//<script type="text/javascript"> /* * Based Ext JS Library 1.1.1 * Copyright(c) 2006-2007, Ext JS, LLC. * LGPL * */ /** * @class Roo.HtmlEditorCore * @extends Roo.Component * Provides a the editing component for the HTML editors in Roo. (bootstrap and Roo.form) * * any element that has display set to 'none' can cause problems in Safari and Firefox.<br/><br/> */ Roo.HtmlEditorCore = function(config){ Roo.HtmlEditorCore.superclass.constructor.call(this, config); this.addEvents({ /** * @event initialize * Fires when the editor is fully initialized (including the iframe) * @param {Roo.HtmlEditorCore} this */ initialize: true, /** * @event activate * Fires when the editor is first receives the focus. Any insertion must wait * until after this event. * @param {Roo.HtmlEditorCore} this */ activate: true, /** * @event beforesync * Fires before the textarea is updated with content from the editor iframe. Return false * to cancel the sync. * @param {Roo.HtmlEditorCore} this * @param {String} html */ beforesync: true, /** * @event beforepush * Fires before the iframe editor is updated with content from the textarea. Return false * to cancel the push. * @param {Roo.HtmlEditorCore} this * @param {String} html */ beforepush: true, /** * @event sync * Fires when the textarea is updated with content from the editor iframe. * @param {Roo.HtmlEditorCore} this * @param {String} html */ sync: true, /** * @event push * Fires when the iframe editor is updated with content from the textarea. * @param {Roo.HtmlEditorCore} this * @param {String} html */ push: true, /** * @event editorevent * Fires when on any editor (mouse up/down cursor movement etc.) - used for toolbar hooks. * @param {Roo.HtmlEditorCore} this */ editorevent: true }); // at this point this.owner is set, so we can start working out the whitelisted / blacklisted elements // defaults : white / black... this.applyBlacklists(); }; Roo.extend(Roo.HtmlEditorCore, Roo.Component, { /** * @cfg {Roo.form.HtmlEditor|Roo.bootstrap.HtmlEditor} the owner field */ owner : false, /** * @cfg {String} resizable 's' or 'se' or 'e' - wrapps the element in a * Roo.resizable. */ resizable : false, /** * @cfg {Number} height (in pixels) */ height: 300, /** * @cfg {Number} width (in pixels) */ width: 500, /** * @cfg {Array} stylesheets url of stylesheets. set to [] to disable stylesheets. * */ stylesheets: false, // id of frame.. frameId: false, // private properties validationEvent : false, deferHeight: true, initialized : false, activated : false, sourceEditMode : false, onFocus : Roo.emptyFn, iframePad:3, hideMode:'offsets', clearUp: true, // blacklist + whitelisted elements.. black: false, white: false, bodyCls : '', /** * Protected method that will not generally be called directly. It * is called when the editor initializes the iframe with HTML contents. Override this method if you * want to change the initialization markup of the iframe (e.g. to add stylesheets). */ getDocMarkup : function(){ // body styles.. var st = ''; // inherit styels from page...?? if (this.stylesheets === false) { Roo.get(document.head).select('style').each(function(node) { st += node.dom.outerHTML || new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(node.dom); }); Roo.get(document.head).select('link').each(function(node) { st += node.dom.outerHTML || new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(node.dom); }); } else if (!this.stylesheets.length) { // simple.. st = '<style type="text/css">' + 'body{border:0;margin:0;padding:3px;height:98%;cursor:text;}' + '</style>'; } else { for (var i in this.stylesheets) { st += '<link rel="stylesheet" href="' + this.stylesheets[i] +'" type="text/css">'; } } st += '<style type="text/css">' + 'IMG { cursor: pointer } ' + '</style>'; var cls = 'roo-htmleditor-body'; if(this.bodyCls.length){ cls += ' ' + this.bodyCls; } return '<html><head>' + st + //<style type="text/css">' + //'body{border:0;margin:0;padding:3px;height:98%;cursor:text;}' + //'</style>' + ' </head><body contenteditable="true" data-enable-grammerly="true" class="' + cls + '"></body></html>'; }, // private onRender : function(ct, position) { var _t = this; //Roo.HtmlEditorCore.superclass.onRender.call(this, ct, position); this.el = this.owner.inputEl ? this.owner.inputEl() : this.owner.el; this.el.dom.style.border = '0 none'; this.el.dom.setAttribute('tabIndex', -1); this.el.addClass('x-hidden hide'); if(Roo.isIE){ // fix IE 1px bogus margin this.el.applyStyles('margin-top:-1px;margin-bottom:-1px;') } this.frameId = Roo.id(); var iframe = this.owner.wrap.createChild({ tag: 'iframe', cls: 'form-control', // bootstrap.. id: this.frameId, name: this.frameId, frameBorder : 'no', 'src' : Roo.SSL_SECURE_URL ? Roo.SSL_SECURE_URL : "javascript:false" }, this.el ); this.iframe = iframe.dom; this.assignDocWin(); this.doc.designMode = 'on'; this.doc.open(); this.doc.write(this.getDocMarkup()); this.doc.close(); var task = { // must defer to wait for browser to be ready run : function(){ //console.log("run task?" + this.doc.readyState); this.assignDocWin(); if(this.doc.body || this.doc.readyState == 'complete'){ try { this.doc.designMode="on"; } catch (e) { return; } Roo.TaskMgr.stop(task); this.initEditor.defer(10, this); } }, interval : 10, duration: 10000, scope: this }; Roo.TaskMgr.start(task); }, // private onResize : function(w, h) { Roo.log('resize: ' +w + ',' + h ); //Roo.HtmlEditorCore.superclass.onResize.apply(this, arguments); if(!this.iframe){ return; } if(typeof w == 'number'){ this.iframe.style.width = w + 'px'; } if(typeof h == 'number'){ this.iframe.style.height = h + 'px'; if(this.doc){ (this.doc.body || this.doc.documentElement).style.height = (h - (this.iframePad*2)) + 'px'; } } }, /** * Toggles the editor between standard and source edit mode. * @param {Boolean} sourceEdit (optional) True for source edit, false for standard */ toggleSourceEdit : function(sourceEditMode){ this.sourceEditMode = sourceEditMode === true; if(this.sourceEditMode){ Roo.get(this.iframe).addClass(['x-hidden','hide']); //FIXME - what's the BS styles for these }else{ Roo.get(this.iframe).removeClass(['x-hidden','hide']); //this.iframe.className = ''; this.deferFocus(); } //this.setSize(this.owner.wrap.getSize()); //this.fireEvent('editmodechange', this, this.sourceEditMode); }, /** * Protected method that will not generally be called directly. If you need/want * custom HTML cleanup, this is the method you should override. * @param {String} html The HTML to be cleaned * return {String} The cleaned HTML */ cleanHtml : function(html){ html = String(html); if(html.length > 5){ if(Roo.isSafari){ // strip safari nonsense html = html.replace(/\sclass="(?:Apple-style-span|khtml-block-placeholder)"/gi, ''); } } if(html == '&nbsp;'){ html = ''; } return html; }, /** * HTML Editor -> Textarea * Protected method that will not generally be called directly. Syncs the contents * of the editor iframe with the textarea. */ syncValue : function(){ if(this.initialized){ var bd = (this.doc.body || this.doc.documentElement); //this.cleanUpPaste(); -- this is done else where and causes havoc.. var html = bd.innerHTML; if(Roo.isSafari){ var bs = bd.getAttribute('style'); // Safari puts text-align styles on the body element! var m = bs ? bs.match(/text-align:(.*?);/i) : false; if(m && m[1]){ html = '<div style="'+m[0]+'">' + html + '</div>'; } } html = this.cleanHtml(html); // fix up the special chars.. normaly like back quotes in word... // however we do not want to do this with chinese.. html = html.replace(/[\uD800-\uDBFF][\uDC00-\uDFFF]|[\u0080-\uFFFF]/g, function(match) { var cc = match.charCodeAt(); // Get the character value, handling surrogate pairs if (match.length == 2) { // It's a surrogate pair, calculate the Unicode code point var high = match.charCodeAt(0) - 0xD800; var low = match.charCodeAt(1) - 0xDC00; cc = (high * 0x400) + low + 0x10000; } else if ( (cc >= 0x4E00 && cc < 0xA000 ) || (cc >= 0x3400 && cc < 0x4E00 ) || (cc >= 0xf900 && cc < 0xfb00 ) ) { return match; } // No, use a numeric entity. Here we brazenly (and possibly mistakenly) return "&#" + cc + ";"; }); if(this.owner.fireEvent('beforesync', this, html) !== false){ this.el.dom.value = html; this.owner.fireEvent('sync', this, html); } } }, /** * Protected method that will not generally be called directly. Pushes the value of the textarea * into the iframe editor. */ pushValue : function(){ if(this.initialized){ var v = this.el.dom.value.trim(); // if(v.length < 1){ // v = '&#160;'; // } if(this.owner.fireEvent('beforepush', this, v) !== false){ var d = (this.doc.body || this.doc.documentElement); d.innerHTML = v; this.cleanUpPaste(); this.el.dom.value = d.innerHTML; this.owner.fireEvent('push', this, v); } } }, // private deferFocus : function(){ this.focus.defer(10, this); }, // doc'ed in Field focus : function(){ if(this.win && !this.sourceEditMode){ this.win.focus(); }else{ this.el.focus(); } }, assignDocWin: function() { var iframe = this.iframe; if(Roo.isIE){ this.doc = iframe.contentWindow.document; this.win = iframe.contentWindow; } else { // if (!Roo.get(this.frameId)) { // return; // } // this.doc = (iframe.contentDocument || Roo.get(this.frameId).dom.document); // this.win = Roo.get(this.frameId).dom.contentWindow; if (!Roo.get(this.frameId) && !iframe.contentDocument) { return; } this.doc = (iframe.contentDocument || Roo.get(this.frameId).dom.document); this.win = (iframe.contentWindow || Roo.get(this.frameId).dom.contentWindow); } }, // private initEditor : function(){ //console.log("INIT EDITOR"); this.assignDocWin(); this.doc.designMode="on"; this.doc.open(); this.doc.write(this.getDocMarkup()); this.doc.close(); var dbody = (this.doc.body || this.doc.documentElement); //var ss = this.el.getStyles('font-size', 'font-family', 'background-image', 'background-repeat'); // this copies styles from the containing element into thsi one.. // not sure why we need all of this.. //var ss = this.el.getStyles('font-size', 'background-image', 'background-repeat'); //var ss = this.el.getStyles( 'background-image', 'background-repeat'); //ss['background-attachment'] = 'fixed'; // w3c dbody.bgProperties = 'fixed'; // ie //Roo.DomHelper.applyStyles(dbody, ss); Roo.EventManager.on(this.doc, { //'mousedown': this.onEditorEvent, 'mouseup': this.onEditorEvent, 'dblclick': this.onEditorEvent, 'click': this.onEditorEvent, 'keyup': this.onEditorEvent, buffer:100, scope: this }); if(Roo.isGecko){ Roo.EventManager.on(this.doc, 'keypress', this.mozKeyPress, this); } if(Roo.isIE || Roo.isSafari || Roo.isOpera){ Roo.EventManager.on(this.doc, 'keydown', this.fixKeys, this); } this.initialized = true; this.owner.fireEvent('initialize', this); this.pushValue(); }, // private onDestroy : function(){ if(this.rendered){ //for (var i =0; i < this.toolbars.length;i++) { // // fixme - ask toolbars for heights? // this.toolbars[i].onDestroy(); // } //this.wrap.dom.innerHTML = ''; //this.wrap.remove(); } }, // private onFirstFocus : function(){ this.assignDocWin(); this.activated = true; if(Roo.isGecko){ // prevent silly gecko errors this.win.focus(); var s = this.win.getSelection(); if(!s.focusNode || s.focusNode.nodeType != 3){ var r = s.getRangeAt(0); r.selectNodeContents((this.doc.body || this.doc.documentElement)); r.collapse(true); this.deferFocus(); } try{ this.execCmd('useCSS', true); this.execCmd('styleWithCSS', false); }catch(e){} } this.owner.fireEvent('activate', this); }, // private adjustFont: function(btn){ var adjust = btn.cmd == 'increasefontsize' ? 1 : -1; //if(Roo.isSafari){ // safari // adjust *= 2; // } var v = parseInt(this.doc.queryCommandValue('FontSize')|| 3, 10); if(Roo.isSafari){ // safari var sm = { 10 : 1, 13: 2, 16:3, 18:4, 24: 5, 32:6, 48: 7 }; v = (v < 10) ? 10 : v; v = (v > 48) ? 48 : v; v = typeof(sm[v]) == 'undefined' ? 1 : sm[v]; } v = Math.max(1, v+adjust); this.execCmd('FontSize', v ); }, onEditorEvent : function(e) { this.owner.fireEvent('editorevent', this, e); // this.updateToolbar(); this.syncValue(); //we can not sync so often.. sync cleans, so this breaks stuff }, insertTag : function(tg) { // could be a bit smarter... -> wrap the current selected tRoo.. if (tg.toLowerCase() == 'span' || tg.toLowerCase() == 'code' || tg.toLowerCase() == 'sup' || tg.toLowerCase() == 'sub' ) { range = this.createRange(this.getSelection()); var wrappingNode = this.doc.createElement(tg.toLowerCase()); wrappingNode.appendChild(range.extractContents()); range.insertNode(wrappingNode); return; } this.execCmd("formatblock", tg); }, insertText : function(txt) { var range = this.createRange(); range.deleteContents(); //alert(Sender.getAttribute('label')); range.insertNode(this.doc.createTextNode(txt)); } , /** * Executes a Midas editor command on the editor document and performs necessary focus and * toolbar updates. <b>This should only be called after the editor is initialized.</b> * @param {String} cmd The Midas command * @param {String/Boolean} value (optional) The value to pass to the command (defaults to null) */ relayCmd : function(cmd, value){ this.win.focus(); this.execCmd(cmd, value); this.owner.fireEvent('editorevent', this); //this.updateToolbar(); this.owner.deferFocus(); }, /** * Executes a Midas editor command directly on the editor document. * For visual commands, you should use {@link #relayCmd} instead. * <b>This should only be called after the editor is initialized.</b> * @param {String} cmd The Midas command * @param {String/Boolean} value (optional) The value to pass to the command (defaults to null) */ execCmd : function(cmd, value){ this.doc.execCommand(cmd, false, value === undefined ? null : value); this.syncValue(); }, /** * Inserts the passed text at the current cursor position. Note: the editor must be initialized and activated * to insert tRoo. * @param {String} text | dom node.. */ insertAtCursor : function(text) { if(!this.activated){ return; } /* if(Roo.isIE){ this.win.focus(); var r = this.doc.selection.createRange(); if(r){ r.collapse(true); r.pasteHTML(text); this.syncValue(); this.deferFocus(); } return; } */ if(Roo.isGecko || Roo.isOpera || Roo.isSafari){ this.win.focus(); // from jquery ui (MIT licenced) var range, node; var win = this.win; if (win.getSelection && win.getSelection().getRangeAt) { range = win.getSelection().getRangeAt(0); node = typeof(text) == 'string' ? range.createContextualFragment(text) : text; range.insertNode(node); } else if (win.document.selection && win.document.selection.createRange) { // no firefox support var txt = typeof(text) == 'string' ? text : text.outerHTML; win.document.selection.createRange().pasteHTML(txt); } else { // no firefox support var txt = typeof(text) == 'string' ? text : text.outerHTML; this.execCmd('InsertHTML', txt); } this.syncValue(); this.deferFocus(); } }, // private mozKeyPress : function(e){ if(e.ctrlKey){ var c = e.getCharCode(), cmd; if(c > 0){ c = String.fromCharCode(c).toLowerCase(); switch(c){ case 'b': cmd = 'bold'; break; case 'i': cmd = 'italic'; break; case 'u': cmd = 'underline'; break; case 'v': this.cleanUpPaste.defer(100, this); return; } if(cmd){ this.win.focus(); this.execCmd(cmd); this.deferFocus(); e.preventDefault(); } } } }, // private fixKeys : function(){ // load time branching for fastest keydown performance if(Roo.isIE){ return function(e){ var k = e.getKey(), r; if(k == e.TAB){ e.stopEvent(); r = this.doc.selection.createRange(); if(r){ r.collapse(true); r.pasteHTML('&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;'); this.deferFocus(); } return; } if(k == e.ENTER){ r = this.doc.selection.createRange(); if(r){ var target = r.parentElement(); if(!target || target.tagName.toLowerCase() != 'li'){ e.stopEvent(); r.pasteHTML('<br />'); r.collapse(false); r.select(); } } } if (String.fromCharCode(k).toLowerCase() == 'v') { // paste this.cleanUpPaste.defer(100, this); return; } }; }else if(Roo.isOpera){ return function(e){ var k = e.getKey(); if(k == e.TAB){ e.stopEvent(); this.win.focus(); this.execCmd('InsertHTML','&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;'); this.deferFocus(); } if (String.fromCharCode(k).toLowerCase() == 'v') { // paste this.cleanUpPaste.defer(100, this); return; } }; }else if(Roo.isSafari){ return function(e){ var k = e.getKey(); if(k == e.TAB){ e.stopEvent(); this.execCmd('InsertText','\t'); this.deferFocus(); return; } if (String.fromCharCode(k).toLowerCase() == 'v') { // paste this.cleanUpPaste.defer(100, this); return; } }; } }(), getAllAncestors: function() { var p = this.getSelectedNode(); var a = []; if (!p) { a.push(p); // push blank onto stack.. p = this.getParentElement(); } while (p && (p.nodeType == 1) && (p.tagName.toLowerCase() != 'body')) { a.push(p); p = p.parentNode; } a.push(this.doc.body); return a; }, lastSel : false, lastSelNode : false, getSelection : function() { this.assignDocWin(); return Roo.isIE ? this.doc.selection : this.win.getSelection(); }, getSelectedNode: function() { // this may only work on Gecko!!! // should we cache this!!!! var range = this.createRange(this.getSelection()).cloneRange(); if (Roo.isIE) { var parent = range.parentElement(); while (true) { var testRange = range.duplicate(); testRange.moveToElementText(parent); if (testRange.inRange(range)) { break; } if ((parent.nodeType != 1) || (parent.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'body')) { break; } parent = parent.parentElement; } return parent; } // is ancestor a text element. var ac = range.commonAncestorContainer; if (ac.nodeType == 3) { ac = ac.parentNode; } var ar = ac.childNodes; var nodes = []; var other_nodes = []; var has_other_nodes = false; for (var i=0;i<ar.length;i++) { if ((ar[i].nodeType == 3) && (!ar[i].data.length)) { // empty text ? continue; } // fullly contained node. if (this.rangeIntersectsNode(range,ar[i]) && this.rangeCompareNode(range,ar[i]) == 3) { nodes.push(ar[i]); continue; } // probably selected.. if ((ar[i].nodeType == 1) && this.rangeIntersectsNode(range,ar[i]) && (this.rangeCompareNode(range,ar[i]) > 0)) { other_nodes.push(ar[i]); continue; } // outer.. if (!this.rangeIntersectsNode(range,ar[i])|| (this.rangeCompareNode(range,ar[i]) == 0)) { continue; } has_other_nodes = true; } if (!nodes.length && other_nodes.length) { nodes= other_nodes; } if (has_other_nodes || !nodes.length || (nodes.length > 1)) { return false; } return nodes[0]; }, createRange: function(sel) { // this has strange effects when using with // top toolbar - not sure if it's a great idea. //this.editor.contentWindow.focus(); if (typeof sel != "undefined") { try { return sel.getRangeAt ? sel.getRangeAt(0) : sel.createRange(); } catch(e) { return this.doc.createRange(); } } else { return this.doc.createRange(); } }, getParentElement: function() { this.assignDocWin(); var sel = Roo.isIE ? this.doc.selection : this.win.getSelection(); var range = this.createRange(sel); try { var p = range.commonAncestorContainer; while (p.nodeType == 3) { // text node p = p.parentNode; } return p; } catch (e) { return null; } }, /*** * * Range intersection.. the hard stuff... * '-1' = before * '0' = hits.. * '1' = after. * [ -- selected range --- ] * [fail] [fail] * * basically.. * if end is before start or hits it. fail. * if start is after end or hits it fail. * * if either hits (but other is outside. - then it's not * * **/ // @see http://www.thismuchiknow.co.uk/?p=64. rangeIntersectsNode : function(range, node) { var nodeRange = node.ownerDocument.createRange(); try { nodeRange.selectNode(node); } catch (e) { nodeRange.selectNodeContents(node); } var rangeStartRange = range.cloneRange(); rangeStartRange.collapse(true); var rangeEndRange = range.cloneRange(); rangeEndRange.collapse(false); var nodeStartRange = nodeRange.cloneRange(); nodeStartRange.collapse(true); var nodeEndRange = nodeRange.cloneRange(); nodeEndRange.collapse(false); return rangeStartRange.compareBoundaryPoints( Range.START_TO_START, nodeEndRange) == -1 && rangeEndRange.compareBoundaryPoints( Range.START_TO_START, nodeStartRange) == 1; }, rangeCompareNode : function(range, node) { var nodeRange = node.ownerDocument.createRange(); try { nodeRange.selectNode(node); } catch (e) { nodeRange.selectNodeContents(node); } range.collapse(true); nodeRange.collapse(true); var ss = range.compareBoundaryPoints( Range.START_TO_START, nodeRange); var ee = range.compareBoundaryPoints( Range.END_TO_END, nodeRange); //Roo.log(node.tagName + ': ss='+ss +', ee='+ee) var nodeIsBefore = ss == 1; var nodeIsAfter = ee == -1; if (nodeIsBefore && nodeIsAfter) { return 0; // outer } if (!nodeIsBefore && nodeIsAfter) { return 1; //right trailed. } if (nodeIsBefore && !nodeIsAfter) { return 2; // left trailed. } // fully contined. return 3; }, // private? - in a new class? cleanUpPaste : function() { // cleans up the whole document.. Roo.log('cleanuppaste'); this.cleanUpChildren(this.doc.body); var clean = this.cleanWordChars(this.doc.body.innerHTML); if (clean != this.doc.body.innerHTML) { this.doc.body.innerHTML = clean; } }, cleanWordChars : function(input) {// change the chars to hex code var he = Roo.HtmlEditorCore; var output = input; Roo.each(he.swapCodes, function(sw) { var swapper = new RegExp("\\u" + sw[0].toString(16), "g"); // hex codes output = output.replace(swapper, sw[1]); }); return output; }, cleanUpChildren : function (n) { if (!n.childNodes.length) { return; } for (var i = n.childNodes.length-1; i > -1 ; i--) { this.cleanUpChild(n.childNodes[i]); } }, cleanUpChild : function (node) { var ed = this; //console.log(node); if (node.nodeName == "#text") { // clean up silly Windows -- stuff? return; } if (node.nodeName == "#comment") { node.parentNode.removeChild(node); // clean up silly Windows -- stuff? return; } var lcname = node.tagName.toLowerCase(); // we ignore whitelists... ?? = not really the way to go, but we probably have not got a full // whitelist of tags.. if (this.black.indexOf(lcname) > -1 && this.clearUp ) { // remove node. node.parentNode.removeChild(node); return; } var remove_keep_children= Roo.HtmlEditorCore.remove.indexOf(node.tagName.toLowerCase()) > -1; // spans with no attributes - just remove them.. if ((!node.attributes || !node.attributes.length) && lcname == 'span') { remove_keep_children = true; } // remove <a name=....> as rendering on yahoo mailer is borked with this. // this will have to be flaged elsewhere - perhaps ablack=name... on the mailer.. //if (node.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'a' && !node.hasAttribute('href')) { // remove_keep_children = true; //} if (remove_keep_children) { this.cleanUpChildren(node); // inserts everything just before this node... while (node.childNodes.length) { var cn = node.childNodes[0]; node.removeChild(cn); node.parentNode.insertBefore(cn, node); } node.parentNode.removeChild(node); return; } if (!node.attributes || !node.attributes.length) { this.cleanUpChildren(node); return; } function cleanAttr(n,v) { if (v.match(/^\./) || v.match(/^\//)) { return; } if (v.match(/^(http|https):\/\//) || v.match(/^mailto:/) || v.match(/^ftp:/)) { return; } if (v.match(/^#/)) { return; } if (v.match(/^\{/)) { // allow template editing. return; } // Roo.log("(REMOVE TAG)"+ node.tagName +'.' + n + '=' + v); node.removeAttribute(n); } var cwhite = this.cwhite; var cblack = this.cblack; function cleanStyle(n,v) { if (v.match(/expression/)) { //XSS?? should we even bother.. node.removeAttribute(n); return; } var parts = v.split(/;/); var clean = []; Roo.each(parts, function(p) { p = p.replace(/^\s+/g,'').replace(/\s+$/g,''); if (!p.length) { return true; } var l = p.split(':').shift().replace(/\s+/g,''); l = l.replace(/^\s+/g,'').replace(/\s+$/g,''); if ( cwhite.length && cblack.indexOf(l) > -1) { // Roo.log('(REMOVE CSS)' + node.tagName +'.' + n + ':'+l + '=' + v); //node.removeAttribute(n); return true; } //Roo.log() // only allow 'c whitelisted system attributes' if ( cwhite.length && cwhite.indexOf(l) < 0) { // Roo.log('(REMOVE CSS)' + node.tagName +'.' + n + ':'+l + '=' + v); //node.removeAttribute(n); return true; } clean.push(p); return true; }); if (clean.length) { node.setAttribute(n, clean.join(';')); } else { node.removeAttribute(n); } } for (var i = node.attributes.length-1; i > -1 ; i--) { var a = node.attributes[i]; //console.log(a); if (a.name.toLowerCase().substr(0,2)=='on') { node.removeAttribute(a.name); continue; } if (Roo.HtmlEditorCore.ablack.indexOf(a.name.toLowerCase()) > -1) { node.removeAttribute(a.name); continue; } if (Roo.HtmlEditorCore.aclean.indexOf(a.name.toLowerCase()) > -1) { cleanAttr(a.name,a.value); // fixme.. continue; } if (a.name == 'style') { cleanStyle(a.name,a.value); continue; } /// clean up MS crap.. // tecnically this should be a list of valid class'es.. if (a.name == 'class') { if (a.value.match(/^Mso/)) { node.removeAttribute('class'); } if (a.value.match(/^body$/)) { node.removeAttribute('class'); } continue; } // style cleanup!? // class cleanup? } this.cleanUpChildren(node); }, /** * Clean up MS wordisms... */ cleanWord : function(node) { if (!node) { this.cleanWord(this.doc.body); return; } if( node.nodeName == 'SPAN' && !node.hasAttributes() && node.childNodes.length == 1 && node.firstChild.nodeName == "#text" ) { var textNode = node.firstChild; node.removeChild(textNode); if (node.getAttribute('lang') != 'zh-CN') { // do not space pad on chinese characters.. node.parentNode.insertBefore(node.ownerDocument.createTextNode(" "), node); } node.parentNode.insertBefore(textNode, node); if (node.getAttribute('lang') != 'zh-CN') { // do not space pad on chinese characters.. node.parentNode.insertBefore(node.ownerDocument.createTextNode(" ") , node); } node.parentNode.removeChild(node); } if (node.nodeName == "#text") { // clean up silly Windows -- stuff? return; } if (node.nodeName == "#comment") { node.parentNode.removeChild(node); // clean up silly Windows -- stuff? return; } if (node.tagName.toLowerCase().match(/^(style|script|applet|embed|noframes|noscript)$/)) { node.parentNode.removeChild(node); return; } //Roo.log(node.tagName); // remove - but keep children.. if (node.tagName.toLowerCase().match(/^(meta|link|\\?xml:|st1:|o:|v:|font)/)) { //Roo.log('-- removed'); while (node.childNodes.length) { var cn = node.childNodes[0]; node.removeChild(cn); node.parentNode.insertBefore(cn, node); // move node to parent - and clean it.. this.cleanWord(cn); } node.parentNode.removeChild(node); /// no need to iterate chidlren = it's got none.. //this.iterateChildren(node, this.cleanWord); return; } // clean styles if (node.className.length) { var cn = node.className.split(/\W+/); var cna = []; Roo.each(cn, function(cls) { if (cls.match(/Mso[a-zA-Z]+/)) { return; } cna.push(cls); }); node.className = cna.length ? cna.join(' ') : ''; if (!cna.length) { node.removeAttribute("class"); } } if (node.hasAttribute("lang")) { node.removeAttribute("lang"); } if (node.hasAttribute("style")) { var styles = node.getAttribute("style").split(";"); var nstyle = []; Roo.each(styles, function(s) { if (!s.match(/:/)) { return; } var kv = s.split(":"); if (kv[0].match(/^(mso-|line|font|background|margin|padding|color)/)) { return; } // what ever is left... we allow. nstyle.push(s); }); node.setAttribute("style", nstyle.length ? nstyle.join(';') : ''); if (!nstyle.length) { node.removeAttribute('style'); } } this.iterateChildren(node, this.cleanWord); }, /** * iterateChildren of a Node, calling fn each time, using this as the scole.. * @param {DomNode} node node to iterate children of. * @param {Function} fn method of this class to call on each item. */ iterateChildren : function(node, fn) { if (!node.childNodes.length) { return; } for (var i = node.childNodes.length-1; i > -1 ; i--) { fn.call(this, node.childNodes[i]) } }, /** * cleanTableWidths. * * Quite often pasting from word etc.. results in tables with column and widths. * This does not work well on fluid HTML layouts - like emails. - so this code should hunt an destroy them.. * */ cleanTableWidths : function(node) { if (!node) { this.cleanTableWidths(this.doc.body); return; } // ignore list... if (node.nodeName == "#text" || node.nodeName == "#comment") { return; } Roo.log(node.tagName); if (!node.tagName.toLowerCase().match(/^(table|td|tr)$/)) { this.iterateChildren(node, this.cleanTableWidths); return; } if (node.hasAttribute('width')) { node.removeAttribute('width'); } if (node.hasAttribute("style")) { // pretty basic... var styles = node.getAttribute("style").split(";"); var nstyle = []; Roo.each(styles, function(s) { if (!s.match(/:/)) { return; } var kv = s.split(":"); if (kv[0].match(/^\s*(width|min-width)\s*$/)) { return; } // what ever is left... we allow. nstyle.push(s); }); node.setAttribute("style", nstyle.length ? nstyle.join(';') : ''); if (!nstyle.length) { node.removeAttribute('style'); } } this.iterateChildren(node, this.cleanTableWidths); }, domToHTML : function(currentElement, depth, nopadtext) { depth = depth || 0; nopadtext = nopadtext || false; if (!currentElement) { return this.domToHTML(this.doc.body); } //Roo.log(currentElement); var j; var allText = false; var nodeName = currentElement.nodeName; var tagName = Roo.util.Format.htmlEncode(currentElement.tagName); if (nodeName == '#text') { return nopadtext ? currentElement.nodeValue : currentElement.nodeValue.trim(); } var ret = ''; if (nodeName != 'BODY') { var i = 0; // Prints the node tagName, such as <A>, <IMG>, etc if (tagName) { var attr = []; for(i = 0; i < currentElement.attributes.length;i++) { // quoting? var aname = currentElement.attributes.item(i).name; if (!currentElement.attributes.item(i).value.length) { continue; } attr.push(aname + '="' + Roo.util.Format.htmlEncode(currentElement.attributes.item(i).value) + '"' ); } ret = "<"+currentElement.tagName+ ( attr.length ? (' ' + attr.join(' ') ) : '') + ">"; } else { // eack } } else { tagName = false; } if (['IMG', 'BR', 'HR', 'INPUT'].indexOf(tagName) > -1) { return ret; } if (['PRE', 'TEXTAREA', 'TD', 'A', 'SPAN'].indexOf(tagName) > -1) { // or code? nopadtext = true; } // Traverse the tree i = 0; var currentElementChild = currentElement.childNodes.item(i); var allText = true; var innerHTML = ''; lastnode = ''; while (currentElementChild) { // Formatting code (indent the tree so it looks nice on the screen) var nopad = nopadtext; if (lastnode == 'SPAN') { nopad = true; } // text if (currentElementChild.nodeName == '#text') { var toadd = Roo.util.Format.htmlEncode(currentElementChild.nodeValue); toadd = nopadtext ? toadd : toadd.trim(); if (!nopad && toadd.length > 80) { innerHTML += "\n" + (new Array( depth + 1 )).join( " " ); } innerHTML += toadd; i++; currentElementChild = currentElement.childNodes.item(i); lastNode = ''; continue; } allText = false; innerHTML += nopad ? '' : "\n" + (new Array( depth + 1 )).join( " " ); // Recursively traverse the tree structure of the child node innerHTML += this.domToHTML(currentElementChild, depth+1, nopadtext); lastnode = currentElementChild.nodeName; i++; currentElementChild=currentElement.childNodes.item(i); } ret += innerHTML; if (!allText) { // The remaining code is mostly for formatting the tree ret+= nopadtext ? '' : "\n" + (new Array( depth )).join( " " ); } if (tagName) { ret+= "</"+tagName+">"; } return ret; }, applyBlacklists : function() { var w = typeof(this.owner.white) != 'undefined' && this.owner.white ? this.owner.white : []; var b = typeof(this.owner.black) != 'undefined' && this.owner.black ? this.owner.black : []; this.white = []; this.black = []; Roo.each(Roo.HtmlEditorCore.white, function(tag) { if (b.indexOf(tag) > -1) { return; } this.white.push(tag); }, this); Roo.each(w, function(tag) { if (b.indexOf(tag) > -1) { return; } if (this.white.indexOf(tag) > -1) { return; } this.white.push(tag); }, this); Roo.each(Roo.HtmlEditorCore.black, function(tag) { if (w.indexOf(tag) > -1) { return; } this.black.push(tag); }, this); Roo.each(b, function(tag) { if (w.indexOf(tag) > -1) { return; } if (this.black.indexOf(tag) > -1) { return; } this.black.push(tag); }, this); w = typeof(this.owner.cwhite) != 'undefined' && this.owner.cwhite ? this.owner.cwhite : []; b = typeof(this.owner.cblack) != 'undefined' && this.owner.cblack ? this.owner.cblack : []; this.cwhite = []; this.cblack = []; Roo.each(Roo.HtmlEditorCore.cwhite, function(tag) { if (b.indexOf(tag) > -1) { return; } this.cwhite.push(tag); }, this); Roo.each(w, function(tag) { if (b.indexOf(tag) > -1) { return; } if (this.cwhite.indexOf(tag) > -1) { return; } this.cwhite.push(tag); }, this); Roo.each(Roo.HtmlEditorCore.cblack, function(tag) { if (w.indexOf(tag) > -1) { return; } this.cblack.push(tag); }, this); Roo.each(b, function(tag) { if (w.indexOf(tag) > -1) { return; } if (this.cblack.indexOf(tag) > -1) { return; } this.cblack.push(tag); }, this); }, setStylesheets : function(stylesheets) { if(typeof(stylesheets) == 'string'){ Roo.get(this.iframe.contentDocument.head).createChild({ tag : 'link', rel : 'stylesheet', type : 'text/css', href : stylesheets }); return; } var _this = this; Roo.each(stylesheets, function(s) { if(!s.length){ return; } Roo.get(_this.iframe.contentDocument.head).createChild({ tag : 'link', rel : 'stylesheet', type : 'text/css', href : s }); }); }, removeStylesheets : function() { var _this = this; Roo.each(Roo.get(_this.iframe.contentDocument.head).select('link[rel=stylesheet]', true).elements, function(s){ s.remove(); }); }, setStyle : function(style) { Roo.get(this.iframe.contentDocument.head).createChild({ tag : 'style', type : 'text/css', html : style }); return; } // hide stuff that is not compatible /** * @event blur * @hide */ /** * @event change * @hide */ /** * @event focus * @hide */ /** * @event specialkey * @hide */ /** * @cfg {String} fieldClass @hide */ /** * @cfg {String} focusClass @hide */ /** * @cfg {String} autoCreate @hide */ /** * @cfg {String} inputType @hide */ /** * @cfg {String} invalidClass @hide */ /** * @cfg {String} invalidText @hide */ /** * @cfg {String} msgFx @hide */ /** * @cfg {String} validateOnBlur @hide */ }); Roo.HtmlEditorCore.white = [ 'area', 'br', 'img', 'input', 'hr', 'wbr', 'address', 'blockquote', 'center', 'dd', 'dir', 'div', 'dl', 'dt', 'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6', 'hr', 'isindex', 'listing', 'marquee', 'menu', 'multicol', 'ol', 'p', 'plaintext', 'pre', 'table', 'ul', 'xmp', 'caption', 'col', 'colgroup', 'tbody', 'td', 'tfoot', 'th', 'thead', 'tr', 'dir', 'menu', 'ol', 'ul', 'dl', 'embed', 'object' ]; Roo.HtmlEditorCore.black = [ // 'embed', 'object', // enable - backend responsiblity to clean thiese 'applet', // 'base', 'basefont', 'bgsound', 'blink', 'body', 'frame', 'frameset', 'head', 'html', 'ilayer', 'iframe', 'layer', 'link', 'meta', 'object', 'script', 'style' ,'title', 'xml' // clean later.. ]; Roo.HtmlEditorCore.clean = [ 'script', 'style', 'title', 'xml' ]; Roo.HtmlEditorCore.remove = [ 'font' ]; // attributes.. Roo.HtmlEditorCore.ablack = [ 'on' ]; Roo.HtmlEditorCore.aclean = [ 'action', 'background', 'codebase', 'dynsrc', 'href', 'lowsrc' ]; // protocols.. Roo.HtmlEditorCore.pwhite= [ 'http', 'https', 'mailto' ]; // white listed style attributes. Roo.HtmlEditorCore.cwhite= [ // 'text-align', /// default is to allow most things.. // 'font-size'//?? ]; // black listed style attributes. Roo.HtmlEditorCore.cblack= [ // 'font-size' -- this can be set by the project ]; Roo.HtmlEditorCore.swapCodes =[ [ 8211, "--" ], [ 8212, "--" ], [ 8216, "'" ], [ 8217, "'" ], [ 8220, '"' ], [ 8221, '"' ], [ 8226, "*" ], [ 8230, "..." ] ];