bs-tooltip-"+ placement); this.el.addClass('in fade show'); this.hoverState = null; if (this.el.hasClass('fade')) { // fade it? } }, hide : function() { if (!this.el) { return; } //this.el.setXY([0,0]); this.el.removeClass(['show', 'in']); //this.el.hide(); } });