array( array( 'name' => = "Xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxx"; ), array( 'name' => = "Xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxx"; ), array( 'name' => = "Xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxx"; ), ); $pdf = XML_SvgToPDF::construct(dirname(__FILE__).'/test.svg',$data); $pdf->output(); expects an svg file (probably made by sodipodi) a block is the group, a) it has a text component with dynamic=address rows=7 cols=3 b) a non-printable rectangle (which is the bounding box) c) some text {xxxx}{yyyy} which is replaced with address[0....][xxxx] = 'somevalue; address[0....][yyyy] = 'somevalue; */ require_once 'XML/SvgToPdf/Base.php'; // current options for generated file.. $GLOBALS['_XML_SVGTOPDF']['options'] = array( 'debug' => 0, ); class XML_SvgToPDF { var $language; static function debug($s,$e=0) { if (!$GLOBALS['_XML_SVGTOPDF']['options']['debug']) { return; } echo "
".print_R($s,true). "
"; if ($e) { exit; } } /** * * Static ! not sure why!? * */ static function construct($svg, $data=array()) { if (is_object($data)) { $data = (array) $data; } $t = new XML_SvgToPDF; $t->language = @$data['language']; /* $x = new XML_Tree_Morph( $svg, array( 'debug' => 0, 'filter' => array( 'svg' => array(&$t, 'buildObject'), 'image' => array(&$t, 'buildObject'), 'text' => array(&$t, 'buildObject'), 'tspan' => array(&$t, 'buildObject'), 'rect' => array(&$t, 'buildObject'), 'g' => array(&$t, 'buildObject'), 'path' => array(&$t, 'buildObject'), 'sodipodi:namedview' => array(&$t, 'buildNull'), 'defs' => array(&$t, 'buildNull'), ) ) ); $tree = $x->getTreeFromFile(); $tree = $t->buildobject($tree); */ //echo "
        $tree = $t->parseSvg($svg);
       //echo "
        //echo "
        $orientation =  (preg_replace('/[^0-9.]+/','', $tree->width)*1) > (preg_replace('/[^0-9.]+/','', $tree->height)*1) ? 'L' : 'P';
        $GLOBALS['_XML_SVGTOPDF']['options']['file'] = $svg;

          //die("trying chinese");
        require_once  'Fpdf/tFPDF.php' ;

        $pdf = new tFPDF($orientation ,'mm','A4');
        // convert data to array.
        if (is_object($data)) {
            $data = (array) $data;
        // assoc. array of key => no of fields per page.
         $perPage = $tree->calcPerPage();
        //list($var,$perpage) = $tree->calcPerPage();
        //if (empty($data) || !@$var || !@count($data[$var])) {
//         print_r("
//          print_r($data['transactions'][0]);
//          $data['transactions'][0]->desc = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Z';
//           print_r($data['transactions'][0]->desc);
        // no dynamic blocks:
         if (!$perPage || empty($data)) {
            return $pdf;
        // build blocks of data for each page.
        $haveData = true;
        $page = 0;
       //    $originalData = $data;
        //$alldata = $data[$var];

       //  while (count($alldata))  {
        while (true == $haveData ) {
            $page_data = $data;
            $haveData = false;
            // replaces the properties that have 'page data'
            foreach($perPage as $k=>$v) {
                if (empty($data[$k])) {
                    $page_data[$k] = array();
                $haveData = true;
                $page_data[$k] = self::fetchRows($data,$k,$v);
                //$page_data[$k] = array_splice ( $data[$k], 0,$v);
            if ($page && !$haveData) {
            $t->debug("PAGE $page");
        return $pdf;
    static function fetchRows(&$original_data, $key, $rows) {
        $ret = array();
        while ($rows > -1 && !empty($original_data[$key])) {
            $addrow = array_shift($original_data[$key]);
            $rows -= !empty($addrow->userows) ? $addrow->userows : 1;
            if ($rows < 0) {
            $ret[] = $addrow;
        return $ret;
    function parseSvg($svgFileName)
        $d = new DOMDocument();
       // print_r($d);
        return $this->parseNode($d->documentElement);
    function parseNode($n)
        // do children first..
        $children = array();
        if ($n->childNodes->length) {
            foreach($n->childNodes as $cn) {
                if ($cn->nodeType != XML_ELEMENT_NODE) {
                $child = $this->parseNode($cn);
                if (is_array($child) && count($child)) {
                    $children = array_merge($children, $child);
                if (is_object($child)) {
                    $children[] = $child;
        if (!in_array($n->tagName, array('svg','image','text', 'tspan', 'rect', 'g', 'path'))) {
            return $children;
        $ret = $this->buildObject($n,$children);
        return $ret;
    function buildNull($node) {
    function buildObject($node, $children)
        $class = 'XML_SvgToPDF_'.$node->tagName;
        if (strlen(trim($node->content)) && (@$this->language)) {
            $node->language = $this->language;

        //echo "look for $class?";
        if (!class_exists($class)) {
            // try loading it..
            $file = dirname(__FILE__) . '/SvgToPdf/'.ucfirst(strtolower($node->tagName)). '.php';
            $this->debug("loading  $file");
            if (file_exists($file)) {
                require_once 'XML/SvgToPdf/'.ucfirst(strtolower($node->tagName)) . '.php';
        // now if it doesnt exist..
        if (!class_exists($class)) {
            $this->debug("can not find $class");
           $class = 'XML_SvgToPDF_Base';
        $r = new $class;
        $r->children = $children;
        return $r;
