array( 'l' => array( 'en', 'zh_CN', 'zh_HK', 'zh_TW', 'th', 'ko', 'ja', 'ms', 'id', // indonesian 'tl', // tagalog 'vi', //vietnamise 'hi', // hindi 'ta', // tamil '**', // other ), 'c' => '*', // eg. all languages.. 'm' => array( 'USD', 'HKD', 'GBP', 'CNY', 'SGD', 'JPY' ) ), * */ require_once 'Pman.php'; class Pman_Core_I18n extends Pman { function getAuth() { parent::getAuth(); // load company! //return true; $au = $this->getAuthUser(); //if (!$au) { // $this->jerr("Not authenticated", array('authFailure' => true)); //} $this->authUser = $au; $ff= HTML_FlexyFramework::get(); $opts = empty($ff->Pman_Core_I18N) ? (empty($ff->Pman_I18N) ? array() : $ff->Pman_I18N) : $ff->Pman_Core_I18N; return true; } function guessUsersLanguage() { $lang = !$this->authUser || empty($this->authUser->lang ) ? 'en' : $this->authUser->lang; /// verify the selected language.. $i = DB_DataObject::Factory('I18n'); $i->ltype = 'l'; // string(1) not_null multiple_key $i->lkey = $lang; // string(8) not_null if (!$i->count()) { $i = DB_DataObject::Factory('I18n'); $i->buildDb(); $i = DB_DataObject::Factory('I18n'); $i->ltype = 'l'; // string(1) not_null multiple_key $i->lkey = $lang; if (!$i->count()) { $this->jerr('invalid lang configured: ' . $lang); } } return explode('_', $lang); } function get($s ='') { $lbits = $this->guessUsersLanguage(); $i = DB_DataObject::Factory('I18n'); switch($s) { case 'Lang': $i->ltype = 'l'; $i->applyFilters($_REQUEST, $this->authUser, $this); $this->jdata($i->toTransList('l', $lbits[0])); break; case 'Country': $i->ltype = 'c'; $i->applyFilters($_REQUEST, $this->authUser, $this); $this->jdata($i->toTransList('c', $lbits[0])); break; case 'Currency': $i->ltype = 'm'; $i->applyFilters($_REQUEST, $this->authUser, $this); $this->jdata($i->toTransList('m', $lbits[0])); break; case 'Timezone': $ar = DateTimeZone::listAbbreviations(); echo '
        if (!empty($_REQUEST['debug'])) {
        $i = DB_DataObject::Factory('I18n');
        $i = DB_DataObject::Factory('I18n');
        $cfg = $i->cfg();
        $langs = $cfg['t'];
       // var_dump($langs);exit;
        $ar = array();
        foreach($langs as $lang)
            $rlang = array_shift(explode('_', strtoupper($lang)));
            $ar[$lang] = array();
            $i = DB_DataObject::Factory('I18n');
            $ar[$lang]['l'] = $i->toTransList('l',  $rlang);
            $i = DB_DataObject::Factory('I18n');
            $ar[$lang]['c'] =  $i->toTransList('c', $rlang);
            $i = DB_DataObject::Factory('I18n');
            $ar[$lang]['m'] = $i->toTransList('m', $rlang);
        //echo '
        header('Content-type: text/javascript');
        echo 'Pman.I18n.Data = ' .  json_encode($ar);
     * translate (used by database building);
     * usage :
     * require_once 'Pman/Core/I18N.php';
     * $x = new Pman_Core_I18N();
     * $x->translate($this->authuser, 'c', 'US');
     * @param au - auth User
     * @param type = 'c' or 'l'
     * @param k - key to translate
    function translate($au, $type, $k) 
        static $cache;
        if (empty($k)) {
            return '??';
        $lang = !$au || empty($au->lang ) ? 'en' : is_string($au) ? $au : $au->lang;
        // does it need caching?
        $i = DB_DataObject::Factory('I18n');
        return $i->translate($lang,$type,$k);
     * translate a list of items
     * @param Pman_Core_DataObjects_Person $au Authenticated user
     * @param String                      $type  c/l/m
     * @param String                      $k     'comma' seperated list of keys to translate
    function translateList($au, $type, $k)  
        $ar = explode(',', $k);
        $ret = array();
        foreach($ar as $kk) {
            $ret[] = $this->translate($au, $type, $kk);
        return implode(', ', $ret);
     * convert rate:
     * usage  : $i = new Pman_Core_I18n();
     * $ret = $i->convertCurrency(100,"HKD","USD");
     * if ($ret == false) {
            /// something went wrong.
     * @param Pman_Core_DataObjects_Person $au Authenticated user
     * @param String                      $type  c/l/m
     * @param String                      $k     'comma' seperated list of keys to translate
    function convertCurrency($val, $from, $to)
        $r = $this->loadRates();
        if ($r === false) {
            return false;
        if (!isset($this->rates[$from]) || !isset($this->rates[$to]) ) {
            return false;
        //echo '
        $base = (1.0 / $this->rates[$from]) * $val;
        return $this->rates[$to] * $base;
    var $rates = array();
    function loadRates()
        if (!empty($this->rates)) {
            return true;
        $target = ini_get('session.save_path').'/eurofxref-daily.xml';
        if (!file_exists($target) || filemtime($target) < (time() - 60*60*24)) {
            $f = file_get_contents('');
            if (!strlen($f)) {
                return false;
        $dom = simplexml_load_file($target);
        $this->rates['EUR'] = 1.0;
        $this->rates['TWD'] = 46.7008412;
        $this->rates['VND'] = 26405.3;
        foreach($dom->Cube->Cube->Cube as $c) {
           //echo '
';print_r($c );
            $this->rates[(string)$c['currency']] = (string)$c['rate'];
         $this->rates['RMB'] = $this->rates['CNY'] ;