"> * * (Remove space between `?` and `>`). * Although this no longer occurs, it is fixed by checking for `$token === ''` * in the `emit*` methods. This should never happen anyway. Probably something * to do with the zero-width lookahead in the PHP syntax definition. * * - `hyperlight_calculate_fold_marks`: refactor, write proper handler * * - Line numbers (on client-side?) * */ /** * Hyperlight source code highlighter for PHP. * @package hyperlight */ /** @ignore */ require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/preg_helper.php'; if (!function_exists('array_peek')) { /** * @internal * This does exactly what you think it does. */ function array_peek(array &$array) { $cnt = count($array); return $cnt === 0 ? null : $array[$cnt - 1]; } } /** * @internal * For internal debugging purposes. */ function dump($obj, $descr = null) { if ($descr !== null) echo "


"; ob_start(); var_dump($obj); $dump = ob_get_clean(); ?>
errorSurrounding($code, $position) ); } // Try to extract the location of the error more or less precisely. // Only used for a comprehensive display. private function errorSurrounding($code, $pos) { $size = 10; $begin = $pos < $size ? 0 : $pos - $size; $end = $pos + $size > strlen($code) ? strlen($code) : $pos + $size; $offs = $pos - $begin; return substr($code, $begin, $end - $begin) . "\n" . sprintf("%{$offs}s", '^'); } } /** * Represents a nesting rule in the grammar of a language definition. * * Individual rules can either be represented by raw strings ("simple" rules) or * by a nesting rule. Nesting rules specify where they can start and end. Inside * a nesting rule, other rules may be applied (both simple and nesting). * For example, a nesting rule may define a string literal. Inside that string, * other rules may be applied that recognize escape sequences. * * To use a nesting rule, supply how it may start and end, e.g.: * * $string_rule = array('string' => new Rule('/"/', '/"/')); * * You also need to specify nested states: * * $string_states = array('string' => 'escaped'); * * Now you can add another rule for escaped: * * $escaped_rule = array('escaped' => '/\\(x\d{1,4}|.)/'); * */ class Rule { /** * Common rules. */ const ALL_WHITESPACE = '/(\s|\r|\n)+/'; const C_IDENTIFIER = '/[a-z_][a-z0-9_]*/i'; const C_COMMENT = '#//.*?\n|/\*.*?\*/#s'; const C_MULTILINECOMMENT = '#/\*.*?\*/#s'; const DOUBLEQUOTESTRING = '/"(?:\\\\"|.)*?"/s'; const SINGLEQUOTESTRING = "/'(?:\\\\'|.)*?'/s"; const C_DOUBLEQUOTESTRING = '/L?"(?:\\\\"|.)*?"/s'; const C_SINGLEQUOTESTRING = "/L?'(?:\\\\'|.)*?'/s"; const STRING = '/"(?:\\\\"|.)*?"|\'(?:\\\\\'|.)*?\'/s'; const C_NUMBER = '/ (?: # Integer followed by optional fractional part. (?: 0(?: x[0-9a-f]+ | [0-7]* ) | \d+ ) (?:\.\d*)? (?:e[+-]\d+)? ) | (?: # Just the fractional part. (?:\.\d+) (?:e[+-]?\d+)? ) /ix'; private $_start; private $_end; /** @ignore */ public function __construct($start, $end = null) { $this->_start = $start; $this->_end = $end; } /** * Returns the pattern with which this rule starts. * @return string */ public function start() { return $this->_start; } /** * Returns the pattern with which this rule may end. * @return string */ public function end() { return $this->_end; } } /** * Abstract base class of all Hyperlight language definitions. * * In order to define a new language definition, this class is inherited. * The only function that needs to be overridden is the constructor. Helper * functions from the base class can then be called to construct the grammar * and store additional information. * The name of the subclass must be of the schema {Lang}Language, * where {Lang} is a short, unique name for the language starting * with a capital letter and continuing in lower case. For example, * PhpLanguage is a valid name. The language definition must * reside in a file located at languages/{lang}.php. Here, * {lang} is the all-lowercase spelling of the name, e.g. * languages/php.php. * */ abstract class HyperLanguage { private $_states = array(); private $_rules = array(); private $_mappings = array(); private $_info = array(); private $_extensions = array(); private $_caseInsensitive = false; private $_postProcessors = array(); private static $_languageCache = array(); private static $_compiledLanguageCache = array(); private static $_filetypes; /** * Indices for information. */ const NAME = 1; const VERSION = 2; const AUTHOR = 10; const WEBSITE = 5; const EMAIL = 6; /** * Retrieves a language definition name based on a file extension. * * Uses the contents of the languages/filetypes file to * guess the language definition name from a file name extension. * This file has to be generated using the * collect-filetypes.php script every time the language * definitions have been changed. * * @param string $ext the file name extension. * @return string The language definition name or NULL. */ public static function nameFromExt($ext) { if (self::$_filetypes === null) { $ft_content = file('languages/filetypes', 1); foreach ($ft_content as $line) { list ($name, $extensions) = explode(':', trim($line)); $extensions = explode(',', $extensions); // Inverse lookup. foreach ($extensions as $extension) $ft_data[$extension] = $name; } self::$_filetypes = $ft_data; } $ext = strtolower($ext); return array_key_exists($ext, self::$_filetypes) ? self::$_filetypes[strtolower($ext)] : null; } public static function compile(HyperLanguage $lang) { $id = $lang->id(); if (!isset(self::$_compiledLanguageCache[$id])) self::$_compiledLanguageCache[$id] = $lang->makeCompiledLanguage(); return self::$_compiledLanguageCache[$id]; } public static function compileFromName($lang) { return self::compile(self::fromName($lang)); } protected static function exists($lang) { return isset(self::$_languageCache[$lang]) or file_exists("languages/$lang.php"); } protected static function fromName($lang) { if (!isset(self::$_languageCache[$lang])) { require_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/$lang.php"; $klass = ucfirst("{$lang}Language"); self::$_languageCache[$lang] = new $klass(); } return self::$_languageCache[$lang]; } public function id() { $klass = get_class($this); return strtolower(substr($klass, 0, strlen($klass) - strlen('Language'))); } protected function setCaseInsensitive($value) { $this->_caseInsensitive = $value; } protected function addStates(array $states) { $this->_states = self::mergeProperties($this->_states, $states); } protected function getState($key) { return $this->_states[$key]; } protected function removeState($key) { unset($this->_states[$key]); } protected function addRules(array $rules) { $this->_rules = self::mergeProperties($this->_rules, $rules); } protected function getRule($key) { return $this->_rules[$key]; } protected function removeRule($key) { unset($this->_rules[$key]); } protected function addMappings(array $mappings) { // TODO Implement nested mappings. $this->_mappings = array_merge($this->_mappings, $mappings); } protected function getMapping($key) { return $this->_mappings[$key]; } protected function removeMapping($key) { unset($this->_mappings[$key]); } protected function setInfo(array $info) { $this->_info = $info; } protected function setExtensions(array $extensions) { $this->_extensions = $extensions; } protected function addPostprocessing($rule, HyperLanguage $language) { $this->_postProcessors[$rule] = $language; } // protected function addNestedLanguage(HyperLanguage $language, $hoistBackRules) { // $prefix = get_class($language); // if (!is_array($hoistBackRules)) // $hoistBackRules = array($hoistBackRules); // // $states = array(); // Step 1: states // // foreach ($language->_states as $stateName => $state) { // $prefixedRules = array(); // // if (strstr($stateName, ' ')) { // $parts = explode(' ', $stateName); // $prefixed = array(); // foreach ($parts as $part) // $prefixed[] = "$prefix$part"; // $stateName = implode(' ', $prefixed); // } // else // $stateName = "$prefix$stateName"; // // foreach ($state as $key => $rule) { // if (is_string($key) and is_array($rule)) { // $nestedRules = array(); // foreach ($rule as $nestedRule) // $nestedRules[] = ($nestedRule === '') ? '' : // "$prefix$nestedRule"; // // $prefixedRules["$prefix$key"] = $nestedRules; // } // else // $prefixedRules[] = "$prefix$rule"; // } // // if ($stateName === 'init') // $prefixedRules = array_merge($hoistBackRules, $prefixedRules); // // $states[$stateName] = $prefixedRules; // } // // $rules = array(); // Step 2: rules // // Mappings need to set up already! // $mappings = array(); // // foreach ($language->_rules as $ruleName => $rule) { // if (is_array($rule)) { // $nestedRules = array(); // foreach ($rule as $nestedName => $nestedRule) { // if (is_string($nestedName)) { // $nestedRules["$prefix$nestedName"] = $nestedRule; // $mappings["$prefix$nestedName"] = $nestedName; // } // else // $nestedRules[] = $nestedRule; // } // $rules["$prefix$ruleName"] = $nestedRules; // } // else { // $rules["$prefix$ruleName"] = $rule; // $mappings["$prefix$ruleName"] = $ruleName; // } // } // // // Step 3: mappings. // // foreach ($language->_mappings as $ruleName => $cssClass) { // if (strstr($ruleName, ' ')) { // $parts = explode(' ', $ruleName); // $prefixed = array(); // foreach ($parts as $part) // $prefixed[] = "$prefix$part"; // $mappings[implode(' ', $prefixed)] = $cssClass; // } // else // $mappings["$prefix$ruleName"] = $cssClass; // } // // $this->addStates($states); // $this->addRules($rules); // $this->addMappings($mappings); // // return $prefix . 'init'; // } private function makeCompiledLanguage() { return new HyperlightCompiledLanguage( $this->id(), $this->_info, $this->_extensions, $this->_states, $this->_rules, $this->_mappings, $this->_caseInsensitive, $this->_postProcessors ); } private static function mergeProperties(array $old, array $new) { foreach ($new as $key => $value) { if (is_string($key)) { if (isset($old[$key]) and is_array($old[$key])) $old[$key] = array_merge($old[$key], $new); else $old[$key] = $value; } else $old[] = $value; } return $old; } } class HyperlightCompiledLanguage { private $_id; private $_info; private $_extensions; private $_states; private $_rules; private $_mappings; private $_caseInsensitive; private $_postProcessors = array(); public function __construct($id, $info, $extensions, $states, $rules, $mappings, $caseInsensitive, $postProcessors) { $this->_id = $id; $this->_info = $info; $this->_extensions = $extensions; $this->_caseInsensitive = $caseInsensitive; $this->_states = $this->compileStates($states); $this->_rules = $this->compileRules($rules); $this->_mappings = $mappings; foreach ($postProcessors as $ppkey => $ppvalue) $this->_postProcessors[$ppkey] = HyperLanguage::compile($ppvalue); } public function id() { return $this->_id; } public function name() { return $this->_info[HyperLanguage::NAME]; } public function authorName() { if (!array_key_exists(HyperLanguage::AUTHOR, $this->_info)) return null; $author = $this->_info[HyperLanguage::AUTHOR]; if (is_string($author)) return $author; if (!array_key_exists(HyperLanguage::NAME, $author)) return null; return $author[HyperLanguage::NAME]; } public function authorWebsite() { if (!array_key_exists(HyperLanguage::AUTHOR, $this->_info) or !is_array($this->_info[HyperLanguage::AUTHOR]) or !array_key_exists(HyperLanguage::WEBSITE, $this->_info[HyperLanguage::AUTHOR])) return null; return $this->_info[HyperLanguage::AUTHOR][HyperLanguage::WEBSITE]; } public function authorEmail() { if (!array_key_exists(HyperLanguage::AUTHOR, $this->_info) or !is_array($this->_info[HyperLanguage::AUTHOR]) or !array_key_exists(HyperLanguage::EMAIL, $this->_info[HyperLanguage::AUTHOR])) return null; return $this->_info[HyperLanguage::AUTHOR][HyperLanguage::EMAIL]; } public function authorContact() { $email = $this->authorEmail(); return $email !== null ? $email : $this->authorWebsite(); } public function extensions() { return $this->_extensions; } public function state($stateName) { return $this->_states[$stateName]; } public function rule($ruleName) { return $this->_rules[$ruleName]; } public function className($state) { if (array_key_exists($state, $this->_mappings)) return $this->_mappings[$state]; else if (strstr($state, ' ') === false) // No mapping for state. return $state; else { // Try mapping parts of nested state name. $parts = explode(' ', $state); $ret = array(); foreach ($parts as $part) { if (array_key_exists($part, $this->_mappings)) $ret[] = $this->_mappings[$part]; else $ret[] = $part; } return implode(' ', $ret); } } public function postProcessors() { return $this->_postProcessors; } private function compileStates($states) { $ret = array(); foreach ($states as $name => $state) { $newstate = array(); if (!is_array($state)) $state = array($state); foreach ($state as $key => $elem) { if ($elem === null) continue; if (is_string($key)) { if (!is_array($elem)) $elem = array($elem); foreach ($elem as $el2) { if ($el2 === '') $newstate[] = $key; else $newstate[] = "$key $el2"; } } else $newstate[] = $elem; } $ret[$name] = $newstate; } return $ret; } private function compileRules($rules) { $tmp = array(); // Preprocess keyword list and flatten nested lists: // End of regular expression matching keywords. $end = $this->_caseInsensitive ? ')\b/i' : ')\b/'; foreach ($rules as $name => $rule) { if (is_array($rule)) { if (self::isAssocArray($rule)) { // Array is a nested list of rules. foreach ($rule as $key => $value) { if (is_array($value)) // Array represents a list of keywords. $value = '/\b(?:' . implode('|', $value) . $end; if (!is_string($key) or strlen($key) === 0) $tmp[$name] = $value; else $tmp["$name $key"] = $value; } } else { // Array represents a list of keywords. $rule = '/\b(?:' . implode('|', $rule) . $end; $tmp[$name] = $rule; } } else { $tmp[$name] = $rule; } // if (is_array($rule)) } // foreach $ret = array(); foreach ($this->_states as $name => $state) { $regex_rules = array(); $regex_names = array(); $nesting_rules = array(); foreach ($state as $rule_name) { $rule = $tmp[$rule_name]; if ($rule instanceof Rule) $nesting_rules[$rule_name] = $rule; else { $regex_rules[] = $rule; $regex_names[] = $rule_name; } } $ret[$name] = array_merge( array(preg_merge('|', $regex_rules, $regex_names)), $nesting_rules ); } return $ret; } private static function isAssocArray(array $array) { foreach($array as $key => $_) if (is_string($key)) return true; return false; } } class Hyperlight { private $_lang; private $_result; private $_states; private $_omitSpans; private $_postProcessors = array(); public function __construct($lang) { if (is_string($lang)) $this->_lang = HyperLanguage::compileFromName(strtolower($lang)); else if ($lang instanceof HyperlightCompiledLanguage) $this->_lang = $lang; else if ($lang instanceof HyperLanguage) $this->_lang = HyperLanguage::compile($lang); else trigger_error( 'Invalid argument type for $lang to Hyperlight::__construct', E_USER_ERROR ); foreach ($this->_lang->postProcessors() as $ppkey => $ppvalue) $this->_postProcessors[$ppkey] = new Hyperlight($ppvalue); $this->reset(); } public function language() { return $this->_lang; } public function reset() { $this->_states = array('init'); $this->_omitSpans = array(); } public function render($code) { // Normalize line breaks. $this->_code = preg_replace('/\r\n?/', "\n", $code); $fm = hyperlight_calculate_fold_marks($this->_code, $this->language()->id()); return hyperlight_apply_fold_marks($this->renderCode(), $fm); } public function renderAndPrint($code) { echo $this->render($code); } private function renderCode() { $code = $this->_code; $pos = 0; $len = strlen($code); $this->_result = ''; $state = array_peek($this->_states); // If there are open states (reentrant parsing), open the corresponding // tags first: for ($i = 1; $i < count($this->_states); ++$i) if (!$this->_omitSpans[$i - 1]) { $class = $this->_lang->className($this->_states[$i]); $this->write(""); } // Emergency break to catch faulty rules. $prev_pos = -1; while ($pos < $len) { // The token next to the current position, after the inner loop completes. // i.e. $closest_hit = array($matched_text, $position) $closest_hit = array('', $len); // The rule that found this token. $closest_rule = null; $rules = $this->_lang->rule($state); foreach ($rules as $name => $rule) { if ($rule instanceof Rule) $this->matchIfCloser( $rule->start(), $name, $pos, $closest_hit, $closest_rule ); else if (preg_match($rule, $code, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE, $pos) == 1) { // Search which of the sub-patterns matched. foreach ($matches as $group => $match) { if (!is_string($group)) continue; if ($match[1] !== -1) { $closest_hit = $match; $closest_rule = str_replace('_', ' ', $group); break; } } } } // foreach ($rules) // If we're currently inside a rule, check whether we've come to the // end of it, or the end of any other rule we're nested in. if (count($this->_states) > 1) { $n = count($this->_states) - 1; do { $rule = $this->_lang->rule($this->_states[$n - 1]); $rule = $rule[$this->_states[$n]]; --$n; if ($n < 0) throw new NoMatchingRuleException($this->_states, $pos, $code); } while ($rule->end() === null); $this->matchIfCloser($rule->end(), $n + 1, $pos, $closest_hit, $closest_rule); } // We take the closest hit: if ($closest_hit[1] > $pos) $this->emit(substr($code, $pos, $closest_hit[1] - $pos)); $prev_pos = $pos; $pos = $closest_hit[1] + strlen($closest_hit[0]); if ($prev_pos === $pos and is_string($closest_rule)) if (array_key_exists($closest_rule, $this->_lang->rule($state))) { array_push($this->_states, $closest_rule); $state = $closest_rule; $this->emitPartial('', $closest_rule); } if ($closest_hit[1] === $len) break; else if (!is_string($closest_rule)) { // Pop state. if (count($this->_states) <= $closest_rule) throw new NoMatchingRuleException($this->_states, $pos, $code); while (count($this->_states) > $closest_rule + 1) { $lastState = array_pop($this->_states); $this->emitPop('', $lastState); } $lastState = array_pop($this->_states); $state = array_peek($this->_states); $this->emitPop($closest_hit[0], $lastState); } else if (array_key_exists($closest_rule, $this->_lang->rule($state))) { // Push state. array_push($this->_states, $closest_rule); $state = $closest_rule; $this->emitPartial($closest_hit[0], $closest_rule); } else $this->emit($closest_hit[0], $closest_rule); } // while ($pos < $len) // Close any tags that are still open (can happen in incomplete code // fragments that don't necessarily signify an error (consider PHP // embedded in HTML, or a C++ preprocessor code not ending on newline). $omitSpansBackup = $this->_omitSpans; for ($i = count($this->_states); $i > 1; --$i) $this->emitPop(); $this->_omitSpans = $omitSpansBackup; return $this->_result; } private function matchIfCloser($expr, $next, $pos, &$closest_hit, &$closest_rule) { $matches = array(); if (preg_match($expr, $this->_code, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE, $pos) == 1) { if ( ( // Two hits at same position -- compare length // For equal lengths: first come, first serve. $matches[0][1] == $closest_hit[1] and strlen($matches[0][0]) > strlen($closest_hit[0]) ) or $matches[0][1] < $closest_hit[1] ) { $closest_hit = $matches[0]; $closest_rule = $next; } } } private function processToken($token) { if ($token === '') return ''; $nest_lang = array_peek($this->_states); if (array_key_exists($nest_lang, $this->_postProcessors)) return $this->_postProcessors[$nest_lang]->render($token); else #return self::htmlentities($token); return htmlspecialchars($token, ENT_NOQUOTES); } private function emit($token, $class = '') { $token = $this->processToken($token); if ($token === '') return; $class = $this->_lang->className($class); if ($class === '') $this->write($token); else $this->write("$token"); } private function emitPartial($token, $class) { $token = $this->processToken($token); $class = $this->_lang->className($class); if ($class === '') { if ($token !== '') $this->write($token); array_push($this->_omitSpans, true); } else { $this->write("$token"); array_push($this->_omitSpans, false); } } private function emitPop($token = '', $class = '') { $token = $this->processToken($token); if (array_pop($this->_omitSpans)) $this->write($token); else $this->write("$token"); } private function write($text) { $this->_result .= $text; } // // DAMN! What did I need them for? Something to do with encoding … // // but why not use the `$charset` argument on `htmlspecialchars`? // private static function htmlentitiesCallback($match) { // switch ($match[0]) { // case '<': return '<'; // case '>': return '>'; // case '&': return '&'; // } // } // // private static function htmlentities($text) { // return htmlspecialchars($text, ENT_NOQUOTES); // return preg_replace_callback( // '/[<>&]/', array('Hyperlight', 'htmlentitiesCallback'), $text // ); // } } // class Hyperlight /** * echos a highlighted code. * * For example, the following * * hyperlight('', 'php'); * * results in: * *
* * @param string $code The code. * @param string $lang The language of the code. * @param string $tag The surrounding tag to use. Optional. * @param array $attributes Attributes to decorate {@link $tag} with. * If no tag is given, this argument can be passed in its place. This * behaviour will be assumed if the third argument is an array. * Attributes must be given as a hash of key value pairs. */ function hyperlight($code, $lang, $tag = 'pre', array $attributes = array()) { if ($code == '') die("`hyperlight` needs a code to work on!"); if ($lang == '') die("`hyperlight` needs to know the code's language!"); if (is_array($tag) and !empty($attributes)) die("Can't pass array arguments for \$tag *and* \$attributes to `hyperlight`!"); if ($tag == '') $tag = 'pre'; if (is_array($tag)) { $attributes = $tag; $tag = 'pre'; } $lang = htmlspecialchars(strtolower($lang)); $class = "source-code $lang"; $attr = array(); foreach ($attributes as $key => $value) { if ($key == 'class') $class .= ' ' . htmlspecialchars($value); else $attr[] = htmlspecialchars($key) . '="' . htmlspecialchars($value) . '"'; } $attr = empty($attr) ? '' : ' ' . implode(' ', $attr); $hl = new Hyperlight($lang); echo "<$tag class=\"$class\"$attr>"; $hl->renderAndPrint(trim($code)); echo ""; } /** * Is the same as: * * hyperlight(file_get_contents($filename), $lang, $tag, $attributes); * * @see hyperlight() */ function hyperlight_file($filename, $lang = null, $tag = 'pre', array $attributes = array()) { if ($lang == '') { // Try to guess it from file extension. $pos = strrpos($filename, '.'); if ($pos !== false) { $ext = substr($filename, $pos + 1); $lang = HyperLanguage::nameFromExt($ext); } } hyperlight(file_get_contents($filename), $lang, $tag, $attributes); } if (defined('HYPERLIGHT_SHORTCUT')) { function hy() { $args = func_get_args(); call_user_func_array('hyperlight', $args); } function hyf() { $args = func_get_args(); call_user_func_array('hyperlight_file', $args); } } function hyperlight_calculate_fold_marks($code, $lang) { $supporting_languages = array('csharp', 'vb'); if (!in_array($lang, $supporting_languages)) return array(); $fold_begin_marks = array('/^\s*#Region/', '/^\s*#region/'); $fold_end_marks = array('/^\s*#End Region/', '/\s*#endregion/'); $lines = preg_split('/\r|\n|\r\n/', $code); $fold_begin = array(); foreach ($fold_begin_marks as $fbm) $fold_begin = $fold_begin + preg_grep($fbm, $lines); $fold_end = array(); foreach ($fold_end_marks as $fem) $fold_end = $fold_end + preg_grep($fem, $lines); if (count($fold_begin) !== count($fold_end) or count($fold_begin) === 0) return array(); $fb = array(); $fe = array(); foreach ($fold_begin as $line => $_) $fb[] = $line; foreach ($fold_end as $line => $_) $fe[] = $line; $ret = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($fb); $i++) $ret[$fb[$i]] = $fe[$i]; return $ret; } function hyperlight_apply_fold_marks($code, array $fold_marks) { if ($fold_marks === null or count($fold_marks) === 0) return $code; $lines = explode("\n", $code); foreach ($fold_marks as $begin => $end) { $lines[$begin] = '' . $lines[$begin] . ' '; $lines[$begin + 1] = '' . $lines[$begin + 1]; $lines[$end + 1] = '' . $lines[$end + 1]; } return implode("\n", $lines); } ?>