setInfo(array( parent::NAME => 'CSS', parent::VERSION => '0.8', parent::AUTHOR => array( parent::NAME => 'Konrad Rudolph', parent::WEBSITE => '', parent::EMAIL => '' ) )); $this->setExtensions(array('css')); // The following does not conform to the specs but it is necessary // else numbers wouldn't be recognized any more. $nmstart = '-?[a-z]'; $nmchar = '[a-z0-9-]'; $hex = '[0-9a-f]'; list($string, $strmod) = preg_strip(Rule::STRING); $strmod = implode('', $strmod); $this->addStates(array( 'init' => array('comment', 'uri', 'meta', 'id', 'class', 'pseudoclass', 'element', 'block', 'constraint', 'string'), 'block' => array('comment', 'attribute', 'value'), 'constraint' => array('identifier', 'string'), 'value' => array('comment', 'string', 'color', 'number', 'uri', 'identifier', 'important'), )); $this->addRules(array( 'attribute' => "/$nmstart$nmchar*/i", 'value' => new Rule('/:/', '/;|(?=\})/'), 'comment' => Rule::C_MULTILINECOMMENT, 'meta' => "/@$nmstart$nmchar*/i", 'id' => "/#$nmstart$nmchar*/i", 'class' => "/\.$nmstart$nmchar*/", // Pay attention not to match rules such as ::selection! 'pseudoclass' => "/(? "/$nmstart$nmchar*/i", 'block' => new Rule('/\{/', '/\}/'), 'constraint' => new Rule('/\[/', '/\]/'), 'number' => '/[+-]?(?:\d+(\.\d+)?|\d*\.\d+)(%|em|ex|px|pt|in|cm|mm|pc|deg|g?rad|m?s|k?Hz)?/', 'uri' => "/url\(\s*(?:$string|[^\)]*)\s*\)/$strmod", 'identifier' => "/$nmstart$nmchar*/i", 'string' => "/$string/$strmod", 'color' => "/#$hex{3}(?:$hex{3})?/i", 'important' => '/!\s*important/', )); $this->addMappings(array( 'element' => 'keyword', 'id' => 'keyword type', 'class' => 'keyword builtin', 'pseudoclass' => 'preprocessor', 'block' => '', 'constraint' => '', 'value' => '', 'color' => 'string', 'uri' => 'char', 'meta' => 'keyword', )); } } ?>