Merge pull request #1609 from xtuple/4_5_x
[xtuple] / enyo-client / application / source / en / strings.js
1 /* jshint maxlen: false */
3 // Place strings you want to localize here.  In your app, use the key and
4 // localize it using "key string".loc().  HINT: For your key names, use the
5 // english string with an underscore in front.  This way you can still see
6 // how your UI will look and you'll notice right away when something needs a
7 // localized string added to this file!
9 (function () {
10   "use strict";
12   var lang = XT.stringsFor("en_US", {
14     // ********
15     // Models
16     // ********
18     "_analysis": "Analysis",
19     "_all": "All",
20     "_annualy": "Annually",
21     "_asset": "Asset",
22     "_assigned": "Assigned",
23     "_assignTo": "Assign To",
24     "_attention": "Attention",
25     "_automatic": "Automatic",
26     "_automaticOverride": "Override Allowed",
27     "_bankAccount": "Bank Account",
28     "_bankAccounts": "Bank Accounts",
29     "_bankAccountType": "Account Type",
30     "_bankName": "Bank Name",
31     "_barcode": "Barcode",
32     "_biWeekly": "Bi-Weekly",
33     "_cancelled": "Cancelled",
34     "_closed": "Closed",
35     "_commission": "Commission",
36     "_completed": "Completed",
37     "_concept": "Concept",
38     "_confirmed": "Confirmed",
39     "_daily": "Daily",
40     "_database": "Database",
41     "_databaseInformation": "Database Information",
42     "_effectiveDate": "Effective Date",
43     "_endDate": "End Date",
44     "_equity": "Equity",
45     "_expense": "Expense",
46     "_expirationDate": "Expiration Date",
47     "_exportVcf": "Export VCF",
48     "_feedback": "Feedback",
49     "_hourly": "Hourly",
50     "_individual": "Individual",
51     "_information": "Information",
52     "_inProcess": "In Process",
53     "_liability": "Liability",
54     "_manual": "Manual",
55     "_monthly": "Monthly",
56     "_new": "New",
57     "_organization": "Organization",
58     "_resolved": "Resolved",
59     "_revenue": "Revenue",
60     "_salaried": "Salaried",
61     "_systemConfiguration": "System Configuration",
62     "_weekly": "Weekly",
64     // ********
65     // Labels
66     // ********
67     "_above": "Above",
68     "_abbreviation": "Abbreviation",
69     "_abbreviationLong": "Abbreviation Long",
70     "_abbreviationShort": "Abbreviation Short",
71     "_account": "Account",
72     "_accounting": "Accounting",
73     "_accountNumber": "Account Number",
74     "_accountNumberGeneration": "Account Number Generation",
75     "_accountType": "Account Type",
76     "_accounts": "Accounts",
77     "_active": "Active",
78     "_activities": "Activities",
79     "_actual": "Actual",
80     "_actualClose": "Actual Close",
81     "_actualDate": "Actual Date",
82     "_actualExpenses": "Actual Expenses",
83     "_actualExpensesTotal": "Total Expenses Actual",
84     "_actualHours": "Actual Hours",
85     "_actualHoursTotal": "Total Hours Actual",
86     "_additional": "Additional",
87     "_address": "Address",
88     "_address1": "Address1",
89     "_address2": "Address2",
90     "_address3": "Address3",
91     "_addressCharacteristic": "Address Characteristic",
92     "_addressComment": "Address Comment",
93     "_addresses": "Addresses",
94     "_advanced" : "Advanced",
95     "_agent": "Agent",
96     "_alarms": "Alarms",
97     "_alias": "Alias",
98     "_aliases": "Aliases",
99     "_allAccounts": "All Accounts",
100     "_allocate": "Allocate",
101     "_allocatedCredit": "Allocated Credit",
102     "_allowableItems": "Allowable Items",
103     "_altEmphasisColor": "Alt Emphasis Color",
104     "_alternate": "Alternate",
105     "_alternateAddresses": "Alternate Addresses",
106     "_amEx": "AmEx",
107     "_amount": "Amount",
108     "_and": "and",
109     "_array": "Array",
110     "_ascending": "Ascending",
111     "_assignDate": "Assign Date",
112     "_assignedTo": "Assigned To",
113     "_attach": "Attach",
114     "_authorize": "Authorize",
115     "_averageCost": "Average Cost",
116     "_backorder": "Accepts Backorders",
117     "_balance": "Balance",
118     "_balanceExpensesTotal": "Balance Expenses Total",
119     "_balanceExpenses": "Balance Expenses",
120     "_balanceHours": "Balance Hours",
121     "_balanceForward": "Balance Forward",
122     "_balanceHoursTotal": "Balance Hours Total",
123     "_balanceMethod": "Balance Method",
124     "_basis": "Basis",
125     "_bcc": "Bcc",
126     "_billed": "Billed",
127     "_billingContact": "Billing Contact",
128     "_billingRate": "Billing Rate",
129     "_billTo": "Bill To",
130     "_billtoAddress1": "Bill To Address",
131     "_billtoName": "Bill To Name",
132     "_blanketPurchaseOrders": "Uses Blanket Purchase Orders",
133     "_body": "Body",
134     "_boolean": "Boolean",
135     "_breeder": "Breeder",
136     "_budgeted": "Budgeted",
137     "_budgetedExpenses": "Budgeted Expenses",
138     "_budgetedExpensesTotal": "Total Expenses Budgeted",
139     "_budgetedHours": "Budgeted Hours",
140     "_budgetedHoursTotal": "Total Hours Budgeted",
141     "_byProduct": "By Product",
142     "_canCreateUsers": "Can Create Users",
143     "_cash": "Cash",
144     "_category": "Category",
145     "_cc": "Cc",
146     "_ccv": "CCV",
147     "_changeAll?": "Would you like to update the address across them all?",
148     "_changeLog": "Change Log",
149     "_characteristic": "Characteristic",
150     "_characteristicType": "Characteristic Type",
151     "_characteristicOption": "Characteristic Option",
152     "_checking": "Checking",
153     "_class": "Class",
154     "_classCode": "Class Code",
155     "_classCodes": "Class Codes",
156     "_close": "Close",
157     "_closeDate": "Close Date",
158     "_code": "Code",
159     "_configure": "Configure",
160     "_commentType": "Comment Type",
161     "_commentsEditable": "Comments Editable",
162     "_company": "Company",
163     "_competitor": "Competitor",
164     "_complete": "Complete",
165     "_completeDate": "Complete Date",
166     "_completionActions": "Completion Actions",
167     "_configureSO": "Configure Sales Orders",
168     "_contact": "Contact",
169     "_contactRelations": "Contacts",
170     "_contacts": "Contacts",
171     "_coProduct": "Co-Product",
172     "_copyToShipTo": "Ship To",
173     "_costCategories": "Cost Categories",
174     "_costCategory": "Cost Category",
175     "_costMethod": "Cost Method",
176     "_costing": "Costing",
177     "_costs": "Costs",
178     "_county": "County",
179     "_correspondenceContact": "Correspondence Contact",
180     "_countries": "Countries",
181     "_created": "Created",
182     "_createBaseCurr": "Create new Base Currency",
183     "_createdBy": "Created By",
184     "_credit": "Credit",
185     "_creditCard": "Credit Card",
186     "_creditCards": "Credit Cards",
187     "_creditCheck": "Credit Check",
188     "_credited": "Credited",
189     "_creditHolding": "On Credit Holding",
190     "_creditLimit": "Credit Limit",
191     "_creditMemo": "Credit Memo",
192     "_creditRating": "Credit Rating",
193     "_creditStatus": "Credit Status",
194     "_creditWarning": "On Credit Warning",
195     "_crm": "CRM",
196     "_cRM": "CRM",
197     "_currencies": "Currencies",
198     "_currency": "Currency",
199     "_currencyAbbreviation": "Currency Abbreviation",
200     "_currencyName": "Currency Name",
201     "_currencyNumber": "Currency Number",
202     "_currencySymbol": "Currency Symbol",
203     "_custPO": "Customer PO",
204     "_customerPartNumber": "Customer Part #",
205     "_custPrice": "Cust. Price",
206     "_customer": "Customer",
207     "_customerEmailProfile": "Customer Email Profile",
208     "_customerEmailProfiles": "Customer Email",
209     "_customerGroup": "Customer Groups",
210     "_customerType": "Customer Type",
211     "_customerTypePattern": "Customer Type (Pattern)",
212     "_customerTypes": "Customer Types",
213     "_customerPrice": "Customer Price",
214     "_customers": "Customers",
215     "_customerNumber": "Customer #",
216     "_customerProspect": "Customer / Prospect",
217     "_data": "Data",
218     "_dataState": "Data State",
219     "_date": "Date",
220     "_dateRange": "Date Range",
221     "_days": "Days",
222     "_deactivate": "Deactivate",
223     "_debitMemo": "Debit Memo",
224     "_default": "Default",
225     "_defaultHoldType": "Default Hold Type",
226     "_defaults": "Defaults",
227     "_defaultTaxZone": "Default Tax Zone",
228     "_deferred": "Deferred",
229     "_deferredActions": "Deferred Actions",
230     "_descending": "Descending",
231     "_detach": "Detach",
232     "_detail": "Detail",
233     "_description": "Description",
234     "_description1": "Description1",
235     "_description2": "Description2",
236     "_discount": "Discount",
237     "_discountDay": "Discount Day",
238     "_discountDays": "Discount Days",
239     "_discountDate": "Discount Date",
240     "_discover": "Discover",
241     "_disableExport": "Disable Export and Print",
242     "_document": "Document",
243     "_documentChangedStatus": "The status of the following {document} has been changed to {status}",
244     "_documentCreatedStatus": "The following {document} has been created with status {status}",
245     "_documentCreated": "The following {document} has been CREATED",
246     "_documentDate": "Document Date",
247     "_documentNewComment": "A new COMMENT has been added to the following {document}",
248     "_documentNumber": "Document #",
249     "_documentType": "Document Type",
250     "_documentUpdated": "The following {document} has been UPDATED",
251     "_due": "Due",
252     "_dueDate": "Due Date",
253     "_dueDay": "Due Day",
254     "_dueDays": "Due Days",
255     "_effective": "Effective",
256     "_email": "Email",
257     "_emailAddresses": "Email Addresses",
258     "_emailProfile": "Email Profile",
259     "_emphasisColor": "Emphasis Color",
260     "_employee": "Employee",
261     "_employeeGroup": "Employee Group",
262     "_employeeGroups": "Employee Groups",
263     "_employees": "Employees",
264     "_end": "End",
265     "_endBalance": "End Balance",
266     "_ending": "Ending",
267     "_endingLabel": "Ending Label",
268     "_enterNew": "Enter New",
269     "_equals": "Equals",
270     "_error": "Error",
271     "_errorColor": "Error Color",
272     "_eventRecipient": "Event Recipient",
273     "_excludeProspects": "Exclude Prospects",
274     "_expenseCategories": "Expense Categories",
275     "_expenseCategory": "Expense Category",
276     "_expenses": "Expenses",
277     "_expiredColor": "Expired Color",
278     "_expires": "Expires",
279     "_expireDate": "Expire Date",
280     "_exportContact": "Export Contact",
281     "_extended": "Extended",
282     "_extensions": "Extensions",
283     "_expired": "Expired",
284     "_extPrice": "Ext Price",
285     "_extendedPrice": "Extended Price",
286     "_extendedDescription": "Extended Description",
287     "_extendedPriceScale": "Extended Price Scale",
288     "_externalReference": "External Reference",
289     "_delivery": "Delivery",
290     "_department": "Department",
291     "_departments": "Departments",
292     "_dependencies": "Dependencies",
293     "_fax": "Fax",
294     "_file": "File",
295     "_files": "Files",
296     "_filter": "Filter",
297     "_filterBy": "Filter By",
298     "_financials": "Financials",
299     "_firstName": "First Name",
300     "_fiveYears": "Five Years",
301     "_fixed": "Fixed",
302     "_flag": "Flag",
303     "_fob": "F.O.B.",
304     "_for": "For",
305     "_fractional": "Fractional",
306     "_freightClass": "Freight Class",
307     "_frequency": "Frequency",
308     "_freeFormBill": "Allow Free-Form Bill-To",
309     "_freeFormShip": "Allow Free-Form Ship-Tos",
310     "_freight": "Freight",
311     "_freightWeight": "Freight Weight",
312     "_from": "From",
313     "_fromDate": "From Date",
314     "_future": "Future",
315     "_futureColor": "Future Color",
316     "_gateway": "Gateway",
317     "_goodStanding": "In Good Standing",
318     "_graceDays": "Grace Days",
319     "_grantedPrivileges": "Granted Privileges",
320     "_grantedUserAccountRoles": "Granted User Account Roles",
321     "_groupSequence": "Group Sequence",
322     "_groups": "Groups",
323     "_header": "Header",
324     "_history": "History",
325     "_holdType": "Hold Type",
326     "_home": "Home",
327     "_honorific": "Honorific",
328     "_honorifics": "Honorifics",
329     "_hours": "Hours",
330     "_hrs": "hrs.",
331     "_image": "Image",
332     "_images": "Images",
333     "_inactive": "Inactive",
334     "_incident": "Incident",
335     "_incidentCategories": "Incident Categories",
336     "_incidentCategory": "Incident Category",
337     "_incidentEmailProfile": "Incident Email Profile",
338     "_incidentEmailProfiles": "Incident Email",
339     "_incidentHistory": "Incident History",
340     "_incidentRelations": "Incidents",
341     "_incidentResolution": "Incident Resolution",
342     "_incidentResolutions": "Incident Resolutions",
343     "_incidents": "Incidents",
344     "_incidentSeverities": "Incident Severities",
345     "_incidentSeverity": "Incident Severity",
346     "_incidentStatus": "Status",
347     "_incoterms": "Incoterms",
348     "_inventoryHistory": "Inventory History",
349     "_invoice": "Invoice",
350     "_invoiceDate": "Invoice Date",
351     "_invoiceLine": "Invoice Line",
352     "_invoiceNumber": "Invoice #",
353     "_invoices": "Invoices",
354     "_initials": "Initials",
355     "_inventoryUnit": "Inventory Unit",
356     "_isActive": "Active",
357     "_isAddresses": "Addresses",
358     "_isAgent": "Agent",
359     "_isBase": "Base",
360     "_isContacts": "Contacts",
361     "_isDebit": "Debit",
362     "_isDefault": "Default",
363     "_isDeleted": "Deleted",
364     "_isEmployees": "Employees",
365     "_isEvent": "Event",
366     "_isExclusive": "Exclusive",
367     "_isFractional": "Fractional",
368     "_isIncidents": "Incidents",
369     "_isInvoices": "Invoices",
370     "_isItemWeight": "Item Weight",
371     "_isItems": "Items",
372     "_isMessage": "Message",
373     "_isMiscellaneous": "Miscellaneous",
374     "_isOpportunities": "Opportunities",
375     "_isPicklist": "Picklist",
376     "_isPosted": "Posted",
377     "_isPrinted": "Printed",
378     "_isPublic": "Public",
379     "_isSold": "Sold",
380     "_issueItem": "Issue Item",
381     "_issueToShipping": "Issue to Shipping",
382     "_isSearchable": "Searchable",
383     "_isSystem": "System",
384     "_isUsedByBilling": "Used By Billing",
385     "_isUsedByPayments": "Used By Payments",
386     "_isVoid": "Void",
387     "_item": "Item",
388     "_itemConversion": "Item Conversion",
389     "_itemDescription": "Item Description",
390     "_itemNumber": "Item Number",
391     "_itemGroup": "Item Group",
392     "_itemGroups": "Item Groups",
393     "_itemSite": "Item Site",
394     "_itemSites": "Item Sites",
395     "_itemType": "Item Type",
396     "_itemUnitConversion": "Item Unit Conversion",
397     "_itemUnitType": "Item Unit Type",
398     "_items": "Items",
399     "_jobTitle": "Job Title",
400     "_kit": "Kit",
401     "_language": "Language",
402     "_lastName": "Last Name",
403     "_latestComment": "Latest Comment",
404     "_leadTime": "Lead Time",
405     "_ledgerAccount": "Ledger Account",
406     "_ledgerAccounts": "Ledger Accounts",
407     "_limitToList": "Limit to List",
408     "_line1": "Line1",
409     "_line2": "Line2",
410     "_line3": "Line3",
411     "_lineItems": "Line Items",
412     "_lineNumber": "Line Number",
413     "_lines": "Lines",
414     "_list" : "List",
415     "_listPrice": "List Price",
416     "_listPriceDiscount": "List Price Discount",
417     "_locale": "Locale",
418     "_location": "Location",
419     "_login": "Login",
420     "_logout": "Logout",
421     "_lotSerial": "Lot/Serial",
422     "_manager": "Manager",
423     "_mainAddress": "Main Address",
424     "_manufactured": "Manufactured",
425     "_manufacturing": "Manufacturing",
426     "_map": "Map",
427     "_margin": "Margin",
428     "_markup": "Markup",
429     "_mask": "Mask",
430     "_masterCard": "MasterCard",
431     "_match": "Match",
432     "_maximum": "Maximum",
433     "_menu": "Menu",
434     "_messageRecipient": "Message Recipient",
435     "_middleName": "Middle Name",
436     "_misc.": "Misc.",
437     "_minimumOrderQuantity": "Order Minimum",
438     "_multipleOrderQuantity": "Order Multiple",
439     "_miscCharge": "Misc. Charge",
440     "_miscCreditMemo": "Misc. Credit Memo",
441     "_miscDebitMemo": "Misc. Debit Memo",
442     "_miscellaneous": "Miscellaneous",
443     "_module": "Module",
444     "_monthExpired": "Expiration Month",
445     "_multiple": "Multiple",
446     "_mustRemoveDependentExtensions": "Removing Dependent Extensions",
447     "_name": "Name",
448     "_neither": "Neither",
449     "_nextCheckNumber": "Next Check Number",
450     "_nextHoldType": "Next Hold Type",
451     "_nextNumber": "Next Number",
452     "_nextStatus": "Next Status",
453     "_noChange": "No Change",
454     "_noProjectType": "No Type",
455     "_nominal": "Nominal",
456     "_noUserSelected": "No User Selected",
457     "_notControlled": "Not Controlled",
458     "_notes": "Notes",
459     "_notSold": "Not Sold",
460     "_number": "Number",
461     "_object": "Object",
462     "_offset": "Offset",
463     "_onCompletion": "On Completion",
464     "_onDeferred": "On Deferred",
465     "_openBalance": "Open Balance",
466     "_openDate": "Open Date",
467     "_openItem": "Open Item",
468     "_openItems": "Open Items",
469     "_openItemSite": "Open Item Site",
470     "_opportunities": "Opportunities",
471     "_opportunity": "Opportunity",
472     "_opportunityRelations": "Opportunities",
473     "_opportunitySource": "Opportunity Source",
474     "_opportunitySources": "Opportunity Sources",
475     "_opportunityStage": "Opportunity Stage",
476     "_opportunityStages": "Opportunity Stages",
477     "_opportunityType": "Opportunity Type",
478     "_opportunityTypes": "Opportunity Types",
479     "_open": "Open",
480     "_options": "Options",
481     "_order": "Order",
482     "_order#": "Order #",
483     "_orderCreditHold": "This Sales Order is on Credit Hold and must be taken off of Credit Hold before any inventory may be issued to it.",
484     "_orderPackingHold": "This Sales Order is on Packing Hold and must be taken off of Packing Hold before any inventory may be issued to it.",
485     "_orderShippingHold": "This Sales Order is on Shipping Hold and must be taken off of Shipping Hold before it may be shipped.",
486     "_orderDate": "Order Date",
487     "_orderNumber": "Order Number",
488     "_orderNotes": "Order Notes",
489     "_orderType": "Order Type",
490     "_orderWorkflow": "Order Workflow",
491     "_ordered": "Ordered",
492     "_other": "Other",
493     "_outsideProcess": "Outside Process",
494     "_owner": "Owner",
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640     "_showExpired": "Show Expired",
641     "_showInactive": "Show Inactive",
642     "_showOnlyTopLevel": "Show Only Top Level",
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644     "_showUnposted": "Show Unposted",
645     "_showUnReleased": "Show Unreleased",
646     "_showVoided": "Show Voided",
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666     "_targetClose": "Target Close",
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669     "_tasks": "Tasks",
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676     "_taxAuthority": "Tax Authority",
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680     "_taxTotal": "Tax Total",
681     "_taxZone": "Tax Zone",
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689     "_thisYear": "This Year",
690     "_twoYears": "Two Years",
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695     "_toDoStatus": "To Do Status",
696     "_toDos": "To Dos",
697     "_toReceive": "To Receive",
698     "_tooling": "Tooling",
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701     "_toUnit": "To Unit",
702     "_trace": "Trace",
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732     "_username": "Username",
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735     "_usesPurchaseOrders": "Uses Purchase Orders",
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759     // ********
760     // Placeholders
761     // ********
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793     // ********
794     // Permissions
795     // ********
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799     "_configureCRM": "Configure CRM",
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801     "_configurePM": "Configure Project",
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807     "_createSOForHoldCustomer": "Create for Customers on Hold",
808     "_createSOForWarnCustomer": "Create for Customers on Warn",
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819     "_enterReceipts": "Enter Receipts",
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821     "_enterShippingInformation": "Enter Shipping Information",
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880     "_maintainPersonalOpportunities": "Maintain Personal Opportunities",
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886     "_maintainTaxAssignments": "Maintain Tax Assignments",
887     "_maintainTaxClasses": "Maintain Tax Classes",
888     "_maintainTaxCodes": "MaintainTaxCodes",
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892     "_maintainTaxZones": "Maintain Tax Zones",
893     "_maintainTerms": "Maintain Terms ",
894     "_maintainTitles": "Maintain Titles",
895     "_maintainWarehouses": "Maintain Sites",
896     "_maintainAllWorkflows": "Maintain All Workflows",
897     "_maintainWorkflowsSelf": "Maintain Personal Workflows",
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899     "_overrideSODate": "Override Order Date",
900     "_overrideTax": "Override Tax Type",
901     "_reassignToDoItems": "Edit Assign To",
902     "_recallInvoicedShipment": "Recall Invoiced Shipment",
903     "_recallOrders": "Recall Orders",
904     "_returnStockFromShipping": "Return Stock from Shipping",
905     "_shipOrders": "Ship Orders",
906     "_showMarginsOnSalesOrder": "Show Margins",
907     "_updateCustomerCreditStatus": "Update Credit Status",
908     "_viewAddresses": "View Addresses",
909     "_viewAllCRMAccounts": "View All Accounts",
910     "_viewAllContacts": "View All Contacts",
911     "_viewAllIncidents": "View All Incidents",
912     "_viewAllOpportunities": "View All Opportunities",
913     "_viewAllProjects": "View All Projects",
914     "_viewAllToDoItems": "View All To-Do Items",
915     "_viewBankAccounts": "View Bank Accounts",
916     "_viewCharacteristics": "View Characteristics",
917     "_viewCostCategories": "View Cost Categories",
918     "_viewCosts": "View Costs",
919     "_viewClassCodes": "View Class Codes",
920     "_viewCurrencyRates": "View Currency Rates",
921     "_viewCustomerGroups": "View Customer Groups",
922     "_viewCustomerMasters": "View Customers",
923     "_viewCustomerTypes": "View Customer Types",
924     "_viewDepartments": "View Departments",
925     "_viewEmployees": "View Employees",
926     "_viewFreightClasses": "View Freight Classes",
927     "_viewInventoryHistory": "View Inventory History",
928     "_viewInventoryValue": "View Inventory Value",
929     "_viewItemMasters": "View Item Masters",
930     "_viewItemSites": "View Item Sites",
931     "_viewLocations": "View Locations",
932     "_viewPackingListBatch": "View Packing List Batch",
933     "_viewPersonalCRMAccounts": "View Personal Accounts",
934     "_viewPersonalContacts": "View Personal Contacts",
935     "_viewPersonalIncidents": "View Personal Incidents",
936     "_viewPersonalOpportunities": "View Personal Opportunities",
937     "_viewPersonalProjects": "View Personal Projects",
938     "_viewPersonalToDoItems": "View Personal To-Do Items",
939     "_viewProductCategories": "View Product Categories",
940     "_viewProspectMasters": "View Prospect Masters",
941     "_viewPurchaseRequests": "View Purchase Requests",
942     "_viewQOH": "View Quantity on Hand",
943     "_viewQuotes": "View Quotes",
944     "_viewSalesCategories": "View Sales Categories",
945     "_viewSaleTypes": "View Sale Types",
946     "_viewSalesOrders": "View Sales Orders",
947     "_viewSalesReps": "View Sales Reps",
948     "_viewShipping": "View Shipping",
949     "_viewShipVias": "View Ship Vias",
950     "_viewShippingZones": "View Ship Zones",
951     "_viewSiteTypes": "View Site Types",
952     "_viewTaxAuthorities": "View Tax Authorities",
953     "_viewTaxAssignments": "View Tax Assignments",
954     "_viewTaxClasses": "View Tax Classes",
955     "_viewTaxCodes": "View Tax Codes",
956     "_viewTaxReconciliations": "View Tax Reconciliations",
957     "_viewTaxRegistrations": "View Tax Registrations",
958     "_viewTaxTypes": "View Tax Types",
959     "_viewTaxZones": "View Tax Zones",
960     "_viewTerms": "View Terms",
961     "_viewTitles": "View Honorifics",
962     "_viewWarehouses": "View Sites",
964     // ********
965     // Messages
966     // ********
968     "_accountExists": "This number is currently assigned to an Account.",
969     "_automaticFreight": "Manually clearing the freight will enable automatic " +
970       "Freight recalculations.",
971     "_baseCurrencyMustBeSet": "You must first set a base currency",
972     "_closeLine?": "Are you sure you want to close this line?",
973     "_continue?": " Do you want to continue?",
974     "_convertAccount": "Convert this Account to a Customer?",
975     "_convertAccountEmployee": "Convert this Account to an Employee?",
976     "_convertAccountProspect": "Convert this Account to a Prospect?",
977     "_convertAccountSalesRep": "Convert this Account to a SalesRep?",
978     "_convertAccountTaxAuthority": "Convert this Account to a Tax Authority?",
979     "_convertProspect": "Convert this Prospect to a Customer?",
980     "_copyCharacteristics?": "Would you like to over-write the existing characteristics " +
981       "with the profile for this selection?",
982     "_copyWorkflow?": "Would you like to over-write the existing workflow with the " +
983       "profile for this selection?",
984     "_creditWarn": "This customer is on credit warn.",
985     "_creditHold": "This customer is on credit hold.",
986     "_customerExists": "A customer with this number already exists.",
987     "_customerOrProspect": "Would you like to create a new Customer or a new Prospect?",
988     "_deleteLine?": "Are you sure you want to delete this line?",
989     "_exitPageWarning": "You are about to leave the xTuple application.",
990     "_insufficientPrivileges": "You have insufficient privileges to perform this action.",
991     "_manualFreight": "Manually editing the freight will disable automatic freight recalculations.",
992     "_mustSave": "You must save your changes before proceeding.",
993     "_noPriceFound": "This item is marked as exclusive and no qualifying price was found.",
994     "_noPurchase": "This item may not be purchased in this date. Please select " +
995       "another date or item.",
996     "_noReschedule": "No Items can be rescheduled because there are no valid price " +
997       "schedules for the date entered.",
998     "_partialReschedule": "Some exclusive items may not be rescheduled because there is no " +
999       "valid price schedule for the date entered.",
1000     "_prospectExists": "This number is currently assigned to a Prospect.",
1001     "_recalculateAll?": "Do you want to recalculate all prices line items, taxes, and freight ?",
1002     "_rescheduleAll": "Changing this date will update the Schedule Date on all " +
1003       "editable line items.",
1004     "_selectBaseCurrency": "Please select a base currency for this database:",
1005     "_updateFractional": "The quantity ordered and unit of measure selected will result in a " +
1006       "fractional inventory qty for this item. This item does not allow fractional quantities; " +
1007       "the quantity will be updated accordingly.",
1008     "_updateHoldType?": "Would you like to over-write the existing hold type with the " +
1009       "default for this selection?",
1010     "_updatePrice?": "You have changed the price basis, do you want to update the Price?",
1011     "_whatToDo": "What would you like to do?"
1012   });
1014   if (typeof exports !== 'undefined') {
1015     exports.language = lang;
1016   }
1017 }());