getAuthUser(); //print_r($u); if ($u) { $this->addEvent('LOGOUT'); $e = DB_DataObject::factory('Events'); session_regenerate_id(true); $u->logout(); } // log it.. $_SESSION['Pman_I18N'] = array(); } // general query... if (!empty($_REQUEST['getAuthUser'])) { //DB_Dataobject::debugLevel(5); $this->sendAuthUserDetails(); exit; } if (!empty($_REQUEST['username'])) { $this->post(); } if (!empty($_REQUEST['switch'])) { $this->switchUser($_REQUEST['switch']); } $this->jerr("INVALID REQUEST"); exit; } function sendAuthUserDetails() { // DB_DataObject::debugLevel(1); $ff = HTML_FlexyFramework::get(); $tbl = empty($ff->Pman['authTable']) ? 'Person' : $ff->Pman['authTable']; $u = DB_DataObject::factory($tbl); if (!$u->isAuth()) { $this->jok(array('id' => 0)); // not logged in.. exit; } $au = $u->getAuthUser(); // might occur on shared systems. $ff= HTML_FlexyFramework::get(); if (!empty($ff->Pman['auth_comptype']) && $ff->Pman['auth_comptype'] != $au->company()->comptype) { $au->logout(); $this->jerr("Login not permited to outside companies - please reload"); } $au = $u->getAuthUser(); $aur = $au->authUserArray(); /** -- these need modulizing somehow! **/ // basically calls Pman_MODULE_Login::sendAuthUserDetails($aur) on all the modules echo '
'; print_r($this->modules());
        foreach($this->modules() as $m) {
            if (!file_exists($this->rootDir.'/Pman/'.$m.'/Login.php')) {
            $cls = 'Pman_'.$m.'_Login';
            require_once 'Pman/'.$m.'/Login.php';
            $x = new $cls;
            $aur = $x->sendAuthUserDetails($aur);
        if ($this->hasModule('Fax')) {
            // should check fax module???
            $f = DB_DataObject::factory('Fax_Queue');
            $aur['faxMax'] = $f->getMaxId();
            $aur['faxNumPending'] = $f->getNumPending();
        if ($this->hasModule('Documents')) {
        // inbox...
            $d = DB_DataObject::factory('Documents_Tracking');
            $d->person_id = $au->id;
            //$d->status = 0; // unread
            $d->whereAdd('date_read IS NULL');
            $d->applyFilters(array('query'=> array('unread' => 1)), $au);
            $aur['inbox_unread'] = $d->count();
        //echo '

    function switchUser($id)
        $tbl = empty($ff->Pman['authTable']) ? 'Person' : $ff->Pman['authTable'];
        $u = DB_DataObject::factory($tbl);
        if (!$u->isAuth()) {
            $this->err("not logged in");
        $au = $u->getAuthUser();
        // first check they have perms to do this..
        if (!$au|| ($au->company()->comptype != 'OWNER') || !$this->hasPerm('Core.Person', 'E')) {
            $this->jerr("User switching not permitted");
        $u = DB_DataObject::factory($tbl);
        if (!$u->active()) {
            $this->jerr('Account disabled');
            // we might need this later..
        $this->addEvent("SWITCH USER", false, $au->name . ' TO ' . $u->name);
    var $domObj = false;
    function post()
        if (!empty($_REQUEST['getAuthUser'])) {
        if (!empty($_REQUEST['passwordRequest'])) { //|| (strpos($_REQUEST['username'], '@') < 1)) {
            return $this->passwordRequest($_REQUEST['passwordRequest']);
        if (!empty($_REQUEST['changePassword'])) {
            return $this->changePassword($_REQUEST);
        // login attempt..
        $ff = HTML_FlexyFramework::get();
        $tbl = empty($ff->Pman['authTable']) ? 'Person' : $ff->Pman['authTable'];
        $u = DB_DataObject::factory($tbl);
        //$u->active = 1;
        if (empty($_REQUEST['username'])) { //|| (strpos($_REQUEST['username'], '@') < 1)) {
            $this->jerr('You typed the wrong Username or Password (0)');
        if ($u->count() > 1 || !$u->find(true)) {
            $this->jerr('You typed the wrong Username or Password  (1)');
        if (!$u->active()) {
            $this->jerr('Account disabled');
        // check if config allows non-owner passwords.
        // auth_company = "OWNER" // auth_company = "CLIENT" or blank for all?
        // perhaps it should support arrays..
        $ff= HTML_FlexyFramework::get();
        if (!empty($ff->Pman['auth_comptype']) && $ff->Pman['auth_comptype'] != $u->company()->comptype) {
            $this->jerr("Login not permited to outside companies");
        if ($u->checkPassword($_REQUEST['password'])) {
            // we might need this later..
            $this->addEvent("LOGIN", false, session_id());
            if (!empty($_REQUEST['lang'])) {
             // log it..

        $this->jerr('You typed the wrong Username or Password  (2)'); // - " . htmlspecialchars(print_r($_POST,true))."'");
    function passwordRequest($n) 
        $u = DB_DataObject::factory('Person');
        //$u->company_id = $this->company->id;
        $u->whereAdd('LENGTH(passwd) > 1');
        $u->email = $n;
        $u->active = 1;
        if ($u->count() > 1 || !$u->find(true)) {
            $this->jerr('invalid User (1)');
        // got a avlid user..
        if (!strlen($u->passwd)) {
            $this->jerr('invalid User (2)');
        // check to see if we have sent a request before..
        if ($u->no_reset_sent > 3) {
            $this->jerr('We have issued to many resets - please contact the Administrator');
        $this->authFrom = time();
        $this->authKey = $u->genPassKey($this->authFrom);
        $this->authKey = md5($u->email . $this->authFrom . $u->passwd);
        $ret =  $u->sendTemplate('password_reset', $this);
        if (is_object($ret)) {
            $this->addEvent('SYSERR',false, $ret->getMessage());
        $this->addEvent('PASSREQ',$u, $u->email);
        $uu = clone($u);
    function changePassword($r)
        $au = $this->getAuthUser();
        if ($au) {
            $uu = clone($au);
        // not logged in -> need to validate 
        if (empty($r['passwordReset'])) {
            $this->jerr("invalid request");
        // same code as reset pasword
        $bits = explode('/', $r['passwordReset']);
        $res= $this->resetPassword(@$bits[0],@$bits[1],@$bits[2]);
        if ($res !== false) {
        // key is correct.. let's change password...
        $u = DB_DataObject::factory('Person');
        //$u->company_id = $this->company->id;
        $u->whereAdd('LENGTH(passwd) > 1');
        $u->active = 1;
        if (!$u->get($bits[0])) {
           $this->jerr("invalid id"); // should not happen!!!!
        $uu = clone($u);