cli) { return true; } return parent::getAuth(); } function post() { $this->transObj = DB_DataObject::Factory('invhist_transfer'); $this->transObj->query('BEGIN'); PEAR::setErrorHandling(PEAR_ERROR_CALLBACK, array($this, 'onPearError')); $img = DB_DataObject::Factory('images'); $img->setFrom(array( 'onid' => 0, 'ontable' => 'ipshead' )); $img->onUpload(false); require_once 'File/Convert.php'; $fc = new File_Convert($img->getStoreName(), $img->mimetype ); $csv = $fc->convert('text/csv'); $this->importCsv($csv); } function importCsv($csv) { ini_set("auto_detect_line_endings", true); $fh = fopen($csv, 'r'); if (!$fh) { $this->jerr("invalid file"); } $req = array( 'LINE', 'ITEM CODE', 'DESCRIPTION', 'QUANTITY' ); $cols = false; $header = false; $rows = array(); $ret = array(); while(false !== ($n = fgetcsv($fh,10000, ',', '"'))) { if(!array_filter($n)){ $header = true; continue; } if(!$header){ $ret[preg_replace(array('/\s/', '/\:/'), '', $n[0])] = $n[1]; continue; } if(!$cols){ $cols = array(); foreach($n as $k) { $cols[] = strtoupper(trim($k)); } if (empty($cols)) { continue; } foreach($req as $r) { if (!in_array($r,$cols)) { $cols = false; break; } } continue; } foreach($cols as $i=>$k) { $row[$k] = $n[$i]; } $rows[] = $row; } if (empty($cols)) { $this->jerr("could not find a row with " . implode(' / ', $req)); } fclose($fh); $lc = DB_DataObject::factory('location'); if(!$lc->get('location_name', $ret['From'])){ $this->jerr('error occur on getting location with reference ' . $ret['From']); } $ret['invhist_transfer_from'] = $lc->pid(); $ret['invhist_transfer_from_location_name'] = $lc->location_name; $lt = DB_DataObject::factory('location'); if(!$lt->get('location_name', $ret['To'])){ $this->jerr('error occur on getting location with reference ' . $ret['From']); } $ret['invhist_transfer_to'] = $lt->pid(); $ret['invhist_transfer_to_location_name'] = $lt->location_name; foreach ($rows as $r){ $itemsite = DB_DataObject::factory('itemsite'); $itemsite->autoJoin(); $itemsite->whereAdd("join_itemsite_item_id_item_id.item_number = '{$itemsite->escape($r['ITEM CODE'])}'"); if(!$itemsite->find(true)){ $this->jerr("error occur on getting item with reference " . $r['ITEM CODE']); } $ret['data'][] = array( 'itemsite_item_id' => $itemsite->itemsite_item_id, 'itemsite_id' => $itemsite->pid(), 'itemsite_item_id_item_number' => $r['ITEM CODE'], 'itemsite_item_id_item_descrip1' => $r['DESCRIPTION'], 'itemsite_qty' => $r['QUANTITY'] ); } $this->jok($ret); exit; } }