person_id = is_object($set) ? $set->id : $set; return; } $c = DB_DataObject::Factory('Person'); $c->get($this->person_id); return $c; } function object($set = false) { if ($set !== false) { $this->ontable = $set->tableName(); $this->onid = $set->id; return $set; } $c = DB_DataObject::factory($this->ontable); if ($this->onid == 0) { return $c; // empty dataobject. } $c->autoJoin(); if ($c->get($this->onid)) { return $c; } return false; } function beforeDelete($dependants_array, $roo) { if ($this->delivered()) { $roo->jerr("you can not delete a record of a successfull delivery"); } } function act_start($set = false) { if ($set === false) { return $this->act_start; } $this->act_when = $set; $this->act_start = $set; return $set; } function event() { $c = DB_DataObject::factory('Events'); if ($c->get($this->event_id)) { return $c; } return false; } function delivered() { return !empty($this->msgid); } function status() // used by commandline reporting at present.. { switch($this->event_id) { case -1: return 'DELIVERED'; //not valid.. case 0: return 'PENDING'; default: $p =''; if (strtotime($this->act_when) > time()) { $p = "RETRY: {$this->act_when} "; } return $p. $this->event()->remarks; } } function applyFilters($q, $au, $roo) { if (isset($q['ontable']) && !in_array($q['ontable'], array('Person', 'Events' . 'core_watch'))) { // this will only work on tables not joined to ours. //DB_DAtaObject::DebugLevel(1); // then we can build a join.. $d = DB_DataObject::Factory($q['ontable']); $ji = $d->autoJoin(); echo '
            // get cols
            foreach($ji['join_names'] as $cname=>$fname) {
                 $this->selectAdd($fname . ' as ontable_id_' . $cname );
            //$this->selectAdd($d->_query['data_select']); -- this will cause the same dataIndex...
            $this->_join .= "
                LEFT JOIN {$d->tableName()} ON {$this->tableName()}.onid = {$d->tableName()}.id
            $this->selectAs($d, 'core_notify_%s');
        if (isset($q['query']['person_id_name']) ) {
            $this->whereAdd( " LIKE '{$this->escape($q['query']['person_id_name'])}%'");
         if (!empty($q['query']['status'])) {
            switch ($q['query']['status']) {
                case 'SUCCESS';
                    $this->whereAdd("msgid  != ''");
                case 'FAILED';
                    $this->whereAdd("msgid  = '' AND event_id > 0 AND act_when < NOW()");
                case 'PENDING';
                    $this->whereAdd('event_id = 0 OR (event_id  > 0 AND act_when > NOW() )');
                case 'ALL':