1) { self::replace($word, 'e', ''); } else if (self::m(substr($word, 0, -1)) == 1) { if (!self::cvc(substr($word, 0, -1))) { self::replace($word, 'e', ''); } } } // Part b if (self::m($word) > 1 AND self::doubleConsonant($word) AND substr($word, -1) == 'l') { $word = substr($word, 0, -1); } return $word; } /** * Replaces the first string with the second, at the end of the string. If third * arg is given, then the preceding string must match that m count at least. * * @param string $str String to check * @param string $check Ending to check for * @param string $repl Replacement string * @param int $m Optional minimum number of m() to meet * @return bool Whether the $check string was at the end * of the $str string. True does not necessarily mean * that it was replaced. */ private static function replace(&$str, $check, $repl, $m = null) { $len = 0 - strlen($check); if (substr($str, $len) == $check) { $substr = substr($str, 0, $len); if (is_null($m) OR self::m($substr) > $m) { $str = $substr . $repl; } return true; } return false; } /** * What, you mean it's not obvious from the name? * * m() measures the number of consonant sequences in $str. if c is * a consonant sequence and v a vowel sequence, and <..> indicates arbitrary * presence, * * gives 0 * vc gives 1 * vcvc gives 2 * vcvcvc gives 3 * * @param string $str The string to return the m count for * @return int The m count */ private static function m($str) { $c = self::$regex_consonant; $v = self::$regex_vowel; $str = preg_replace("#^$c+#", '', $str); $str = preg_replace("#$v+$#", '', $str); preg_match_all("#($v+$c+)#", $str, $matches); return count($matches[1]); } /** * Returns true/false as to whether the given string contains two * of the same consonant next to each other at the end of the string. * * @param string $str String to check * @return bool Result */ private static function doubleConsonant($str) { $c = self::$regex_consonant; return preg_match("#$c{2}$#", $str, $matches) AND $matches[0]{0} == $matches[0]{1}; } /** * Checks for ending CVC sequence where second C is not W, X or Y * * @param string $str String to check * @return bool Result */ private static function cvc($str) { $c = self::$regex_consonant; $v = self::$regex_vowel; return preg_match("#($c$v$c)$#", $str, $matches) AND strlen($matches[1]) == 3 AND $matches[1]{2} != 'w' AND $matches[1]{2} != 'x' AND $matches[1]{2} != 'y'; } } class MTrackSearchStemmer extends Zend_Search_Lucene_Analysis_TokenFilter { public function normalize(Zend_Search_Lucene_Analysis_Token $tok) { $text = $tok->getTermText(); $text = PorterStemmer::Stem($text); $ntok = new Zend_Search_Lucene_Analysis_Token($text, $tok->getStartOffset(), $tok->getEndOffset()); $ntok->setPositionIncrement($tok->getPositionIncrement()); return $tok; } } class MTrackSearchDateToken extends Zend_Search_Lucene_Analysis_Token { } class MTrackSearchAnalyzer extends Zend_Search_Lucene_Analysis_Analyzer_Common { private $_position; private $_bytePosition; private $_moreTokens = array(); function reset() { $this->_position = 0; $this->_bytePosition = 0; } function nextToken() { if (count($this->_moreTokens)) { $tok = array_shift($this->_moreTokens); return $tok; } if ($this->_input == null) { return null; } do { /* first check for date fields */ $is_date = false; // 2008-12-22T05:42:42.285445Z if (preg_match('/\d{4}-\d\d-\d\d(?:T\d\d:\d\d:\d\d(?:\.\d+)?Z?)?/u', $this->_input, $match, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE, $this->_bytePosition)) { $is_date = true; } else if (!preg_match('/[\p{L}\p{N}_]+/u', $this->_input, $match, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE, $this->_bytePosition)) { return null; } if (!function_exists('mb_strtolower')) { $matchedWord = strtolower($match[0][0]); } else { $matchedWord = mb_strtolower($match[0][0], 'UTF-8'); } $binStartPos = $match[0][1]; $startPos = $this->_position + iconv_strlen(substr($this->_input, $this->_bytePosition, $binStartPos - $this->_bytePosition), 'UTF-8'); $endPos = $startPos + iconv_strlen($matchedWord, 'UTF-8'); $this->_bytePosition = $binStartPos + strlen($matchedWord); $this->_position = $endPos; if ($is_date) { // $this->_moreTokens[] = new MTrackSearchDateToken($matchedWord, // $startPos, $endPos); /* Seems very difficult to allow range searching on strings * of the form "2009-10-10", so we just smush it together */ $no_sep = str_replace(array('-', ':'), array('', ''), $matchedWord); list($no_sep) = explode('.', $no_sep); /* full date and time */ // $this->_moreTokens[] = new MTrackSearchDateToken( // $no_sep, $startPos, $endPos); /* date only */ $date = substr($no_sep, 0, 8); $this->_moreTokens[] = new MTrackSearchDateToken( $date, $startPos, $endPos); } else { $token = new Zend_Search_Lucene_Analysis_Token( $matchedWord, $startPos, $endPos); $token = $this->normalize($token); if ($token !== null) { $this->_moreTokens[] = $token; } } if (!$is_date) { /* split by underscores and add those tokens too */ foreach (explode('_', $matchedWord) as $ele) { $token = new Zend_Search_Lucene_Analysis_Token( $ele, $startPos, $endPos); $token = $this->normalize($token); if ($token !== null) { $this->_moreTokens[] = $token; } } } } while (count($this->_moreTokens) == 0); return array_shift($this->_moreTokens); } function normalize(Zend_Search_Lucene_Analysis_Token $tok) { if ($tok instanceof MTrackSearchDateToken) { return $tok; } return parent::normalize($tok); } } class MTrackSearchQueryParser { public $toks; public $syntax; public $query; function __construct($q) { $this->toks = $this->tokenize($q); $this->alltoks = $this->toks; // echo '
', htmlentities(var_export($this->toks, true)), '
'; $this->query = $this->expression(); } function tokenize($string) { $toks = array(); while (strlen($string)) { if (preg_match("/^\s+/", $string, $M)) { $toks[] = array('white', $M[0]); $string = substr($string, strlen($M[0])); continue; } if (preg_match("/^[+!(){}^~*?:\\\[\]-]/", $string)) { $toks[] = array($string[0]); $string = substr($string, 1); continue; } if (!strncmp($string, "&&", 2)) { $toks[] = array("&&"); $string = substr($string, 2); continue; } if (preg_match("/^and\W/i", $string, $M)) { $toks[] = array("&&", $M[0]); $string = substr($string, 3); continue; } if (preg_match("/^not\W/i", $string, $M)) { $toks[] = array("!", $M[0]); $string = substr($string, 3); continue; } if (!strncmp($string, "||", 2)) { $toks[] = array("||"); $string = substr($string, 2); continue; } if (preg_match("/^or\W/i", $string, $M)) { $toks[] = array("||", $M[0]); $string = substr($string, 2); continue; } if (preg_match('/^"([^"]*)"/', $string, $M)) { $toks[] = array('literal', $M[1]); $string = substr($string, strlen($M[0])); continue; } if (preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z0-9_][a-zA-Z0-9_.+-]*/", $string, $M)) { $toks[] = array('literal', $M[0]); $string = substr($string, strlen($M[0])); continue; } $string = trim($string); if (strlen($string)) { echo "Invalid search string: " . htmlentities($string) . ""; break; } } return $toks; } function get() { if (count($this->toks) == 0) { return null; } $t = array_shift($this->toks); $args = func_get_args(); if (count($args)) { $ok = false; $expected = array(); foreach ($args as $expect) { if ($t[0] == $expect) { $ok = true; break; } $expected[] = $expect; } if (!$ok) { $name = $t[0]; $value = isset($t[1]) ? $t[1] : $t[0]; $ntoks = count($this->alltoks); $rtoks = count($this->toks); $hint = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < $rtoks; $i++) { $hint .= htmlentities($this->alltoks[$i][1], ENT_QUOTES, 'utf-8'); } $hint .= "$value"; foreach ($this->toks as $tok) { $hint .= htmlentities($tok[1]); } throw new Exception( "Unexpected token '$value' of type $name expected " . join(', ', $expected) . "
$hint"); } } return $t; } function peek() { if (!count($this->toks)) { return null; } $t = $this->toks[0]; $args = func_get_args(); if (count($args)) { $ok = false; foreach ($args as $expect) { if ($t[0] == $expect) { $ok = true; break; } } if (!$ok) { return false; } } return $t; } function try_rule($name) { $save = $this->toks; try { return $this->$name(); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->toks = $save; return false; } } function _make_term($t, $field = null) { if (function_exists('mb_strtolower')) { $t[1] = mb_strtolower($t[1], 'UTF-8'); } else { $t[1] = strtolower($t[1]); } if ($t[0] == 'literal') { $bits = preg_split("/\s+/u", $t[1]); /* only treat it as a phrase if it is a phrase */ if (count($bits) > 1) { $q = new Zend_Search_Lucene_Search_Query_Phrase; foreach ($bits as $w) { $t = new Zend_Search_Lucene_Index_Term($w, $field); $q->addTerm($t); } return $q; } } /* underscores and periods! * if we're searching for text delimited by underscores, we * rewrite that as a phrase search also */ $bits = preg_split("/[._]/", $t[1]); if (count($bits) > 1) { $q = new Zend_Search_Lucene_Search_Query_Phrase; foreach ($bits as $w) { $t = new Zend_Search_Lucene_Index_Term($w, $field); $q->addTerm($t); } return $q; } return new Zend_Search_Lucene_Index_Term((string)$t[1], $field); } function term() { if ($this->peek('literal')) { $t = $this->get(); if ($this->peek(':')) { /* specific field */ $field = $t[1]; $this->get(); /* does it have a range? */ if ($this->peek('[')) { $this->get(); $this->skipwhite(); $from = $this->get('literal'); $from = $this->_make_term($from, $field); $this->skipwhite(); $t = $this->get('literal'); if (strcasecmp($t[1], 'to')) { throw new Exception("Expected 'to'"); } $this->skipwhite(); $to = $this->get('literal'); $to = $this->_make_term($to, $field); $q = new Zend_Search_Lucene_Search_Query_Range( $from, $to, true); $this->skipwhite(); $this->get(']'); return $q; } $t = $this->get('literal'); return $this->_make_term($t, $field); } } else { $t = $this->get('literal'); } if ($t) { return $this->_make_term($t); } return null; } function skipwhite() { while ($this->peek('white')) { $this->get(); } } function expression() { $terms = array(); while (count($this->toks)) { $modifier = null; $this->skipwhite(); if ($this->peek('+')) { $this->get(); $modifier = true; } if ($this->peek('-')) { $this->get(); $modifier = false; } if ($modifier === null) { $modifier = true; } $t = $this->term(); if ($t) { $terms[] = array($t, $modifier); } else { break; } } if (count($terms) == 0) { return null; } if (count($terms) == 1) { if ($terms[0][0] instanceof Zend_Search_Lucene_Search_Query) { if ($terms[0][1] === null) { return $terms[0][0]; } } } $q = new Zend_Search_Lucene_Search_Query_Boolean(); foreach ($terms as $term) { list($t, $mod) = $term; if ($t instanceof Zend_Search_Lucene_Search_Query) { $q->addSubquery($t, $mod); } else { $sq = new Zend_Search_Lucene_Search_Query_MultiTerm; $sq->addTerm($t); $q->addSubquery($sq, $mod); } } return $q; } } /* the highlighter insists on using html document things, * so we force in our own dummy so that we can present the * same text we used initially */ class MTrackSearchLuceneDummyDocument { public $text; function __construct($text) { $this->text = $text; } function getFieldUtf8Value($name) { return $this->text; } } class MTrackHLText implements Zend_Search_Lucene_Search_Highlighter_Interface { public $doc; public $context = array(); public $text; public $matched = array(); function setDocument(Zend_Search_Lucene_Document_Html $doc) { /* sure, I'll get right on that... */ } function getDocument() { /* we just return our dummy doc instead */ return $this->doc; } function highlight($words) { if (!is_array($words)) { $words = array($words); } foreach ($words as $word) { foreach ($this->text as $line) { $x = strpos($line, $word); if ($x !== false) { if (isset($this->matched[$word])) { $this->matched[$word]++; } else { $this->matched[$word] = 1; } if (isset($this->context[$line])) { $this->context[$line]++; } else { $this->context[$line] = 1; } } } } } function __construct($text, $query) { $this->doc = new MTrackSearchLuceneDummyDocument($text); $text = wordwrap($text); $this->text = preg_split("/\r?\n/", $text); $query->htmlFragmenthighlightMatches($text, 'utf-8', $this); } } class MTrackSearchResultLucene extends MTrackSearchResult { var $_query; function getExcerpt($text) { $hl = new MTrackHLText($text, $this->_query); $lines = array(); foreach ($hl->context as $line => $count) { $line = trim($line); if (!strlen($line)) continue; $line = htmlentities($line, ENT_QUOTES, 'utf-8'); foreach ($hl->matched as $word => $wcount) { $line = str_replace($word, "$word", $line); } $lines[] = $line; if (count($lines) > 6) { break; } } $ex = join(" … ", $lines); if (strlen($ex)) { return "
"; } return ''; } } class MTrackSearchEngineLucene implements IMTrackSearchEngine { var $idx = null; function getIdx() { if ($this->idx) return $this->idx; $ana = new MTrackSearchAnalyzer; $ana->addFilter(new MTrackSearchStemmer); Zend_Search_Lucene_Analysis_Analyzer::setDefault($ana); $p = MTrackConfig::get('core', 'searchdb'); if (!is_dir($p)) { $idx = Zend_Search_Lucene::create($p); chmod($p, 0777); } else { $idx = Zend_Search_Lucene::open($p); } $this->index = $idx; return $idx; } public function setBatchMode() { $idx = $this->getIdx(); $idx->setMaxBufferedDocs(64); $idx->setMergeFactor(15); } public function commit($optimize = false) { $idx = $this->getIdx(); if ($optimize) { $idx->optimize(); } $idx->commit(); $this->idx = null; } public function add($object, $fields, $replace = false) { $idx = $this->getIdx(); if ($replace) { $term = new Zend_Search_Lucene_Index_Term($object, 'object'); foreach ($idx->termDocs($term) as $id) { $idx->delete($id); } } $doc = new Zend_Search_Lucene_Document(); $doc->addField(Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::Text('object', $object, 'utf-8')); foreach ($fields as $key => $value) { if (!strlen($value)) continue; if (!strncmp($key, 'stored:', 7)) { $key = substr($key, 7); $F = Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::Text($key, $value, 'utf-8'); } else { $F = Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::UnStored($key, $value, 'utf-8'); } $doc->addField($F); } $idx->addDocument($doc); } public function search($query) { Zend_Search_Lucene::setTermsPerQueryLimit(150); Zend_Search_Lucene::setResultSetLimit(250); $p = new MTrackSearchQueryParser($query); $q = $p->query; $idx = $this->getIdx(); $hits = $idx->find($q); $result = array(); foreach ($hits as $hit) { $r = new MTrackSearchResultLucene; $r->_query = $q; $r->objectid = $hit->object; $r->score = $hit->score; $result[] = $r; } return $result; } }