children) || empty($this->children[0]->content)) { return; } // modify the alignment of the if this block content of the first child is "==" if (substr($this->children[0]->content,0,2) == '==') { $this->style['text-anchor'] = 'justify'; $this->children[0]->content = substr($this->children[0]->content,2); } } function transform() { parent::transform(); if (empty($this->transform)) { return; } if (preg_match('/scale\(([0-9e.-]+),([0-9e.-]+)\)/',$this->transform,$args)) { $xscale = $args[1]; // do we use this??? = what do do about 'e'? $yscale = $args[2]; $this->style['font-size'] *= $args[1]; } } function writePDF($pdf,$data) { // set up font.. $font = strtolower($this->style['font-family']); $font = trim($font, "'"); static $map = array( 'times new roman' => 'times', 'courier new' => 'courier', 'arial' => 'arial', ); if (isset($map[$font])) { $font = $map[$font]; } else { $font = 'times'; } $ffont = $font; if (preg_match('/big5/i',$this->style['font-family'])) { $ffont = 'ARIALUNI'; $font = 'arial'; // default if not big4 } $weight = ''; if ($this->style['font-weight'] == 'bold') { $weight .= 'B'; } if (@$this->style['font-style'] == 'italic') { $weight .= 'I'; } if (@$this->style['text-decoration'] == 'underline') { $weight .= 'U'; } // size.. $size = $this->style['font-size'] * 0.85; $pdf->setFont($font,$weight,$size); switch(@$this->style['text-anchor']) { case 'end': $align = 'E'; break; case 'middle': $align = 'M'; break; case 'justify': $align = 'J'; $max = 0; foreach ($this->children as $child) { if (!@$child->content) { continue; } $l = $pdf->getStringWidth($child->content); $max = ($l > $max) ? $l : $max; } // fudge factor! $this->justifyLen = $max; break; default: $align = 'L'; } $f = $this->toColor(@$this->style['fill']); if ($f) { $pdf->setTextColor($f[0],$f[1],$f[2]); } $yoffset = 0; $x = $this->x + @$this->xx; $y = $this->y + @$this->yy; if (empty($this->children)) { return; } $lineno = 0; foreach($this->children as $i=>$c) { $xx = $c->x !== false ? $c->x + @$this->xx : $x; $yy = $c->y !== false ? $c->y + @$this->yy : $y + ($lineno * $size * 1.3); $lineno++; $val = $c->content; if ($ffont == 'ARIALUNI') { //) && preg_match('/[\x7f-\xff]+/',$val)) { $pdf->setFont('ARIALUNI' , $weight, $size); } if (isset($c->args)) { $args = array(); foreach($c->args as $v) { if ($v == 'page') { $args[] = $pdf->PageNo(); continue; } if ($v == 'nb') { $args[] = '{nb}'; continue; } // echo "GET: $v : '$val'
"; $args[] = trim($this->getValue($data,trim($v))); // removes trailing CRLF... } $has_template = preg_match('/%s/', $val); $val = trim(vsprintf($val,$args)); if ($has_template && ($ffont == 'ARIALUNI') && preg_match('/[\x7f-\xff]+/',$val)) { //require_once 'Text/ZhDetect.php'; //$detect = new Text_zhDetect; //$type = $detect->guess($val); //if ($v == 'S') { // $val = @iconv('utf8', 'GB2312//IGNORE', $val); // $pdf->setFont('GB' , // $weight, // $size); //} else { // $val = @iconv('utf8', 'BIG5//IGNORE', $val); $pdf->setFont('ARIALUNI' , $weight, $size); //} } else { $val = @iconv('utf8','ascii//ignore',$val); } } $talign = $align; if ((!@$this->children[$i+1] || !strlen(trim(@$this->children[$i+1]->content))) && ($align == 'J')) { $talign = 'L'; } $yoffset += $this->multiLine($pdf, str_replace("\r", "", explode("\n",$val)), $xx/ 3.543307, ($yy / 3.543307) + $yoffset, ($size / 3.543307) + 1, $talign ); } // now daraw } /** * get a value from the data * * eg. $data = array( * 'fred' => 'somevalue' * * getValue ($data,'fred') returns 'somevalue' * * value can also be a method = eg. getFred() * * @param object|array $data * @param string $v key to get. * * * @return string * @access public */ function getValue($data,$v) { // print_R(array("GET VALUE: ", $v)); // not a method: if ($v[strlen($v)-1] != ')') { $data = (array) $data; //echo "
            if (false === strpos($v,'.')) {
                if (!isset($data[$v])) {
                  //  echo "missing $v\n";
                    return '';
                if (is_array($data[$v]) || is_object($data[$v])) {
                  //  echo "array/object $v\n";
                    return '';
                //echo "returning $v\n";
                return $data[$v];
            $dd = (array)$data;
            foreach(explode('.', $v) as $vv) {
                if (!is_array($dd)) {
                    return '';   
                if (!isset($dd[$vv])) {
                    return '';
                $dd = is_object($dd[$vv]) ? ((array) $dd[$vv]) : $dd[$vv];
            //echo "ATTEMPT: $v: got $dd\n";
            if (is_array($dd) || is_object($dd)) {
                return '';
            return $dd;
        // method !!!
        if (!is_object($data)) {
            return '';
        $method = substr($v,0,-2);
        if (is_object($data) && method_exists($data,$method)) {
           // echo "call $method
"; $ret = $data->$method(); // echo "done $method $ret
"; if (is_array($ret) || is_object($ret)) { return ''; } return '' . $ret; } //echo //print_r($data); //exit; return "no method $method in ".get_class($data); } function breakLines($pdf,$str,$x,$y,$h,$align) { // do the estimation... $len = strlen($str); $total = $pdf->getStringWidth($str . ' '); $charsize = $total/$len; $max_chars = floor(($this->maxWidth / 3.543307) / $charsize); //echo "LEN: $len, $total, $charsize, $max_chars"; $lines = explode("\n",wordwrap($str,$max_chars)); return $this->multiLine($pdf,$lines,$x,$y,$h,$align); } var $maxWidth = false; function multiLine($pdf,$lines,$x,$y,$h,$align) { // now dealing with mm ///XML_SvgToPDF::debug("MULTILINE " .implode("\n",$lines) . " $x, $y, $h"); $yoffset = 0; $line = -1; foreach ($lines as $l=>$v) { $line++; if ($this->maxWidth !== false && ($pdf->getStringWidth($v) > ($this->maxWidth / 3.543307))) { $yoffset += $this->breakLines($pdf,$v,$x,$y + ($l * $h) + $yoffset, $h,$align); continue; } XML_SvgToPDF::debug("TEXT: $x,$y, $l * $h + $yoffset,$v"); $xoffset = 0; if ($align == 'M') { // center $xoffset = -1 * ($pdf->getStringWidth($v) / 2); } if ($align == 'E') { // right/end $xoffset = -1 * $pdf->getStringWidth($v); } if ($align == 'J' ) { // justified (eg. started with == $this->justify($pdf, $x , $y + ($l * $h) + $yoffset , $v, $this->justifyLen); continue; } $pdf->text( $xoffset + $x , $y + ($l * $h) + $yoffset , $v); } return ($l * $h) + $yoffset; } function justify($pdf,$x,$y,$text,$len) { if (!strlen(trim($text))) { return; } $bits = explode(' ', $text); $textlen = $pdf->getStringWidth(implode('',$bits)); $spacesize = ($len - $textlen) / (count($bits) -1); foreach($bits as $word) { $pdf->text($x , $y ,$word ); $x += $spacesize + $pdf->getStringWidth($word); } } }