pack('/path/to/files/', 'destination') * */ require_once 'Pman.php'; class Pman_Core_JsCompile extends Pman { var $cli = false; function getAuth() { // command line only ATM $this->cli = HTML_FlexyFramework::get()->cli; // var_dump($this->cli); if ($this->cli) { return true; } return false; } function get($proj, $args) { if (empty($args)) { die("missing action : eg. build or install"); } // list of projects. if (empty($args[1])) { $ar = $this->gatherProjects(); echo "SELECT Component to build\n"; print_r($ar); exit; } else { $ar = array($args[1]); //$ar = $args; //array_shift($ar); } switch ($args[0]) { case 'build': foreach($ar as $p) { $this->build($p); //$this->install($p); } break; case 'install' : // needed for install on remote sites.. die('not yet..'); foreach($ar as $p) { $this->install($p); } break; } exit; } function packScript($basedir, $files, $output_path, $output_url) { // this outputs '; return; } foreach($arfiles as $f=>$t) { echo ''; } } function packCss($basedir, $files, $output_path, $output_url) { // this outputs '; } } /** * wrapper arroudn packer... * @param {Array} map of $files => filemtime the files to pack * @param {String} $output name fo file to output * */ function packCssCore($files, $output) { $o = HTML_FlexyFramework::get()->Pman_Core; if (empty($o['cssminify']) || !file_exists($o['cssminify'])) { echo ''; return false; } require_once 'System.php'; $seed= System::which('seed'); if (!$seed) { echo ''; return false; } $targetm = file_exists($output) ? filemtime($output) : 0; $max = 0; $ofiles = array(); foreach($files as $f => $mt) { $max = max($max,$mt); $ofiles[] = escapeshellarg($f); } if ($max < $targetm) { return true; } if (!file_exists(dirname($output))) { mkdir(dirname($output), 0755, true); } $eoutput = escapeshellarg($output); $cmd = "$seed {$o['cssminify']} $eoutput " . implode($ofiles, ' '); //echo "
        //echo `$cmd`;
        // we should do more checking.. return val etc..
        if (file_exists($output) && ($max < filemtime($output) ) ) {
            return true;
        return false;
     * wrapper arroudn packer...
     * @param {Array} map of $files => filemtime the files to pack
     * @param {String} $output name fo file to output
    function pack($files, $output)
        $o = HTML_FlexyFramework::get()->Pman_Core;
        if (empty($o['jspacker']) || !file_exists($o['jspacker'].'/pack.js')) {
            echo '';
            return false;
        require_once 'System.php';
        $seed= System::which('seed');
        if (!$seed) {
            echo '';
            return false;
        $targetm = file_exists($output) ? filemtime($output) : 0;
        $max = 0;
        $ofiles = array();
        foreach($files as $f => $mt) {
            $max = max($max,$mt);
            $ofiles[] = escapeshellarg($f);
        if ($max < $targetm)  {
            return true;
        if (!file_exists(dirname($output))) {
            mkdir(dirname($output), 0755, true);
        $eoutput = escapeshellarg($output);
        $cmd = "$seed {$o['jspacker']}/pack.js  -o $eoutput " . implode($ofiles, ' ');
        //echo "
        //echo `$cmd`;
        // we should do more checking.. return val etc..
        if (file_exists($output) && ($max < filemtime($output) ) ) {
            return true;
        return false;
     * build:
     * @param {String} $proj name of Pman component to build
     * runs pack.js -m {proj} -a $src/*.js
    function build($proj) 
        echo "Building $proj\n";
       // var_dump($proj);
        if (empty($proj)) {
            $this->err = "no project";
            if ($this->cli) echo $this->err;
        // first item in path is always the app start directory..
        $src= array_shift(explode(PATH_SEPARATOR, ini_get('include_path'))) .'/Pman/'. $proj;
       //$tmp = ini_get('session.save_path')."/{$proj}_". posix_getuid(). '_'.md5($src);
        require_once 'System.php';
        $seed= System::which('seed');
        if (!$seed) {
            $this->err ="no seed installed";
            if ($this->cli) echo $this->err;
            return false;
        $o = HTML_FlexyFramework::get()->Pman_Core;
        if (empty($o['jspacker']) || !file_exists($o['jspacker'].'/pack.js')) {
            $this->err ="no jstoolkit path set [Pman_Core][jspacker] to the
                    introspection documentation directory where pack.js is located.";
            if ($this->cli) echo $this->err;
            return false;
        // should we be more specirfic!??!?!?
        $cmd = "$seed {$o['jspacker']}/pack.js -m $proj  -a  $src/*.js";
        echo "$cmd\n";
        // technically we should trash old compiled files.. 
        // or we move towards a 'cache in session directory model..'
        $ret = $tmp . '/'. $proj . '.js';
        if ($this->cli) {
            echo "BUILT:  $ret \n";
        return $ret;
    // link {PROJECT}/compiled/{PROJECT}.js to _compiled_ folder to make it live.
    function install($proj) 
        $base = dirname(realpath($_SERVER["SCRIPT_FILENAME"]));
        if (empty($base )) {
            $base = getcwd();
        var_dump($base .'/Pman/'. $proj.'/compiled/'.$proj .'.js');
        $src =  realpath($base .'/Pman/'. $proj.'/compiled/'.$proj .'.js');
        if (!$src) {
            echo "SKIP : no js file $proj\n";
        if (!file_exists("$base/_compiled_")) {
            mkdir ("$base/_compiled_", 0755, true);
        $target = "$base/_compiled_/".$proj .'.js';
        if (file_exists($target)) {
            return; // already installed.
        symlink($src, $target);
    function gatherProjects() {
        $src= array_shift(explode(PATH_SEPARATOR, ini_get('include_path'))) .'/Pman';
        $ret = array();
        foreach(scandir($src) as $f) {
            if (!strlen($f) || $f[0] == '.') {
            $fp = "$src/$f";
            if (!is_dir($fp)) {
            if ($f == 'templates') {
            $ret[] = $f;
        return $ret;