/* * Licence: LGPL */ /** * @class Roo.bootstrap.CardUploader * @extends Roo.bootstrap.Button * Bootstrap Card Uploader class - it's a button which when you add files to it, adds cards below with preview and the name... * @cfg {Number} errorTimeout default 3000 * @cfg {Array} images an array of ?? Img objects ??? when loading existing files.. * @cfg {Array} html The button text. * * @constructor * Create a new CardUploader * @param {Object} config The config object */ Roo.bootstrap.CardUploader = function(config){ Roo.bootstrap.CardUploader.superclass.constructor.call(this, config); this.fileCollection = new Roo.util.MixedCollection(false,function(r) { return r.data.id }); }; Roo.extend(Roo.bootstrap.CardUploader, Roo.bootstrap.Input, { errorTimeout : 3000, images : false, fileCollection : false, allowBlank : true, getAutoCreate : function() { var cfg = { cls :'form-group' , cn : [ { tag: 'label', //cls : 'input-group-addon', html : this.fieldLabel }, { tag: 'input', type : 'hidden', name : this.name, value : this.value, cls : 'd-none form-control' }, { tag: 'input', multiple : 'multiple', type : 'file', cls : 'd-none roo-card-upload-selector' }, { cls : 'roo-card-uploader-button-container w-100 mb-2' }, { cls : 'card-columns roo-card-uploader-container' } ] }; return cfg; }, getChildContainer : function() /// what children are added to. { return this.containerEl; }, getButtonContainer : function() /// what children are added to. { return this.el.select(".roo-card-uploader-button-container").first(); }, initEvents : function() { Roo.bootstrap.Input.prototype.initEvents.call(this); var t = this; this.addxtype({ xns: Roo.bootstrap, xtype : 'Button', container_method : 'getButtonContainer' , html : this.html, // fix changable? cls : 'w-100 ', listeners : { 'click' : function(btn, e) { t.onClick(e); } } }); this.urlAPI = (window.createObjectURL && window) || (window.URL && URL.revokeObjectURL && URL) || (window.webkitURL && webkitURL); this.selectorEl = this.el.select('.roo-card-upload-selector', true).first(); this.selectorEl.on('change', this.onFileSelected, this); if (this.images) { var t = this; this.images.forEach(function(img) { t.addCard(img) }); this.images = false; } this.containerEl = this.el.select('.roo-card-uploader-container', true).first(); }, onClick : function(e) { e.preventDefault(); this.selectorEl.dom.click(); }, onFileSelected : function(e) { e.preventDefault(); if(typeof(this.selectorEl.dom.files) == 'undefined' || !this.selectorEl.dom.files.length){ return; } Roo.each(this.selectorEl.dom.files, function(file){ this.addFile(file); }, this); }, addFile : function(file) { if(typeof(file) === 'string'){ throw "Add file by name?"; // should not happen return; } if(!file || !this.urlAPI){ return; } // file; // file.type; var _this = this; var url = _this.urlAPI.createObjectURL( file); this.addCard({ id : Roo.bootstrap.CardUploader.ID--, is_uploaded : false, src : url, srcfile : file, title : file.name, mimetype : file.type, preview : false, is_deleted : 0 }); }, addCard : function (data) { // hidden input element? // if the file is not an image... //then we need to use something other that and header_image var t = this; // remove..... var footer = [ { xns : Roo.bootstrap, xtype : 'CardFooter', items: [ { xns : Roo.bootstrap, xtype : 'Element', cls : 'd-flex', items : [ { xns : Roo.bootstrap, xtype : 'Button', html : String.format("<small>{0}</small>", data.title), cls : 'col-11 text-left', size: 'sm', weight: 'link', fa : 'download', listeners : { click : function() { this.downloadCard(data.id) } } }, { xns : Roo.bootstrap, xtype : 'Button', size : 'sm', weight: 'danger', cls : 'col-1', fa : 'times', listeners : { click : function() { t.removeCard(data.id) } } } ] } ] } ]; var cn = this.addxtype( { xns : Roo.bootstrap, xtype : 'Card', closeable : true, header : !data.mimetype.match(/image/) && !data.preview ? "Document": false, header_image : data.mimetype.match(/image/) ? data.src : data.preview, header_image_fit_square: true, // fixme - we probably need to use the 'Img' element to do stuff like this. data : data, html : false, items : footer, initEvents : function() { Roo.bootstrap.Card.prototype.initEvents.call(this); this.imgEl = this.el.select('.card-img-top').first(); if (this.imgEl) { this.imgEl.on('click', function() { t.previewCard( data.id); }, this); this.imgEl.set({ 'pointer' : 'cursor' }); } } } ); // dont' really need ot update items. // this.items.push(cn); this.fileCollection.add(cn); if (!data.srcfile) { this.updateInput(); return; } var _t = this; var reader = new FileReader(); reader.addEventListener("load", function() { data.srcdata = reader.result; _t.updateInput(); }); reader.readAsDataURL(data.srcfile); }, removeCard : function(id) { var card = this.fileCollection.get(id); card.data.is_deleted = 1; card.data.src = ''; /// delete the source - so it reduces size of not uploaded images etc. //this.fileCollection.remove(card); //this.items = this.items.filter(function(e) { return e != card }); // dont' really need ot update items. card.el.dom.parentNode.removeChild(card.el.dom); this.updateInput(); }, reset: function() { this.fileCollection.each(function(card) { if (card.el.dom && card.el.dom.parentNode) { card.el.dom.parentNode.removeChild(card.el.dom); } }); this.fileCollection.clear(); this.updateInput(); }, updateInput : function() { var data = []; this.fileCollection.each(function(e) { data.push(e.data); }); this.inputEl().dom.value = JSON.stringify(data); } }); Roo.bootstrap.CardUploader.ID = -1;