id * created, created_by, created_dt * updated, update_by, updated_dt * modified, modified_by, modified_dt * * will return a GET request SINGLE SELECT (and accepts same) * * DELETE * _delete=1,2,3 delete a set of data. * UPDATE * if the primary key value is set, then update occurs. * will automatically set these to current date and authUser->id * updated, update_by, updated_dt * modified, modified_by, modified_dt * * * Params: * _delete=1,2,3 causes a delete to occur. * _ids=1,2,3,4 causes update to occur on all primary ids. * * RETURNS * = same as single SELECT GET request.. * * * * DEBUGGING * _debug=1 forces debug * _get=1 - causes a get request to occur when doing a POST.. * * * CALLS * these methods on dataobjects if they exist * * checkPerm('E' / 'D' , $authuser) * - can we list the stuff * - return false to disallow... * toRooSingleArray($authUser, $request) : array * - called on single fetch only, add or maniuplate returned array data. * toRooArray($request) : array * - Called if toSingleArray does not exist. * - if you need to return different data than toArray.. * * toEventString() * (for logging - this is generically prefixed to all database operations.) * * * onUpload($roo) * called when $_FILES is not empty * * * setFromRoo($ar, $roo) * - alternative to setFrom() which is called if this method does not exist * - values from post (deal with dates etc.) - return true|error string. * - call $roo->jerr() on failure... * * CALLS BEFORE change occurs: * * beforeDelete($dependants_array, $roo) * Argument is an array of un-find/fetched dependant items. * - jerr() will stop insert.. (Prefered) * - return false for fail and set DO->err; * * beforeUpdate($old, $request,$roo) * - after update - jerr() will stop insert.. * beforeInsert($request,$roo) * - before insert - jerr() will stop insert.. * * * CALLS AFTER change occured * * onUpdate($old, $request,$roo) * - after update // return value ignored * * onInsert($request,$roo) * - after insert * * onDelete($request, $roo) - after delete * */ function post($tab) // update / insert (?? delete??) { // -- why was this put in? - Roo is not related to Core.All ? //if (!$this->hasPerm("Core.All", 'E')) { // $this->jerr("PERMISSION DENIED (e)"); //} PEAR::setErrorHandling(PEAR_ERROR_CALLBACK, array($this, 'onPearError')); //DB_DataObject::debugLevel(1); $this->checkDebug(); if (!empty($_REQUEST['_get'])) { return $this->get($tab); } $this->init(); // for pman. $x = $this->dataObject($tab); $this->transObj = clone($x); $this->transObj->query('BEGIN'); // find the key and use that to get the thing.. $keys = $x->keys(); if (empty($keys) ) { $this->jerr('no key'); } $this->key = $keys[0]; // delete should be here... if (isset($_REQUEST['_delete'])) { // do we really delete stuff!?!?!? return $this->delete($x,$_REQUEST); } $old = false; // not sure if this is a good idea here... if (!empty($_REQUEST['_ids'])) { $ids = explode(',',$_REQUEST['_ids']); $x->whereAddIn($this->key, $ids, 'int'); $ar = $x->fetchAll(); foreach($ar as $x) { $this->update($x, $_REQUEST); } // all done.. $this->jok("UPDATED"); } if (!empty($_REQUEST[$this->key])) { // it's a create.. if (!$x->get($this->key, $_REQUEST[$this->key])) { $this->jerr("Invalid request"); } $this->jok($this->update($x, $_REQUEST)); } else { if (empty($_POST)) { $this->jerr("No data recieved for inserting"); } $this->jok($this->insert($x, $_REQUEST)); } } }