contents template replaceImages => true|false ] * * $x->asData(); // returns data needed for notify?? - notify should really * // just use this to pass around later.. * * $x->send(); * */ class Pman_Core_Mailer { var $page = false; var $contents = false; var $template = false; var $replaceImages = false; function Pman_Core_Mailer($args) { foreach($args as $k=>$v) { // a bit trusting.. $this->$k = $v; } } /** * ---------------- Global Tools --------------- */ function toData() { $templateFile = $this->template; $args = $this->contents; $content = clone($page); foreach((array)$args as $k=>$v) { $content->$k = $v; } $content->msgid = empty($content->msgid ) ? md5(time() . rand()) : $content->msgid ; $ff = HTML_FlexyFramework::get(); $http_host = isset($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]) ? $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] : 'pman.HTTP_HOST.not.set'; if (isset($ff->Pman['HTTP_HOST'])) { $http_host = $ff->Pman['HTTP_HOST']; } $content->HTTP_HOST = $http_host; // this should be done by having multiple template sources...!!! require_once 'HTML/Template/Flexy.php'; $htmlbody = false; if (is_string($template->resolvePath('mail/'.$template.'.body.html')) ) { // then we have a multi-part email... $htmltemplate = new HTML_Template_Flexy( ); $htmltemplate->compile('mail/'. $templateFile.'.body.html'); $htmlbody = $template->bufferedOutputObject($content); // for the html body, we may want to convert the attachments to images. } $template = new HTML_Template_Flexy( array( 'nonHTML' => true, )); $template->compile('mail/'. $templateFile.'.txt'); /* use variables from this object to ouput data. */ $mailtext = $template->bufferedOutputObject($content); //echo "
        /* With the output try and send an email, using a few tricks in Mail_MimeDecode. */
        require_once 'Mail/mimeDecode.php';
        require_once 'Mail.php';
        $decoder = new Mail_mimeDecode($mailtext);
        $parts = $decoder->getSendArray();
        if (PEAR::isError($parts)) {
            return $parts;
            //echo "PROBLEM: {$parts->message}";
        $parts[1]['Message-Id'] = '<' .   $content->msgid   .
                                     '@' . $content->HTTP_HOST .'>';
       // list($recipents,$headers,$body) = $parts;
        return array(
            'recipents' => $parts[0],
            'headers' => $parts[1],
            'body' => $parts[2]
    function send()
        $email = $this->toData();
        if (is_a($email, 'PEAR_Error')) {
            return $email;
        ///$recipents = array($this->email);
        $mailOptions = PEAR::getStaticProperty('Mail','options');
        $mail = Mail::factory("SMTP",$mailOptions);
        $headers['Date'] = date('r');
        if (PEAR::isError($mail)) {
            return $mail;
        $oe = error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE & ~E_STRICT);
        $ret = $mail->send($email['recipents'],$email['headers'],$email['body']);
        return $ret;